Mad Doctor

Chapter 644: Arrogant

Xu Yuanhua's first reaction was to think that he heard it wrong, how is this possible? Explosion again? The difference is that this time it was replaced by Ouyang Xingyue's car.

If Cheng Kexin's car exploded as an accident, what about Ouyang Xingyue's car now? Is it also an accident? Where in the world are there so many surprises?

Both Cheng Kexin and Ouyang Xingyue have something to do with Ye Wutian. Now that the two of them's car exploded before and after, what do outsiders think?

Xu Yuanhua felt a chill on his back. One case was enough to give him a headache. Now that he has another case, it will make him speechless to the extreme, and the pressure has increased exponentially.

"Everyone, Ms. Ouyang Xingyue's car also exploded just now, but fortunately no one was injured." Xu Yuanhua said with a cold face. He, the chief of the Dongcheng Police Department, has been in a lot of pain, and he encounters such hot-handed cases from time to time.

If these cases are handled well, that is what Xu Yuanhua should do. If they are not handled well, it is Xu Yuanhua's dereliction of duty, and he is incompetent as the director.

Of course, everything has two sides, Xu Yuanhua is very clear, but he really doesn't like this kind of anxious days.

After arranging several tasks urgently, Xu Yuanhua announced the meeting was dismissed. He walked out of the conference room to answer one call after another, all of which were related to Cheng Kexin's two cases.

"Secretary Gu, I will solve the case as soon as possible. At present, a large number of people have been mobilized to step up the investigation, hoping to find clues." In the secretary's office, Xu Yuanhua reported the progress of the case.

Gu An's life was not easy either. He was just scolded by the superiors, and the superiors scolded him directly, which made Gu An extremely stressed.

When this happened in Dongcheng, as the parent of Dongcheng, he could not escape the responsibility.

"Director Xu, keep an eye on it, three days, no matter what, you must solve the case within three days. Keep an eye on this case."

Xu Yuanhua secretly complained, three days? Time is too short, but what can he do? He could only listen to the orders given by the secretary.

"Has Ye Wutian contacted you?" Gu An asked after changing the subject.

"After a phone call, he should be back."

Gu An hummed: "Don't be careless, I don't care what method you use, as long as the case is solved, I will credit you for your credit."

In order to solve the case as soon as possible, Gu An also went out of his way. Only when the case is solved with the fastest speed can he explain it easily.

Leaving Gu'an's office, Xu Yuanhua sighed, this case was enough to make him devastated and drive him crazy, and within the three-day period, he could not guarantee that the case would be solved.

"Director Xu, please stay." Behind him, Zheng Zhongren's voice sounded.

The appearance of Zheng Zhongren made Xu Yuanhua's eyes bright, and most of the other party came for these two cases.

"Officer Xu, I don't mean anything to you. I'll go straight to the topic. Guoan is also investigating the two bombings." Zheng Zhongren said.

These words made Xu Yuanhua feel relieved for no reason. He smiled and said, "With the help of your national security, my pressure has been reduced a lot."

Zheng Zhongren didn't show a smile, but said, "This case is very tricky, I'm afraid Bureau Xu you won't be able to relax."

"Director Zheng, what did your national security find?"

Zheng Zhongren said: "We caught a few people, but the other party's mouth was tight and we couldn't ask anything for the time being."

Xu Yuanhua fell into deep thought. Zheng Zhongren's words made him unhappy, and even Guoan couldn't get those people to speak. This case is indeed very tricky.

"Xu Bureau, I'm looking for you today to discuss with you. I hope you can make things bigger. Our national security is working in the dark."

Xu Yuanhua instantly understood what the other party meant, nodded and said, "Okay, let's divide the labor and cooperate."

After getting the answer, Zheng Zhongren left soon. Like Xu Yuanhua, Zheng Zhongren was also under a lot of pressure.

Ye Wutian only learned when he walked out of the airport that Ouyang Xingyue's car was also bombed. When he heard this, he was stunned for a while.

Ouyang Xingyue's car was also bombed. Does this have anything to do with Cheng Kexin's car bombing?

Ye Wutian in the car didn't say a word, and the mysterious mountain suit man appeared in his mind again. There was no doubt that the other party became his first suspect.

After rushing back to the company and confirming that the two girls were all right, Ye Wutian breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to imagine, what if they were all in the car at the time?

Ye Wutian looked at Situ Wei, "Be careful."

Situ Wei asked, "Are you worried that they will deal with me?"


Situ Wei smiled charmingly: "I've never been afraid of this."

"It's one thing to be afraid or not, and it's another thing to be careless. I don't want you to be in trouble."

"Master, do you feel a headache? It's hard to protect so many of us, right?"

Ye Wutian blushed, this topic was really embarrassing, making him unable to answer.

"Don't worry about me, the person who wants my life hasn't been born yet, except you, of course."

Ye Wutian believed that Situ Wei's skills were very good, but no matter how skilled she was, she would be afraid of kitchen knives.

