Mad Doctor

Chapter 826: You are so poisonous

Chapter 826 Your trick is really poisonous

The successful conclusion of the press conference also caused a great sensation. The news discussion pushed the Tianxin Hongyan Group to the forefront, and also made the name Nanshenwan a popular word.

It is just a Viagra, and Tianxin Hongyan Group has to give the product such an elegant name, Male God Pill.

Of course, the male **** pill is still very different from the ordinary Viagra on the market. Ordinary Viagra can only be effective for one time, and it will cause great harm to the body when used too much. The male **** pill is different, and has no side effects. After taking it, in addition to being effective at the time, it can also have a very good therapeutic effect. As long as it is not a congenital defect, the male **** pill can turn a man into a macho.

In recent years, due to various social pressures, many men have more or less ed, and some problems caused by excessive indulgence.

Originally, Ye Wutian had a name for the product, Mengnanwan, but after thinking about it, he thought that the name of the product was too vulgar, and such a good product must have an elegant name, so this fellow came up with such a name on his own. The name, a name he thinks is elegant, but the name he gave has been despised by several women, which made our uncle Ye depressed for a while, and kept thinking, this name is not good? He thought it sounded good, why didn't they like Mao?

Although the name of the product has caused controversy, it is good to have a controversy. Controversy can represent success. The most fear is obscurity. What Ye Wutian wants is to make the product popular amid the controversy.

As soon as the press conference was over, someone came to ask about cooperation matters. Many people were full of expectations for this male **** pill. The products launched by Tianxin Hongyan Group have become a guarantee and a guarantee of quality.

In terms of product promotion, the method used by Tianxin Hongyan Group is not the same as usual. This time the company took out a large batch of goods to send to some patients in need.

In just two hours, there have been hundreds of calls coming in, and the company's customer service has answered the phone with a soft touch. Some of these calls want to cooperate, some want to be agents, and some want to buy products.

Another interesting thing is that while the people are discussing the male **** pill, they are also discussing about who Ye Wutian will run the male **** pill this time and launch a new product, does it mean that Ye Wutian There will be another confidante by your side?

Everyone was very curious, wondering how Ye Wutian's product formulas came from, and wondering who his next confidante would be. As usual, a new woman would definitely appear. He Ye Wutian did this just for the sake of balance.

Ouyang Xingyue, Situ Wei, Cheng Kexin, Xu Ying, which one is not like this?

A day later, the orders for the male **** pills have reached billions, and the product has not been officially launched, so many orders have been won, and the sales are so hot that it is enough to make countless people jealous.

Orders are still coming like snowflakes. There is no doubt that Tianxin Hongyan Group has become the most profitable company in the world. There is no one, only the only one.

At the same time, some people also found the announcement on the official website of Tianxin Hongyan Group. It can be seen from the announcement that Tianxin Hongyan Group has suffered an abnormal and unfair blow, and some people with real power have used their power to restrict the export of products.

After the announcement was made public, many countries were outraged and held parades as soon as possible, asking their respective countries for instructions, asking China to stop this behavior and severely punish those people.

Tianhongyan Group has so many products and all patients in so many countries combined, the number is very scary.

In the face of protests from many foreign countries, the top government officials in China could not ignore it, and immediately dispatched the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to communicate, and at the same time, to find out the internal reasons.

It's just that those things are beyond Ye Wutian's control, and that's all he can do. As for the result, he doesn't know, so he can only wait.

"Brother, you are poisonous!" Zheng Zhongren gave Ye Wutian a thumbs up, "It's already in a mess."

Ye Wutian said: "You can't blame me for this, I'm just telling the truth, Director Zheng, you must know that I am a victim."

Zheng Zhongren laughed secretly, the victim? Perhaps he, Ye Wutian, was a victim, but he dared to say such a direct victim, and I was afraid that he was the only one, Ye Wutian.

Openly said on the company's official website that because he was suppressed by some powerful figures above, this kid's courage is really not ordinary, and anyone else would be afraid to say this.

"Hehe, no matter what, I'll serve you." Ye Wutian's move is equivalent to pulling countless accomplices in to deal with his enemies. This move is beautiful, can't you use your power to suppress our company? I can also bring my accomplices to crusade against you. No one can underestimate the pressure of speech, not to mention that in addition to countless patients, there are many countries.

"Thank you, to be praised by Director Zheng, it's a surprise, a real surprise."

Zheng Zhongren knew that in the face of this kind of pressure, some people at the top would definitely give in, and the one who won in the end would still belong to Ye Wutian.

"Let's get down to business, things on your ship may be a little troublesome." Zheng Zhongren came for this matter today.

"What's the answer to this?" Ye Wutian asked suspiciously.

