Mad Doctor

Chapter 699: Want to compare the strength of a loser with me

As soon as Ye Wutian opened his mouth, it was 10% higher than the current market price. This is a fact that the Ouyang family cannot accept. Even Ouyang Xingyue only asks for the current price, not 10% higher than the current price. .

This ten percent is already a huge amount, especially Ouyang Xingyue holds a lot of shares in Ouyang Group.

"Xingyue, what do you mean? Do you agree with what he said?" Ouyang Zhengren asked coldly. He had compared Ouyang Xingyue with Xu Ying more than once, and looked at Xu Ying, so caring for the family, for the family business , she can give everything, on the other hand, Ouyang Xingyue, everything is for herself, she thinks things from her own standpoint, only cares about her own interests, and even joins outsiders to deal with her own family, and she is also a woman, why? Is the difference between the two that big?

This matter made Ouyang Zhengren wonder.

If Ye Wutian knew that Ouyang Zhengren had such an idea, he would probably rush up to grab the other person's collar and then whipped wildly, and directly whipped this shameless guy into a pig's head. to what extent.

Ouyang Xingyue said inexplicably, "Aren't you used to it?"

Ouyang Zhengren was very choked by this, was he not used to it? Of course he is not used to it. It is obviously his own family business, but now he has an outsider involved. What is this? No one will get used to it.

"Everyone, don't you want to talk to me?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, but his smile was somewhat malicious and evil, "You still have to talk to me about this, because I am here. Interested, I want to talk to you."

"Ye Wutian, are you too arrogant?" Ouyang Hao sneered.

"Arrogant? Ouyang Hao, the first day you met me? The first day you knew I was arrogant? It seems that I have always been so arrogant, don't you know?"

"Call some security guards to come up." Ouyang Zhengren pressed the landline on the desk.

Ye Wutian said: "Security? Old dog Ouyang, do you dare to call security? Very well, I'll take your actions, and I decided to increase it by 20%. In other words, if you want to buy shares, you must give a ratio. Now the shares are 30% higher than the price, otherwise negotiable."

Everyone in the Ouyang family looked at Ye Wutian like a fool. If they didn't know Ye Wutian long ago, they would definitely think he was a fool. What did he say? Is this human? 10% is already outrageous, and now it needs to be increased by 20%?

What left the people of the Ouyang family speechless the most was that Ye Wutian seemed to want to threaten the Ouyang family.

"Do you all treat me as a fool?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Ouyang Zhengren said that you still know that others treat you like a fool? Just like you, who doesn't take you for a fool? New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Hey, I know what you guys think, but it doesn't matter, soon you will know that I'm not a fool, I'm just a lunatic at most." Ye Wutian said casually.

"What are you trying to say?" Ye Wutian's confident appearance made Ouyang Zhengren and the others a little uncertain, thinking about what kind of bad move this kid came up with.

"I want to say that there are two paths in front of you now, one is that you do as I say and raise the price by 30%, and the other is to let me lower the share price of your Ouyang Group, which one do you want to choose? Same?"

Ye Wutian's words made Ouyang Zhengren and others secretly shocked. They looked at Ye Wutian in disbelief, including Ouyang Xingyue, who couldn't help but glance at Ye Wutian, obviously she was also surprised.

"Don't look at me like that, you heard right, and I said it right." Ye Wutian said with a blushing face and a heartbeat, until now, his sunglasses have not been taken off.

"Who do you think you are?" Ouyang Zhengren was enraged. Ouyang Group is so weak? How do you let others pinch? impossible.

"My name is Ye Wutian, an amazing handsome guy who always creates miracles."

The sweat of everyone! This kid's cheek is really not ordinary, he calls himself a handsome guy, and he doesn't blushing like that. Such a person is indeed amazing enough.

"If you want to lower the stock price of Ouyang Group, you can't do it with just one sentence." Ouyang Hao sneered, he felt amused, Ye Wutian was a bit idiotic, and if he wanted to lower the shares of Ouyang Group, he could only start from two aspects. Negative news of Ouyang Group appeared, but during this time there was no negative news at all in Ouyang Jiyang, but there was a lot of good news. It should be impossible for Ye Wutian to lower the stock price of Ouyang Group through this aspect. A lot of money forcibly suppresses the stock price of Ouyang Group, but it is not easy to do this. Ye Wutian wants to start from this aspect. First of all, he must have a large amount of capital. Even so, this matter is killing the enemy and a thousand Only a fool will do this if he loses eight hundred.

"I know, thank you for your reminder, if you were an ordinary person, you might not do that, but don't forget, I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a handsome guy who is good at creating miracles, so how can this be difficult? I?"

Ouyang Hao sneered again: "Then I want to see how you did it."

"Eighty billion, I wonder if it's enough?" Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and shook it, "This money should be able to lower the stock price of Ouyang Group, right?"

