Mad Doctor

Chapter 396: Great change

mad doctor

Chapter 396 The Great Change

When Ye Wutian opened his eyes for a moment, Xue Ying felt a dangerous breath, and the first reaction was to reach out and grab the samurai sword.

Ye Wutian, who opened his eyes, looked at Xue Ying, and there was a very strange evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Pure, fresh and handsome.

Through Ye Wutian's eyes, these words suddenly appeared in Xueying's brain,

At this time, Ye Wutian's eyes were like morning stars, and with his evil smile, it seemed that there would be no conflict at all, it was so natural and different.

dramatic change!

Xue Ying's beautiful eyes stared at Ye Wutian. At this moment, this man gave her a dangerous aura. Even she didn't know where the dangerous aura came from. He was still tied and seriously injured. In this case, she will be nervous.

As a special ninja, she must maintain a calm heart at all times and everywhere, and it was the first time since she became a ninja that she felt nervous like this.

"Xueying, do you want to let me go?" Ye Wutian asked, his voice was lazy, but it made people feel like they couldn't refuse.

"Are you alright?" Xue Ying always wanted to ask this question, and she finally couldn't help asking it.

Ye Wutian raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: "Do you want me to be okay?"

"Eight grids."

"Haha!" Ye Wutian burst out laughing, this fellow laughed happily and exaggeratedly.

Xue Ying seemed to be stimulated, and directly attacked Ye Wutian with a whip.

Facing the attacking whip, Ye Wutian didn't hide, and he couldn't hide either, so he let the whip hit him.

Seeing that Ye Wutian didn't even frown, Xue Ying was even more panicked, and immediately threw away the leather whip, holding the samurai sword and stabbed at Ye Wutian, ready to kill Ye Wutian with one knife, only this man died, then The danger will disappear!

"It's too late!" Seeing Xue Ying's samurai sword coming, Ye Wutian roared coldly, and then only heard a crisp 'click', and saw that the rope originally tied to his limbs suddenly broke.

This move made Xue Ying even more shocked. She moved faster and tried to kill Ye Wutian with one knife. Unfortunately, her movements were fast, but Ye Wutian's movements were also not slow. Successfully avoided it.

The knife failed, Xue Ying stopped and did not stop, and directly waved the knife and slashed towards Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian, who had just avoided, had no choice but to roll with a donkey to avoid the second knife.

It has to be said that Ye Wutian is very embarrassed. He only has a pair of underwear on his body, and he has many scars. Now he has to use this kind of donkey rolling to avoid the samurai sword.

No matter how embarrassed, as long as you can live, it is worse than anything else. It is better to die than live.

Seeing that the second knife failed again, Xue Ying wanted to kill Ye Wutian even more. This man will not die, and there will be endless troubles!

Seeing the third sword strike, Ye Wutian used a bounce on the spot this time, and then a flipped to avoid the samurai sword.

After the eight explosions in a row just now, Ye Wutian can feel his own changes. The amazing change, and now he can avoid Xue Ying's several knives in a row, completely thanks to the eight explosions just now.

Now he has the degree and strength, but he suffers from no moves. This is like having a treasure house, but he doesn't know how to dig it.

Fighting against a top-level expert like Xue Ying, strength and speed alone are not enough, you will be safe for a while, but over time, you will definitely suffer, and sooner or later you will die under the Xue Ying knife.

You may not be afraid of whiplashes, but you will definitely be afraid of samurai swords, especially Xue Ying, a samurai sword that cuts iron like mud. Ye Wutian dare not be so arrogant that he uses his own body to block it. No matter how hard his body is, it cannot be hard. floor.

After a few embarrassed dodges, Ye Wutian knew that he had to find a way and could not continue like this.

"Wait!" Ye Wutian said: "Xueying, I agree to be tied by you again."

These words made Xue Ying stunned for a while, and he couldn't understand what Ye Wutian meant, but he did not stop Xue Ying, but moved faster, "I'm not used to talking to dead people."

Ye Wutian madly sweats, what does this woman mean? Consider him dead?

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at his trousers several times. If he was allowed to get his trousers and wanted to clean up Xue Ying, it would be an easy task. Unfortunately, Xue Ying stopped her, and it was not an option to get around her and get those medicines. Easy.

Paralyzed, what should I do?

Suddenly, Xue Ying disappeared, and the stinky woman began to use ninjutsu.

If she didn't use ninjutsu, he was no longer her opponent, and now she used ninjutsu, which made his head even bigger.


Intuition told Ye Wutian that it was very dangerous, so he subconsciously avoided it to the left, saying that it was too late. Although he had avoided fast enough, he was still stabbed by Xue Ying's samurai sword. Fortunately, this sword Just let him hurt on the surface of the skin.

Ye Wutian broke out in a cold sweat, Xue Ying clearly wanted his life, her skill was so high, and she was in the dark, how long could he avoid it? He was able to avoid it entirely by virtue of his agile movements and senses.

"Stinky San. Eight, don't use ninjutsu if you have a kind, don't you dare to come out and meet people? Come out, let's fight for 300 rounds, what's the point of hiding like this? Come out."

"Whoosh!" There was a hint of danger in the air, Ye Wutian didn't have time to think about it, and quickly flashed to the right.

"Paralyzed, fight." Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to his pants, Ye Wutian knew that he had no option to retreat, so he immediately rushed forward with his teeth gritted.

Xue Ying seemed to understand Ye Wutian's intention, and then several knives and flowers went towards Ye Wutian, successfully forcing Ye Wutian to retreat.

Ye Wutian, who took a few steps back, was very distressed, there was nothing in the basement that could be used to resist.


It was another two swords. This time, Ye Wutian relied on his own speed and reaction to avoid it again. However, this time he avoided it more dangerously than any time just After successfully avoiding He only felt a chill on his lower body, and when he looked down, he saw that his underwear was torn by the sharp blade, and then fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

This time, Ye Wutian was dumbfounded, there was nothing, and his body was naked, which made Wutian's classmates very awkward.

"Hey, little lecherous girl, you are so lewd." After reacting from the shock, Ye Wutian couldn't help but smile: "How? The capital is good, right? Is it much stronger than the men in your island country? I have Sora has also enjoyed those so-called films of your island country, shit! What size is that? It looks like a small caterpillar."

"Bag, you're dead." Xue Ying snorted coldly, stopped using ninjutsu, raised the samurai sword to the right shoulder, the blade was facing Ye Wutian, ready to attack at any time.

"I know that in your hands, I will definitely die, but don't worry, if you fall into my hands, I will definitely not kill you. How could I be willing to kill you for such a beautiful woman as you?" Ye Wu Tian deliberately glanced at Xueying's chest: "The chest is a little smaller, I will enlarge your **** for you."

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