Mad Doctor

Chapter 586: I'll make arrangements for her

The mysterious person is Ye Wutian, and only this fellow will often do some upstart behavior, throwing money at people at every turn. As this fellow said, as long as it is a problem that money can solve, it is not a problem.

This fellow is all here for Xue Ying, to take revenge for Xue Ying. He is determined to destroy the two major gangs of the little devil, and at the same time, it is equivalent to avenging Wu Dong.

Whether it's the Yamaguchi Gang or the Ninja Organization, neither one is easy to mess with, but these days, money is the uncle, and if you can afford it, someone will dare to do it for you no matter how difficult it is.

Half a day later, three of the five killer groups have publicly stated that they would accept this task. With so much money there, who wouldn't be moved?

"Thank you." Xue Ying looked at Ye Wutian, did not hide, and faced Ye Wutian.

Looking at this stunning and beautiful woman in front of him, Ye Wutian felt itchy in his heart, swallowed his saliva and said, "Xueying, we haven't done that for a long time, why don't you repay me?"

It was the cold samurai sword that answered Ye Wutian, and Xue Ying pulled out the sword.

Ye Wutian, who was hanging around, said with a smile: "You know, I'm not afraid of you, and you can't attack me."

"I'm just your bodyguard." Xue Ying said coldly.

"You're half right, besides being my bodyguard, you're still my woman, Ye Wutian's woman."

"Eight grids."

Ye Wutian smirked, raised his hand lightly, and after a while, he heard a thud, and the samurai sword in Xue Ying's hand fell to the ground.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, how could you still be tricked, right? In fact, it's not a secret, the soft muscle powder I gave you before belongs to the first generation of products , and what I'm using now is the second generation, you have no antidote."

Xue Ying's face was terrifyingly heavy, but Ye Wutian didn't care about Xue Ying's murderous aura at all, he picked her up and put her on the sofa, and took off Xue Ying's clothes with three or three efforts.

Although it was not the first time I saw it, every time, Ye Wutian was deeply shocked.

Lightly hugging Xue Ying, Ye Wutian has an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, this woman can not be hugged by anyone, even if he is cheap, he has to use some invisible means to succeed.

"I must kill you." Xue Ying said suddenly.

Ye Wutian slammed his waist hard, "I'm reluctant to kill you, a beautiful woman like you should be used to sleep with her arms around her."

Xue Ying was so angry that she couldn't move at all at this time, or she didn't even want to move. No matter how cold-blooded a woman was, she couldn't change that she was a normal woman, so she could also feel the strangeness. wonderful.



Ye Wutian, who was in a comfortable body, lay lazily on the bed, thinking that it would be better if he could have a cigarette after the event at this time, but unfortunately he does not smoke very much.

Xue Ying has continued her cold expression as if nothing, as if the heroine just now was not her.

God always seems to have trouble with our uncle Ye, just as he is happily thinking about who to have dinner with at night, is it Ouyang Xingyue? Still Situ Wei, or Cheng Kexin from his family.

Suddenly, Ye Wutian realized that having more women is not a good thing.

"Director Zheng, are you going to ask for money? I'll tell you, you don't need to talk if you want money." Ye Wutian who answered the phone said.

Zheng Zhongren didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What are you talking about, kid? Could it be that in your heart, I am that kind of person?"

"It doesn't matter if you want money." Zheng Zhongren's call reminded Ye Wutian of the 10 billion that he was going for by Guoan, that was 10 billion! If you use that 10 billion to play in a nightclub, how much can you play with a senior dj princess? Even if Xiao Wutian's iron rod was ground into needles, he probably wouldn't be able to use up that much money.

"Brother, don't think of others as bad, there are still many good people in this world."

Ye Wutian listened impatiently, "It's alright, it's alright, you'd better tell me what's the matter."

"You did what happened to the killer group, right? There are very few people in the world who can be so prodigal."

Ye Wutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he didn't even think that he would have such a high level in these people, "It's me, what's the matter? It's not against the law, right?"

"I was just thinking, you really don't take money as money." With this method of spending money, apart from him, Ye Wutian, I'm afraid I really can't find a second one.

"I'm happy, okay? I'm happy to do it."

Zheng Zhongren said, "Get ready to invite me to dinner, I just helped you a lot."

"What's so busy?"

"Help you save Ye Feiqiao, is this a big favor?"

Ye Wutian was startled: "What's going on?"

"Ten minutes ago, we rescued Ye Feiqiao unintentionally, so do you think you should treat yourself?"

"Speak clearly, what's going on?" Ye Wutian didn't believe anything unintentional.

"Ye Zhejing escaped and tied Ye Feiqiao to deal with you."

"Where is Fei Qiao now?"

Zheng Zhongren said: "Send her back, brother, if you care about him, you'd better go and see her. I see her mood is not stable."

"Thank you, I'll invite you to dinner next time." After speaking, Ye Wutian hung up the phone directly, and then immediately called Xu Yuanhua's number: "Xu Bureau, you just do this? How could it be possible for someone to escape?"

After the call was connected, Ye Wutian rudely shouted at the phone.

