Mad Doctor

Chapter 916: Good wife

"How can you help me?" It's been a few days since he proposed this idea, and Ye Wutian still doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't know where to start. It seems that there are too many things to do, but he can't find any clues.

"Place." Fairy Feng replied, "I know who has the island you need."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian became even more excited and asked quickly, "Who has it?"

If things are resolved on the island, things will be much easier, just as Sister Shenxian said, then his great plan can be implemented.

"Two people, one is the crown prince." Fairy Feng stretched out two white, tender, green onion-like jade fingers and shook it in front of Ye Wutian. The shaking made Ye Wutian dazzled. With that, it's probably going to be interesting, right?

He pouted in secret, and despised himself severely. He was useless, too useless, and his thoughts were too **!

Hearing that it was the prince, Ye Wutian seemed to have been drenched in half a bucket of cold water. He wanted to buy a small island from the prince, but one could imagine how difficult it was.

However, Ye Wutian is not completely disappointed, because there is another person who has a small island, so he can only pin all his hopes on another person.

"Who is the other one?" Ye Wutian asked, "Don't tell me I know this person too."

Fairy Feng said, "You don't know this. He is not from China, but from Arabia."

"Fuck! No way? You know Arabs too?" Curious Ye Wutian couldn't help but swear.

What she got was that Fairy Feng looked at each other coldly, maybe because she was very disgusted with Ye Wutian's foul language, so she looked at each other like this.

Ye Wutian, who was blushing, was very embarrassed, hehe smiled: "I'm sorry, the slip of the tongue, it's a slip of the tongue."

"The Arab also has a small island in his hands. The place is big enough. The problem is that it is too far away and it is not suitable."

Ye Wutian's heart sank, didn't he? Did God really hit him like this? "where?"

"The Arab island is located close to North America, and the climate is not very good."

"Why would anyone buy that kind of place?" Ye Wutian was very puzzled, that kind of bad weather and biased place bought it for the birds to **** on the island?

"You can manage others?" said Feng Xianzi.

"It's true, that's the freedom of others." Ye Wutian nodded: "How big is the island?"

"I heard there are hundreds of square kilometers."

"The place is big enough, but the problem is that it is too biased, so forget it. The weather is not good, which is a bit difficult for people to accept."

"In terms of place, the one in the prince's hands is more suitable."

Ye Wutian thought about it and asked, "Where is his?"

"It's not far, it's on the southeast side of the border. I don't know exactly where it is. I just know that he has such a position."

"That's a good place, how did he get it?" Ye Wutian is very envious, not far from the country, and the weather in the southeast is also good.

I have to admit that Poison Shadow Sect’s methods are good, and they can get an island in that place.

"The area is about the same, and the prince's one has several hundred square kilometers."

"How did you know that they have a small island in their hands?" Ye Wutian suddenly thought of this very serious question, the prince is fine here, especially the Arab, how did Fairy Feng know him?

Seeing Ye Wutian's nervous expression in doubt, Fairy Feng secretly spat, "I saved that Arab."

Ye Wutian stared at Fairy Feng and analyzed her words, but after analyzing and analyzing, they all thought that things couldn't be that simple.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Fairy Feng asked.

Ye Wutian retracted his gaze angrily, some questions he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, and he wasn't someone from Fairy Feng, how could he be embarrassed to ask?

"In terms of reality, the island in the prince's hands is more suitable. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to buy it back from him."

Ye Wutian thought to himself that if you didn't say it, you didn't say it? Everyone knows that the difficulty is very big. This is something that the whole world knows, and there is no need to ask.

How difficult is it to buy that island from the prince? Ye Wutian didn't dare to hold a shred of hope at all, and it didn't mean that he didn't have the confidence to challenge difficulties, but how can you do this kind of thing with confidence? A person like the prince is not short of money.

"There should also be a small island on the other side of Guam, you can go and see it." Feng Xianzi said: "Of course, if you want the small island in the hands of the Arabs, I can introduce you to it."

"Okay, find a chance to help me introduce it." Although Ye Wutian was not very satisfied with the small island in the hands of the Arabs, he still decided to go and see it.

Fairy Feng took out her mobile phone on the spot, found a number in front of Ye Wutian, then dialed and moved the phone to her ear.

The phone was quickly connected, and the next thing that surprised Ye Wutian was that Fairy Feng spoke to the other party in Arabic.

When will Feng Xianzi speak Arabic?

For the first time, Ye Wutian found that he didn't know Fairy Feng at all, and he knew too little about her, which was incredible.

Ye Wutian couldn't understand what Fairy Feng was talking about, the only thing he could do was to watch Fairy Feng make a phone call, and see her smiling with the people over the phone from time to time.

