Mad Doctor

Chapter 1629: Set up a trap (below)

After confirming that Jack was really alive, Locke breathed a sigh of relief, that is, when he took out his phone and dialed it.

"What? I'm not breaking my trust, right?" Ye Wutian came to Locke: "Your people have seen it, but what about mine?"

Locke was silent for a while, turned his head and asked, "Where are your people?"

"Eighteenth Street, where do you send people?" Ye Wutian said.

Locke did not refute, but picked up the phone and dialed it out, and quickly repeated Ye Wutian's request.

"When I get the call, let's start exchanging hostages." Ye Wutian turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait, are you leaving?" Locke asked.

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, asked back: "What do you mean should I stay?"

Locke was thinking, shouldn't Ye Wutian stay?

Ye Wutian did not stay in the end.

In desperation, Locke also left, and according to the order, the hostages would be exchanged later.

An hour later, Ye Wutian received a call, and it was confirmed that Zhang Jing was alive, so with his order, the cooperation with Locke began, and the ship carrying Jack began to sail towards the open sea. Yabia also slowly sailed away from the red bird.

At 11:30 noon, the freighter appeared at the designated location, led by a leader of the Pahu Gang, nicknamed Tie San.

"Third brother, it's already here, why hasn't the devil from M country come yet?" A little brother was a little nervous, and glanced at Jack from time to time.

"Don't worry, they will come, let the brothers be smarter, we have nothing to do with our mission, the rest has nothing to do with us." Tie San ordered.

The younger brother nodded, admiring the calmness of the third brother, knowing that this time it was an aircraft carrier.

"Come on, third brother, the aircraft carrier."

After a while, the brothers who were watching the wind above exclaimed, Tie San and the others hurriedly walked out, and suddenly saw an aircraft carrier slowly approaching in the distance.

Although the Yabia is a small aircraft carrier, it is also quite large. Watching the behemoth coming slowly, Tie San said in his heart that he was not nervous, but it was a lie, but he had to be calm.

Jack in the cabin heard the voice outside and slowly opened his eyes. He was very helpless. Until now, he still couldn't understand why he agreed to help such absurd favors?

The aircraft carrier stopped when it was 100 meters away from the freighter, and immediately, two speedboats came galloping.

"Third brother, here we come." The younger brother was even more nervous. They could see that the soldiers on the speedboat were all wearing machine guns.

"Come here, bring that kid out, they don't dare to do anything." Tie San patted the younger brother on the shoulder and said with a trembling voice.

There are a lot of movies with people, but this is the first time facing an aircraft carrier.

"Listen to the people above, put down the rope ladder, we're going up." The speedboat quickly came to the freighter, and a foreigner in the uniform of a major officer shouted in Chinese.

With a wave of Tie San's hand, the younger brother immediately put down the cable ladder. Soon, five soldiers from the M country climbed up. When they saw Jack, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Jack, you're still alive, great, we'll take you home." The major cheered.

Jack nodded, but did not speak, looking a little weak.

"Damn it, what did they do to you?" the major asked angrily, seeing that something was wrong with Jack.

As soon as he said this, the other four clenched the submachine guns in their hands.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Tie San restrained his nervousness and asked.

At the same time, several younger brothers on the freighter also took out their guns and pointed at the majors. These are the elite members of the Tyrant Tiger Gang. Although they are nervous, they will never be afraid if something happens.

"You want to die? As long as a cannonball hits the aircraft carrier, you can be sent to feed the sharks." The major waved his hand and threatened.

"Then you can try it to see if we are afraid of death?" Tie San sneered, and suddenly pointed a gun at Jack's head: "It's a big deal and we'll finish playing together, our husband will avenge us."

Werther disguised as Jack cursed in his heart, this **** couldn't be real, he wouldn't come if he knew it earlier.

"Hold on, put the gun down, you have something to say." The major's expression changed and he hurriedly shouted.

Tie San was very disdainful, "There are still 20 minutes before the agreed time, so be honest with me. Since I dare to come and send people, I don't want to go back alive."

Sure enough, he was afraid of being stunned, and he was afraid of dying. Hearing Tie San's words, the major wouldn't dare to say anything, even if he was too stubborn.

Jack did not speak from the beginning to the end, nor did he appear nervous, and the two sides on the freighter quieted down during the confrontation.



On the other side of the ocean, in a church on Eighteenth Street, more than a dozen people in black suits escorted Zhang Jing to appear here. The people in the church have been evacuated, and another group of people has already been waiting here. When the man with a mustache saw Zhang Jing, the mustache took out a photo, compared it, and then said, "Miss Zhang, we are ordered to pick you up."

A trace of excitement flashed in Zhang Jing's eyes, and she nodded.

Only then did the mustache look at the black man headed by the other party, and said coldly, "Our people have already sent over, can you hand Miss Zhang to us?"

The black man in the lead cracked his mouth and smiled, "No, the time hasn't come yet, you can't take her away."

"Are you sure?" Mustache sneered, "Aren't we afraid that we will go back on it?"

