Mad Doctor

Chapter 1636: blast out

Ye Wutian thought that the little witch Chu Fang would have many reactions, including directly fighting with him, but he did not expect that Chu Fang would cry like a child, even though she was only a little girl in age.

When Chu Fang cried like this, Ye Wutian was a little overwhelmed. He didn't really want to do something to the little witch, but just wanted to scare the little witch. Regardless of the little witch's age, the Poison Shadow Gate behind her is something he must be afraid of. of.

"Okay, stop acting, do you think it's interesting?" Ye Wutian stared at the crying little witch, and became more and more unhappy.

A witch is a witch, Ye Wutian's voice just fell, and the little witch who cried so loudly that people outside the door couldn't bear to hear it stopped immediately, and Pear Blossom looked at Ye Wutian with rain.

"Brother Ye, you don't really want to kill me, do you? I'm here to help you with good intentions. They just helped you stage a hero to save the beauty that day, so you forgot so soon?"

Ye Wutian stared coldly at the little witch, "Either tell me immediately, or get out of my way immediately, Chu Fang, my patience is limited, don't force me."

Among the sisters of the Chu family, if Chu Sha did not take action, then Chu Fang would most likely take action. Ye Wutian never dared to underestimate this youngest witch, especially when her strange disease was cured. Under the circumstances, Ye Wutian secretly hated himself for being cheap, why did he treat her in the first place.

"Okay, I'll go, can I go? Don't regret it." Chu Fang walked out the door with tears in his eyes.

Ye Wutian's face was gloomy, "Chu Fang, I hope you didn't do it, otherwise, no matter how powerful your Poison Shadow Sect is, you will surely die. You will remember it for me."

Chu Fang stomped his feet, "Brother Ye, time will prove my innocence, I just want to help you."

Ye Wutian snorted coldly and ignored this little witch.

Whether it was Chu Qian or Chu Fang, they had already made him feel disgusted, not for anything else, but because they knew how to save Ouyang Xingyue, but they refused to tell him clearly, but let him kill each other One is happy.

Ye Wutian can kill, but he will not be coerced to kill.

Seeing that Ye Wutian didn't respond, Chu Fang immediately left angrily. As soon as he walked away, Chu Fang's pitiful little face was full of cold colors.

"Ye Wutian, who do you think you are, if the eldest sister doesn't like you, do you think you can talk to me like this?"

After Chu Fang left, Ye Wutian immediately took out his phone and called Ke Jiannan. The presence of Chu Fang and Chu Qian made him realize a point he had overlooked.

That is, although he is a medicine saint from the future, he may not know many ancient sects such as Poison Shadow Sect.

"Brother, why are you thinking of calling my brother?" Ke Jiannan's hearty voice came over, as if he was a little surprised: "Is the sun rising in the west today?"

Ye Wutian was secretly ashamed that he was the master of the Three Treasures Hall, but at this time he didn't have time to chat with Ke Jiannan, and immediately asked, "Brother, do you know of something that can make a person's connections look like? Stable like slow-flowing water, slower than a vegetative person, causing unconsciousness?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone before Ke Jiannan's voice came again, "Brother, did something happen?"

"Ouyang Xingyue has been poisoned by someone else. I have no choice, so I want to ask my brother for advice."

"How could it be?" Ke Jiannan exclaimed in surprise, and then said, "Brother, are you sure you were poisoned? I vaguely remember the pulse you mentioned, but I can't remember it for a while, so that's it, I Go and read all the books of my Southern School immediately, and I will give you the answer in the shortest possible time, of course, you'd better contact Fairy Feng and the others."

"Then I'll trouble my brother, I'll call Senior Sister."

Ke Jiannan's words gave Ye Wutian hope, and immediately called Feng Xianzi, but what made him depressed was that Feng Xianzi's phone could not be connected. Speaking of which, Feng Xianzi seemed to have not appeared for a long time. Now, is there an accident?

Ye Wutian calmed down and called Gu Hezi instead, and got the same answer. Ye Wutian breathed a sigh of relief, Gu Hezi seemed to have a vague memory, but it still needs to be confirmed, Ye Wutian knows, this must be A very rare thing that is rarely used, but who is it that would use it on Ouyang Xingyue, and what is his purpose?

"Xingyue, don't worry, I will definitely make you feel better." Ye Wutian said slowly while stroking Ouyang Xingyue's delicate face.

If there is really no way, he doesn't mind picking one of the Chu family sisters to be the dead ghost. He Ye Wutian has never been a good person. Since someone wants to force him, it depends on who is more sensible.

Ouyang Xingyue lay quietly on the bed, breathing gently as if she fell into a deep sleep, seeing Ye Wutian very uncomfortable.

"Don't stop me, let me in."

Just as Ye Wutian calmed down, he suddenly heard the sound of shouting and shouting from outside the door.