Ye Wutian didn't understand, but he was also very mad. He almost couldn't help grabbing the phone from Fairy Feng several times and hung up, joking. A woman's family is talking and laughing like a man, right?

Uncle Ye didn't even think of it himself, his heart was sour!

It's terrible to have no culture. Ye Wutian regrets that he didn't study hard at first. He should study hard, learn to be proficient in eight languages, and at least learn Arabic.

There is no regret medicine in the world. I didn't learn Arabic at the beginning, and all I can do now is to sit still.

After talking a lot, Fairy Feng was finally willing to hang up. "The island can be sold. The price is also negotiable. What are your thoughts now?"

"What price?"

"Three billion dollars."

"Damn! It's so expensive?" Ye Wutian was taken aback, obviously taken aback by the price.

Feeling Fairy Feng's staring eyes, Ye Wutian just realized that he had said the wrong thing again. How abruptly he said foul language in front of a beautiful woman?

Someone seems to have forgotten that he always speaks foul language in front of Zhang Jing every time.

"This is still the price of friendship." Fairy Feng said.

"Friendship price? You mean for your sake?" Ye Wutian asked, "How much will it cost to sell it to me?"

"five billion."

At this moment, what Ye Wutian wants to do most is to stab that Arab old chrysanthemum with a thick and big wooden stick. In this day and age, do you still dare to use this method? lagging behind!

Besides, does he look like a man without money? What kind of friendship do you need?

"We are not short of money, we will directly give him five billion, and we don't need to owe him favors." Ye Wutian waved his hand, very forthright.

Fairy Feng was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to say, this guy is quite interesting.

"You decide to buy it?"

Ye Wutian hesitated, not because of money, but because the place was too far away and inconvenient.

"Let's take a look." Fairy Feng saw Ye Wutian's hesitation. "Do you want me to help you talk to the prince?"

"No." Ye Wutian immediately rejected it and asked Fairy Feng to find the prince. What was the difference between sending sheep into the tiger's mouth? He wouldn't do something stupid like that.

"Why don't you go find it?" Fairy Feng was so angry and funny that even she could smell the sour smell.

Ye Wutian went dumb in an instant and asked him to find the prince, where did he go to find it? I don't even know where the prince is.

After separating from Fairy Feng, it was already dark outside, and when they returned to Tianxin Community, they happened to see Che Huishan's car coming in.

"Xiaotian." Che Huishan stopped the car, pressed the window and looked at Ye Wutian with a smile.

"Sister Shan, what a coincidence? Got off work?" Ye Wutian walked over to Che Huishan.

"Well, to see a client." Che Huishan nodded.

"Is it hard work? Does your boss treat you well?" Ye Wutian asked.

"It's okay." When it comes to work, Che Huishan is still like a dream, so unreal. The boss is not good to her, but is too good to her, so good that she doesn't believe it.

At first, Che Huishan thought that the boss was trying to beat her up, but after two days of observation, she didn't feel that way. Apart from being nice to her, the boss didn't show anything strange, and she didn't look at her Any impurities, not the kind of posture that looks at beautiful women with lustful eyes.

"That's good, with your strength, Sister Shan, you are the same wherever you go." Ye Wutian sighed: "It's a pity, I really hope that Sister Shan can come to my company."

Che Huishan laughed: "Don't worry, in the future, if Sister Shan really can't get along, she will definitely find you. Don't pretend that you don't know me."

Ye Wutian murmured: "I'm thinking about whether to secretly go over to talk to your boss and let him fire you."

Che Huishan rolled her eyes, this kid's theory made her want to go crazy, what theory? Che Huishan, who was jealous, said, "Don't make trouble."

"I don't care, if you want me not to do that, you have to please me." Ye Wutian is like a child.

"Sister Shan invited you to dinner?"

"It's not I heard that there is a blockbuster film now, thinking about it, I haven't seen a movie for a long time."

How could Che Huishan not understand Ye Wutian's intentions? But there is no way to take this guy. In fact, she doesn't want to go to the movies. She just joined the company and is not familiar with many things. Although President Ding has repeatedly told her to take it slow, Che Huishan doesn't think that way. I want to use my strength to tell those people in the company who are dissatisfied with her, and tell them that she is sitting on the position of vice president by virtue of her own strength, not her beauty.

"Don't have time? That's fine, don't force yourself." Ye Wutian pouted with a grieved expression.

Che Huishan wanted to laugh, this little guy is like this now, people who don't know what she thinks he will do to him, and show that grievance? It feels weird for a big man to show such aggrieved appearance, but it also has a fresh feeling.

In the end, Ye Wutian still took Che Huishan to the cinema in a victorious attitude.

Excited Ye Wutian bought two tickets, and then very boldly stretched out his hand to Che Huishan's little hand. (m)

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