Mad Doctor

Chapter 828: know the times

Chapter 828 is very aware of current affairs

The board meeting of Ouyang Group was held on the same day. At the meeting, Ouyang Xingyue not only collected some necessary materials, but the most eye-catching thing was the bag of words in her hand.

With such a small bag of plums in a meeting, Ouyang Xingyue was considered a pioneer.

However, it is such a small bag of huamei, but all the members of the board of directors can't stop paying attention, and licking their lips from time to time, as if it is not ordinary meimei, but the most delicious food in the world, eating one can prolong life hundred years old.

The directors participating in the meeting all know that although those words will not make them live a hundred years old, their health is inevitable. After eating the words, at least they will no longer have stomach pains. Ouyang Rengen is very good. example.

At the meeting, at the suggestion of Ouyang Rengen, the entire board of directors, except Ouyang Zhengren, Ouyang Gonggenzhi, and Ouyang Hao, agreed to make Ouyang Xingyue the chairman. Zhengren is no longer fit to be the chairman of the group.

Seeing so many directors raising their hands in approval, Ouyang Zhengren felt a sense of powerlessness.

The board of directors impeached his chairman with a repressive vote, and even if he wanted to be chairman again, it was impossible for him to remain in the seat.

He was mentally prepared beforehand. When the reality came to him, Ouyang Zhengren still could not accept this reality, and no one could oust him as the chairman.

After raising her hands to vote, the first thing Ouyang Xingyue did was to give each of the directors a piece of those words.

The directors who got the word plum immediately swallowed the word plum, and the stomach pain for the past few days has made them lose their temper.

After chatting about Mei, Ouyang Hao was the only one who didn't, making Ouyang Hao, who was eager to see through his eyes, want to cry without tears.

"What about mine?" Ouyang Hao asked.

Ouyang Xingyue raised the bag as an answer to Ouyang Hao's question. The words were gone. At the same time, Ouyang Xingyue was thinking, that guy must have deliberately counted the number of words. What a coincidence? Just three less?

The guy in her heart is naturally Ye Wutian. Ye Wutian has indeed counted Huamei, Ouyang Hao, the three of them, and he did not count them. In his words, Ouyang Hao and the others would not agree to let Xingyue be the director anyway. Long, there is no need to give them to the plum.

"Damn it!" Ouyang Hao scolded: "Ouyang Xingyue, do you have to do this?"

At this time, Ouyang Hao kept scolding Ouyang Xingyue in his heart, and even wanted to sell this woman to Africa to serve black people.

"What else do you want to say?" Ouyang Xingyue knew that the other party wouldn't like her, but in fact she didn't like Ouyang Hao either. Although they were brothers and sisters in name, they had no affection at all.

"Give me the antidote."

"Ouyang Hao, first of all, you have to figure out two things. First, it's not that I poisoned you. Second, I have no antidote. As for Huamei, I can see that it's gone now. You want to eat it. Go out and buy yourself, you can buy as much as you want."

When Ouyang Xingyue said this, she suddenly found herself speaking more and more like someone else, is this Jin Zhu Zhechi?

After eating the words, the directors no longer have stomach pains. They let out a long sigh of relief. They are so good to live and healthy. What if they have more money? Health is yours.

When Ouyang Xingyue stood up from her chair and walked to the chairman's seat to sit down, the whole process was very slow. When she sat down completely, many directors in the conference room couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Everything is settled!

Sitting in this seat, Ouyang Xingyue, who has always been calm, couldn't avoid a little excitement in her heart. Sitting in this seat, she had thought about it more than once, and many things were often not thought about, and it came again.

In just a short moment, Ouyang Xingyue thought about a lot, and the one who thought about it the most was someone. Before today, she was a little shameless about some things someone did, but now she has some changes in her opinion. In her opinion , those shameless practices are still very useful. Without such shameless practices, how could she sit in this position now?

"Chairman, Chairman." A director wearing glasses on the right shouted twice in a row, awakening Ouyang Xingyue who was in deep thought.

Ouyang Xingyue, who came back to her senses, apologized to everyone and said lightly: "Thank you for your support, I have the confidence to lead the company to a higher level."

"Chairman, what we should do at the moment is to raise the stock price and not let it fall any more," said another director.

Ouyang Xingyue nodded: "Well, I have already started to solve this problem, I believe there should be an answer tomorrow."

Unhappy Ouyang Zhengren asked, "How to solve it? Tell us your plan. As a director, we have the right to know."

Ouyang Xingyue turned to look at Ouyang Zhengren: "Are you in a hurry? Very upset? There will be a result tomorrow. Are you so anxious to know? Are you anxious to see me making a fool of yourself?"

Ouyang Zhengren was miserable. He wanted to see Ouyang Xingyue make a fool of himself. In the current situation of the company, without great performance and good news, it is difficult to change the company's image, and it is difficult for people to forget the scandal at the beginning.

The board meeting has not yet ended. It is known to the outside world that the chairman of Ouyang Group has been replaced. To everyone's surprise, when the news came out, the stock price of Ouyang Group rose by a few percentage points. Until the end of the meeting, the stock price increased even more. It's a ten percent increase.

