Mad Doctor

Chapter 1593: The Chusha of the Bull Fork (middle)

"Director Zheng, what's going on?" Ye Wutian, who was confused, shouted at Zheng Zhongren's back.

However, Zheng Zhongren did not pay attention to Ye Wutian. On the contrary, he left faster, which made Ye Wutian feel depressed for a while.

what is going on?

Ye Wutian couldn't figure it out, so he left the police station with doubts, watching as he walked, thinking about where Cheng Kexin and the others were, but his eyes were attracted by a black commercial RV in front of the left. Ye Wutian felt very familiar, he always felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and if he took a closer look, it seemed that Chu Qian had such a car at the time. , Ye Wutian was deeply impressed by this.

After a long time of trouble, it was Chu Qian who interfered, and he was able to get out of the police station so quickly.

When he walked to the black RV, Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and lightly pulled the door, just as he was about to tease Chu Qian, but when he opened the door, he was stunned on the spot. It wasn't Chu Qian who was sitting in the car, but instead. Chu Sha.

The moment he saw Chu Sha, the smile froze on his face. The situation was very different from what he imagined, and what he thought was completely different.

"What's your look? What's your expression? Why do I see something bad?" Chu Sha in the car spoke first.

Ye Wutian was sweating darkly, embarrassed in his heart: "How could it be you?"

Chu Sha asked back, "Why can't it be me?"

Ye Wutian was asked, he couldn't answer this question, and finally he could only ask: "Are you helping me?"

"You can think so." Chu Sha replied, and this answer was tantamount to admitting without a doubt.

Ye Wutian said unappreciatively, "I didn't break the law."

How could Chu Sha not be aware of Ye Wutian's thoughts? He didn't refute, he just said, "I know that today's events have nothing to do with you directly."

Ye Wutian couldn't figure out what this woman was thinking, what exactly did she want to do? Why is Mao always helping him?

For some reason, Ye Wutian had a vague intuition that this woman would definitely bring him trouble. Subconsciously, Ye Wutian didn't want to have too much interaction with this woman.

"Get in the car." Chu Sha said, with a hint of refusal in his words.

Ye Wutian, who frowned, stood still: "Is there anything else?"

"Get in the car and talk about it." Chu Sha didn't answer, but said again.

After hesitating, Ye Wutian bent down and got into the car, anyway, Chu Sha couldn't sell him.

After Ye Wutian got into the car, the commercial car left the police station, and Ye Wutian who was sitting in the car didn't bother to ask where he was going.

"You have nothing to tell me?" Chu Sha asked.

Looking at Chu Sha sitting opposite, Ye Wutian really didn't know what to say.

"I haven't remembered it yet? You don't have any impression of me at all?" Chu Sha asked.

Ye Wutian shook his head: "Miss Chu, I really can't remember."

"Have you been to Tianfu City?" Chu Sha asked, "I mean the scene."

Ye Wutian shook his head again.

Chu Sha sighed softly, and everyone could see that her heart was full of disappointment, disappointment to Ye Wutian, "You should go and see."

"Is there any difference?" Ye Wutian asked. Ye Wutian had learned about the Tianfu City project on the Internet, and he only knew that it was a very good real estate project. Other than that, he didn't think there was any difference.

"If you go to see it, maybe you will come up with something from it." Chu Sha reminded.

"I'll go take a look when I have time." Ye Wutian replied, having heard this reminder from Chu Sha more than once.

The atmosphere in the car became silent again, Ye Wutian sat like a needle and felt uncomfortable.

Half an hour later, Chu Sha took Ye Wutian to a building, and the two took the special elevator directly to the top floor.

After entering the building, Ye Wutian looked at the building from left to right. This building is not special in Dongcheng, and even some years ago, the most interesting thing is that the building doesn't even have a name outside. Unlike other buildings, they will give it a name. Domineering name, this building is just the opposite, without a name.

After going up to the top floor, Ye Wutian knew that there was something special here. Not to mention that the decoration was so luxurious, it even had an open-air swimming pool.

"This is where your daily office is?" Ye Wutian asked, seeing the decoration and furnishings here, Ye Wutian suddenly felt that his previous company was simply a poor house.

"Rarely." Chu Sha said lightly.

The entire floor belongs to Chu Sha, with an area of ​​thousands of square meters, but no one can be seen walking.

Ye Wutian knew that those who can come up here must be Chu Sha's cronies, not everyone is qualified to come up here.

"What's the matter with me?" After being shocked, Ye Wutian asked, Chu Sha has too many secrets, although Ye Wutian really wanted to dig it out, he intuitively told him that he couldn't, he had to leave. Keep this woman away, that's the only way to be safe.

Many times, knowing too many secrets of others will become more and more dangerous.

"Can you swim with me?" Chu Sha asked.

Ye Wutian was stunned, no? What does Chu Sha mean? Is it temptation?

To make this strange request, the other party is also considered an alternative.

