Mad Doctor

Chapter 819: Yuta Suwon

Chapter 819 Suwon Yuta

Ye Wutian didn't take Jiang Yu's challenge seriously at all, and he wasn't ready to take on it, otherwise, wouldn't he be very busy, Master Ye?

Of course, if the other party is beautiful, that's another matter!

I can't believe how beautiful the little stick looks, most of it was processed the day after tomorrow.

Ye Wutian was very busy. This fellow found that he couldn't stop at all. After a while, God would arrange some tricky things for him to play with. No, something happened to the gambling boat.

It's not that the gambling ship encounters pirates. With such strong security and firepower, which pirate dares not have eyes? Is it too long? Under this kind of firepower, rush to hijack the ship and die.

The gambling accident happened because Smith, the European gambling king, met his opponent and was defeated like a mountain. He was defeated by a young man who claimed to be the Asian gambling king. In two hours, the opponent had won 18 games in a row. The funds are as high as more than 16 billion.

Smith knew each other and knew each other. For many years, the opponent's strength was higher than him, and in all competitions, they could not win the opponent.

At this time, Smith's forehead was full of sweat. If he lost this game, the bet would be as high as 30 billion.

The shaking dice in his hand finally stopped, and Smith was full of confidence. In this round, he had already shown his best level, which was already the limit.

Smith was confident that it could roll out a good number. After taking a deep breath, he prepared to open the lid of the cup, but before he could reach it, Smith heard a strange noise in the cup.

The sound made Smith's face change greatly, and the emotions that had finally calmed down became tense again. He knew exactly what the sound meant just now.

Staring at his opponent in amazement, Smith knew that the number of points in the dice must have changed.

"Go on." The other party urged.

Smith didn't need to open to know that he would definitely lose this one.

Gritting his teeth, Smith knew that what should come would still come, so he opened the dice cup.

Sure enough, after he opened the dice cup, the number of points in it had changed. Originally, what he rolled out was five sixes, but it would only be four sixes, and the other one would be fives.

Smith was as uncomfortable as eating flies, his skills were inferior to others, and there was nothing to say. If he lost, he lost. Although he was reluctant to lose, he still lost.

"I lost." Smith said, looking rather frustrated, knowing that his opponent was out of a cat, he couldn't do anything, and his skills were inferior to others.

"Give me the money." The other party didn't care.

Smith waved his hand, and the croupier immediately pushed the chips over.

"Let's start the next round, I'll bet all." The youth said to Smith in fluent English.

Smith said, "Suihara Yuta, you should be satisfied, stop it."

Suwon Yuta, who was sitting opposite Smith, sneered: "Smith, you are getting less and less courageous."

Smith was so choked that he couldn't say a word for a long time. It was a helpless move to admit defeat to the opponent. If he continued to gamble, he would still lose.

At this moment, Smith knew that he could not win the opponent. The only thing he hoped was that Ye Wutian would arrive soon. Perhaps only Ye Wutian could win against Yuta Suwon and kill the opponent's arrogance.

"Such a big gambling boat, doesn't even have such a little tolerance? Smith, if you dare to gamble, then find someone to bet with me." Mizuhara Yuta didn't intend to stop.

"Suwon Yuta, don't be too much. This boat is a small business. Don't deceive people too much. If you want to win money and challenge, you should go to Las Vegas."

Suwon Yuta said: "I don't need you to control what I do, and you don't deserve it, especially now you, Smith, what do you look like now? Hugging in a boat all day to help others work, where is your arrogance in the past? Now? As you get older, have you become less courageous?"

Smith wanted to yell, if he wanted to be arrogant, he had to have capital. How could he be arrogant without strength? If he has powerful gambling skills, he is more powerful than Ye Wutian's pervert, and he will be proud, proud of people all over the world, but it is a pity that he does not have that kind of strength.

Smith's current idea is very simple, stay on this boat for two or three years, and then learn some gambling skills from Ye Wutian. He will go out and be proud when he comes. As for now, he can only be a man with his tail between his legs. , there is no other way.

"Ouyang Gambling King, Smith, you don't deserve this title." Suwon Yutai said contemptuously.

Smith clenched his hands under the table into fists, and the blue veins on his neck bulged, and he was very angry. Who could stand Yuta Suwon insulting him like this?

However, Smith endured it, and after trying his best to hold back, he said lightly: "Ashamed to say, I have not been the European gambling king for many years, and I will forget about it. If you like it, take it. ."

"Smith, betting on a person like you will get my hands dirty." Yuta Mizuhara felt helpless at Smith's stubborn attitude, and her words became more and more bitter.

Smith wasn't angry either. "Then don't gamble."

Suwon Yuta shook his head: "No, you have to gamble."

