Mad Doctor

Chapter 536: break up the engagement

The two inspection reports are true. How did the two people with advanced liver cancer find the enemy behind the scenes? How did he think of finding such two people? What the hell!

Finding such two people, two people who are not afraid of death, for them, sooner or later, they are going to die anyway. Suffering from this kind of disease is already equivalent to being sentenced to death. What else can such people dare to do? Not to mention just flying a plane, even if you let them kill, as long as you give them enough benefits, they will dare to do it.

It is not difficult to find two seriously ill people at the same time, but the difficulty is that they can fly a plane.

For the two arrested drivers, everyone present knew who the other was. When the guests heard that the two were terminally ill, they all laughed wryly. It was really powerful. This was another killer move. , a killer move that drives Yu Jia crazy.

What if you caught someone? Everyone is a dying person, so what if they are caught? If you catch it, you can only stare blankly, don't try to use any means to dig out any useful value from their mouths.

What's more, one of the two is still single, one of whom has enough to feed the whole family and is not hungry. He once had a marriage, but it didn't last long. He had no children and no family. As for the other, he had a family. But the family is the kind of honest people, and the ancestors have been farmers in the deep valleys for several generations. You can't arrest such a farmer, right?

To say that the two have something in common, the only thing they have in common is that they were both soldiers. They used to be soldiers, but they were only ordinary arms. He has set up stalls and even worked as a plasterer.

The old man put down the two checklists and looked up at the other two, "You are soldiers."

The other two didn't speak, and they didn't intend to speak when they looked like that.

The old man said again: "Although I sympathize with your situation, it must not be an excuse for you, do you understand?"

The two still didn't speak, they just looked at the old man like that. They were not stupid. They knew who the old man was in front of them. To be honest, they were still very shocked. They didn't expect to see the vice chairman of the Military Commission one day. .

"I can give you a little time to think about it, I hope you can tell me what I want, you have to remember that the country will never allow criminals to run amuck, no matter whoever dares to touch the majesty of the law, they must pay the price ."

The two were quickly taken away, and the old man knew that he would not be able to find any useful value from the other party. Suddenly, the old man felt a little frustrated. It was this frustration that made him very uncomfortable. , but was played like a monkey.

"Dad, what should I do next?" Yu Taitao was not reconciled. The murderer was caught, but only two people were brought back. No matter what, he was not reconciled. Perhaps the enemy behind the scenes would be smiling proudly. incompetence at home.

Yu Taitao is the kind of person who is brave and resourceful. Let him fight and train his subordinates, which is his strength, but let him analyze this and that with his brain, he really can't do it.

The old man asked: "What is Ye Wutian's reaction?"

"Calm down, as if nothing was wrong."

"Take him back and ask."

Yu Taitao was overjoyed, what he was waiting for was this sentence, he turned around and left now, only Ye Wutian was the most suspicious.

"Bang!" The door was pushed open, and Yu Qicheng rushed in angrily, "Grandpa, the Xu family wants to break off the marriage?"

At the foot of the old man, he walked in front of his grandson, and he stretched out his hand and slapped him a few times. This unfilial beast dared to come in?

Yu Qicheng was stunned by the beating, but he didn't dare to refute it. At this time, he began to regret it, and he shouldn't have come in. Is this not worth beating? Grandpa was angry, and he ran in openly.

"Bastard." After a few slaps, the old man scolded again, "Come here, arrest him for a month, and no one will let him out without my permission."

Yu Qicheng's legs were weak, and he was so regretful that even his intestines turned green. If he knew that he would not dare to come in after killing him like this, what was planned? That month of confinement was the reason for his fear. After a month of confinement, there were no entertainment facilities, not even a TV, let alone a computer. He could only face four walls all day, and the top of his head was still in the open air. That is to say, the situation will be even more pitiful when it encounters wind and rain. He can only let the wind blow and rain, and stay in such a bad environment for a month, Yu Qicheng is afraid that he will go crazy.

"Grandpa, please let me go this time, I promise I will never dare again." Yu Qicheng fell to his knees with a thud, hoping to let him go.

The old man ignored his grandson's plea for mercy, and glared fiercely at the guards on both sides, "What are you still doing? Do you want me to invite you to dinner?"

"Grandpa, I don't dare anymore. Please let me go. I don't dare anymore. Grandpa, I don't want to be locked up."

"Pull it out." After the old man roared, two guards took Yu Qicheng out. The rest of the Yu family didn't dare to say anything about it, especially Yu Qicheng's mother, who couldn't bear to see her son go. To endure that kind of hardship, but in front of the old man, she did not dare to say too much. The old man has absolute authority at home, and no one in the family dares to challenge his authority.

"Grandpa, please let me go, I really don't dare, I don't dare anymore." Yu Qicheng struggled and begged for mercy, hoping to let him go.

The old man Yu sat still, not at all interested in his grandson's pleas. He made this decision. On the one hand, he had to teach this beast a lesson, and on the other hand, he had to show it to some people, so as to stop the mouths of outsiders. .

