Mad Doctor

Chapter 837: This trick is very useful

Chapter 837 This trick is very useful

Zhu Xiaoyu was shocked when she heard the words, her body was trembling like a sieve, and her pretty face was terrifyingly pale.

"You, what are you doing?" Zhu Xiaoyu had an uncontrollable fear, "I want to leave, I want to go ashore, and I will never come to bet with you again, black shop, black boat, I want to get off the boat."

Ye Wutian ignored Zhu Xiaoyu's panic and looked at Hu Shi: "What are you still doing? Do you need me to say it again?"

Hu Shi hurriedly ordered Zhu Xiaoyu to be taken out, and Zhu Xiaoyu was even more shocked and tried desperately to struggle away, but her strength was not enough to struggle out of it. fatigue.

"Let go of me, what do you want to do? Let me go quickly, I want to go ashore, I want to leave, and if you don't let me go, I will go to the police." Zhu Xiaoyu, who couldn't struggle to get away, panicked, and a small face was already scared To be bloodless.

The ship is on the high seas, even if she is thrown into the sea now, it will be called Tian Tian should not work, and the ground will not work. Who can help her? Blindly yelling is nothing more than trying to embolden yourself.

"Hu Shi, just like treating the sixth master, first cut a few knives on Miss Zhu's leg, and then tied it and thrown it into the sea. I didn't watch the shark cannibalism last time, but today I finally got such a chance, Qian Don't miss it." Ye Wutian ordered.

Hu Shi nodded: "Yes, boss."

Zhu Xiaoyu was so frightened that she almost collapsed, and her psychological defense line was falling bit by bit.

"You guys, you can't do this to me, you have no right to do this." Zhu Xiaoyu shouted with sincerity and fear.

Nervous is chaotic. If she can be as calm as usual at this time, maybe she can find something. Although Ye Wutian ordered to throw it into the sea to feed the sharks, she has not moved, just let people grab her arms from left to right. .

Zhu Xiaoyu panicked, mainly because several key words appeared in her mind, sea, shark.

In Zhu Xiaoyu's eyes, Ye Wutian is a devil, a devil who dares to do anything.

"Does someone say you are beautiful?" Ye Wutian suddenly asked, "I think you are pretty, you say, if you die like this, it would be a pity, it would be a waste."

Zhu Xiaoyu almost didn't scold her mother, and she almost said that since she thought she was beautiful, then let her go, and why would Mao throw her into the sea to feed the sharks?

"The shark can eat a beauty like you, it should be very happy, I believe it will appreciate me and send such a beautiful beauty to let it eat." Ye Wutian said.

Hearing Ye Wutian's words every time, Zhu Xiaoyu's goosebumps became more and more severe, and she knew that her defense line was about to fall.

Zhu Xiaoyu is not stupid, he has already guessed the intention of Ye Wutian to find her.

At this moment, Ye Wutian shook his hand, and there was an extra small blade in his hand. The blade was gleaming with blue light under the light, as if to tell others that it was very sharp.

"Cut with this blade, Zhu Xiaoyu is a beautiful woman. Try not to make her feel pain. As men, we should be more generous and graceful." Ye Wutian stood up with the blade and walked towards Zhu Xiaoyu. "Sharks have a very keen sense of smell, and they can smell blood from hundreds of meters away. Miss Zhu, I'm very curious about how long you can support after you go to sea. Last time, the sixth master only supported less than three minutes. Several big sharks cut him to pieces."

Zhu Xiaoyu was shocked and pale, she had heard about the sixth master, although she didn't watch the situation at the scene at the time, she didn't know what the scene was when someone was torn apart by a shark, but she could only imagine it. Such a scene must be terrifying.

She didn't want to be eaten herself, and if she had to die, she'd rather be shot herself.

"Ye...what do you want?" Looking at the blade exuding green light in Ye Wutian's hand, Zhu Xiaoyu wished that he was a peerless martial arts master, and even wished that he had wings, so that he could get out of here and stay far away. .

"You know what I want to do, don't you know?" Ye Wutian walked up to Zhu Xiaoyu and gently slid the blade on her pink face. The coldness of the blade made Zhu Xiaoyu afraid.

"I, I don't know."

Ye Wutian smiled: "You are a smart person, Zhu Xiaoyu, I really don't want to throw you into the sea to feed sharks, but it doesn't mean I have no guts. I dare to treat Liu Ye like that, and I dare to treat you like this, do you understand?"

"I really don't know what you want to do."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, did not continue to ask. After handing the blade to Hu Shi, "Well, if you want to die, there is no way to stop you. If you really want to die, I will fulfill you."

With a wave of Ye Wutian's hand, Zhu Xiaoyu was forcibly pulled out.

"Wait, I seem to remember." When he was pulled to the door, Zhu Xiaoyu suddenly spoke.

Ye Wutian didn't speak, quietly looked at Zhu Xiaoyu, he was waiting for her to speak.

"I, I said you would really let me go?"