"Don't be afraid, you can't take her away before we get the call." The black man was not worried at all, but showed a trace of contempt, "Even if you take her away, I advise you to cross the border quickly, you are at the beginning of coming here, already listed as persona non grata, understand?"

Moustache was silent for a while, looked at Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing nodded slightly, Moustache immediately ignored the black man's provocation and just looked at the watch in his hand.

On the high seas, time passed quickly. When it was exactly twelve o'clock, Tie Sanyi waved his hand, and his younger brother immediately untied Jack's rope and pushed him.

"The people are handed over to you, you better keep your word, otherwise, you may not be able to bear the consequences." Tie San warned according to Ye Wutian's explanation.

The major supported Jack, said nothing with a cold face, and walked away thinking about the rope ladder.

Soon, the group got off the freighter, and Tie San hurriedly shouted, "Old Liao, go."

The captain who was waiting in the wheelhouse immediately started the engine, added the rudder in the shortest time, and the freighter left at the fastest speed.

The major who just got on the speedboat and left sneered and waved his hand.

A hundred meters away, there was a sudden boom on the aircraft carrier, and a cannonball smashed towards the freighter. The cannonball hit the sea on the right side of the freighter, causing water waves.

"Damn, Mr. M, you wait." Tie San's teeth were about to be crushed. He knew that the other party was showing off his power, but what could he do? He could only leave as quickly as possible.

On the speedboat, the major laughed, then came to Jack's side, hugged, and then said, "Jack, you are so worried about us, welcome home."

Jack nodded and closed his eyes weakly.

The major didn't ask, he saw that Jack's weakness was not a lie.

Soon, the speedboat returned to the aircraft carrier. Jack and his group were picked up. The officers on the aircraft carrier were already waiting. Seeing the major helping Jack back, the group cheered, "Welcome home, Jack."

Jack nodded gratefully, leaning on the major.

"Sir, Jack is too weak. He needs rest and doctor's treatment. Let's wait until he recovers." The major said quickly.

The captain nodded, and immediately two army nurses stepped forward and supported Jack towards the cabin inside the aircraft carrier.

After successfully picking up Jack, the excited major and others did not realize that after Jack got on the aircraft carrier, he inadvertently dropped some powder from his sleeves and stained the aircraft carrier.

In a small town church on the other side of the ocean, the black man received the call and suddenly laughed, "Everyone, this Miss Zhang should have been returned to you, but in view of the harm she has brought to our country, I have temporarily decided to take her into custody temporarily. , waiting for the judge's trial, what do you think?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people accompanying him immediately took out their guns and pointed at Zhang Jing's mustache and others. The mustache's expression changed and he glared, "Are you sure you want to go back on your words?"

Even if they were pointed at by the other party with a gun, Moustache and the others were not at all nervous.

"No, this doesn't count as repentance, it's just that sinners should be punished. Even you, too, come with us, right?" The black man smiled proudly.

"Are you sure?" Moustache suddenly smiled, a little incomprehensible and a little mysterious.

The black man suddenly had a bad premonition, but he didn't know what he had missed. Just when he wanted to give an order, Zhang Jing, who was under their control, suddenly raised his head and moved his hands.

The black man suddenly felt weak and knew that something was wrong, so he didn't need to react. He and his colleagues thumped a few times and fell to the ground. Zhang Jing turned around and slashed the black man's crotch. The black man immediately Rolling his eyes, he passed out.

Mustache and the others were shocked. This woman looked weak, and it was a ruthless shot.

"Miss Zhang, we have to get out of here quickly," Moustache reminded in a low voice that it is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

Zhang Jing nodded, "Okay."

Soon, a group of people disappeared in the church, leaving behind the black people who were alive and dead.

A few minutes later, the door of the church was kicked open, and a team of police rushed in. Seeing the man in black lying on the ground, they couldn't help but froze in place.

Half an hour Zhang Jing was taken to a villa. As soon as she entered the villa, she saw a beautiful woman, which surprised Zhang Jing. Could it be that Ye Wutian is here? Also hiding a woman?

I have to say that Ye Wutian and Zhang Jing had a bad impression, and the first thought was so impure.

"Miss Zhang, don't look at me like that. Ye Wutian and I don't know each other. The reason why I sent someone to pick you up this time is because I was entrusted. You can call me Xiaohui, I heard about Miss Zhang. Now, is it worth it for you to risk your own life for the careless Ye Wutian?" The woman saw what Zhang Jing was thinking at a glance, and asked with a smile.

Zhang Jing quickly apologized for her random guessing, "I'm sorry, I thought too much. In fact, it's not worth it. I just want to do it and do it."

"Well said, I'm actually very curious, what is the relationship between Miss Zhang and Ye Wutian, but I know that he will spare no expense to save you." Xiaohui is very curious.

Zhang Jing's face was slightly embarrassed, "Ordinary friend."

Xiaohui was a little surprised. She didn't believe Zhang Jing's words, but she didn't ask any further: "Take a good rest, I'll take you out of the country tonight."

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