Mad Doctor

Chapter 890: Uncle Ye's Regret

Chapter 890 Uncle Ye's Regret

Zhang Jing gasped for breath, Ye Wutian gasped several times in one breath, and each time made her suffer. Although she could not see the situation behind her pink buttocks, she knew very well that the situation would never be the case. Where to go.

Looking at the scars on Zhang Jingxiang's buttocks, Ye Wutian's depression was a little better. "Three-eight, call. If you have the ability, call. The louder you are, the happier I am, Master."

"I swear, you will regret it, definitely." The words almost popped out of Zhang Jing's teeth. She had never wanted to kill as much as she was trying to hold back the pain.

"Hey, let's talk about it one day." Ye Wutian gently stroked Zhang Jing's wounds, this fellow didn't treat those wounds as wounds, but more like works of art. "Does it hurt? You can call, and you have the right to call. Hurry up and call."

"What do you think?" Zhang Jing gritted her teeth: "If you have the kind of thing, you kill me and insult a woman like this. What kind of hero are you?"

Ye Wutian laughed, this woman also began to know how to use aggressive tactics, it was really interesting, "Three-eight, no one told you, I have never admitted that I am a hero, I am a villain, a shameless villain."

Zhang Jing was instantly dumbfounded, unable to say a word for a long time. What else could she say when she met such a shameless man? What should I say? As people say, from the very beginning, he never admitted that he was a gentleman.

"Kill me if you have one." Zhang Jing said coldly, "I won't die, but you will die."

Ye Wutian directly ignored Zhang Jing's second half of the sentence, "Kill you? You know I can't, how can I do things like smashing flowers? That's not my style."

Zhang Jing really wanted to greet Ye Wutian's ancestors for the 18th generation. I'm afraid no one in this world is more shameless than him. He won't kill flowers with his hands? So what is he doing now? Treat her like this, don't you dare to destroy flowers?

"I won't kill you, you will live well, of course, I will limit your freedom a little bit, that's all."

"You want to put me under house arrest?" Zhang Jing was shocked, she didn't want that to happen.

"Do you know what captivity is? You'll know soon enough."

"The prince knows I'm here, I'm missing, do you think you can be safe?"

Ye Wutian said: "Prince? The prince is nothing, I have never put him in my eyes, let him come, and when Laozi settles those small crumbs, he will go to the prince, let him wait, and I will tear it apart. took him."

"Why are you willing to let me go?" If she can't be hard, she will be soft. Zhang Jing knows that she has no right to choose now.

Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and squeezed the two peaks heavily, with a smile on his face, "The flexibility is good, why don't you stay with me for one night, and I'll let you go tomorrow?"

Zhang Jing held back her anger: "You can shut me up if you want, and return the clothes to me."

Ye Wutian smiled and shook his head: "No, absolutely not, the clothes can never be returned to you, what if you put on your clothes and leave? Where can I find them?"

"I'm a woman, can you please stop treating me this way?"

"Are you aggrieved?"


Ye Wutian can't think of such a solution. Zhang Jing is a talented person, but unfortunately this little girl is always against him, which makes Uncle Ye very annoyed, and he can't kill her, or he is reluctant to kill her, so Uncle Ye I can only settle for the next best thing, hoping to conquer Zhang Jing in this way of captivity. Back then, he conquered Xue Ying in this way, but now the old plan is repeated. Of course, the target has become different, and I hope it will be useful. .

"Follow me, as long as you promise, I will let you go immediately."

"Dream." Zhang Jingman was full of disdain and contempt, "Ye, you really deserve to die."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, looked helpless: "Okay, the path is yours to choose, how to go is your business."

To loosen the rope for Zhang Jing, it was inevitable to take advantage of it.

"Sanba, you can tell me when you figure it out."

Zhang Jing, who had regained his freedom, saw that he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He knew what was going on at the moment, and he didn't need to ask Ye Wutian's medicine.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, you know I won't be afraid, let alone care."

"You drug me?" Zhang Jing had already guessed it, but Zhang Jing couldn't help but ask.

"Bullshit, if I don't prescribe medicine to you, can I keep you locked up?" Ye Wutian was thinking, should he treat Zhang Jing like Xue Ying? Buy a whole bunch of **** lingerie back for her to wear.

This idea was quickly dispelled by Ye Wutian, there was still a certain gap between Zhang Jing and Xue Ying, and the two women had different personalities.

After leaving, Ye Wutian returned to the company and just walked to the gate of the company, Ye Wutian saw many people standing at the gate.

"Master, you are here." As soon as Situ Wei saw Ye Wutian, she ignored others and walked in front of Ye Wutian and pulled Ye Wutian's arm.

"What's the matter? Who are these people?" Ye Wutian pointed at those people and asked Situ Wei.

"I'm looking for trouble." Situ Wei whispered, "Some people are sent to look for trouble with the company, and they'll keep an eye on our company's products."

He glanced at those people indifferently: "Benefits kill people, after all, it's all because of interests."

"They want to go in and see our production site. Hurry up and think of a way." Situ Wei was helpless.

