Mad Doctor

Chapter 573: stab you once

When Ye Wutian looked at the other party, the other party also discovered Ye Wutian, with a hint of surprise on his face, obviously did not expect to meet Ye Wutian here. 【

Uncle Ye smiled at the other party, and it seemed to become more and more interesting. How do you say something? It's not that enemies don't get together.

"It's such a coincidence?" Ye Wutian said with a smile: "Let's have a good chat for a while, but I still remember the knife you gave me, my sister."

The other party didn't seem to take Ye Wutian's words to heart at all, and walked to the sixth master with a cold expression.

Ye Wutian fell into a self-indulge, all his thoughts were on the other party, and he lost the meaning of continuing to gamble.

The person who came in was none other than the man who pretended to be a passerby, a woman who had hands on Ye Wutian, the vicious woman who smeared poison on the knife.

I didn't expect to meet her here, just right, old hatred and new hatred can be counted together.

Ye Wutian has always been very strange, how did the dead old woman beside Feng Fairy get to know this woman? But now this woman seems to know the sixth master again, and seems to be the subordinate of the sixth master. Does it mean that the dead old woman and Yang Langzi also knew each other early in the morning? Only this explanation works.

The gambling boat belongs to Yang Langzi, and the sixth master is also the one whom Yang Langzi invited to manage the gambling boat at a high price. So, what is the relationship between the old woman and Yang Langzi?

So complicated!

"Beauty, don't ignore me, I was looking for you, you gave me a knife that day, and I almost died in your hands, today we have a chance to meet again, no matter what, I must take revenge, #### a shot. "Speaking, Ye Wutian moved his waist, and his face showed a hideous and cruel smile.

The woman's eyebrows tightened, and she seemed very unhappy. Today, she was wearing a cheongsam, and the slits on the robe were so high that she could see the bottom of her thighs just a little bit.

I have to admit that this woman still has a bit of beauty. Although it is not a national beauty, she has a unique charm, especially against the cheongsam, which highlights her plump and graceful body.

The young woman lowered her head slightly and whispered something in Liu Ye's ear, but her eyes were on Ye Wutian's side. You don't need to guess to know that the topic is definitely related to our Uncle Ye.

Liu Ye nodded slightly, but didn't say anything, and even his expression didn't change in the slightest.

"Let's start, just guess the size." The appearance of the young woman made Ye Wutian lose interest, hoping to resolve the matter in front of him as soon as possible.

At this moment, a middle-aged man sat opposite Ye Wutian, "I wonder how Mr. Ye wants to play?"

"Easiest, guess the size."

The other party smiled: "The lower limit is five million, and the upper limit is not capped."

Ye Wutian had to talk to the other party, and then pushed, "One billion."

The other party was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. This is the first time, so he played so hard? One billion in one shot?

Ye Wutian's arrogance shocked the people present, and even the sixth master was surprised.

The cheongsam young woman standing behind Liu Ye couldn't help but glance at Ye Wutian.

Because Ye Wutian's bet was too big, the middle-aged man sitting opposite Ye Wutian couldn't help but look at Liu Ye.

Liu Ye nodded slightly.

When he got the answer, the middle-aged man smiled: "Mr. Ye is very bold. Since that's the case, I'll play with you."

Everyone held their breaths, betting on one billion in the first hand? The next scene is absolutely hot.

"Mr. Ye, you are a guest, you come first." The other party politely stretched out his hand towards Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was not polite, took the dice cup and weighed it in his hand, "Is there any music?"

This question made everyone stunned, music? At this time, he still thinks about music? Depend on! Want to listen to music is not now, right? This kind of gambling is all about listening. When your music comes, how will people listen to it?

"Nothing is fine." After speaking, Ye Wutian stood up, and then patted the gaming table with his hands in full view.

Everyone frowned into black lines.

Just when everyone was impatient, Ye Wutian's other hand quickly manipulated the dice cup and shook it a few times, and he did not directly leave the table with a dice cup like the gambler in the movie, or even leave his hand at the table. Turning around dozens of times in midair, he, Ye Wutian, like a bar rookie, shook the dice cup on the table a few times.

"Okay, guess, what time is it?" Ye Wutian stopped with both hands, and he didn't pat the table at this time.

The middle-aged man was sweating on his forehead, and his attention just now was completely attracted by Ye Wutian's other hand clapping the table. Because of the influence, he didn't hear what time Ye Wutian was shaking at all.

Everyone has a headache for Ye Wutian's rogue approach, but you can't say anything, you can't say don't make noise, don't hinder me from listening.

"What time? Hurry up and guess." The impatient Ye Wutian said again.

The other party's forehead began to sweat, and he stared at the dice cup, he didn't know what time it was, what should he say?

"What? Don't dare to guess? Still can't guess?"

The sixth master finally changed his face, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Tell me."

"Ten... ten o'clock, no, thirteen o'clock." The middle-aged man couldn't be sure.

