Mad Doctor

Chapter 1607: Strong words

The old lady Ma was stunned.

Still not satisfied? Could it be that you, Ye Wutian, still make excessive demands?

Thinking of this, the old lady Ma suddenly put away her smile: "Tell me about it."

Ye Wutian ignored the anger of the old woman Ma and said, "When did Ma Shan hide the poison in his teeth?"

This question stopped the old lady Ma, how could she know? If she could figure it out, she wanted to figure it out too.

"You said, what is going on now? Whose fault is it?" Ye Wutian asked.

The old lady Ma could understand but not fully understand.

"I said that I want to kill Ma Shan with my own hands. Now, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, the old lady Ma immediately understood that Ye Wutian wanted to be rude, did not want to admit it, or wanted to go back on it.

Whatever the reason, it was just an excuse, a small excuse.

"What do you mean, it doesn't count now? Ma Shan died in vain?" The young and vigorous Ma Shan could not listen.

"Of course it doesn't count, why should it count? Do you think it can count?" Ye Wutian asked back, "Did Ma Shan die by my hands?"

Ma Feng was at a loss for words, thinking that even if it wasn't you, Ye Wutian, who killed himself, he would definitely be forced to death by you.

"You have to know that he didn't die in my hands, in other words, it has nothing to do with me." Ye Wutian said solemnly.

"Is there any difference? Saying a thousand words and ten thousand, he also died, because of you."

"Stop, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, Ma Shao, I don't dare to agree with what you said." Ye Wutian said: "It is my responsibility, I will take it bravely, it is not my responsibility, I am not It will foolishly admit that he was forced to death by you, and it has nothing to do with me."

The old lady Ma said coldly: "Little genius doctor, if you want to say this, it's not good?"

"I think it's fine, isn't it? Old lady, didn't Ma Shan die because of you?"

"So, you don't want to cooperate with us? Little genius doctor, if you want to refuse, you can't find any reason? Do you have to find such a reason?"

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said, "That's the truth. I just said that." Ye Wutian didn't think he was wrong. He didn't even think of such an ending. Before he came to Ma's house , he wanted to kill Ma Shan with his own hands, but now, the ending was completely beyond his expectations.

"Grandma, can't you see it? He has been playing with us from the very beginning, playing with us." Ma Feng gritted his teeth, wishing to dismember Ye Wutian's five horses and smash his bones into ashes.

Deceiving too much!

Ye Wutian is the only one who dares to treat the Ma family like this, and dare to spread wildness on the Ma family's territory.

Just now, Ma Feng would give up three points to Ye Wutian because he hoped that Ye Wutian would really help him, but now, there is no hope at all, Ye Wutian will never help him, he will not help him. Horse's house.

"Master Ma, you are wrong about this, I don't agree." Ye Wutian stopped again and again, expressing his disagreement.

He said so, but in fact Ye Wutian himself felt a little bit that his current behavior was a little bit like a **** and wanted to build a memorial archway.

Is this crap?

Maybe it should be, but so what? Who can help him? paralyzed.

"Little genius doctor, we don't need to talk about it more. Now I just want to ask you, do you want to cooperate with us?"

Ye Wutian took a deep breath, with a helpless expression: "To be honest, I really want to cooperate with you, but as I said just now, it's still a little bit short, Ma Shan didn't die in my hands, I'm never satisfied."

"So you want to refuse?" The old lady Ma said with a bad expression.

Ye Wutian thought for a while and said, "If you want to say that, I can't help it."

"Young man, don't you think we're good to play? Play as much as you want?"

"Haha, old lady, what you said is quite scary, I never thought about it like that, don't scare me."

"Then what do you mean? Do you really want to kill everyone before you're willing? What good will that do to you? What can you get? Can you avoid bullets, and can your confidantes avoid them? They're afraid they are Can't avoid it?"

"Old lady, is this a threat to you?"

The old lady Ma did not deny it: "If you want to think so, you can also take it as a threat and ask you to cooperate again and again, just want to make money with anger, living in this world is nothing more than for money, for fame and fortune, really big If you fight, no one will be afraid of you, young man, do you think that Hongyan Group will be safe if you move to Hongyan Island? Don’t be so naive, no one will be afraid of you, everyone has their own bottom line, and I do too, I hope you don’t force me ."

Seeing the old lady Ma flying spittle, Ye Wutian really felt sad. To a certain extent, people like the old lady Ma who came from the war-torn era can be said to be a kind of country. Wealth, spiritual wealth, but now it's better, what has the old lady Ma become? Become a selfish, mercenary old woman, not some national wealth.

