Mad Doctor

Chapter 1620: The real murderer who surfaced

"Don't have another next time, or you will know the consequences." The voice from behind the chair continued: "Also, that little girl, when you see her later, grab your tail and leave."

"Who is she?" Li Jun was mad for no reason at all because he didn't even know who the other party was. Ben was still thinking of finding a chance to take revenge, and he was thinking about investigating the other party's background.

The person behind the chair did not answer Li Jun's question: "You just need to remember that when you see her in the future, immediately leave in the other direction."

Even if Li Jun was unwilling, he would not dare to refute, "Yes."

"Li Jun, you'd better take my words into your heart." The person behind the chair seemed to know what Li Jun was thinking: "You can come back alive, which means you are lucky, unlike some people who are so stupid that they just walked away. Just shoot with the back foot, you go back, pay attention during this time."

Li Jun was a little curious when he heard this, but he didn't dare to ask and left the room.

"Ye Wutian, Ye Wutian, why do you always have unexpected people around you? Whenever I thought I knew you well enough, you had new help. Could it be that the world revolves around you? ?"

Behind the chair, there was a hateful voice, and then a glass was smashed out, and the red wine in the glass was spilled on the ground.

Zhuang Susu did not disappoint Ye Wutian. That night, someone came to the door, but when Ye Wutian saw the person who came, he was a little surprised that it was Xiaoling.

Xiaoling is from Guoan, and Ye Wutian just remembered that he had recovered his identity in Guoan, he was assassinated, and it was normal for Zhuang Susu to contact Guoan. With Guoan's means, it was not a big deal to find out so quickly.

"Baby, you are getting more and more beautiful, why don't I just propose to old man Zhuo, you come to be my assistant? Anyway, it's all a family." Ye Wutian looked at Xiaoling with a squinty look, his eyes from time to time on Her plump body swam.

Xiaoling rolled his eyes at him and smashed a file bag over.

Ye Wutian took the document bag, but didn't look at it immediately, but asked, "Baby, I'm serious, why don't you think about it, anyway, I can be regarded as your boss?"

"Rogue, it's all your good deeds. Because of what you did today, I was scolded by my superiors. A **** like you should really die."

"Is there such a thing? Then you should come to my side and be my assistant. I don't want to scold you, but I will only love you well." Ye Wutian smirked, his eyes were not good.

"Go away, just have your daydreaming, I don't have time to serve you rascal." Xiaoling flew towards Ye Wutian with a blank eye, and cursed at the same time.

"No, it's not good to be called a hooligan. Although beating is kissing and scolding, it is love, but I still like you to call me your husband."

Ye Wutian didn't care about the dissatisfaction in Xiaoling's words at all, he stretched out his hand to take Xiaoling's hand and said with a smile, "Then you will be disappointed, I am a scourge, do you understand the scourge, it will harm a thousand years, how can you die? Woolen cloth."

Xiaoling pulled her hand, but didn't pull it out, her face turned red, "You let go, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"It's not that you don't know, I like that you are rude to me." Ye Wutian said, and pulled hard, Xiaoling was caught off guard, was hugged by Ye Wutian, and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Knowing that Ye Wutian was shameless, he didn't expect that he would become more aggressive now, where Xiaoling would easily give in, and stomped his right foot on Ye Wutian's foot.

Who knew that Ye Wutian was already prepared, when she just raised her right foot, she suddenly reached out and hugged her thigh, but as soon as she exerted force, Xiaoling collapsed involuntarily, and then she kissed it.

Xiaoling was irritated by Ye Wutian's actions, and bit Ye Wutian's lips back, Ye Wutian thought that Xiaoling would come to such a move, his lips were bitten right away, he wanted to move but dared not move, Just pitifully met Xiaoling's Shui Lingling eyes.

Xiaoling was a little embarrassed by Ye Wutian looking at him like this, and quickly let out a sigh and said, "Next time you dare to molest me and bite you to death."

What I didn't expect was that Ye Wutian was still bleeding from his lips, but he didn't change his mind. He kissed him again. Xiaoling was not careful, and Ye Wutian bit his tongue.

Xiao Lingqi was in a panic, and Ye Wutian sucked his tongue into his mouth, but he couldn't pull it back. He wanted to bite, but he couldn't, so he could only roll his eyes there.

Ye Wutian sucked Xiaoling's tongue, swallowed his saliva greedily, and was very proud of himself, Xiao Xian, dare to bite me, it will pay a price.

In his heart, Ye Wutian was not idle with his hands. He finally restrained Xiaoling in such a way. How could he let him go? He touched Xiaoling with both hands, and disarmed her by the way.

Xiaoling is so annoyed, how can this **** do this, but her tongue is bitten, she can't even speak, and she doesn't dare to move, unless she doesn't want her tongue, she will be peeled off by Ye Wutian in a moment. Jingguang, under Ye Wutian's wretched behavior, Xiaoling secretly hated herself for having a reaction.

Ye Wutian succeeded, he spit out Xiaoling's tongue, proudly looked at Xiaoling who wanted to swallow him, and said with a smile, "Baby, I haven't made out with you for a long time?"