"You can't let them in anyway." This is Ye Wutian's bottom line. If you let these people in, what the consequences will be, he doesn't know, but one thing is certain, the consequences will be serious.

Situ Wei smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid they won't be able to stop it this time. They have documents from the military."

Ye Wutian was stunned, did the military agree?

"Stop for me." There was no time to be surprised, Ye Wutian rushed in front of those people and shouted loudly. If it was as Situ Wei said, these people had military documents, and it would be difficult to stop them.

Ye Wutian's face was ugly at this time. The word "military department" reminded him of the Ma family. Does this have anything to do with the Ma family?

"The company belongs to me. Without my permission, no one will want to enter. I don't care who you are, you can go back from where you came from."

"Please get out of the way and hinder us from carrying out our official duties. That is a capital crime, Ye Wutian, do you want to die?" A very dark-skinned man asked calmly.

Ye Wutian was not afraid, "Do you want to shoot me? Do you want to take the opportunity to get rid of me?"

"Listen to Lao Tzu, whoever dares to disobey the order will be killed." Blackface roared.

Situ Wei's face changed greatly, and she hurriedly stepped forward to Ye Wutian, "Master, don't mess around."

Ye Wutian was very angry, his trembling body was telling others that he was very angry and also very angry.

The atmosphere is tense to the freezing point, and will not give in to each other, will Ye Wutian back down?

Ouyang Xingyue came out of the company at this time and gave Situ Wei a wink.

Situ Wei whispered a few words in Ye Wutian's ear, "Master, there is no need."

Ye Wutian stretched out his finger and pointed at the black face, "You have a seed, please remember it to Lao Tzu, one day, Lao Tzu will beat you into a pig's head."

"You dare to threaten me?" Blackface seemed surprised, no one had ever dared to threaten him like this.

Ye Wutian took a few steps back, ignored the black face, stood there with a sullen face, took out the phone, and dialed the phone with his fingers flying. After saying it, he asked, "Master, I need to know who gave the order."

Mr. Zhu, who was far away in the capital, was silent. Ye Wutian's call was somewhat surprising to him. With such a direct question, Mr. Zhu could feel Ye Wutian's anger even through the phone.

"It's just a normal inspection, don't take it to heart."

Ye Wutian didn't want to hear these words: "Master, what do you think of me?"

Mr. Zhu on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and was asked again, how is this kid? Which aspect do you mean?

"Master, I need you to tell the truth." Ye Wutian asked again, he had never spoken to Master Zhu in such a tone as now, this was the first time.

"Little Leaf, impulse can't solve the problem."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian became even more angry, "Impulsive? I've already made people ride over my head, but also tell me not to be impulsive? Now I want to go into my production workshop to see, what about next time? Maybe I'll give it to me directly. How can I endure the formula? How can I endure it?"

Ye Wutian spoke louder and louder, forgetting who he was talking to at the moment.

After a while of roaring, Ye Wutian slowly calmed down and said a little disheartened: "Father, to tell the truth, I am very disappointed, power has become something in the hands of some people, a sharp sword, I am really disappointed. "

After saying this, Ye Wutian didn't want to talk anymore, so he hung up the phone without saying goodbye. Old Master Zhu refused to tell him, because the other party had a lot of background, not to mention, he could be sent by the military at any time. Who else is this order?

Ye Wutian, who has never been disappointed, is now finally disappointed, regrets, and saved such a person, is it worth it? The answer is yes, not worth it!

"You guys deal with it." Ye Wutian, who felt powerless, didn't want to stay any longer, and left after saying this to Situ Wei.

Situ Wei wanted to keep Ye Wutian, so she said it and swallowed it back. She could tell that Ye Wutian was disappointed and helpless this time.

In the capital, Mr. Zhu didn't put down the phone until the beeping sound came from the phone. His face was not good. He received a call from Ye Wutian, and his son Zhu Longjun was also sitting beside him.


Mr. Zhu sighed for a long time.

Zhu Longjun, who was sitting next to him, knew what his father said, "What did that kid say?"

" Mr. Zhu said: "With his cleverness, I am afraid that he would have guessed who was going to deal with him early in the morning. "

Zhu Longjun nodded, presumably Ye Wutian should be able to guess, this time, it was a bit too much, that person really shouldn't do this, no matter what, Ye Wutian also helped him, not to mention the Tianxin Hongyan Group's treatment of the country The contribution is so great, but in the end it ends up like this, it is understandable to make people feel cold, and it will be cold for anyone else.

"You go to Dongcheng and talk to that kid." Mr. Zhu thought for a while and said, "Try to solve him as much as possible, and don't let him get emotional."

"I'm afraid it won't work if I persuade him. Hongyan Group's products can't be sold, and I can't persuade him." Zhu Longjun smiled bitterly. He was somewhat conscious, and this trip would be a waste.

"Whether it works or not, I have to go there. I'll go to Ma's house." Mr. Zhu then explained: "Remember, we must try our best to solve this matter."

"Dad, are you worried that the kid will mess up?" Zhu Laojun asked.

"There is nothing in the world that that kid dare not do." (m)

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