Mad Doctor

Chapter 1631: snatch

The frightened Wesley wanted to press the alarm not far away, but he was too weak to do anything. Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and he fainted directly. The same fainted, as well as all the people in the cockpit. , that is, those who have been connected to the outside world, have not been able to send out the warning.

At the same time, in the various cabins of the aircraft carrier, the same thing happened one after another. In just a few minutes, the people on the entire aircraft carrier fainted. The aircraft carrier at this time was more like a ghost ship.

More than 20 minutes later, the aircraft carrier was still sailing at a normal speed, and a fishing boat with a modified motor appeared in the nearby waters quickly approaching, and the target was directly the aircraft carrier.

A cable was thrown from the fishing boat to the aircraft carrier, and a strong magnet instantly fixed the cable to the boat. Then, more cables were thrown up, forming a rope bridge.

Liu Haoyun was smeared with camouflage paint, walked out of the cabin, looked at the huge aircraft carrier, and couldn't help cracking his mouth, "Brothers, hurry up, you can think that one day our brothers will be able to capture an aircraft carrier, hahaha, today's this If it is done, even if it is to die immediately, it will be worth it.”

Liu Haoyun's words made all the capable men of the Bahu Gang cheer with excitement on their faces. Under Liu Haoyun's order, everyone put on gloves and climbed onto the aircraft carrier one by one.

Behind Liu Haoyun, the technical experts who had been temporarily dispatched and who had never known what they were doing all had their eyes widened.

After being recruited by Ye Wutian, they were locked in the cabin, and they never thought that the target Ye Wutian was going to attack this time turned out to be the Yabia.

"Boss, everything is normal, the people inside are all asleep." The first person to go up first searched and reported immediately.

Liu Haoyun immediately felt relieved, and pulled Chen Binwei beside him with a cautious look on his face, "Mr. Chen, everything is up to you. My brothers are rough and don't know how to work."

Chen Binwei was also excited, nodding fiercely. With the help of Liu Haoyun, Chen Binwei and others boarded the aircraft carrier and rushed straight to the cockpit.

After entering the cockpit, Chen Binwei first asked people to slow down the speed of the aircraft carrier, but he did not stop the aircraft carrier completely. He knew that there were satellites staring in the sky at this time. Once the aircraft carrier stopped, it would definitely be found that something was wrong. , if he hadn't installed a jamming device on the fishing boat, he would have been discovered 10,000 meters away if he wanted to get close to the aircraft carrier with an ordinary fishing boat.

After controlling the speed of the aircraft carrier, Chen Binwei turned off the monitoring system on the aircraft carrier, then connected the port of the aircraft carrier with his portable laptop, and tapped his hands quickly. As his computer virus invaded the intelligent system of the aircraft carrier, a cutting-edge hacker The offensive and defensive battle was thus started.

When Chen Binwei started to attack the intelligent system of the aircraft carrier, those technicians were not idle, and they began to collect various high-tech information on the aircraft carrier.

These technicians are all experts in this field, and they are all in extreme excitement, trying their best to fish for good things.

When Chen Binwei and the others started to work, the brothers from the Bahu Gang brought by Liu Haoyun were not idle either. They held cameras one by one and searched various cabins to prevent any fish from slipping through the net. Everything was collected. As for the comatose soldiers, no one moved, even when they encountered the hot female soldiers and medical staff on the aircraft carrier.

Everyone knows how big this incident is. If there is a little bit of rumors leaked, Ye Wutian doesn't need to dismantle their bones.

Liu Haoyun took the signal tracker and walked directly to the cabin where Werther was. If Werther had a special signal source, he wouldn't be able to find the location of the aircraft carrier in the vast open sea even if he killed Liu Haoyun.

Werther was nervous, his hand holding the pistol was sweating.

In fact, anyone else would be nervous. This is the inside of the aircraft carrier. If someone accidentally finds out, the sun will not be seen tomorrow.

But who let him be tempted by Ye Wutian, he can only wait with gritted teeth.

When he heard footsteps coming towards this side, Werther became even more nervous. He didn't let out a sigh of relief until he heard someone knocking at the door, three long, two short and one heavy punch.

This is the signal that Ye Wutian agreed with him, and the one who knocks on the door like this is his own.

Werther quickly opened the door. The moment he saw Liu Haoyun, Werther was so excited that he almost didn't shed a tear. He felt like he had finally found an organization.

Liu Haoyun had seen Jack's photo long ago and knew he had found the right person. He immediately opened his arms and hugged Werther fiercely, "Brother, you are awesome."

Werther smiled and smiled happily. This exciting operation was finally safe.

