Mad Doctor

Chapter 1587: You hit hard (on)

The next day, as the deadline set by Li Jun got closer and closer, almost all eyes were focused on the Hongyan Group, wanting to see what methods and means the Hongyan Group would take to deal with it.

After the media's loud announcement, countless people began to discuss in private, wanting to know what means Ye Wutian would use to deal with it in the end.

It is said that some people even opened a bet, and the betting rate is 1 to 2. Many people bet that Ye Wutian will not move out of the building. Of course, there are also many people who bet that Li Jun wins. Li Jun knew that he was right and was willing to compensate for all the losses. From the very beginning, he stood on the side of reason. Even if his demands were a bit excessive, he was willing to compensate. This was enough to stop many people's mouths.

The time is getting closer and the atmosphere is getting more and more tense. However, the Hongyan Group seems to be fine. The people in the company do whatever they need to do, and they don't seem to be worried at all.

Outside the company, a large number of reporters gathered, all waiting for the outcome of the matter. No one knows what will happen in the end. What everyone knows is that until now, Hongyan Group has no intention of moving out.

There were reporters and even plainclothes cars there, and it seemed that the incident had attracted the attention of the police.

"There's still an hour." Li Feifei said.

Ye Wutian looked at Li Feifei, thinking that this little goblin hasn't danced for him for a long time, and now he misses it so much that he can't wait to let this little goblin dance once to show him.

"Satyr, where are your eyes looking?" Li Feifei was sullen, following such a lewd boss, she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Ye Wutian looked back awkwardly, "Feifei, if we really want to move out of here, what will you do?"

Li Feifei was puzzled: "What's the matter? Anyway, I'll go wherever you go."

Ye Wutian smirked: "Oh, so you like me?"

"Bah! Who likes you? Shameless, I'm your secretary." Li Feifei, who was blushing, scolded.

Ye Wutian laughed: "What reason is this?"

"You want to fire me?" Li Feifei asked quickly, as if realizing something.

"How could you? You are so beautiful and you can help me so much, why would I be reluctant to leave you? Besides, you can show me dancing."

Li Feifei's beautiful eyes flashed, "Boss satyr, after talking so much, the last sentence is what you want to say, right?"

Ye Wutian felt ashamed, the little goblin was too smart, and could see through his purpose at a glance.

"Want me to dance for you?" After figuring out Ye Wutian's intentions, the little goblin not only dodged, but took two steps forward, but her face was flushed.

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva, this kind of question, he did not answer, nor did he not answer, as a man, who can resist this temptation?

"Look at you, just think about it, you're still a man, can you admit it? What's the use of this?" The little goblin scolded disdainfully.

"So what? What if it's not?" After being forced to do nothing, Ye Wutian simply turned his heart away.

The little goblin's expression was astonished, as if hearing something unbelievable, the shocked expression on her delicate and beautiful face almost made Ye Wutian go mad.

"Satyr, why don't I show you the dance now?" The little goblin said in a terrifying way, after a pause, she whispered in Ye Wutian's ear: "I wore black today, T-shaped."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva very unsatisfactorily, and at the same time cursed himself desperately in his heart. As for such exaggeration?

The little goblin was trying to take another step forward, but out of the corner of her eye she saw someone coming in, so she quickly flashed in fright.

Seeing the little goblin leave, Ye Wutian couldn't help but feel disappointed in his heart. He really hoped that he could continue for a while. It would be best if the little goblin gave him a hug, that's what he wanted.

Sometimes, Ye Wutian can't figure out, the little goblin tempts him with no bottom line, so she's not afraid of playing with fire one day? I really provoke him so much that I can't control it, and one day I will directly cross her little goblin, so that she has nowhere to cry.

However, if that's the case, will the goblin have an opinion? Will she resist? Is it pretending to resist? Half push and half? Or resignation? Well, that's a real problem.

It was Cheng Kexin who pushed the door and came in, but seeing her face was serious and cold, this made Li Feifei feel a sudden shock, shouldn't she have been seen just now?

Facing this Cheng Kexin, Li Feifei was still a little apprehensive and a little scared, even she didn't know what was going on, she was just scared.

"They are here." Cheng Kexin said.

Ye Wutian was startled: "Who is here?"

"Who else? Li Jun."

Ye Wutian just remembered that the time limit set by Li Jun is about to come, but isn't it yet? That kid came so soon? What do you want to do?

"Oh, I almost forgot about him." Ye Wutian said indifferently.

Cheng Kexin rolled her eyes when she heard it, forgot? What is this **** thinking about? Such an important thing, he actually said that he was almost forgotten?

