Mad Doctor

Chapter 851: This is what you called

Looking at the constantly struggling sack on the ground, Ye Wutian suddenly felt an inexplicable anger and kicked it hard.

The person trapped in the burlap bag let out a hum and struggled even more, trying to get out of the bag, but no matter how much he struggled, it was useless.

"Wan'er, it's alright, I'm here, I'll be fine." Ye Wutian gently wiped away the tears from Li Wan'er's face, and when he said this sentence, he even remembered it. It seems that this sentence has been said many times. , but when did it come true? There is no way to protect the people around you.

After all, it is because of his own strength is not strong enough!

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid." Li Wan'er refused to let go. The scene just now scared her a lot. The other party not only kidnapped her, but also molested her. If the person who came to rescue was a few minutes later, Maybe she was beaten by the murderer.

In that case, she might as well die, she would not let others touch her even if she died.

Ye Wutian looked at her heartache, Li Waner looked so pitiful at this time, she was just a kind girl from the village, maybe she never dreamed that she would be kidnapped before today, and all this is because of him.

Guilty! At the same time of anger, Ye Wutian is also angry.

"Xiao Wan, it's alright, my sister promises you that today's events will never happen again." Situ Wei gently pulled Li Wan'er and held Li Wan'er's hand tightly.

Li Wan'er nodded lightly, not knowing whether she really believed it or agreed with her casually.

"Let's go, my elder sister will take you out. Brother Ye has something to do." Situ Wei said.

Li Wan'er glanced at Ye Wutian, and after getting Ye Wutian's nod, she followed Situ Wei out. In fact, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay by Ye Wutian's side, but she didn't want to see the sack on the ground.

"Where is the murderer? Brother Ye, where is the murderer?" Yang Langzi walked in from outside with a cane in hand.

The appearance of Yang Langzi made Li Wan'er, who was about to go out, change her face instantly, her face was full of horror, and her small body shrunk behind Situ Wei.

Everyone discovered Li Wan'er's change, and they were also curious about why Li Wan'er had such a change. Could it really have something to do with Yang Langzi? It's just not right, even if it is related to Yang Langzi, Li Wan'er should not know that Yang Langzi is the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Xiao Wan, what's wrong?" Situ Wei asked.

"Sister...Sister, let's go." Li Wan'er was still looking at Yang Langzi as she spoke.

"Hehe, Xiao Wan, I'm not a bad person, why are you looking at me like this? I can't eat people." Yang Langzi looked depressed, and Li Wan'er stared at him like a thief.

Li Wan'er glanced at the sack on the ground, thought about something, opened her mouth for a long time, but in the end she didn't say anything, except for fear or fear.

"Yang Langzi, you'd better not let me know that you have something to do with this." Ye Wutian knew that Li Wan'er couldn't be so afraid of Yang Langzi for no reason, there must be an internal reason.

Yang Langzi said: "Brother Ye, you can really prove that I did it. I have nothing to say, and you can deal with it."

Ye Wutian no longer paid attention to Yang Langzi, looking at the sack on the ground, he roared coldly: "Come here with a stick."

At this time, Ye Wutian only had one thought, to directly kill the murderer with a random stick.

Ye Wutian didn't want to open the bag to ask, knowing that he couldn't ask anything, it would be better to kill him directly to save trouble.

"Brother Ye, why don't you open the bag and ask?" Yang Langzi asked.

"Is it necessary?"

Yang Langzi laughed: "At least it's a chance, right? Maybe I can really ask something out of his mouth."

"It's not necessary." Ye Wutian replied.

The people in the bag struggled even more, but Ye Wutian didn't think much about it, thinking that the other party just came up with it.

Two sticks have been brought up, Ye Wutian took one of them and weighed it in his hand, and said to the murderer in the bag, "I'm not interested in knowing who you are, and I don't want to know, now I just ask you, who is I asked you to do this, and Ken replied, you just hum."

The man in the bag was struggling again, not sure if he was struggling or what.

"Brother, you should answer properly, my brother Ye is not joking with you, he really dares to kill you." Yang Langzi said.

After Yang Langzi's words, the murderer in the bag, Wu Wuzhi, became more anxious and struggled even more.

"Call me." Ye Wutian has lost interest in continuing to interrogate, since the other party insists on doing this, it is the rhythm of death.

"Wait, Brother Ye, I really want to help you today, but I'm still a step late. I wonder if Brother Ye, can you give me a chance to make up for it?"

Ye Wutian said: "How do you want to make up for it?"

Yang Langzi would make such a request at this time, definitely because of his leg.

"I can prove it to you, this matter has nothing to do with me." Yang Langzi took another stick and held it in his hand.

"You mean you fight for me?"

"Yes, I don't know if this can be proved?" Yang Langzi asked.

"Hehe, this method is good." Ye Wutian thought about it, and finally accepted Yang Langzi's proposal.

Hearing the words, the murderer in the bag struggled again, and this time struggled more frantically than ever.

