Mad Doctor

Chapter 1627: eat you

Zheng Zhongren realized that he had come in vain, Ye Wutian already knew it, and he didn't seem to be afraid at all, but he didn't dare to take it lightly and asked, "Brother, do you have a solution?"

Ye Wutian pointed to Locke, "Isn't this here to show off your strength, Director Zheng, you said that people are calling at your door, should we just have a fight with them?"

Locke's face turned black, analyzing the meaning of Ye Wutian's words.

Locke doesn't know how close Zhang Jing and Ye Wutian are, but Jack is the president's son and must be brought back, if Jack is still alive.

Zheng Zhongren was also frightened, "Don't mess around."

Locke is here, Zheng Zhongren is hard to say. In fact, the appearance of the aircraft carrier has made the above anxious. Although it is said to appear near Hongyan Island, but now the above regards Hongyan Island as its own territory, and cannot tolerate bullying by other countries.

"Director Zheng, you are so brave, don't let people make jokes, forget it, I will handle my affairs myself." Ye Wutian knew Zheng Zhongren's scruples, this time I am afraid to remind myself not to go too far, right?

Zheng Zhongren blushed, "Since that's the case, let's talk."

Seeing Zheng Zhongren's departure full of worries, Ye Wutian took pity on him, and it was not easy for this old Zheng.

"Loke, what did your master say?" Ye Wutian asked with a sneer.

Locke was posed, with a dark face, "Tomorrow at noon, at twelve o'clock, exchange at the same time, Ye Wutian, you'd better not play any tricks."

"Each each other." Ye Wutian said sarcastically, "Even if you play tricks, I'm not afraid, it's a big deal."

Locke turned his head and left, and if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would not be able to control his emotions.

"Stop, did I let you go? Answer me, what kind of transformed people do you belong to?" Ye Wutian still didn't forget this.

Locke didn't look back, and replied coldly: "I'm not obliged to tell you about this."

Ye Wutian was stunned.

Locke ignored it and walked away again.

"Remember to call in the indemnity. It must be received today, otherwise if Jack is short of arms and legs, don't blame me."

Locke stopped angrily, turned around and glared at Ye Wutian, "You dare."

"You can try."

Locke secretly hated, but had no choice but to leave angrily.

"You're so angry with him, aren't you afraid that they will do something to Zhang Jing?" Cheng Kexin asked worriedly, she wasn't really worried about Zhang Jing, just that Ye Wutian would do crazy things because of it.

How many crazy things has this guy ever done for women?

"If they dare to do that, I'll make them regret it."

Deng Jun was sitting on the sofa at the headquarters of the Bahu Gang, frowning a little. Recently, Dongcheng seems to be calm on the surface, but secretly it feels like a storm is coming.

"Boss, here comes Mr.

Just as he was thinking, a subordinate hurried in and reported.

Deng Jun got up quickly and saw Ye Wutian walking in from outside. Deng Jun quickly stepped forward to say hello, "Sir, why are you here?"

"Why, not welcome?" Ye Wutian joked.

"How can we, we wish Mr. Mr. could come to give more pointers, so that we will have the backbone." Deng Jun was startled and said quickly.

"It seems that you have something on your mind, why, the gang is not calm?" Ye Wutian sat down at will and asked with concern.

After Situ Chu died, the Bahu Gang was already the largest gang in Dongcheng, and most of the business they did was serious business. It stands to reason that there should be no one who would not provoke the Bahu Gang at this time.

Deng Jun personally brought Ye Wutian a cup of high-quality Longjing, and then said, "Sir, it's not that the gang is not calm, but these days, there seem to be more foreigners from Dongcheng, and I'm a little worried."

Ye Wutian can guess what Deng Jun is worried about, "You mean, someone came with bad intentions?"

If it wasn't for the Hongyan Group in Dongcheng, Dongcheng would be an ordinary city, and Ye Wutian had a lot of enemies, so Ye Wutian would not be stupid enough to think that those who were noticed were here to play.

"I have this concern, and I was going to ask Mr. You to ask. You haven't provoked anyone recently, have you?" Deng Jun asked cautiously.

Ye Wutian was happy, "Do you see me as someone who doesn't cause trouble?"

Deng Jun was stunned, and then smiled bitterly, "I guess it is too, sir, do you want your subordinates to keep an eye on it?"

Ye Wutian was a little surprised. If he didn't feel the pressure, Deng Jun should not be like this. After thinking about it, Ye Wutian asked, "Are you sure?"

This question was not obvious, but Deng Jun understood what Ye Wutian meant, and immediately raised his chest, "Sir, since the fall of the Tenglong Gang, we have respected the Tiger Gang on the road, and after this period of careful management , We have absorbed a lot of outsiders, who are not usually involved in gangs, but they are very useful to cover up people's eyes and ears."

Deng Jun's words made Ye Wutian's eyes light up, "If you don't say it, I really didn't expect it, it's a good idea, the Pahu Gang is now taking the right path and doing serious business, you strive to infiltrate the information of the Pahu Gang to every country in the country. In the corner, pay special attention to some foreigners, once there is trouble, it is best for you to receive the news as soon as possible.”