"According to the intelligence, the people behind Yuta Suwon have not been very peaceful these two days, and they are likely to come towards you."

Zheng Zhongren's words made Ye Wutian feel depressed for a while, "What does it have to do with me? I didn't kill him."

"But don't forget, the boat is yours."

Ye Wutian was silent, Zheng Zhongren's words were right, Suwon Yutai died on his boat, he has a certain responsibility for this matter anyway, even if he has dealt with Liu Ye, he cannot let the incident subside.

"You don't need to worry too much. I just want to remind you to be careful during this time."

Ye Wutian is not worried about his own safety, he is even more afraid that the other party will attack the people around him, "Thank you, Director Zheng."

While the two were chatting, Ouyang Xingyue knocked on the door and came in, and said coldly to Ye Wutian, "Ouyang Zhengren wants to see you."

Abandoning these words, Ouyang Xingyue turned around and left, and it took less than ten seconds from entering to exiting.

"Brother, brother, I really admire you!" As a man, Zheng Zhongren admires Ye Wutian from the bottom of his heart. Both of them are men, but the difference is not even a little bit, it's almost 108,000 miles apart, Ouyang Xingyue who is it? Her cool beauty and status, is the dream lover in the hearts of many men? But let Ye Wutian succeed, of course, the two will come together, and there must be interests in the middle, but even so, it is enough to make countless men envious, and he is Zheng Zhongren.

"Okay, don't do your tricks, there are some things you can't envy, it's a matter of character." Ye Wutian said.

Zheng Zhongren was so choked that his teeth itch with hatred. This kid always hurts people when he exports. Why is his character bad? At least better than this kid Ye Wutian.

After sending Zheng Zhongren away, Ye Wutian walked into Ouyang Xingyue's office. Inside, the three Ouyang Zhengren brothers were already sitting there, but the expressions on their faces seemed a bit painful.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the three of them lost weight, and they covered their stomachs with their hands.

"Three, you are not welcome here." Ye Wutian, who entered Ouyang Xingyue's office, looked at the three brothers Ouyang Zhengren coldly, "You also want to come to me to cooperate, if that's the case, I'm sorry! I can tell you now, no. , there is no possibility of cooperation between me and you."

How could Ye Wutian not see the intention of Ouyang Zhengren brothers? At this time, they were still covering their stomachs with their hands. It was obvious that they still had stomachaches, so it was definitely not because of cooperation that they came here today.

The stock price of Ouyang Group has fallen to a historical low. The scandal of the board of directors has become a joke in the eyes of outsiders. It is difficult to reverse the impression of Ouyang Group.

"Xiaotian, help us." Ouyang Zhengren said, he had collapsed from the pain. He went to so many hospitals and looked for so many doctors, but he couldn't find any reason for their stomach pains. In desperation They can only take painkillers, but once the medicine wears off, the pain starts again.

This kind of pain is not enough to kill them, but it can also drive them crazy, make them irritable and unwilling to work.

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you meant, what can I help you with? What do you want me to help you with?" Ye Wutian pretended to be stupid.

"Help us relieve the pain, as long as you help us relieve the pain, our board of directors can promise to let Xingyue go back to serve as her deputy director." It was Ouyang Rengen who spoke.

Ye Wutian, who was suddenly enlightened, came to understand, "Oh, so that's the case, it turns out that you guys came to try my remedies."

Knowing that Ye Wutian was pretending to be crazy and selling stupid, Ouyang Zhengren and the others had no choice but to ask others to make them have to bow their heads. Now they are just a pitiful sick person, not a chairman, not a man of the moment.

"You are late." Ye Wutian deliberately paused.

Sure enough, Ouyang Zhengren was shocked. What did Ye Wutian mean by being late?

"I have decided not to sell the After gaining enough appetite, Ye Wutian continued: "Anyway, I am not short of that few dollars. "

"No, please help us. It was our fault in the past, please help." Ouyang Rengen had already given up. In order to make his stomach hurt, he didn't care so much, what face, status, It's all bullshit, health is the most important thing.

"Several, you are all smart people, you should know what I want."

"Except for this, you can open the conditions." Ouyang Zhengren said that except for him to abdicate, he can accept all other aspects.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Ouyang Zhengren, you still don't understand, if this kind of scandal occurs in your board of directors, if the company does not change, Ouyang Group will only have a dead end. At that time, Ouyang Group will become vulnerable and become an empty shell. What's the point of your chairman?"

Ouyang Zhengren's old face was like a dead fish, how could he not understand the truth? Just asking him to give way, he will not be reconciled, people are like that, and they still have to take chances until the last moment.

"Go back and take it easy! I won't sell the remedies." Ye Wutian waved his hand to drive away. (m)

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