Xu Yuanhua was also very depressed. He just found out about it. Fortunately, he didn't make a big mistake, otherwise he would cry without tears.

"This is our carelessness, sorry!"

Ye Wutian didn't give Xu Yuanhua a chance to apologize at all, and also hung up.

For some reason, Ye Wutian found that he seemed to be very nervous about his sister, although he usually pretended to be indifferent, but once he heard what happened to her, he was very concerned.

Ye Feiqiao was greatly stimulated, Ye Zhejing can be said to be her closest person, but he actually did something that was inferior to a beast, and dared to find someone to molest her, and then made it into a DV, this is still a relative ? Is it something a parent can do?

"Mom, I'm fine, it's all over." Ye Feiqiao wiped away her tears while comforting Ke Qiyun.

Ke Qiyun didn't know what to say at this time, but just sat there with his daughter in his arms and was sad.

Ye Hengdong sat there with a sullen face. This kind of thing was obviously something he didn't expect. It's obviously a family, so kidnapping is not a problem. The most unacceptable thing is that Ye Zhejing also found someone to insult Concubine Qiao.


Ye Hengdong wanted to scold people very much, and wanted to scold Ye Zhejing to the bone. If Ye Zhejing was here, he would definitely give him a few heavy slaps.

"Concubine Qiao, are you sure you're not reading the wrong person?" Ye Hengcai has been reluctant to believe, how is this possible? What would his son do? impossible.

"Brother, what do you mean? What do you mean Fei Qiao deliberately wronged that beast?" Ye Hengdong finally found an outlet.

"I didn't mean that, I just wanted to find out the reason." Ye Hengcai explained.

Ye Hengdong said: "There's nothing to say. We were wrong before, and we actually raised something that was inferior to a beast."

"####, be careful when you speak." Ye Hengcai roared.

"What's the measure? You tell me what's the measure? Do you want me to be polite to him? If he's here, I'll kill him."

"Enough, don't say a word." Ye Houteng slapped the table.

Seeing the old man speak, the brothers Ye Hengcai shut up.

Ye Houteng sighed, the defeat of Ye's group made him look much older, the company was gone, the Ye's Villa was gone, and he was forcibly kicked out. Now that this happened again, he was really sad.

"Brother, why are you here?" The sharp-eyed Ye Feiqiao found Ye Wutian coming out.

Ye Wutian came, and he was holding a rope in his hand with a bad face, but the one dragged by the rope was a person, a living and **** person.

The appearance of Ye Wutian was enough to surprise the Ye family, but when they saw the people being dragged by Ye Wutian with a rope, these people were even more shocked and speechless. It was none other than Ye Zhejing who was being dragged.

At this time, Ye Zhejing was seriously injured. Two iron rings passed through his feet respectively, and the rope was tied to the iron rings, which looked very strange.

There is another reason why Ye Houteng is shocked. Ye Zhejing has already been arrested, but now he was brought by Ye Wutian. How much energy does Ye Wutian have?

"Zhejing." Ye Hengcai was the first to react and rushed in front of Ye Zhejing. No matter what, this is his son. Even if it is not his own, Ye Hengcai is very uncomfortable seeing him suffer so much.

Ye Zhejing was seriously injured. Faced with the shouts of others, he didn't know how to answer at all because he was confused.

"Ye Wutian, how can you do this?" When Ye Hengcai saw the two big iron rings pass through Ye Zhejing's calf, Ye Hengcai's scalp was numb, such a cruel and outrageous method, isn't he afraid of retribution?

"Why can't I do this?" Ye Wutian sneered: "Why don't you ask what your son did?"

Ye Hengcai was asked.

"Brother, I'm fine now." Ye Feiqiao whispered.

Ye Wutian stared at Ye Feiqiao: "Why didn't you call me?"

"It's just a little thing, I can handle it."

"Ye Fei Qiao, is this also a trivial matter?" Ye Wutian roared like thunder.

Ye Feiqiao was taken aback, tears fell uncontrollably, and she looked pitiful, "Brother, I'm sorry."

Ke Qiyun made a relief: "Xiao Tian, ​​Fei Qiao was just frightened for a while, and didn't think much of it at all."

Ye Wutian suddenly pulled the rope hard, and the next second, Ye Zhejing, who was in a semi-consciousness, screamed.

"Remember, as long as I'm here, no one can bully you. Also, I'm your brother, remember me, I'm your Ye Feiqiao's eldest brother."

Ye Fei Qiao kept nodding her head, but her tears flowed even more fiercely. She was happy and happy. This was the first time Ye Wutian took the initiative to admit that it was her brother.

Ke Qiyun also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Ye Wutian could say this, Fei Qiao would not have to worry about her life in the future. With such a big brother here, who would dare to take her?

"Xiao Tian, ​​you came just right, Fei Qiao is about to I was thinking of letting her go to work, this incident has caused her a lot of damage, I hope work can help her recover ." Ke Qiyun said.

"I have my own arrangements for her affairs, but before that, I have to deal with him first." Ye Wutian looked back at Ye Zhejing, who was like a dead dog.

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