The angry Xiaoling heard this, and immediately lifted her knees and slammed into Ye Wutian's lower abdomen, Ye Wutian shuddered, and quickly turned sideways and reached out to probe, Xiaoling trembled all over, and his body softened.

Ye Wutian, that bastard, actually stretched out his hand directly to her mysterious place, so that she could resist?

Perhaps from the very beginning, Xiaoling never thought of resisting deliberately, half-rejecting, no matter how indifferent a woman, as long as her psychology and physiology are normal, she will have needs in that regard.

"Baby, there are no outsiders here, don't worry." Ye Wutian went into battle.

"Go away." Xiaoling shouted angrily, but he was only scolding, but he couldn't be ruthless in his heart.

"You told me to get out? If I do get out, don't regret it." Ye Wutian smiled shamelessly, his hands moved so fast that he even ripped off his clothes with one hand.

"Go away." Xiaoling had a premonition, but she was annoyed but had some expectations in her heart, which annoyed her very much.

"Roll and roll, but it's just rolling the sheets. You and I are close to each other and create the next generation together." Ye Wutian hugged Xiaoling and rolled onto the bed, and the abominable thing was that he even sang.

Xiaoling was so embarrassed that she wrapped her hands around Ye Wutian's neck, but bit him fiercely on his shoulder.

"Ah." Ye Wutian screamed, but his body slammed.

Xiaoling trembled all over, his teeth loosened, and then he was pressed down by Ye Wutian and demanded fiercely. Xiaoling was stubborn for a moment, and then involuntarily cried out, she naturally did not know that Ye Wutian had suffered before. After Chen Xiaoyan's temptation, she couldn't bear it for a long time. She sent her to the door like this, and she had killed it but never let it go.

The next morning, when Ye Wutian woke up, Xiaoling had already left, smelling the fragrance left in the room, this guy thought shamelessly, should he always look for Xiaoling in the name of the boss in the future? That way, she can follow unspoken rules, hehe, it's good to be a leader.

Last night's madness, Ye Wutian was triumphant, he had already figured out Xiaoling's temperament, this woman was different in appearance, obviously interested in her, but she still had to pretend to be unwilling, how could she be so fierce if she didn't want to, The more frustrated the more courageous!

In the reverie, Ye Wutian picked up the file bag left by Xiaoling, and looked at the information inside. After a while, Ye Wutian showed a surprised expression.

"It turned out to be you, I didn't expect you to be really kind! However, you really shouldn't come to provoke me." Ye Wutian muttered to himself.

After reading the stack of documents, Ye Wutian immediately got up and took a shower. As soon as he got down to the hotel lobby, he saw Zhu Jian walk in quickly, with a worried look on his face.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wutian was a little surprised.

"I heard that you were assassinated again? I'm not at ease. If I know you're here, I'll come and take a look." Zhu Jian looked Ye Wutian up and down, and couldn't help but stare.

"I said, you wouldn't have been assassinated by a beautiful woman, the bite is really hard." Zhu Jian asked jokingly.

Ye Wutian wiped his mouth, only to realize that he forgot to treat the wound bitten by Xiaoling last night. He couldn't help but blushed, "Nothing, you came just in time, can you find Lin Qitao?"

Zhu Jian was a little strange, "Why are you looking for him? Did he provoke you?"

Ye Wutian smiled mysteriously, "Some people are impatient, I guess he wants to see me very much."

Zhu Jian still wanted to ask questions, but was pulled by Ye Wutian and left. Soon, under the leadership of Zhu Jian, the two drove to the headquarters of Chaoqun Group.

Now, the Chaoqun Group belongs to him, Ye Wutian, but he never came over once, and he didn't even know where he was.

Ye Wutian was about to get out of the car when Zhu Jian pulled him and asked cautiously: "The Chaoqun Group already belongs to you, so there is no need to make a fuss in the company. After the death of Mr. Lin, the Lin family has been in decline, but the Lin family was also one of the best families with deep roots, I know they once attacked your Hongyan Group's idea, don't mess around."

Ye Wutian was a little surprised, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "This Lin family is very? How is it compared to the Ma family?"

"When Mr. Lin was here, he was on the same level as the Ma family, but he was just low-key. Why are you asking this?" Zhu Jian had a bad premonition.

Where there is Ye Wutian, things usually happen, not to mention that he comes directly to the door.

"You know that I have always been a person who doesn't commit me and I don't commit crimes. Don't worry, since you said that the Lin family is not as good as the current Ma family, then there is nothing to worry about. Believe it or not, I will turn over the Chaoqun Group. , the Lin family didn't dare to do anything to me."

"Are you here for real?" Zhu Jian was startled and wanted to hold Ye Wutian, but he was a step behind. Ye Wutian had already got off the car, and Zhu Jian had no choice but to keep up.

The Chaoqun Group is a large state-owned enterprise, and the Chaoqun Building is also a rare large-scale building. Ye Wutian came to the entrance of the building and looked at this majestic behemoth. He felt a little pity in his heart. It would be great if this building was placed in the East City. He can move the headquarters to the East City, but this building cannot be moved.

"Ye Wutian, what are you doing here?"


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