"Is it ten o'clock or thirteen?" Ye Wutian roared: "Do you want me to buy a late-night snack first? Master."

Ye Wutian deliberately bit the word "master" very hard, this fellow deliberately wanted to anger the other party.

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed a wicked look, "Thirteen."

Ye Wutian smiled and opened the dice cup, 11134. "Oh, sorry, ten o'clock."

The middle-aged man was mad for a while, he clearly guessed right, but he changed it himself.

One billion is in hand, and the first battle is won, Ye Wutian is in a good mood.

"I won this round. According to the regulations of your casino, I can make consecutive bankers." Ye Wutian put the five-particle dice into the dice cup with a relaxed expression, "Three billion."

In this game, Ye Wutian bet 3 billion, which was doubled.

"Follow, let's start." The middle-aged man seemed to be eager to find his way back. He lost the first game inexplicably and was unwilling to lose, so he naturally refused to accept it. Therefore, after receiving the nod from the sixth master, he couldn't wait to play the second game. Bureau.

The middle-aged man stared at the dice cup in Ye Wutian's hand, and his ears were already pricked up. This one must not be lost.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Wutian would repeat the old strategy, but they did not do that, but suddenly turned around and hugged Xue Ying's neck with his left hand and kissed it fiercely.

Such a hot scene is sure to attract attention, and everyone's attention was successfully attracted by Ye Wutian.

Everyone's glasses and chins fell to the ground, where is the day and integrity? Does this kid have any manners?

Xue Ying didn't resist, just stood there like a log, letting Ye Wutian kiss.

Everyone present is envious, such a bodyguard, who doesn't want to invite one?

While kissing Xue Ying, Ye Wutian was not idle, he flipped the dice cup with his right hand without shaking it.

After flipping the dice, the kid stopped kissing Xue Ying, although he still wanted to kiss, this was the first time Xue Ying stood so honestly and let him kiss.

"Guess, what time is it?" Ye Wutian smiled and looked at each other.

The middle-aged man is confused, what time is it? Does he know what time it is? Although he told himself repeatedly just now that he couldn't be distracted no matter what, but when Ye Wutian kissed the woman, he was still distracted, for a maximum of two seconds before and after.

Hit again!

The middle-aged man had to admit that he had been tricked again.

"You're a rogue." The young woman standing behind the sixth master sneered.

Ye Wutian turned around a little: "Rogue? When you meet Mr. ###, you won't think this young master is a rogue, but you will think that this young master is a man."

"You..." The young woman wanted to rush towards Ye Wutian in anger.

"Calm down." The sixth master said, and his words immediately calmed the young woman, not daring to do it again, but staring at Ye Wutian, if there was a chance, she would tear Ye Wutian without hesitation. Wutian, this kid is so hateful.

Ye Wutian showed a satisfied smile and gave a mouth shape to the young woman.

That young woman can easily see from Ye Wutian's mouth, that it must be those unheard of swear words again, poke poke? He really has that ability, and he has to be careful with her scissors.

"Let's start, don't waste everyone's time." Ye Wutian said expressionlessly.

"Twenty-three." After hesitating for a long time, the middle-aged man gave an answer.

Ye Wutian suddenly opened his mouth wide, his hands tightly clasped to cover his mouth, "Oh Maiga, oh Maiga, how do you know."

In such a panic, the sixth master felt relieved. Did you guess it?

In particular, the middle-aged man was even more ecstatic. This round cost 2 billion. If he lost, the sixth master would most likely take him to reclaim the sea.

The two games together, three billion, can the sixth master not be angry?

The deified Ye Wutian opened the dice cup in front of everyone's eyes, and there was no twenty-three o'clock in it at all, that is to say, the middle-aged man guessed wrong again.

Seeing that he guessed wrong, the middle-aged man's face changed dramatically, he lost two games in a row, and he lost under such circumstances, to a little-known kid in the casino world, he was not reconciled.

"You cheated." The middle-aged man lost his mind, pointed at Ye Wutian and yelled.

Ye Wutian made a tsk tsk in his mouth, and kept shaking his head, "Look, this kind of belly, Liu Ye, do you only have this kind of belly?"

Liu Ye was speechless and sat on the sofa with a pale face.

"I'm sorry, I won this game again, but I know you're not convinced and think I'm making small moves, okay, I won't make any small moves in this game, and I will definitely not make any noise to disturb you. Let's take a serious bet." Ye Wutian said.

"it is good."

Ye Wutian smirked: "If you say it's not enough, let's ask the sixth master."

The middle-aged man blushed and couldn't help looking at Liu Ye. He really had no right to decide, but he hoped to bet on this game.

In the end, the sixth master agreed, and he couldn't help but let Ye Wutian look at this old man differently.

"Five billion." Ye Wutian reported a number, "Let's bet a fair game, let me see your strength."

The middle-aged man had a look of embarrassment. Compared with the previous round, this kid had added another 2 the amount was too large, and this number alone made his forehead sweat.

"Are you sure?" Sixth Master looked at the middle-aged man.


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