Opening the door, Ye Wutian saw Ouyang Gonggen and Ouyang Hao, and it was Ouyang Hao who was yelling.

"Boss, these two must go in and visit Miss Ouyang." Zhu Xiaosan took a step back, a little annoyed.

Ye Wutian nodded, stared at Ouyang Gonggen coldly, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Ouyang Gonggen's expression darkened, he hesitated before saying, "Xiaotian, Xingyue her?"

"I'm not dead yet, are you disappointed?" Ye Wutian responded coldly.

It stands to reason that Ouyang Gonggen is the father of Ouyang Xingyue. He should not be like this, but some of the things Ouyang Gonggen did in the past made him unacceptable. Even Ouyang Xingyue was very disappointed with this father. If the root was not Ouyang Xingyue's father, he might have been gone long ago.

"Ye Wutian, what do you mean, we are Xingyue's family. If something like this happened to Xingyue, you would dare to do it without telling us?" Ouyang Hao suddenly exclaimed in dissatisfaction, but in his eyes , but there was a flash of schadenfreude.

But this kind of expression was caught by Ye Wutian, and it was even more unhappy, "You also know that you are the family of Xingyue? I thought Xingyue's family was dead."


"Xiaotian, I know we had something wrong before, please forgive me, Xingyue?" Ouyang Gonggen hurriedly pulled Ouyang Hao.

After fighting for so long, they have already learned what kind of person Ye Wutian is, and this is not the time to say angry words.

"In a coma, it's like a vegetable." Ye Wutian didn't want to say it, but after thinking about it, this is Xingyue's family, so he no longer hides it.

"What?" Ouyang Gonggen's complexion suddenly changed, and he took two steps back, seemingly unbelievable.

"Are you serious?" Compared with Ouyang Gonggen's reaction, although Ouyang Hao put on a sad face, everyone could see the ecstasy in his eyes.

Ye Wutian was even more disgusted with him, and waved his hand, "Xingyue needs a rest, you all go."

"Wait, Ye Wutian, are you sure that Xingyue has become a vegetable?" Ouyang Hao hesitated and asked.

Ye Wutian just stared at Ouyang Hao coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Ouyang Hao couldn't help feeling cold all over, but the greed in his heart made him bite the bullet and said, "Since Xingyue is ill, then the position of president of Ouyang Group should be temporarily replaced by someone else. Our Ouyang Group is a big company, and we cannot do it because of Luckily couldn't wake up and fell into a leaderless situation."

Ye Wutian didn't speak, turned to look at Ouyang Gonggen, and asked, "Do you think so too, or is that the purpose of your visit today?"

Ouyang Gonggen looked embarrassed and said, "Xiaotian, we did hear that Xingyue had an accident, so we came to visit, but what Xiaohao said is true, since even you can't wake Xingyue, I'm afraid it is."

This is Ouyang Xingyue's family, Ye Wutian gave them a sarcastic look, "Did the old man ask you to come?"

In the entire Ouyang family, Ye Wutian had a better impression of Mr. Ouyang.

Ouyang Hao didn't know that Ye Wutian was already furious, and when he heard Ye Wutian's words, he thought that Ye Wutian was afraid of the old man, and immediately said, "Grandpa knows that we are coming, Ye Wutian, if Xingyue is sober, we will naturally be awake. I will protect her and continue to make her the president, but now, since she is temporarily unable to work, this matter should be settled as soon as possible."

Facing Ouyang Hao's shameless face, Ye Wutian couldn't bear it any longer, and snorted coldly, "Little San."

Zhu Xiaosan was very depressed about this title, but immediately stepped forward and said loudly, "Boss."

"Blow these two people out. If they don't get out, hit them and get out. Also, anyone from the Ouyang family will be blasted away from me in the future." Ye Wutian instructed ~ Zhu Xiaosan waved his hand immediately, and Ye Jiajun's bodyguards immediately surrounded Ouyang Hao and the two.

"Xiaotian, you can't." Ouyang Gonggen quickly exclaimed, how could this person be like this? He knew that Ouyang Hao's request was a bit excessive, but isn't this normal?

"I forgive you one last time, because you are Xingyue's father, but you shouldn't be like this." Ye Wutian gave him a cold look, then turned and left.

"Ye Wutian, dare you, who do you think you are, now it is a society ruled by law." Ouyang Hao was wrapped in bodyguards and shouted in horror, but Ye Wutian ignored him.

Soon, Ouyang Hao's screams and Ouyang Gonggen's scolding came from outside.

Ye Wutian was very tired of sending the annoying Ouyang family. These guys rushed over as soon as they got a chance. Isn't the lesson learned enough?

Just when he was upset, the phone rang, and Ye Wutian who answered the phone heard another bad news, and the Chaoqun Group was smashed.


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