After more than an hour, Chen Binwei finally successfully paralyzed the aircraft carrier's intelligent system and began to download various information on the aircraft carrier. Chen Binwei and Liu Haoyun, it can be said that in this operation, the only two people who knew what Ye Wutian wanted to do, Therefore, the preparation is very sufficient, and a hard disk with sufficient capacity is brought to accommodate all the data.

While waiting for the download, Chen Binwei did not sit idle, and began to browse the surveillance video on the aircraft carrier. He soon found that the people on the aircraft carrier began to appear abnormal pictures. Without any hesitation, Chen Binwei deleted all the subsequent videos completely. His technology, even if someone finds the super black box of the aircraft carrier afterwards, can never be restored.

After doing this, Chen Binwei used a computer to manipulate some systems on the aircraft carrier. After everything was completed, he breathed a long breath.

Another hour later, all the data stored by the intelligent system on the aircraft carrier was downloaded. Chen Binwei immediately called everyone to evacuate. Those technicians were reluctant to part with them. There are too many good things in it, but unfortunately they couldn't take them away, which made them tangled.

"Everyone, let's go, one day, we will build the same advanced aircraft carrier ourselves." Chen Binwei smiled and sent the last set of viruses with the computer in his hand.

Everyone retreated to the fishing boat, and after retracting the cable, it was discovered that the aircraft carrier was changing direction and continued to accelerate.

"Mr. Chen, there are some traces of us left on this Abia, will there be a problem?" Someone asked worriedly.

Chen Binwei smiled mysteriously, "You can pay attention to tomorrow's headlines, but I guess after we go back, all of us will be quarantined for a while, so just wait for now."

The technicians looked at each other in dismay, and then they remembered how appalling the task they accepted this time, but after hearing what Chen Binwei said, they were relieved. It seemed that this mysterious expert already had a way to deal with it.

After returning to the fishing boat, Liu Haoyun immediately ordered to return at full speed. Two hours later, the fishing boat had driven a sufficient distance. Only then did Liu Haoyun pick up the dedicated line and dial Ye Wutian's number.

Ye Wutian was waiting in the office, and the person accompanying him was the old man Zhuo who came from the capital.

The old man Zhuo was more nervous than Ye Wutian, and stared at him from time to time. If he could, he really wanted to shoot Ye Wutian. This kid really scared him this time. The manpower turned out to be a member of the gang, which made old man Zhuo not know what to say about him.

However, I have to admit that the huge temptation made Old Man Zhuo unable to calm down, and it also made some people above him unable to calm down.

That's technology! Top technology.

Finally, while the two of them were waiting anxiously, Ye Wutian's cell phone rang, and Zhuo Laotian jumped up from his seat immediately, with a nervous expression on his face, he hadn't been so calm in a long time.

"It's done."

Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing when he looked at the nervous appearance of the old man Zhuo, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he spit out a sentence.

Hearing that Old Man Zhuo's face was flushed, he jumped up like a child, and the muscles on his face trembled because of excitement, Ye Wutian had to wonder if Old Man Zhuo was going to go crazy.

"Zhuo Ju, calm down, calm down and know if you're still in the lead, such a trivial matter will make you excited, be careful that you will get a heart attack." Ye Wutian is also very happy, but his happiness does not prevent him from making fun of this name. 's boss.

When old man Zhuo heard this, he almost fell to the ground. Is this **** so irritating?

After all, who is the leader, who has experienced strong winds and waves, after taking a deep breath, the old man Zhuo quickly regained his calm, but the bright light in his eyes deeply betrayed him. Others are still very excited.

"Boy, you did a good job." Zhuo old man gave a thumbs up and said in admiration.

Ye Wutian pouted, "Zhuo Ju, don't even think about dismissing me with just these two sentences. I'm taking a lot of risk in this matter. You must be embarrassed, right?"

The old man Zhuo's face stiffened, and then he smiled bitterly, "Little God, you are only one level lower than me now. Could it be that you want to take my I am willing, but are you willing to come?"

Ye Wutian couldn't be fooled by him, smiled and said, "Zhuo Ju, this is your fault, you can't let me do it in vain, I just agreed, but my brothers may not agree, with this thing, you You can speak to the lion above, if you are embarrassed, just say what I said, I think the above should not be as stingy as you are?"

The old man Zhuo was very angry, "Why am I being stingy, you kid makes a lot of trouble every time, when did I wipe your ass? Also, don't think I don't know what you did to Xiaoling, According to my temper a few years ago, your kid's head has moved."

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, "I said old man, you have to take care of the things you love and I wish between men and women, are you annoying?"

"Why do you like me, do you think I don't know you?" The old man Zhuo was very contemptuous.

That gaze made Ye Wutian smile shyly, and then he said, "Zhuo Ju, you are too rude to talk about this trivial matter. If you are not interested in Yabia's information, I believe There will be many people who are interested, if you don’t want it, I will sell it.”


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