Mad Doctor

Chapter 598: Expectations

mad doctor

Chapter 410 The expectation of the fairy sister

Wu Qunsheng and the others were overjoyed. They didn't expect to win the game under Ye Wutian's rude harassment. No one could have imagined such an outcome. Even Ye Wutian himself would never have imagined that he would come in.

Jin Dongwan complained secretly, knowing that he was careless, and after Ye Wutian's trick, he was very confident in the prescription just prescribed. In fact, his prescription only needed ten doses to cure the patient.

In this game, he was unwilling to lose, but he also lost willingly!

Compared to Ye Wutian, he was still a step behind.

Jin Dongwan was very disappointed, and suddenly he was a little disheartened, maybe he really shouldn't have come to challenge Huaxia.

"You won." After a long time, Jin Dongwan sighed.

Ye Wutian smiled brightly: "Thank you, I'm sorry, I just won a game."

Following Ye Wutian's words, there was a burst of warm applause. Of course, at this time, you can't expect Xiaobangzi to give you applause. It would be nice if they didn't give you a knife. The applause was naturally Wu Qunsheng and the others. issued.

Pu Jieshui and the others finally showed their faces. When Ye Wutian took action just now, they saw it and knew that Ye Wutian used a special technique, but they only knew that Ye Wutian's technique was not simple, but they didn't know what technique Ye Wutian used.

Winning this round is entirely thanks to Xuan Yuan Qi technique. Classmate Wutian just doesn’t want to be too arrogant, otherwise he doesn’t have to pretend to massage the patient at all, and he will just use Xuan Yuan Qi technique to roam the patient’s major acupoints. In this way, we have to cover up with massage techniques.

"What kind of trick are you doing?" Pu Jieshui asked Ye Wutian through an interpreter.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, this is a family skill, it's not convenient to say."

"Qigong?" The unrepentant Pu Jieshui asked again.

Ye Wutian suddenly opened the topic: "If everyone has no opinion, then let's play the second game."

"It's not fair, it's not fair." Jin Zai said loudly, "It's unfair that he uses qigong."

Everyone at the scene looked at Jin Zai with contempt, including the people in the H country, who took two steps back consciously or not, as if they wanted to distance themselves from Jin Zai.

"It's not fair? You tell me, why is it unfair?" Ye Wutian was amused. From Jin Zai's words, it can be seen that the little stick is really shameless.

"Because you use qigong, we don't." Jin Zai didn't see anything wrong, the guy still felt good about himself.

"What is the purpose of your medical practice?"

"Of course it's to save lives."

"In that case, why can't you use other methods other than taking medicine? You tell me?"

Jin was choked by this, and the team vaguely guessed that something was wrong.

Ye Wutian didn't let go of the other party's meaning: "Ask again, you don't know qigong?"

Jin Zai was choked again, how could he know qigong? That thing is so mysterious.

"I guess you are not too young, right? At least older than me, I can, why can't you?"

Jin Jae was still speechless, he was about to go crazy.

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for not being good at learning and not being as good as others, so don't talk nonsense there. Why should patients take medicine for diseases that can't take medicine? Apart from financial affordability, is taking medicine good for patients? It's obviously a small effort, but you have to make patients suffer unnecessary pain. Is this your goal as a doctor? You don't want to be a doctor to cure more patients, you just want to make patients suffer more pain?"

After several questions in a row, Jin Zai was speechless, and he was not Ye Wutian's opponent at all when it came to bickering.

In the end, it was Zhou Huaichang who came out to speak. He didn't want the other party to be too embarrassed. Everything had to be done in moderation. It was too early, and it was too late. It was too early to teach the other party a lesson.

Since Ye Wutian won this game, the patient information in Ye Wutian's hand is not used or needed.

The second game was different from the first game. This time, one person was randomly selected from many patients, and then both sides conducted diagnosis and treatment to see who had the best method.

When patient No. 20 came out, it was a young man. When the patient was carried over, everyone present was shocked, because the patient was injured all over his body, and several parts of his arms had started to purulent, which was very dangerous.

The two sides began to send people to check the patient's pulse, which was the official start of the game.

The H country sent two people in a row to check the patient's pulse. Jin Dongwan was one of them. It is estimated that they were for insurance.

To Ye Wutian's disappointment, the three old men of Pu Jieshui still did not intend to take action.

This time, Ye Wutian came completely at the three old men, wanting to clean them up and find the answer for the old man Ning.

Although disappointed, classmate Wutian is not in a hurry. As long as the H country continues to lose, Park Jieshui and the others will always take action.

Ye Wutian didn't immediately go to check the pulse, but the servant turned to look at Fairy Feng without anyone else, "Sister Fairy, what do you think?"

Fairy Feng was stunned for a moment, perhaps not expecting Ye Wutian to speak to her.

Fairy Feng didn't speak, and didn't have much reaction, but the old woman who had been standing beside Fairy Feng suddenly opened her eyes and shot a gloomy gaze, which startled Ye Wutian. People's eyes are very scary.

The old woman's eyes were both warning and vigilant.

"There are many ways for doctors to treat this kind of burn." Fairy Feng said, her voice was gentle and beautiful, as if she was a fairy who didn't eat fireworks.

Ye Wutian found that it was worthwhile to attend this exchange meeting this time.

"I also hope that Sister Shenxian will give some pointers."

"Do you have a solution?" Fairy Feng didn't answer directly, but just asked such a question. In her heart, she had some and was a little nervous.

Everyone saw that Fairy Nianchufeng's calm expression had changed, but no one knew why she was like this. Could it be because Ye Wutian was handsome? Bullshit, Ye Wutian can only be regarded as worthy of the public at best, and has nothing to do with handsome.

The only explanation is that the two knew each other.

Ye Wutian was a little questioned, but he was a little excited and paralyzed. This bubbling beautiful fairy sister believed him? Shouldn't he be conquered by his arrogance just now? hey-hey.

At this time, Jin Dongwan and the others prescribed a prescription. This is a prescription for burns, and the effect is certain. In addition, in addition to such a prescription for external application, country H also prescribed a prescription for internal use. External response, can allow the injured to recover faster.

This time, Jin Dongwan didn't dare to ask for it, and after opening the recipe, he handed it to Park Jieshui and the others, hoping they could take action.

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