In the eyes of everyone, the murderer's struggle was because he was frightened. How could everyone take the murderer seriously?

"Okay, then I'll prove it to Brother Ye now, it has nothing to do with me." Yang Langzi, who took up the stick, walked up to the murderer, raised the stick and smashed it down at the sack.

The murderer who was hit hard let out a scream, and with his mouth sealed, he couldn't speak or dodge.

At the beginning, the murderer's screams were quite loud, but as Yang Langzi went down a few times, the murderer's screams became weaker and weaker.

No one can stop Yang Langzi, the murderer should be damned, whoever doesn't provoke, but provokes Ye Wutian.

Yang Langzi didn't know if he was eager to prove himself or what, every one of his sticks was extraordinarily hard.

For Yang Langzi, he had already lost an opportunity just now, and this time, he must not miss the opportunity again. Only Ye Wutian can handle this leg.

After more than ten sticks went down, the murderer didn't scream anymore, didn't even move, and Yang Langzi also stopped, turned back to Ye Wutian and said: "Brother Ye, are you satisfied with this?"

Ye Wutian answered the question: "What if I kill someone? I'm a kind person, and I won't do anything about killing people and setting fires."

"I'm in charge." Yang Langzi patted his chest, "I beat him, of course I'm in charge."

Ye Wutian smiled and said, "Then why are you embarrassed? Thank you!"

Yang Langzi took the opportunity and asked, "Brother Ye, what do you think about my leg? Can you help me?"

"Say more."

Yang Langzi was stunned, and he asked extremely unhappy, "Could it be that Brother Ye is not satisfied with what I did just now? Can't it represent my sincerity?"

"Enough, but you asked for it yourself. I didn't say anything, did I? You offered to help me, right? I didn't promise you anything."

Yang Langzi's face turned green. Thinking about it, it seemed like that was the case. He took the initiative to ask for the beating.

Thank you very much! This is what Yang Langzi thought at this time.

"Yang Langzi, what should we do now? Would you like to deal with it by the way?" Ye Wutian pointed at the sack on the ground.

Deceiving too much! Yang Langzi secretly said, the dignified Tenglong Gang leader has already done this for his sake, and Ye Wutian still doesn't appreciate it.

"Okay, if I do, brother Ye, would you consider helping me?"

"Yang Langzi, I found that you are really shameless. You always ask for it when you do something trivial. It's you who beat people. It has nothing to do with me, right? I don't call the police, it's already pretty good." Ye Wutian said.

"That's good, since Brother Ye said this for the sake of it, I can only sigh that I am unlucky." Yang Langzi threw the wooden stick in his hand, feeling extremely depressed. He was on the verge of collapse and thought. He wanted to turn against Ye Wutian, but in the end he held back.

Situ Wei walked in from the outside, and the situation inside surprised her: "What's the situation?"

"Where's Xiaowan?" Ye Wutian answered the question.

"She said she wanted to go back to school, I'll have someone take her back, don't worry."

Ye Wutian thought that he should buy a villa. There is not enough accommodation in Tianxin Community, so Li Waner was not at ease, but Li Waner said that she would go back to work in a small fishing village after graduation.

"Carry it down." Situ Wei waved her hand, ready to let someone take the sack and take it away.

Two big men stepped forward and carried the front and rear ends of the sack bag respectively.

For some unknown reason, the big man holding the mouth of the bag did not hold it tightly, the sack bag fell to the ground, and the rope tied to the mouth of the bag loosened, and the appearance of the murderer inside appeared in front of everyone at this time.

When the murderer's appearance appeared, Ye Wutian became petrified, and Situ Wei also became petrified. As for Yang Langzi, it can no longer be described as petrified.

The moment he saw the murderer, Yang Langzi staggered a few steps unsteadily, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

"What's going on?" Yang Langzi yelled, "Tell me what's going on?"

Yang Langzi rubbed his eyes, hoping that he was wrong, not real, everything was an illusion, but when he rubbed his eyes a few times, the result was still the same.

"Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on." Ye Wutian was equally surprised by and felt incredible.

Yang Langzi not only knew the murderer, but also knew the murderer very well.

He was plotted against, and Yang Langzi realized that he was plotted against himself, and he actually killed his younger brother with his own hands.

The trembling hand gently stretched out to his younger brother Yang Tianhai's nose, but he couldn't feel any breath.

"Haha...hahaha." Yang Langzi sat on the ground and laughed wildly. There was self-deprecation in his laughter, and even more helplessness.

After laughing wildly, Yang Langzi suddenly stood up, his red eyes staring at Ye Wutian like a poisonous snake: "You must give me an explanation for this matter."

Ye Wutian took a step forward: "What do you want to explain? From beginning to end, it was not me who did it."

"Why is my brother here?" Yang Langzi didn't like that at all.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Good question, I don't know who to ask. Don't your people keep staring nearby? They don't know? You should know better than me about this, right?" (m)

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