"You'd better go and have a look." Cheng Kexin was worried: "He brought someone here."

Ye Wutian, who didn't listen carefully, still didn't care: "It's alright, I'll come as soon as I come, but I want to see what tricks he can play."

After Ye Wutian went out, he looked at the door of the company and was immediately frightened, and finally understood why Cheng Kexin was so nervous.

Not to mention her, even Ye Wutian couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, darling, this is too exaggerated, looking around, it's pitch black, and Ye Wutian doesn't know what to say it is good.

Li Jun's figure is very easy to find, because he is the exact opposite of the dark crowd. He is very conspicuous in white clothes.

"Ye Dong, I'm sorry, I am in a hurry and I came early." Li Jun smiled shamelessly.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Early? Haha, I thought you didn't know, dare you to know the word Zao?"

Facing the sarcasm, Li Jun was not angry, but he laughed: "No way, I am just like this, but you, Ye Dong, why are you not responding at all? There is only one less than one time away from the time I set. When you were young, you haven't ordered anything to be moved? What do you want? Don't you really want to embarrass me? Let's get to know each other, so don't embarrass me like this?"

"Master Li, I don't think you have to wait for an hour. I have already said what I should say. Anyway, I won't move. Do you understand? I can't understand, I can say it again, in short, I won't move."

The smile on Li Jun's face was instantly pulled down, and he said in a gloomy tone: "Ye Dong, is this the answer you gave me?"

"What answer do you want?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Li Jun still said with a sullen face: "So you really don't plan to move?"

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, smiled: "I'm sorry, I really can't think of it, why do I have to move, why don't you tell me?"

"One hour." Li Jun answered the question: "No, forty minutes to be exact, Ye Dong, I hope you don't make me embarrassed."

Ye Wutian didn't answer right away, and glanced at the **** man behind Li Jun: "Bring so many people here, want to help me move?"

"Humph! Soon you'll find out."

Ye Wutian didn't ask anymore, and was about to turn around and leave: "Then you stand and wait, I won't accompany you."

"Ye Dong, I am the main business of the building. What I do is my freedom and my right. It doesn't matter if you go to the capital or who you go to, it's useless. Don't worry, it belongs to you. , what should be paid to you, I will still pay you, and I will not lose you a penny."

Hearing this, hearing Li Jun's cynicism, Ye Wutian stopped and turned to look at the other party: "You know I'm going to the capital?"

"It's not a secret, are you right? Ye Dong."

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while, it seems that it is indeed like that, it is not a secret, even if he goes to the capital, I believe that someone will inform Li Jun.

"That's right, I went to the capital and found your grandfather, but unfortunately, he didn't see me at home." Ye Wutian said, life is like a drama, drama is like life, and the relationship with Mr. Li is not bad. He treats him like a snake and a scorpion, this is what Ye Wutian can't understand.

"Master Li, I don't know how you used to convince your grandfather, no matter what, I admire you."

"You don't need to worry about that." Li Jun said.

Ye Wutian nodded: "Well, yes, I can't control it, and I don't want to. In fact, I also know that people in the world come and go, nothing but fame and fortune. This is what the world pursues."

While chatting, a large number of people came out of the company. Cheng Kexin recruited all the security personnel working in the company, and the two sides faced each other.

Interestingly, the police also sent a large number of people to stay there. Chang Xiaomei came to the two of them and said coldly, "You two, don't make trouble here?"

Li Jun looked at Chang Xiaomei, "I know you, Director Chang, this is exactly what I want to say to you, don't get in my way?"

Chang Xiaomei said: "If you leave with someone, I won't hinder Of course Li Jun won't leave with someone, that's not his style, come here today, the world is watching, and he will do The goal is to achieve the goal and not give up until the goal is reached.

Li Jun refused to take people away, and Chang Xiaomei was equally unhappy, so the two sides were deadlocked.

Ye Wutian thought it was funny, the female tyrannosaurus thought it would work like this? How could Li Jun leave easily this time?

Chang Xiaomei still wanted to persuade Li Jun to take people away, and sat down to talk calmly, and nothing could be done. However, she didn't have time to speak, but the phone in her pocket rang.

After taking out the phone, Chang Xiaomei found that she had to answer the call, even though she didn't want to.

"I don't understand." Chang Xiaomei, who was on the phone, said after a while.

Even if the phone is not in his ear, Ye Wutian, who has excellent hearing, can still hear the roar of the other person on the phone from far away: "It doesn't matter whether you hear it or not, the important thing is that you execute the order immediately, immediately."

This article comes from reading novels

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