Mad Doctor

Chapter 938: Borrow money from the world (Part 1)

The old woman stood up tremblingly after Ma Feng's assistance, or it could not be called standing at all, but hugged, the old woman was completely carried by Ma Feng.

Ye Wutian is not good, what does the old woman want to do? She asked Ma Feng to help her up, not because she was tired from sitting, there must be other reasons.

Ma Feng didn't dare to disobey his grandma's order. He helped his grandma up and glared at Ye Wutian angrily. A few meters away, Ye Wutian could also feel Ma Feng's killing intent.

In the face of Ma Feng's murderous aura, Ye Wutian didn't care at all, he was more worried about what the old woman would do next. This old woman was a troublesome person and was difficult to deal with.

"Xiaofeng, support me and kneel before the little genius doctor." The old woman gave an order.

The old woman's words shocked everyone, darling, she wants to kneel to Ye Wutian? Is this crazy? At her age, she is more than enough to be Ye Wutian's grandmother.

"Wait!" The frightened Ye Wutian hurriedly stopped: "Grandma, you don't need to use this set, it's meaningless."

"Little genius doctor, I really can't do this, I just ask the little genius doctor to help me."

"Okay, there's no need for that." Ye Wutian waved his hand very irritably, "I've never said one thing, it's useless for you to kneel to me."

"The old man's fault, I apologize to you for him!"

"You are you, he is him, why bother? I hope you don't make me embarrassed. If it spreads out, how can I meet people? How can your Ma family meet people?"

"I asked the little genius doctor to help me, what's wrong with this? Who dares to say anything?"

Ye Wutian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking in his heart that there is nothing wrong with you. The fault is that you are already old. If you kneel down to me, what will others think?

"Grandma, do you need this?" Ma Feng wanted to clench his teeth and bleed. He hated, hated himself, and hated Ye Wutian even more.

"Shut up, don't you even listen to what grandma said?" The old woman snorted coldly at Ma Feng.

Ma Feng endured it with all his might, not daring to resist grandma's intentions, and it was precisely because of this that he hated Ye Wutian even more.

"Old lady, Xiao Ye, if you have something to say, it's all your own." Wu Qunsheng was very embarrassed, he didn't want to see the old lady kneeling to Ye Wutian.

"Grandma, you don't need to kneel, it's useless for you to kneel. If you don't want to make our relationship more rigid, just sit down, it's boring, I want to take action, there is only one condition, restore my company's normal sales, thaw my Account, in addition to this, other conditions will not work." Ye Wutian said.

"You're still not human? Don't forget that you are a doctor. You have the responsibility to save lives and help the wounded. The patient's condition is very critical, so you have no sympathy at all?" Jiang Yu stepped forward and roared at Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian looked at Jiang Yu and found that the beauty is different, she looks so good even when she is angry, but there is a question Ye Wutian has always been curious about, is her delicate little face born? Or is it post-processing? Also, are her plump **** processed?

I've always wanted to ask Jiang Yu, but I couldn't summon the courage and would be despised.

"Sympathy? How much is sympathy worth? I sympathize with others, but who sympathizes with me? Who will sympathize with my company?" Ye Wutian also retaliated with spittle, forcing Jiang Yu to step back again and again, but unfortunately his face still been sprayed.

Jiang Yu felt disgusted, this **** did it on purpose, right? Deliberately spitting like this.

Ye Wutian asked himself whether it was too evil to do so? Sin, sin, unscrupulous for such a beautiful woman, I hope God will not blame it.

Uncle Ye has always believed that people can be self-righteous, but they can't pretend to be thirteen, and they can't force their own standards on others. Everyone has their own standards and ideas. Do you have to apply your own standards to others? Do you really think you are God?

"Grandma, I don't know what's so difficult about it. You should know better than anyone else. My company has no problems, and my account is clean. It shouldn't be difficult for you to unfreeze it."

"Little genius doctor, I don't know how to explain this to you."

Ye Wutian really couldn't listen anymore, he raised his hand and interrupted: "Then don't talk about it, do you want to say that you have your own difficulties? Yes, yes, everyone has their own difficulties. I understand, and don't force it."

When he walked out of the office, Ye Wutian breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was really afraid that the old lady would kneel for him. Ye Wutian didn't want that kind of scene to happen.

"Old Madam, that kid has this character, don't worry, take your time." Wu Qunsheng comforted.

The old woman smiled bitterly: "Xiao Wu, I can wait, but the old man can't wait."

Wu Qunsheng seemed to have something to say.

"Xiao Wu, we all know each other so well. If you have something to say, just say it." The old woman noticed Wu Qunsheng's strangeness.

"Old lady, the only possibility for him to take action is to meet his requirements. Other than that, I think there is no other way." Wu Qunsheng finally said what he wanted to say.