In the face of such a result, no matter how dissatisfied Ouyang Zhengren is, he will not let go of his farts. The increase in the stock price is the best and most powerful proof. The board of directors unanimously agreed that it was right for Ouyang Xingyue to be the chairman. Ouyang Group In the current situation, if there is no reform, there is only a dead end.

"Dear directors, it has been proved that we are right. The increase in share price can best explain the problem. I believe that under the leadership of Ouyang Xingyue, our group will soon return to our glorious era." Ouyang Ren Geng was the first to applaud after speaking, full of smiles.

Ouyang Rengen's remarks made Ouyang Zhengren want to dig a hole in the ground to get in. This is a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo. Ouyang Zhengren showed that he was not capable.

Thinking of Ouyang Rengen's rebellion, Ouyang Zhengren's hatred for this younger brother became even stronger. If Ouyang Rengen hadn't insisted on holding a board meeting, he would not have been ousted today.


Ouyang Gonggen, who was sitting next to him, sat there enduring the faint stomach pain. From the corner of his eyes, he always looked at the big brother next to him. When he felt the hatred of the big brother, Ouyang Gonggen's mouth rose slightly, and in a flash, he returned to calm. .

Ye Wutian didn't pay attention to the affairs of the Ouyang Group. At this moment, his consultant was very busy, and he sighed that it was not easy to be a consultant.

"Consultant Ye, the patient's condition is recovering well." Wei Junzhi asked, and he was very happy to see the patient getting better every day.

Ye Wutian put down the inspection report in his hand, looked up and said to Wei Junzhi: "Junzhi, how do you know about Chinese medicine now?"

"I'm working hard." Wei Junzhi held back his excitement and answered Ye Wutian's question.

"Yeah." Ye Wutian is very satisfied with Wei Junzhi's attitude. He is not afraid of being stupid, but he is afraid of being lazy. Next, Ye Wutian took Wei Junzhi's test on several Chinese medicine questions. Wei Junzhi's answer was not very good, and Ye Wutian was not disappointed. , at least from this point it can be seen that Wei Junzhi is working hard.

"Keep your perseverance, you can ask me if you have any questions."

Wei Junzhi was ecstatic, waiting for Ye Wutian's words for a long time, that is, from today, Ye Wutian officially accepted his apprentice.

No matter what Ye Wutian thinks, Wei Junzhi regards himself as Ye Wutian's apprentice anyway!

After taking care of the work at hand, Ye Wutian took Wei Junzhi to the ward and took Ruth's pulse in person. After a while, Ye Wutian said: "Miss Ruth, your situation is basically the same, and you don't need to take the following treatment. If you live in the hospital, I will give you a prescription, and you can eat it at home."

Ruth was shocked: "Ye, are you saying that my illness is cured?"

Ye Wutian said with a slight smile: "It's enough to consolidate it."

"Oh, my God, Ye, you didn't lie to me?" It happened so suddenly that the unprepared Ruth was surprised. At the same time, the always optimistic Ruth burst into tears. Before Huaxia, she herself was about to give up. It can be said that Huaxia was her only hope, but it was really useful. It was this last hope that gave her a new life.

She was crying with joy and got up from the bed and hugged Ye Wutian tightly. Her life was given by Ye Wutian, and she was full of gratitude for this miraculous and young man.

Ruth's discharge from the hospital spread quickly. For a time, the whole hospital was boiling. Ruth gave them hope. Living here will give them a chance to recover and be discharged from the hospital like Ruth. This is what everyone wants to see. .

Ye Wutian's name is more and more spread, and it is even regarded as a god. Even Ruth's serious problems can be cured. What does this mean? It shows that Ye Wutian's medical skills are indeed remarkable.

Others don't know, but Ye Wutian himself knows very well that Ruth can be discharged from the hospital so quickly, and Zhang Jinggong is a Without the help of that woman, Ruth would never have been discharged from the hospital right now.

Thinking of Zhang Jing, Ye Wutian remembered that he seemed to have not seen each other for several days, where is that woman now? I haven't seen her for a while, so I miss her.

With the Ruth incident, the patients in the hospital strongly demanded that Ye Wutian treat them, even if they wanted to sign an unequal treaty, they were willing.

There is an endless stream of people who are pleading, looking for relationships, all of which want Ye Wutian to take action, so Uncle Ye has once again become a hot commodity, and Dongcheng Hospital has once again been pushed to a high place, and there are many patients who want to be admitted to the hospital. Even so, there are still countless patients coming from all over the world, once again making Dongcheng feel the pressure.

No one wants to die, as long as there is a chance, they will seek to live, Ye Wutian let them see hope.

For several days in a row, the number of patients who came to Dongcheng had reached the highest peak in history. Ye Wutian's name was conveyed, and at the end, Dr. Ye had become a genius doctor.

The patients who could not be admitted to the hospital could only stay outside the hospital, enclosing the Dongcheng Hospital on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. (m)

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