"The other party wants to give you a warning, what are you going to do about it?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

"People have been asked to find those people, and I'm not the only one who wants to find those people now."

Ouyang Xingyue said, "Even if you find those people, it's useless. You can't find the mastermind behind the scenes."

Ye Wutian was very depressed, thinking about it, it seemed like that, how could the mastermind behind the scenes be so easy to find?

"What about the capital, what are you going to do?"

"Ignore him, let's settle our own affairs first." Ye Wutian had no interest in helping Old Man Ma at all, "However, those people really shouldn't give me such a warning, they don't understand me."

The three girls all understand what Ye Wutian means. This guy, the more you warn him, the more he resists.

It's been a long time since I came back to Dongcheng, and there is still no news from the murderer. They bombed two cars in a row. The arrogance of the other party surprised Ye Wutian, and made Ye Wutian even more annoyed.

Ye Wutian has always been the kind of character who would rather I be blamed by the world than let the world be blamed on me. He went to play with others, and he didn't feel anything, but now let others play like this, and his whole body is uncomfortable.

"Director Zheng, what's going on with you? No progress has been made for so long." Ye Wutian looked at Zheng Zhongren with a bad tone.

Zheng Zhongren said: "After a few rushes in a row, they all came to nothing, brother, don't worry, this kind of thing can't be rushed."

Ye Wutian sneered, "You're standing and talking without back pain. Instead, your family members are threatened and intimidated. I think you're in a hurry."

Zheng Zhongren didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ye Wutian said again: "Again, I'm really not in a hurry, but I'm afraid the Ma family will be in a hurry, can you make the Ma family not worry?"

Zheng Zhongren was even more dumbfounded, what kind of family is the Ma family?

On the street, there are police everywhere. When they see suspicious people, they will come forward to check, or they will simply take them back to the police station.

Dongcheng is in chaos. According to Zhu Jian's call, there is chaos in the capital. His grandfather has been away from home for a long time, and he doesn't know where he went. He didn't even bring his secretary and guards. This is a rare thing. The family is optimistic about their own disciples, and they all keep a low profile.

Yu Family, Yu Qicheng, since he was cured of his madness, his whole person seems to have changed. He is no longer as arrogant as before, he has become calm, and of course, he has also become quiet.

The cigarettes in his hand were changed one after another, and he had been in a daze for a long time without noticing anyone standing behind him.

Yu Taitao looked at his son's back, and it was the first time that he found his son sitting there alone for so long. .

"Dad, is there something?" Finally, Yu Qicheng discovered his father's existence.

Yu Taitao walked up and sat opposite Yu Qicheng, "Why do you think so deeply?"

"The current situation of Yu's family."

Yu Taitao was stunned and looked at his son in surprise, suddenly feeling strange.

"Our family starts to stop, I'm worried." Yu Qicheng said.

"Tell me what you think."

"Ye Wutian."

"Ye Wutian? Do you want to cooperate with him?"

Yu Qicheng nodded: "He is a very special person."

"You don't hate him?" Yu Taitao was shocked, his son gave him too much shock today.

"Hate." Yu Qicheng replied, "But I'm more afraid of Yu's retreat."

"What are you going to do?"

"Be friends with him." Yu Qicheng said: "Ye Wutian has many enemies, I believe he will need allies very much."

"What if he doesn't agree?" Yu Taitao said, "You also said that he is a very special person."

Yu Qicheng fell into silence. He really didn't think about this, what if Ye Wutian didn't agree.

Yu Taitao smiled and patted his son's shoulder, "Take your time, it's useless to rush things, don't rush."

It has been a day since Ouyang Xingyue's car was bombed, but in the past day, neither the police nor the national security have any news.

With the passage of time, Ye Wutian began to feel more and more unable to sit still. He is not a person who likes to wait for the result.

Picked up the number left by the man in the mountain suit and called, but there was the sound of the phone being turned off, which made Ye Wutian feel depressed for a while.

"It's useless for you to be in a said Ouyang Xingyue.

"Can I be in a hurry? I don't like being played as a monkey." Ye Wutian said.

"Be careful, no matter how cunning a fox is, it will eventually show its tail."

"When you go out, bring more people, safety first."

"What are you going to do at Ma's house?"

Ye Wutian suddenly burst out with nameless fire, "It's none of my business, I'm not in the mood to care about them right now."

At this moment, Ouyang Xingyue's phone rang, her face changed when she answered the phone, and she said to the phone, "Protect good people."

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian asked, judging from Ouyang Xingyue's face, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Situ Wei was accused of being hit by an unlicensed truck, the car was destroyed, and the person was fine."

Ye Wutian was stunned at first, then slammed the table, full of murderous aura, "Bastard."

All the women around him are like this. Ye Wutian is very clear that the enemy just wanted to use this to intimidate him and make him retreat. He was arrogant, really arrogant.

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