Mad Doctor

Chapter 1622: Be a good person once

Ye Wutian didn't have the slightest sympathy when he saw Lin Qitao's bitter plan. For him, it was just a scene.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Jian, who was secretly shocked to see that Lin Qitao took the initiative to beat his son, which was too informative.

Wei Qun looked at the wailing Jie Shao with disdain.

"You bastard, I'll kill you. You'll cause trouble all day long." Lin Qitao attacked mercilessly and ruthlessly.

Jie Shao was stunned, and he never thought that his father, who had never touched a finger of his since he was a child, dared to kick him. Is this still his father?

"If you hit me, you dare to hit me. If others hit me, if you don't help me, don't tell me. If you hit me, I'm dead. I'm going to tell my grandma." Jie Shao rolled on the ground like a splash.

"Pfft, Director Lin, are you sure you gave birth to a son and not a daughter?" Ye Wutian was about to die of laughter, does this young master look like a spoiled child no matter what?

Lin Qitao's face turned black, and he couldn't care less about Jie Shao's sloppiness, so he quickly apologized, "Ye Dong, I'm sorry, Xiaojie is ignorant, you forgive him for what happened, I will teach him a hard lesson when I go back, please let it go. he."

Lin Qitao's words made Jie Shao stunned, and he didn't even care about splashing. Even Zhu Jian was amazed. Is this still the arrogant and domineering Lin Qitao? When did he become like this.

"Oh, Director Lin, what do you mean, I hit him, it's a no-brainer, right? Your Lin family won't trouble me?" Ye Wutian jokingly glanced at Jie Shao and asked with a smile.

Lin Qitao nodded quickly, "He made a mistake first. If you want to hit him, you can hit him again at any time. I have no complaints. I just hope Ye Dong can raise your hand."

Ye Wutian looked at Jie Shao proudly, and snapped his fingers, "Jie Shao, if you heard it, I'll just say, your father will definitely not touch my finger because of you."

Jie Shao is still confused until now, and he can't figure out what's going on.

At this time, Ye Wutian said: "Why should I let him go? Dare to send someone to assassinate me, and I will never be soft on the enemy."

Lin Qitao was annoyed by Ye Wutian's words, and could no longer care about being grabbed by Ye Wutian, so he roared, "Ye Wutian, what do you want?"

The company is gone, and he still has the Lin family to rely on, but he has only one son, and he also points to someone who will end his life.

"What do I think? Mr. Lin, if you do something wrong, you will be punished, right?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Lin Qitao didn't know what he meant, but what he said was correct, even if he was used to being arrogant, he had to agree, "But you've already hit him, it's almost done."

"It's almost enough, or I will let someone assassinate your son, if he can escape, then this matter is over?" Ye Wutian said jokingly, very disdainful, "You are brave enough to let me try. try?"

Lin Qitao can't hold back, what is this bastard's assassination?

"Why, don't you dare? In fact, I have a very good proposal, I wonder if Mr. Lin will consider it?" Ye Wutian looked like I was very kind, "Don't worry, I won't kill him, eat at most. suffering."

Lin Qitao didn't want to die when he heard it, and thought that Ye Wutian didn't want to be too stiff, so he immediately said, "Ye Dong, tell me, what do you want?"

Ye Wutian looked at the dumbfounded young master with good intentions, and smiled, "Actually, I think that if young master Jie becomes a woman, he will be more beautiful, my daughter is good, I can catch a golden tortoise son-in-law, Mr. Lin, you say Woolen cloth?"

Lin Qitao's expression changed, "Ye Dong, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Actually, it's very simple. He sent someone to shoot me, and I sent him to Thailand to be stabbed. Even if we are settled, I don't need to pursue your affairs. Mr. Lin, isn't this a good deal? "Ye Wutian said, and he laughed first.

Zhu Jian and Wei Qun's eyes widened when they heard this, but Young Master Jie was stunned and kept shrinking his head, "No, I don't want to be a woman, I don't want to go to Thailand, Dad, save me ,help me."

This poor child, it is estimated that the shadow of last night has not come out yet.

"Ye Wutian." Lin Qitao reacted, he was being played by Ye Wutian, he gritted his teeth, glared angrily, his chest heaving violently.

"Call me." Ye Wutian was very happy, with a smile on his face, "Mr. Lin, my proposal is already very kind, why don't you think about it?"

"I think about your mother, Ye Wutian, don't be too much, you really annoy me, and my Lin family is not easy to provoke." Lin Qitao roared, wishing to tear Ye Wutian.

This bastard, he can think of such a vicious thing, and he even wants to cut his son, that is the treasure of his Lin family's lineage.

"It's a pity, Mr. Lin doesn't seem to be sober enough, President Wei, why don't you remind him?" Ye Wutian ignored Lin Qitao's anger.

At this time, Lin Qitao here is no longer the arrogant Lin Qitao he used to be, but at best a wounded wild dog. Even if there is a Lin family backing him up, it won't be so easy for him to offend Ye Wutian.

