Mad Doctor

Chapter 1618: Thrilling Moment (Part 1)

Chen Xiaoyan was a girl after all. When Li Jun and the three of them were twisting and taking off her pants, how dare she stay in the box, rushing out the door, she blushed with a ripe apple, shy and moving.

"Look, you all scared the little girl away, it's too unsightly." Ye Wutian smiled strangely, looking at the parts of Li Jun and the three people with a strange expression, with a look of amazement.

The medicine of the little witch of Chu Fang is too evil. This is really to shrink Li Jun and the others' words. Ye Wutian absolutely believes that if they delay for a while, it is estimated that Li Jun and the others will have their roots. Shrink it directly into the disc cavity, even if there is an antidote at that time, it is difficult to restore their thing to its original state, even surgery.

Such an evil medicine, thanks to Chu Fang's sinister little witch, he was able to get it out.

However, although this poison is abnormal, it is actually a small problem that makes people deeply shrinking, and even Wei Chunhua in Lu Ding Ji can solve a small problem, Ye Wutian is naturally no problem.

It was just that when the needle was about to be placed, Ye Wutian jokingly looked at Li Jun and the three and asked something that drove them crazy.

"Li Shao, do you really make a mistake if you don't think about it? According to your current situation, at most three days, you will be able to return to the yin, as long as you have a minor operation and eat the breast enhancement pills from our Tianxin Group, it will definitely make you It's a rare opportunity to become a beautiful woman perfectly."

Li Junsan was so popular that he wanted to vomit blood. This **** was disgusting. After all the conditions were negotiated, he still came here. Therefore, Li Jun and the three looked at Zhu Jian for help.

"My good brother, it's almost done, they are already miserable enough." Zhu Jian was also disgusted, and scolded with a smile.

Ye Wutian shrugged with a look of helplessness, "It's hard to be a good person these days."

The three of Li Jun could not wait to cut Ye Wutian immediately, can this guy not be so disgusting?

Seeing that the three of Li Jun didn't appreciate it, Ye Wutian suddenly felt that it was not fun, and he used silver needles to **** the acupoints around their little brother a few times. , jumping, the three men's shrewd younger brother popped out, which made the three of them overjoyed.

It's just that the thing came out, but somehow it was one size smaller than before. This is not the actual size.

How can this happen?

The three of Li Jun wanted to cry but had no tears. They weren't men, but they wouldn't be earthworms anyway.

No matter how big the earthworm is, it is also an earthworm, and it is impossible to become a dragon.

The three of them looked at Ye Wutian eagerly, that pitiful appearance, where is there any arrogance from before, it was like a little girl who was caught by that.

"Tsk tsk, Li Shao, do you want to declare the Guinness Book of Records? Of course, it is the smallest record." Ye Wutian winked at the three guys and made an evil proposal.

Zhu Jian couldn't help laughing and laughing, how long will this kid continue to play? He was sweating badly. If something like this happened to him, he might as well just hit him to death.

"Young Master Ye, you must have a way to restore us to the original state, right?" Li Jun pleaded, hating that Chu Fang to death, and made up his mind that if he encounters that little witch again in the future, he must stay far away Yep, that's nasty.

Of course, if you can take revenge without hurting yourself, you will still have to avenge your revenge, including this **** Ye Wutian.

"Good people do it to the end, help them." Zhu Jian looked at Ye Wutian.

"Okay, since you have spoken, then I will help you with reluctance, who made me a kind person." Ye Wutian smiled and took out three pills.

The eyes of the three of Li Jun suddenly became hot, and they didn't care how disgusting Ye Wutian's words were.

good? If this guy can be called kind, then there will be no bad people in the world, and Ye Wutian's next words confirmed their thoughts.

"This medicine can help you remove the residual toxins, but if you want to return to the original state, you can buy the male **** pill. It doesn't take much. There are three courses of treatment, three pills in each course. After a month, you should be able to regain your strength. already."

The three of Li Jun hurriedly grabbed the pills in Ye Wutian's hand and swallowed them, for fear that Ye Wutian would change his mind.

"Li Shao, you just believe me like that, aren't you afraid of me being poisoned?" Ye Wutian asked jokingly.

The faces of Li Jun and the three suddenly changed, and they looked at Ye Wutian with fear.

"It's scary, it's really not funny, I'm a good person, how can I do poisonous things, you say yes?"

Li Jun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his fragile mind had been hit so hard, "Young Master Ye, are you telling the truth? We don't need to be scared."

Ye Wutian said seriously, "Of course it's fake, do you think I'm a good person?"


Li Jun was defeated by Ye Wutian's shamelessness and fell to the ground. This **** is not for a while, which sentence is true?

The three of Li Jun felt that their fragile little hearts would definitely not be able to bear it if they were played like this.

"Okay, Li Shao, my brother is teasing you." Zhu Jian made a clearance, then turned to face Ye Wutian: "Let's brother find a place to have a drink?"

Ye Wutian looked at Zhu Jian, "You didn't come here specifically to find me for a drink, right?"