"Listen to me, no one wants to help that bastard. After the confinement is full, I will send him to the army with the most difficult conditions." The old man said lightly.

No one spoke, who dared to refute the old man's meaning, and didn't want to touch that bad head.

Outside, Xu Shoucheng stood on the stage, facing the many guests under the stage, he said: "Dear guests, friends, because too many things happened today, so after my Xu family and Yu family discussed and decided, I decided to cancel the For this marriage, on behalf of the Xu family, I would like to say sorry to everyone." After speaking, Xu Shoucheng bowed.

Xu Shoucheng's words made all the guests under the stage dumbfounded. Damn! Dissolve the marriage? I have to say that this is another big news. It seems that today is destined to be a special day. As Xu Shoucheng said, too many things happened today, one after another.

Although Xu Ying already knew that it was impossible for her to get engaged to Yu Qicheng, she still cried with joy when she heard her father's announcement, and she felt relieved.

"Sister, it's okay." Xu Shishi put her arms around Xu Ying's arm, "It's all over, everything is over."

Xu Ying wiped away tears, and Mei Mu looked left and right, as if she was looking for someone.

"That guy was taken away." Xu Shishi knew who her sister was looking for.

"Take it away?" Xu Ying couldn't even wipe away her tears, "Why did you take him away? Do you know who took it away?"

"At home."

This time, Xu Ying's brows were even more wrinkled, "What do they want to do? Will they take tough measures?"

"Sister, don't worry about it, it's okay to let that kid suffer, it's not a thing."

Xu Ying couldn't listen at all, thinking about what the Yu family wanted to do, why did he take Ye Wutian away?

It was a beautiful marriage, but because of a ridiculous incident, the marriage was ruined, and people don't know what to say. Most of the people here have attended various wedding banquets, but like this one Such a bizarre wedding banquet, none of them had ever met before, and they broke up the engagement on the spot, as if they were acting.

The news of the dissolution of the engagement spread like wings, including the grief and music at the wedding scene, and the broadcast of Yu Qicheng's video, etc. The more it spread, the more versions it spread, and at the end, some people said it was the bride. The joint plan of Zi Xuying and Ye Wutian.

The dissolution of the engagement of the Xu Yu family was both expected and unexpected. The video of Yu Qicheng was exposed, and the Xu family must have responded, otherwise how would outsiders view the Xu family? Knowing that Yu Qicheng is such a person, can the Xu family accept it?

Unexpectedly, the Xu family is a bit bold. Even if this happened today, the fact that the old man is the deputy of the Military Commission cannot be changed. Therefore, no matter what, he is still a person with great power. The Xu family objected to this marriage. It means that you can't follow Yujia to relatives, and you can't get Yujia's help.

The two detainees were locked in a basement. No matter how they were asked, they would not speak. Even in the face of beatings, they gritted their teeth and begged for death.

"You are all smart people. You should know what to do. I have at least a hundred ways to deal with you." A second lieutenant held an iron rod the size of a thumb. The iron rod was covered in blood. So startling.

"Tell me, did Ye Wutian instruct you to do this?" The second lieutenant raised the iron rod in his hand again, and it was possible to smash it down at any time.

The two who were bound by Wu Hua Da raised their heads slightly and glanced at the iron rod, then slowly closed their eyes, taking it seriously.

The second lieutenant was a little stunned. The bones of these two people are very hard. No matter how you beat them, don't say anything. The worst thing is that you can't use too much force. If you are not careful, you may kill them. Die, at least not now, or in his hands.

Ye Wutian was also taken to a room, Yu Taitao was sitting opposite him, and behind Yu Taitao stood two strong men, not only that, but also three people standing behind Ye Wutian, all of them staring at each other. Looking at Ye Wutian, there is no doubt that as long as Ye Wutian dares to move, these people will definitely shoot at the first time.

"Are you trying to make a trick?" Ye Wutian looked at Yu Taitao nonchalantly, not taking the scene in front of him to heart at all.

Yu Taitao asked, "Do you think we have never been able to find evidence?"

"What evidence?" Ye Wutian sneered: "If you want to beat it, just do Are you really not afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid? Just because of your surname Yu? Because you have the support of the army? Or because of something else?"

"Crack!" Yu Taitao suddenly slapped the table: "Ye Wutian, don't be too presumptuous."

"Are you presumptuous?" Ye Wutian didn't take it seriously: "If you have the surname Yu, you can show it if you have evidence. If you don't have any evidence, don't talk nonsense. Don't think that your surname is Yu and you can do anything to me. Let me tell you, I don't. I like to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble."

Yu Taitao was stunned for a while, he did not succeed in intimidating, but was intimidated by Ye Wutian.

"Don't be too complacent. We have obtained preliminary evidence, and the two have already explained some things, so we will not disappoint you." Yu Taitao said.

Uncle Ye shrank his body exaggeratedly, "Damn! I'm so scared, don't scare me, okay?"

Yu Taitao's face was ashen, his mouth twitched, staring at Ye Wutian for a while, "Bring those two over here."

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