Mad Doctor

Chapter 669: invisible woman

I never thought that Xu Ying would give such a piece, completely beyond Ye Wutian's expectations.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xu Ying asked.

Ye Wutian asked back, "You know what I want to ask."

"Is this important?"

"I'm curious about what kind of woman you are." Ye Wutian found that he didn't understand Xu Ying more and more and couldn't see through this woman.

Xu Ying smiled charmingly: "I can give you a chance to get to know me, how do you want to get to know me?"

Ye Wutian, who was smiling bitterly, took a step back, the fragrance from Xu Ying made him a little uncontrollable, but he couldn't mess around now. At this time, how much he hoped that Xiao Wutian was a healthy Xiao Wutian, and Not a blackened little Wutian.

"Answer me, how do you want me to give you a chance to let you know?" New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Facing Xu Ying's step-by-step approach, Ye Ye could only pretend that he couldn't hear it, otherwise he wouldn't know what kind of crazy things this woman would do.

I can't be provoked, so I can only hide!

"Can you tell me how you got these materials?"

Xu Yingmei's eyes were filled with disappointment and helplessness, and she looked at Ye Wutian with resentful eyes: "Is this very important? Just the information is useful to you."

"The question is, aren't you relatives?"

"It's just because I'm a relative that I'm going to tell you now that the relationship between me and them is not what you think."

Ye Wutian was silent, Xu Ying wanted to prove herself like this? Prove her innocence?

I don't understand, and I can't understand it. It's obviously a relative, but Xu Ying's actions now are undoubtedly a righteous extermination.

"Now, do you still doubt me like you did before?" Xu Ying asked.

Ye Wutian couldn't answer this question, and he didn't know how to answer it. All he could do was to pretend to be confused.

"Will you still avoid me like before?" Xu Ying didn't intend to let Ye Wutian go.

"If you don't speak, it means you acquiesce? It means you won't avoid me like you did before? Is that how you understand it?"

"Thank you."

"that's all?"

"Please eat." Ye Wutian said, "Two meals."

Xu Ying giggled and threw her eyes at Ye Wutian, "Add supper."

"it is good."

"It's almost the same." Xu Ying nodded with satisfaction: "As a thank you, do you want to hug me like a gentleman? Isn't this request too much?"

Ye Wutian was almost unable to resist, what was this all about? Is there such a requirement? It seemed that he was taking advantage of her no matter how he heard it.

In the end, she opened her arms and gently embraced Xu Ying. As she said, this condition is not excessive.

Feeling that his face was attacked, Ye Wutian let go of Xu Ying, facing Xu Ying's sneak attack, Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, and kept asking himself, isn't he very rogue? Why can't the rogue get up now?

"Let's kiss on the face for now. I guess you don't want to let me kiss."

"If the Yang family knew what you were doing, what would you do?"

Xu Ying asked, "Do you care about me? So you care about me too."

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Thank you, with your words, it proves that I'm not selfish."

Ye Wutian found that he shouldn't say anything, the only thing he should do is to leave and find an excuse to leave.

"Let's go? Didn't you mean to accompany me to dinner today?" Xu Ying looked at Ye Wutian's back: "Do men talk like this?"

Ye Wutian, who turned around, said, "I just want to go out and find a better restaurant."

Xu Ying rolled her eyes again, "I wouldn't say panic."

The sweaty Ye Wutian was waiting to explain a few more words, but the next second he was stupid, because Xu Ying took off the bath towel by himself. .

What does she want to do? In front of this scene, all men will think crooked, what exactly does this woman want to do?

Depressed Ye Wutian couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to tell her that Xiao Wutian was uncomfortable, even if she took off.

But if you tell her like this, while making her laugh, will she be despised again?

Xu Ying didn't come towards Ye Wutian, but if no one else put on clothes, underwear, underwear, and slowly dressed in an elegant manner. New Bayi Chinese website debut

Undoubtedly, such a scene is very shocking!

Maybe it was a psychological effect. Ye Wutian felt that time passed very fast. Fortunately, just when he was about to stop and bleed, Xu Ying finally put on his clothes slowly, making Ye Wutian feel relieved.

Every beautiful woman has the potential to be a fairy! At least Ye Wutian thinks so.

At Xu Ying's suggestion, the two ate in the restaurant of the hotel. Ye Wutian wanted to find a private room, but Xu Ying asked to sit in the living room, and also found a place by the floor-to-ceiling glass window to sit down, so that they could eat while eating. Enjoy the view outside.

After ordering the meal, Zheng Zhongren called and told Ye Wutian that, according to the information, the murderer who wanted to kill him was dead.

Ye Wutian responded with a few words, but did not tell the other party the truth.

"You're getting worse and worse." Xu Ying suddenly didn't ask any questions, and said Ye Wutian inexplicably.

"Why didn't you tell him that you found the murderer?"

Ye Wutian replied: "Is there a difference? With his strength, he will know sooner or later."