Smith looked at the other party, and said with the attitude of someone who had come over, he said earnestly: "Suiyuan Yuta, I have a piece of advice for you, stop it. If you win, leave quickly. The owner of this ship, you can't afford it."

It was a kind sentence, but it turned into irony in Suwon Yuta's ears, "I heard that Ye Wutian's gambling skills are very good, you can find him."

Smith sighed lightly, and saw the shadow of his past in Suwon Yuta, why was he not so arrogant back then?

"Huaxia is a magical country. They have a saying that those who know the current affairs are Junjie."

"So you are willing to be a slave?"

"The skills are not as good as people, I admit it."

"Bagge, Smith, you really let me down." Mizuhara Yuta scolded angrily.

Smith smiled and thought to himself, scolding him, he is indeed not the European gambling king he used to be, and his mentality and thinking have changed a lot.

"Let's start." Seeing that Smith wasn't angry, Suwon Yuta said again, "Continue to gamble."

"I won't bet with you."

Suwon Yuta asked, "Do you want me to gamble?"

In shock, Smith stood up on the spot, subconsciously trying to prevent Yuta Suwon from going down to the lobby on the first floor, but because of the too violent action, he accidentally bumped into the gaming table and made a loud noise.

Smith didn't care about the pain. He stood up and said, "Suhara Yuta, please respect yourself."

Let Suwon Yuta go down to the lobby on the first floor, but there is only one result, that is, the lobby on the first floor will be closed soon.

"If you don't want me to go down, you can bet with me. Of course, you can give me money for nothing." Suwon Yuta, who was extremely arrogant, said that he didn't take Smith seriously, and he didn't take this The behind-the-scenes boss of the ship takes it to heart.

"You have already won a lot. Huaxia still has a saying, you can be happy with contentment, and don't be too much."

Suwon Yuta replied, "You have ten seconds to think about it."

"I won't bet with you, and you can't go down. Besides, all the bets below are limited. With your status, can you see that kind of gambling?" Smith said so much, that is I hope they don't go down to the first floor.

"You seem to have forgotten that the limit on gambling is only for individuals. You limit my gambling. I can take other gamblers to gamble and teach them how to win. Are you okay with that?"

Smith secretly complained that the thing he was most worried about was still happening, and that was what he was most worried about, but he didn't expect that Yuta Suwon was not stupid.

Even if everyone only bets the minimum amount, there are so many gamblers below, and it is not enough for the gambling boats. With Suwon Yuta's technology and appeal, it will not take long for the gambling boats to go bankrupt. No amount of money is enough. lose.

"Have you decided yet?" Suwon Yuta asked, "My patience is limited."

"You really want to bet again, please wait a little longer, the boss of the gambling boat will be here soon." In desperation, Smith could only use the dragged word, hoping that Ye Wutian would arrive sooner.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuta Suwon said: "Okay, I'll give you half an hour. If you can't satisfy me by then, then I'm sorry, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

Watching Yuta Suwon leave, Smith fell into contemplation. He intuitively told him that Yuta Suwon was not here for him, the European gambling king. In the past few years, he had never won against Yuta Suwon. It is impossible to cause any threat to the opponent. As a strong person, if you want to make yourself stronger, you must constantly challenge the strong person. Only in this way can you make progress.

According to Smith's guess, Suwon Yu Taiji may come to Ye Wutian.

Suwon Yuta's gambling skills are very good, at least better than him, even so, he is not optimistic about the other party, who is Ye Wutian? It is a person with evil spirits all over his body, Suwon Yuta bet with Ye Wutian, and there is only one outcome.

When the helicopter landed on the boat, Smith stood on the tarmac for the first time. After Ye Wutian got off the plane, Smith immediately talked about everything.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Wutian did not speak, and listened carefully to Smith's narration. Until the end, Ye Wutian asked: "He is very powerful?"

This sentence made Smith go crazy for a thought for a long time before saying: "At least better than me."

"Let's go, I'll meet him, and the door is also a guest, don't make people wait for a long time, even if they are sent to the door to kill us, we have to be polite." Ye Wutian said.

Hearing this, Smith rolled his eyes again. This is even crazier, even crazier than Yuta Suwon. Not to mention, Smith is very much looking forward to the next game. Who will be better?

Suwon Yuta had already been informed that the person he was waiting for had come, and the Lord had come. He had been looking forward to today's battle for a long time.

Ye Wutian saw this Suwon Yutai for the first time, and he didn't like the other person. He couldn't tell the feeling, but Ye Wutian looked more at the man next to Suwon Yutai, "Sixth Master, long time no see, don't. Are you okay?"

I never thought that I would see Sixth Master here today, which really surprised Ye Wutian.

"Well, Mr. Ye, long time no see." Sixth Master cupped his hands.

Ye Wutian pointed at Suwon Yutai and asked the sixth master: "Your new master?" (m)

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