"I know, Xiao Wu, many things can't just be seen on the surface."

Wu Qunsheng is not a member of the system, and he doesn't quite understand what the old lady means. Of course, everyone has their own difficulties. How can anyone be right or wrong in this kind of thing?

"Xiao Wu, please say something nice for me in front of the little genius doctor."

"It must be sure, please rest assured, old lady." How dare Wu Qunsheng not agree, just how much effect can his own words play? Just now that boy Ye Wutian has made it very clear, unless he meets his two requirements, I am afraid that the king of heaven will not give face.

"Why don't you say it?" Jiang Yu chased after Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian, who stopped, asked: "What benefits does the Ma family give you? Want you to speak for them like this?"

Jiang Yu said: "There is nothing, I am just asking you as a doctor, a sympathetic person."

"Sympathy? You are so sympathetic, why don't you continue to stay in the hospital to see patients? So many patients are waiting for you, where is your sympathy?"

Jiang Yuxiang was trampled on her tail and wanted to refute Ye Wutian, but she swallowed it for some reason. At first, she really ignored the patient coming out of the hospital, but now that Ye Wutian said that, she could only hold back and be depressed.

"Can't say it? Have nothing to say?" Ye Wutian sneered: "I hate what others say about sympathy in front of me. Compassion is worthless these days. If I sympathize with others, who will sympathize with me?"

"The old lady is so old, what if you help her for her sake?"

"Is she sick? If she is sick, I can help her."

"You!" Jiang Yu was asked again.

Ye Wutian said: "Little girl, you are too young, many things are not as simple as you imagined on the surface."

Full of disdain, he murmured to himself in a low voice, "It's like I'm a bad old man, maybe even younger than me."

Ye Wutian heard Jiang Yu whispering to himself, but he was not in the mood to care about this woman, and drove to the company, but Jiang Yu did not follow.

The old lady would rather kneel down for him than unfreeze the Hongyan Group account. This is very telling, and it also makes Ye Wutian realize that things may be more difficult than he imagined, and he is paralyzed. Being dragged like this, what are those people thinking? Do you still want to hold his money like this for the rest of your life?

As soon as he entered the office, Li Feifei came in with a lot of documents, "This is the latest patient information."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly and took over the information that Li Feifei handed over. Could it be that he was born with Lao Luming? Now dealing with four patients at the same time has already made him very tired. Next, he has to help Yu Taitao and take over the work. Do you really want to exhaust him to death?

"Boss satyr, I don't know if I should say something." Li Feifei looked embarrassed.

Ye Wutian, who put down the information, looked up at Li Feifei: "It's really rare, you Miss Li also know how to be embarrassed?"

Li Feifei glared at Ye Wutian: "It's not that I'm embarrassed, and I don't know if it will help you."

This time, Ye Wutian was even more curious: "Oh, is it for my own good? Hehe, I'm sorry, I was wrong just now, I apologize to you."

Seeing Ye Wutian's apology, Li Feifei's anger subsided a lot and said, "It's almost the same."

The curious Ye Wutian just wanted to quickly know what Li Feifei was going to say, and just ignored her previous sentence.

"You should know about the empty glove white wolf, right?" Li Feifei didn't bother to bother with Ye Wutian.

"Go on."

"The company's account has been frozen by the bank, and the company is in urgent need of money, so we can play white wolves with empty hands."

"Talk about the main point." Ye Wutian's teeth were itchy, and the little goblin didn't mention the main point after talking for a long time.

"Our company has good credit, and the most important thing is that our products are in short supply, and they are always in demand. Therefore, why can't we make a relationship record? As long as we can lend money to our company, our company will give priority to buying products for them in the future. At the same time, we can also Putting the medical base on board to make a fuss, I believe that can get a lot of money."

Ye Wutian's eyes lit patted his head, why didn't he think of this? Should have thought of it long ago.

Excited, Ye Wutian stood up, walked around the desk and came to Li Feifei. Excited, he forgot that Li Feifei was only his secretary, not his woman, and suddenly hugged Li Feifei and kissed him.

Ye Wutian is completely out of control!

After quickly kissing Li Feifei, Ye Wutian laughed and walked out of the office, hanging the angered Li Feifei there, staring at the back of Ye Wutian leaving, Li Feifei felt guilty.

With a swipe of his mouth, Li Feifei scolded angrily: "Rogue, this lady is not finished with you."

Ye Wutian ignored Li Feifei's anger. After leaving his own office, he pushed open the door to Cheng Kexin's office, and told Li Feifei's thoughts. Of course, this fellow shamelessly took this idea as his own.

Cheng Kexin asked after listening, "Does it work? How did I find it a bit opportunistic?"

"It's nothing, it's just a white wolf with empty gloves, baby, look at it, I have a hunch, the effect will be very good." Ye Wutian is full of confidence. (m)

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