"Forget it, let's not talk about those things, we haven't eaten together for a long time, haven't we?"

Ye Wutian had no way of answering, and the relationship between the two would never return to the past. In front of Xu Ying, the more you talk, the more wrong you will be.

"Yo! What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." On the side, Yang Langzi walked up with his dangling-eyed bodyguard with a smile.

Ye Wutian is very depressed, this world is too small, he can meet acquaintances wherever he goes, and he is still someone he doesn't want to see, at least he doesn't want to see him now.

Ye Wutian clearly felt that because of Yang Langzi's appearance, Xu Ying felt a little uncomfortable, but soon returned to normal.

"Didn't you disturb the two of you?" Yang Langzi smiled, but he looked at Xu Ying more.

"Yes." Ye Wutian was not polite at all: "Yang Langzi, do you want to pick something up?"

Shaking his head, Yang Langzi smiled and replied, "No, come over and say hello. Since you meet, you should always ask for a hello."

"You mean you don't hate me? Even if I kill your grandma?"

The smile immediately froze on Yang Langzi's face, the corners of his mouth twitched and he looked at Ye Wutian gloomily: "I will remember this."

"That's the best." Ye Wutian was not afraid: "Go back and tell your grandfather, I will talk to him."

Yang Langzi returned to his previous smile: "I hope you have the last laugh."

"The fortune teller said that I can live to be ninety-nine years old, Yang Langzi, can you? Do you have such a long life?"

"It's a coincidence, I also asked a master to do the math for me two days ago. He said I was a hundred years old."

Ye Wutian sneered: "Then I can tell you responsibly now that the master you hired is definitely a magician, tell you, with your face, you can't live that long, at most two years. things."

"Presumptuous." The man with hanging eyes behind Yang Langzi stepped forward and roared at Ye Wutian.

With a sneer, Ye Wutian moved, his body flashed very fast, and in the next instant, a clear and loud slap sounded.

"Clap clap clap!"

Ye Wutian slapped his face several times in a row, "What the **** are you? Do you have the right to intervene? Your master didn't say anything. Which round got you to intervene?"

The man with hanging eyes wanted to resist, but he couldn't exert any strength, so he could only let Ye Wutian slap him.

After a few slaps, Ye Wutian patted his hands and returned to the original position. As the saying goes, you need to look at the owner when you beat a dog, but Ye Wutian didn't do that. Beating his bodyguard in front of Yang Langzi would be like hitting Yang Langzi's face. No difference.

Faced with what happened suddenly, Yang Langzi couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, but Ye Wutian actually beat his subordinates in front of him, what made him feel bad?

"Yang Langzi, what kind of eyes are you looking at? Are you unhappy with me? Go, call someone to come over, I'll be waiting here." Ye Wutian, who waved his hand, said.

What is arrogance? This is arrogance! Crazy arrogance!

"What are you still doing? Didn't understand what I said? Go away."

The hanging eye behind Yang Langzi pulled out the gun, but before he raised the gun, Yang Langzi stopped his subordinate's actions.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Ye Wutian sneered, with a playful expression on his face, and then looked back at Yang Langzi: "Yang Langzi, with the strength of your Yang family, should you find a few gunmen to deal with me? What's the matter, come on, find out and deal with me."

The furious Yang Langzi stretched out his hand and pointed at Ye Wutian, turned around and left without saying a word, this made Ye Wutian stunned, thinking to himself, why did Yang Langzi leave without saying a word?

Uncle Ye, who had humiliated Yang Langzi severely, was in a good mood. Looking at Yang Langzi's back, he didn't regret it, and it was no longer possible for him to become friends with the Yang family.

"Aren't you worried about his revenge?" Xu Ying asked after Yang Langzi left.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid." Xu Ying replied, "When he sees us today, he will definitely doubt that I will give you the information. I'm afraid my relationship with him will be broken in the"

"Do you regret it?" Ye Wutian asked, "It's too late to regret it now."

"Is there still time? Return the information to me?"

It was a joke, but Ye Wutian nodded: "Well, I can wait until I find the evidence before I settle the account with the Yang family."

"Will the Yang family believe it?"

"Probably not." Ye Wutian shook his head after thinking about it.

"If that's the case, why should I regret it? There is no way to regret a lot of things."

After the meal, Ye Wutian repeatedly refused Xu Ying's retention, and found an excuse to leave at will. He insulted Yang Langzi just now, but it was cool, but Yang Langzi is not a generous person, and he will definitely find a way to retaliate, so, Ye Wutian thinks that he has to be prepared, not to mention that he has evidence in hand, he does not want to wait any longer, and his patience is also very limited when dealing with the enemy.

Just after driving out of the parking lot, Ye Wutian found a dark head of people in front of him, and there were at least a hundred people in that battle.

Stepping on the brakes, looking through the window glass to the large group of people holding murder weapons, Ye Wutian smiled, helplessly, the people in front were full of ill-will, staring like wild wolves. Ye Wutian.

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