Ouyang Zhengren was shocked, 80 billion? What does this kid mean? Does he want to use hard money to pull down Ouyang Group's share price?

At this moment, Ouyang Zhengren and the others all had some bad thoughts in their hearts, but they didn't want to believe it, and doing that wouldn't do him Ye Wutian any good.

"You want to lose both?" Ouyang Hao asked.

"Hey, you are really right, I just want to lose both sides, money is not the most important thing to me, the most important thing is the tone, whoever dares to bully my baby, I dare to play with him." Ye Wutian said: " How? Dare to play with me? Let's see who is more prodigal among us?"

The people present were choked up by Ye Wutian's words, prodigal? Who does this kid want to be more prodigal than? Could he be any more shameless?

"You have one minute to think about it. I hope you can answer me within a minute. Do you want to buy back the shares in the hands of my baby Xingyue, or are you going to fight with me?"

"Ye Wutian, do you think we will be afraid if you say this?" As the chairman of Ouyang Group, being threatened on this field is something that Ouyang Zhengren cannot accept.

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said: "Okay, I think I know your choice." After speaking, Ye Wutian turned to look at Ouyang Xingyue: "Baby, what do you think?"

Ouyang Xingyue did not speak, she was silent, and her silence made Ye Wutian understand, often times silence means permission.

Ye Wutian, who took out the phone, dialed a set of numbers, "Let's start, people don't accept my kindness, remember, don't save me money."

Ye Wutian's words made Ouyang Zhengren and others nervous again, this kid wants to play the real thing? Do you really want to do something that a fool wouldn't do? Do you really want to cause two defeats and fear injuries?

Eighty billion, although not enough to turn Ouyang Group's stock into waste paper, but enough to make Ouyang Group drink a pot.

After the phone call, Ye Wutian looked at everyone with a half-smiling smile: "Everyone, the show is about to begin, I hope you all have fun."

"It's not certain who will laugh at the end, Ye Wutian, I advise you not to be complacent." Ouyang Rengen said, gnashing his teeth in hatred for Ye Wutian, it is very difficult to meet such a person who never plays cards according to common sense. A headache.

Ye Wutian nodded: "Indeed, who will have the last laugh, it's hard to say at this time, but I advise you to remember one thing, I don't care about money and heartache, how about you? Can you also care?"

These words hit Ouyang Zhengren's heart like a heavy hammer, Ye Wutian can do it, can they? They can't do it, and they can't do it. They haven't reached the realm of treating money like dung. If they had that realm, they wouldn't bargain for the shares in Ouyang Xingyue's hands.

After a while, the phone on Ouyang Zhengren's desk rang. Hearing the phone ringing, everyone looked over subconsciously.

Ouyang Zhengren, who picked up the phone, quickly changed his expression. He glanced at Ye Wutian with deep meaning, and said to the phone, "I see."

At this time, several cell phones of Ouyang Rengen also rang. There was only one content. The stock of Ouyang Group was maliciously suppressed by mysterious funds.

After answering the phone, Ouyang Zhengren only knew that Ye Wutian wasn't joking, this **** was really joking.

"How? Is there any movement? Everyone, get your money ready. I hope you can have fun in the next game."

"Xingyue, what's your surname?" Ouyang Zhengren glared angrily. Now, Ouyang Zhengren's heart started to panic slowly. Facing 80 billion of funds, he couldn't calm down.

Ouyang Xingyue was as cold as ice and did not answer this question.

"Okay, don't embarrass her, you guys, I did the thing, if you come to you will only bully one woman, what kind of men are you?" Ye Wutian said contemptuously.

At this moment, the phone on Ouyang Zhengren's desk rang again, this time Ouyang Zhengren answered quickly. Sure enough, the call was about stocks.

"Keep it, you must keep it for me." Ouyang Zhengren almost shouted. The following report made him very angry. The opponent was too fierce and was beaten by surprise. In just a few minutes, the opponent had already smashed wildly. billions.

If the other party does this, what is a commercial war? It's just a matter of life, as Ye Wutian said, this is a waste of money, no one does this, and normal people will never do it.

"Let's go, it's boring to stay here." Ye Wutian took Ouyang Xingyue's little hand.

"Wait." Ouyang Zhengren shouted: "Xingyue, at the market price, all your shares will be sold back to Ouyang Group." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

The fact that Ouyang Zhengren can say this shows that he has already made concessions. When two tigers fight, one will be injured. No doubt, Ouyang Zhengren does not want to be injured, so he is smart and chooses to make concessions.

If you continue to fight with a lunatic like Ye Wutian, the loss will only be greater.

"I'm sorry, I changed my mind. My family's Xingyue shares will not be sold, because I think of a better way." Ye Wutian said ahead of time.

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