With the strength of the Tyrant Tiger Gang, it shouldn't be difficult to do this. Except for the real backbone, it is possible to recruit some humble staff, waiters, gangsters, etc. as informants through various channels.

"Sir, I think the same way. There are dozens of suspicious people under our surveillance. We can confirm that there are three groups of people. As for the others, they may be here to inquire about the news. Since Mr. also means this, then I Just let go and do it, the brothers are also idle when they are idle, let them go out and find something to do for them." Deng Jun slapped his hand and finally eased his brows.

What he was worried about was not only because there were so many suspicious outsiders, but also because the Pahu Gang had no rivals from the Tenglong Gang, and the brothers under him would gradually deteriorate.

"Well, you can handle this matter as you see fit. I have confidence in you." Ye Wutian nodded in admiration. When he decided to let Deng Jun take care of the Bahu Gang, he chose the right person. This person has a clear mind and understands. What the Tyrant Tiger Gang should do and what it cannot do.

"It's all well taught by Mr. By the way, why are you here this time, Mr. Deng?" Deng Jun is not happy. It is not easy to get praise from Mr. Deng. He has known Mr. Deng for so long, but Deng Jun is quite clear that Mr. Do not praise a person lightly.

"Where's Haoyun?" Ye Wutian asked.

As soon as he heard that Ye Wutian was looking for Liu Haoyun, Deng Jun knew that there must be something important, and he quickly recruited a younger brother to invite Liu Haoyun over.

After more than ten minutes, Liu Haoyun hurried in and bowed his hands to Ye Wutian, "Sir, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to leave to you." A trace of coldness flashed in Ye Wutian's eyes.

When Deng Jun and Liu Haoyun saw this, they were secretly startled. They knew that the husband was afraid that he was going to shoot at someone.

This made them very excited, and Ye Wutian's ability to start using the Tyrant Tiger Gang was his greatest trust in them.



After coming out of the Bahu Gang, Ye Wutian received a call from Situ Wei and had already contacted the people from the M country. Everything was ready. Ye Wutian felt relieved when he heard the news.

To be honest, he didn't expect that Mr. Situ would give him such a big gift. Now Situ Wei is in charge of contacting there, and maybe he will use it in the future.

Ye Wutian was about to drive back when suddenly two headlights came on in front of him, and he just saw that a sports car had been parked opposite the Pahu Gang headquarters.

Between doubts, the sports car has already driven to the side.

"Get in the car." As the window glass slowly fell, Chu Sha's pretty figure appeared.

Every time he saw Chu Sha, Ye Wutian felt a little numb in his scalp, and was afraid of this woman from the bottom of his heart.

He opened the car door and got into the co-pilot, turned his head and asked, "How did you know I was here?"

"You're not a big man, is it difficult to know your whereabouts?" Chu Sha responded with a disdainful reply.

Ye Wutian was so choked that he was speechless, and muttered in his heart that he was not a big man?

Before he could speak, Chu Sha had already started the car, and the sports car rushed out like a mad cow in the roar, Ye Wutian quickly grabbed the handle, worried that the car would rush into the green belt.

"I'm in a hurry?" Ye Wutian asked deliberately, but Chu Sha ignored him at all, and the car didn't mean to slow down at all. After drifting one by one, Chu Sha took him to a hilltop in the suburbs.

"Next time you drive so fast, I won't take your car." Chu Sha's speeding car reminded Ye Wutian of Chang Xiaomei, and that female Tyrannosaurus also likes to drive fast.

Chu Sha didn't answer, leaving Ye Wutian in a self-deprecating manner.

Looking at the starry sky, Ye Wutian was a little confused, "You didn't bring me to see the stars, did you?"

Chu Sha didn't answer, got out of the car, and stood against the wind on the top of the mountain. When the mountain wind blew, Chu Sha's hair fluttered, Ye Wutian instantly had an illusion, at this time, Chu Sha was as beautiful as a fairy in the wind. .

"Did you encounter something unpleasant?" Ye Wutian was helpless and walked to Chu Sha's side, but he didn't dare to get too close. , even at the cost of threatening to kill all the other women around him.

"You also know how to care about people." Chu Sha glared at him and asked sarcastically.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, "When I didn't ask."

Chu Sha looks like he knows can't hate it, "I don't have much time left for you, and you haven't remembered who I am?"

Ye Wutian patted his head, "I said, can you stop being so nonsense, just tell me who you are, and make it seem like I'm really a heartless man."

"You are." Chu Sha said angrily.

Ye Wutian was also annoyed, "What did I do to you, did I abandon you all the time, or what did I do to you, you still have no end."

"You dare to yell at me again, believe it or not, I will kill your women immediately." Chu Sha's beautiful eyes were full of suffocation, and she said coldly.

"You dare to try, believe it or not, I will kill you right now." Ye Wutian could not listen to someone threatening him like this, and immediately snorted.

"Then kill me, I'll wait for you to kill me." Chu Sha closed his eyes and raised his chest towards Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian's mouth is dry, this woman is not tempting herself

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