Hu Shi suddenly slapped Zhu Xiaoyu into confusion, "You **** don't have the right to negotiate conditions now."

Zhu Xiaoyu, who was beaten, did not dare to say a word of dissatisfaction, otherwise she knew that another slap would be waiting for her.

Ye Wutian did not stop Hu Shi, and looked at Zhu Xiaoyu with a smile.

"Still standing still with dry hair? Didn't you see my boss waiting for your answer?" Seeing that Zhu Xiaoyu didn't speak, Zhu Xiaoyu roared again.

Zhu Xiaoyu wanted to cover her face, but her hands were grabbed from left to right, making it impossible for her to relieve the pain on her face with her hands.

"Someone found me before boarding the boat and asked me to do something." Zhu Xiaoyu, who suffered a loss, realized that she had no way out, and she had no choice. The only thing she could do was to cooperate, and maybe there would still be some vitality. .

In the end, Zhu Xiaoyu explained everything, explained her drug delivery process on the boat, and told everything she knew.

The temptation of 50 million made her unable to resist and agreed to the other party's request, although she knew that once she did this, the consequences would be very serious. In general, so many people, once she did it, there would be no domestic her footing.

Even so, she still did it. She thought that she did it very secretly and did it without knowing it. In Zhu Xiaoyu's heart, even if she was finally discovered and suspected, it would have to wait for her to go abroad successfully.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny and cruel. Don't say go abroad. Now that she has not disembarked, the murderer will be found out.

Zhu Xiaoyu knew everything, but after asking for a long time, he didn't get the answer Ye Wutian wanted. Who is the murderer behind the scenes? She didn't know, she only knew that the other party was a man who gave her 50 million and a pack of medicine powder.

She herself is an expert in this field. She secretly analyzed those mysterious medicine gods, and she only dared to do it after she was sure that it would not kill anyone. Don't dare to do that kind of unreasonable thing.

Zhu Xiaoyu was brought out. Although some key questions were not asked, it did not mean that Zhu Xiaoyu was useless. Taking her to the ship and the media to announce it could reduce unnecessary trouble for the Hongyan.

In front of the media and the passengers on board, Zhu Xiaoyu didn't hide anything, and explained everything she knew and had done.

When the passengers learned that Zhu Xiaoyu made them vomit up and down, they all wanted to rush to this heartless woman to burn ashes. Such a heartless woman, in order to disregard the lives of others, such a woman is really hateful.

"Little brother, this time is a great fortune in misfortune. Fortunately, the medicine given by the other party is not a deadly medicine, otherwise I am afraid that you will not be able to use it again." Wu Qunsheng said.

How could Ye Wutian not know this? There was no way to find out the real murderer behind the scenes, which made him very depressed. He thought about all the enemies in his mind, and it seemed that every one of them was suspicious and possible.

After the news went out, Ye Wutian knew that the matter was basically the same, but it didn't mean that the storm would pass. Even if the passengers were poisoned because of human poisoning, the Hongyan No. certain responsibility.

Ye Wutian stayed on the boat for two days, and left after confirming that the passengers were all right. In order to appease the passengers, Ye Wutian compensated each poisoned passenger with 200,000 cash, and tried to minimize the negative impact.

As Ye Wutian guessed, when he went ashore, many people commented on the Hongyan, thinking that such a thing should not happen to the Hongyan, such a big ship, and such an inappropriate thing happened, that is equivalent to It's a joke about the lives of the passengers, and the security check of the Confucius is questionable.

Everyone knows that the behind-the-scenes boss of Hongyan is Ye Wutian. To criticize Hongyan in this way is to scold Ye Wutian for ignoring the safety of passengers and doing whatever it takes to make money.

Among these comments, a large part of them are made online. In addition, two well-known domestic newspapers also joined the army of commentaries. For a time, Ye Wutian and his Hongyan account became rats crossing the street.

Ye Wutian didn't pay any attention to the criticism from the, which made many people outside shocked. What's even more speechless is that after the incident of passenger poisoning on the Hongyan, the passenger flow on the ship did not decrease. The counter-increase made those who went out to attack the Hongyan ship really depressed. No matter how smart they were, they couldn't understand what was going on. Why was the passenger flow on the ship so strange? Not decreasing but increasing, what is going on?

Some people don't understand it, but some people do. The more violent it is, the more it is like propaganda for Ye Wutian's gambling boat, and Ye Wutian's compensation of up to 200,000 yuan for each poisoned passenger is even more. To win the hearts of the passengers, Ye Wutian's move is equivalent to telling everyone that you don't have to worry about anything that happens on my ship.

Another thing that reassures the passengers is that after the passengers were poisoned, the Hongyan immediately organized a powerful medical team to board the ship through a helicopter. This is also telling outsiders that the Hongyan will never abandon the ship. The guests don't care.

"Master, I didn't expect you to have such a strong public relations ability." Situ Wei said in the office.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, what public relations ability? He just did it out of his own conscience, "Any clues?"

"One point." Situ Wei said, handing over a document bag in her hand. (m)

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