"Old lady, what do you think you are like now?" Ye Wutian looked regretful and distressed, "People of your generation, especially those who have made such great contributions to the motherland, should be respected by our younger generation, but now , Your behavior makes me unable to respect you, and many times I wonder, if Old Master Ma is still alive, what would he think?"

The old lady Ma was stunned, and when Ye Wutian mentioned the old man, her face finally showed a bit of sadness and miss, but soon, the sadness on her face disappeared, replaced by anger: "That's right, it's because of me I have paid too much for the motherland, so now this is the reward I should get, is it wrong? We have made so many hard work for the motherland, what is wrong with this now? Who can say anything? Without us Will the dedication of a generation bring you your current peace and happiness?"

"You pay a lot, we all know, but you can't be a moth. Look what you look like now. You said just now that you will pay so much for the country when you are young, and treat the country as your own child. Now look at it. Corrosion, watching it go bad doesn't make you sad at all, money? More or less, does it make sense to you? How much more? How much can you spend? Leave it to your children and grandchildren? Do you still know? Do you know how your so-called descendants live?"

"Everyone has their own ideas. I don't think what I do is right, but you can't think that what I do is wrong." The old lady Ma said.

Ye Wutian really rolled his eyes when he heard it. He dared to say it for a long time, but the old woman didn't listen at all. She tried so hard to persuade her just now that she hoped that the old woman would turn back and be numb, but what she got was such an answer.

"Grandma, why are you telling him so much? Is it interesting? Hurry up and drive him out." Ma Feng didn't want to see Ye Wutian for a second. .

"Young Master Ma, shouldn't you thank me a lot? Ma Shan is not dead, can you have a chance to get back what belongs to you? Now that Ma Shan is dead, your chance has come. All of this is more than me." Ye Wu God sneered.

"Okay, in your opinion, everyone can be your tool of use. Of course, I don't care what you want to do, I just want to persuade you, old lady, people are doing it, God is watching, at any time. Don't betray the old, do you know why I haven't done anything to you? With my character, someone like you, I would have secretly assassinated you long ago. If you want to kill one, it's for me. It's not difficult, at least, I can let him die without knowing it, but I didn't treat you like that, there is only one reason, because I respect Mr. Ma, his life is not easy."

At the end, Ye Wutian said again: "Of course, you can also think that this is a threat. In fact, it doesn't matter to me whether it is a threat or not. You said earlier that you can't do anything to me, but you can do something to the people around me. Start, in fact, the same applies to you, if you really go there, I will not be merciful, it is not that I underestimate you, play yin, I am afraid you are not my opponents."

"You better remember that if you dare to attack the people around me, I will also dare, and I will be even more ruthless, and I will make the whole Ma family disappear. No matter what, in the end, it can only be someone else's wedding dress."

Ye Wutian has always been reluctant to say anything about threatening others, because he thinks it is too arrogant, and now it is better to be threatened by others.

I clearly want to be a gentleman, but I have to be forced to become a bandit. What is this? I just want to be a humble gentleman, is it so difficult?

The old lady Ma and Ma Feng were so choked that they were speechless, and they all knew that Ye Wutian had that strength.

"Remember, if you are dissatisfied with me, you can come to But don't play with scumbag tricks, in that respect, I am an expert, in case I find out that you dare to attack the people around me, But don't blame me, I promise you, I'll kill you all before you lose both."

"Old lady, is there anything else?" Ye Wutian asked: "If there is nothing else, I will go first."

"Little genius doctor, giving you such a large sum of money for nothing, is it true that you are not at all tempted?" The old lady Ma believes that no one can refuse such a huge benefit for nothing. Who can refuse?

"I've said everything I need to say. Obviously, you have disappointed me. Before I leave, I'll send you one more word. I'm different from you. I have some money, I want to make it, and some money, I don't want to make it. This is me. difference from you."

After speaking, Ye Wutian turned around and was about to leave, but he was unmoved in the face of the favorable conditions offered by the Ma family. At this moment, outsiders seemed to think that Ye Wutian was a high-spirited man, but Ye Wutian couldn't help sighing secretly. , It's a pity, it's really a pity.

"Wait, little genius doctor, I'll make another concession. Do you want to know who is going to deal with Wang Roose's girl? I know." said the old lady.

Read the first edition of Wang's novel

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