It's a pity that Ye Wutian will not be in that mood at all, even though Chu Sha's figure is very good, there are fronts and backs, but her face is always a little bit worse. In Ye Wutian's words, it is not feminine enough.

"What? It makes you very embarrassed?" Chu Sha asked.

Ye Wutian asked with a wry smile, "Just here?"

Although this building is tall, it is not the tallest in Dongcheng, so Chu Sha is not afraid of being peeked at by others?

Chu Sha seemed to see through Ye Wutian's worries and said, "Don't worry about safety, no one can see inside."

Despite this, Ye Wutian still didn't want to swim in this place. He was worried that he would be unable to restrain himself later. If something happened with this woman, it would not be worth the loss. Of course, if it was Chu Qian, Ye Wu would lose it. Tian would definitely agree without hesitation, but for Chu Sha, Ye Wutian really didn't dare to provoke him, and he couldn't afford to provoke him either.

"Are you shy?" Chu Sha asked lightly.

Ye Wutian blushed, "Miss Chu, I don't have the habit of swimming during the day."

Chu Sha smiled slightly, but did not insist, but walked into a room next to him enchantingly.

Ye Wutian did not dare to ask the other party why.

Not long after, Chu Sha came out. When she came out of the room, Ye Wutian's pupils shrank for a while. At this moment, Chu Sha was wearing a light purple bikini, which completely revealed her perfect figure.

One more is fat, one less is less!

There is no doubt that Chu Sha's figure is perfect, the skin is white and smooth, and the graceful and delicate body moves gently towards Ye Wutian step by step, with a bit of dignified and elegant in her charming and sexy.

Wearing it like this, her pretty face, which is not a beautiful face, is also a bonus, and it matches her figure, which is a stunner.

I didn't expect the other party to be so predictable, the deep groove squeezed out by the pair of treasures on the chest is quite eye-catching, at least Ye Wutian was deeply attracted.

Secretly swallowed his saliva, Ye Wutian cursed inwardly, calling him useless, paralyzed, and reacted.

Charming without cruelty, infinite style, beautiful and refined, this woman can be conquered.

Chu Sha's pretty face, who came to Ye Wutian, blushed slightly, and seemed shy, Xia Ju flew up, and the red clouds hung on his face.

Chu Sha twisted his waist and walked away from Ye Wutian, leaving behind a fragrant wind, so Ye Wutian couldn't help but take a deep breath, enjoying the intoxicating fragrance.

Chu Sha who walked to the swimming pool suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Ye Wutian, "Come here."

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva secretly again, obviously not wanting to go, but the other party's words attracted him like a magic power.

"Chu...Miss Chu, do you need any help?" At this moment, Ye Wutian was in a state of turmoil. There was no doubt that he was very nervous.

In front of this scene, Ye Wutian believed that if he were any man, he would be extremely nervous and extremely nervous.

"Are you nervous?" Chu Sha suddenly asked.

Ye Wutian smiled awkwardly, nodding in denial, can he not be nervous? You Chu Sha stood in front of him dressed like this, could he not be nervous? It's strange if you're not nervous, if you're not nervous, you don't know if you're still a man.

Chu Sha smiled, and the smile on her face was like a flower. It could be seen that she was very happy.

After being laughed at by the other party, Ye Wutian felt that his old face could not be hung up, and he wondered how the other party would treat him? Take him for a satyr?

Ye Wutian then thought about it, **** it! A satyr is a satyr, so what? He doesn't care, and a lot of people see him that way anyway.

"It's impossible not to be nervous." Ye Wutian confessed truthfully.

Chu Sha asked, "You shouldn't feel wronged if someone like me is your woman?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly: "That's two different things, Miss Chu, let's get down to business."

Chu Sha didn't answer. With one jump, he jumped into the pool and swam freely there, like a mermaid with a beautiful figure.

Ye Wutian stood quietly on the edge of the pool and watched Chu Sha swim.

I hope the other party doesn't just bring him here to watch her swim.

About ten minutes later, Chu Sha got up from the swimming pool and took a white and clean bath towel from a shelf nearby.

Ye Wutian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it's finally over. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, he is really afraid that he will have a nosebleed. There are not many men who can survive, anyway, Ye Wutian thinks that he can't do it.

"Miss Chu, can we talk about business?" Ye Wutian asked again.

Chu Sha, who was wiping his hair with a bath towel, tilted his head and looked at Ye Wutian: "I am making you uncomfortable here?"

Ye Wutian wanted to say that it was you, Chu Sha, that made me uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to say that.

This woman is too mysterious, except that she is the eldest miss of the Chu family, she doesn't know anything else.

"Ye Wutian, next, no one knows what I am going to do, you are the first."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian's first reaction was that he was under a lot of pressure, and then he wanted to stop it, but it was too late for him to stop, and Chu Sha had already started to act.

In the next moment, Ye Wutian was stupid, forgot everything, stunned, his mouth was open enough to lay down several eggs at the same time.

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