"Mr. Lin, is it that Ye Dong's proposal is very cost-effective, if your son is gone, you can have another one, not to mention that you will have an extra girl, you can earn it, but if you go in, the Lin family will also be In the face of disaster, you should really think about it." Wei Qun has never felt so happy, and he persuaded him with the appearance of being good for you.

"Wei Qun." Lin Qitao was even more angry, staring at Wei Qun.

If it wasn't for Wei Qun's betrayal of him, how could he have ended up in such a land that he was eaten to death by Ye Wutian, Ye Wutian deserved to die, but Wei Qun deserved to die even more.

"Wait, Uncle Lin, do you have the handle to fall into Wutian's hands?"

Zhu Jian on the side understood it, no wonder Ye Wutian dared to ignore Lin Qitao so much.

"Xiaojian, you can help me no matter what, considering the past relationship between our two families, me, me." Lin Qitao realized that Zhu Jian was also there, but he was confused just now, and he didn't Noticing that Zhu Jian came in behind Ye Wutian, it seemed like he had caught a life-saving straw.

The Lin family used to be one of the top families in the capital, but they had only declined over the years, and they were old friends with the Zhu family.

"Uncle Lin, you are confused." Zhu Jian probably understood what was going on, and said sadly.

As the chairman of a state-owned enterprise, especially when the Lin family is already declining, Lin Qitao dares to make trouble. What is he doing?

"Xiaojian, please help me anyway?" Lin Qitao begged.

Zhu Jian frowned and looked at Ye Wutian, but found that Ye Wutian was also looking at him, "Brother, what do you think?"

"Are you sure you want to take care?" Ye Wutian was a little puzzled. He pulled Zhu Jian to watch the fun, but he didn't think that Zhu Jian would interfere with his affairs.

"The old man of the Lin family once helped my grandfather, otherwise my grandfather wouldn't have survived so easily back then, and now our Zhu family still owes others a favor, you see?" Zhu Jian was a little embarrassed.

Ye Wutian understood that which of these capital families was not involved, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He couldn't help but give Zhu Jian's face, especially when it involved the favor that Mr. Zhu owed others.

"Forget it, Lin Qitao, you should be glad that you have a good father. I will record your son's affairs for the time being, and I will give you three more days to make up for your own hole. Don't make it in my hands next time. But not so lucky, and Wei Qun is my person now, if you dare to do any harm to him, don't blame me for turning your face and not recognizing him."

When Wei Qun heard this, he was overjoyed, knowing that he was with the wrong person, and looked at Ye Wutian with gratitude, now there is no need to worry about the Lin family's revenge.

Lin Qitao was a little embarrassed, his hole was really big, and he couldn't help but look at Zhu Jian again.

Zhu Jian's face turned black. He shouldn't have intervened today, but Lin Qitao has taken an inch, "Uncle Lin, I can't help you with this."

Lin Qitao was immediately disappointed, but he also knew that this was the best result, and immediately kicked Jie Shao on the body, scolding, "You bastard, don't leave, cheat to death."

"Wait a minute, Master Jie, when will that entertainment company come under my name?" Ye Wutian, who called out the father and son of the Lin family, asked.

"Tomorrow." Lin Qitao answered on his behalf.

Ye Wutian heard the words and did not push him any more.

Seeing Lin Qitao's father and son rolling away, Ye Wutian's heart was happy. Although this matter was discounted, the bad breath came out.

"Old Wei, the company's affairs are left to you, contact Dongcheng as soon as possible, I still have something to do." Ye Wutian patted Weiqun's shoulder and walked out.

Wei Qun was overjoyed immediately, Ye Wutian started to entrust him with a heavy responsibility, and immediately nodded fiercely.

"Wu Tian, ​​do you blame me for being troublesome?"

In the car, Zhu Jian was a little uneasy, Ye Wutian was too calm, which was a little different from his previous style.

"No, what you owe others is what I owe them, but they'd better know each other. If they dare to provoke me next time, it won't be so easy to talk about. You know, I'm a bit small-minded." Ye Wu Tian shook his was a little disappointed with Zhu Jian.

He shouldn't be in charge of today's affairs, but since he is in charge, he has nothing to say.

Zhu Jian smiled, "There shouldn't be a next time. Lin Qitao has been treated like this by you, and his Lin family will lose a few more points. If he doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, then the Lin family should also disappear."

Ye Wutian laughed, "Speaking of which, do you want to thank me, such as sending me a few wives like flowers and jade?"

"I dare to give it, do you dare to ask for it?" Zhu Jian blinked, as if he really wanted to do it.

"It's better not to, by the way, then Boxin Entertainment, you can help me with my heart, this circle must have a backstage to withstand it, otherwise it will be useless to have money, your size is just right." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Zhu Jian rolled his eyes, "You've been waiting for me for a long time, okay, I'll keep an eye on it."

Ye Wutian was satisfied, and was about to ask if there were any beautiful and clean female stars, but the phone rang: "Baby, don't worry, I'm fine, I'll go back today."

This article comes from Kan Wang Fiction

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