He had some doubts in his heart. He had called Zhu Jian before. At that time, Zhu Jian said that he was abroad. After a long time, he rushed back, and it happened to be a relief for Li Jun and the others.

"The old man has been invited to Daihe for recuperation. It's not easy for me to relax for a few days. Would you like to stay with me in the capital for a few more days?" Zhu Jian was looking forward to it.

"Alright, I can only stay for a day or two. When this is done, I will go back to Dongcheng." Ye Wutian glanced at the three of Li Jun and smiled.

Zhu Jian waved his hand, "That's it, I'll arrange it."

Speaking, just as Chen Xiaoyan pushed open the door and came in, Zhu Jian asked ambiguous, "It's you, have you taken a fancy to others again?"

When Chen Xiaoyan heard Zhu Jian's words, she couldn't help but blushed and her heart was pounding. She looked at Ye Wutian with refusal and welcome, as if she wanted to hear his answer.

This kind of appearance made Ye Wutian swallow his saliva, and then said dissatisfiedly, "Thinking I am you? How can you say it again, she is my sister's classmate, and friends should help each other, you say yes, Am I so ugly in your eyes?"

Zhu Jian smiled and did not answer, but the expression was already obvious, Ye Wutian rolled his eyes in anger, how pure Zhu Jian used to be, and now he is shameless.

The three of Li Jun walked away in despair, Ye Wutian and Zhu Jian exchanged a private room, Chen Xiaoyan was grateful and stayed to accompany, which made Zhu Jian envy, although Chen Xiaoyan was not beautiful, but she was also pure and outstanding, and her figure was even better. It is first-class, especially the shy look in Ye Wutian's eyes, everyone can see that Chen Xiaoyan is moved by Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian pretended not to see it, but instead asked about Zhu Jian, "How are you and that girlfriend, you still dare not take him to see the old man? I didn't say you, the old man is the kind of person who likes the right one?"

Zhu Jian was a little frustrated: "Let's take a look first, Grandpa is not in a good mood during this time, and my old man has already begun to arrange for me, this matter has to be delayed, find the right opportunity, but you, I'll wait for you Wedding wine, but it's been a long wait."

Ye Wutian laughed and scolded: "Don't talk to me, my affairs are more troublesome than yours, and it's fine now."

For Ye Wutian's beauty, Zhu Jian knew that he could only be envious. With the old man around, if he dared to mess around, he would be knocked off his third leg in minutes.

After coming out of the clubhouse, Zhu Jian left first, and Ye Wutian looked at the shy Chen Xiaoyan beside him, scratching his head a little, "Xiaoyan, where do you live, I'll take you back?"

Chen Xiaoyan nodded shyly, and hummed softly, that appearance made Ye Wutian believe that if she made some unreasonable demands, Chen Xiaoyan would have done it with a half push.

Of course, he didn't have any intentional thoughts in his heart. After all, this is Li Wan'er's classmate. Ye Wutian just felt that since he met him, he should send him back.

Stopped a taxi, the two sat in the back row, Chen Xiaoyan reported a place name, then lowered her head, not daring to look at Ye Wutian, her blushing cute appearance, even the driver couldn't help but look at Ye Wu Tian gave a thumbs up, leaving Ye Wutian speechless, this driver is too evil.

"Xiaoyan, why did you think of coming to the capital to develop, I remember you seem to be from Dongcheng, right?" Ye Wutian sat in an orderly manner and found that such an ambiguous dullness would not work, so he asked.

Chen Xiaoyan raised her head, blushing and said, "One of my cousins ​​is Bei Piao, and she said that there is better development here, so I came to see, Brother Ye, thank you so much this time, if it weren't for you, I would I don't even know what to do, that Zhang Shao, it's disgusting."

"No need to thank you, you are Wan'er's sister, I can't help you, by the way, how did you get on with that entertainment company? Why didn't you hear about your idea of ​​entering the entertainment industry before, you must know, This business is very chaotic. Any nasty things can happen. You have no background, you are destined to suffer. Ye Wutian has never been involved in this line of work, and he has heard of the dirty things in this line of work, so it is really not suitable for a girl like Chen Xiaoyan.

This girl is too pure and easy to be targeted. Today's incident is not just an exception.

"It was someone from that company who came to me and said that I would definitely become popular on my terms. I signed a contract with them with the attitude of giving it a try. I didn't expect it." Chen Xiaoyan lowered her head again, but this time she was embarrassed , she felt that she was too easily deceived.

"Actually, if you really want to enter this industry, maybe I can help you. You know, Boxin Entertainment is already mine. As long as you want, I can fulfill your dream." Ye Wutian smiled.

Chen Xiaoyan looked at Ye Wutian in disbelief, her heart was thumping, Big Brother Ye didn't like me, right? Why do you want to help me like this?

Ye Wutian smiled slightly, and was about to speak, when suddenly, a dangerous breath came, Ye Wutian didn't even think about it, he threw himself on Chen Xiaoyan.

Read the first edition of Wang's novel

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