Mad Doctor

Chapter 943: number one suspect

Ye Wutian wants to cry!

Wronged! Very aggrieved!

What's wrong? What happened to this hateful woman? Chang Xiaomei is like this, Xiaoling is like this, Situ Wei is like this, have they considered his feelings? One by one likes to take the initiative, completely ignoring his feelings.

Ye Wutian lay there like a wronged little daughter-in-law and let Xiaoling toss, and Xiaoling didn't know where the strength came from, as if he really wanted to take revenge, revenge for the last time on the gambling boat, it was too hateful.

He tossed Ye Wutian fiercely for a long time. Later, Xiaoling didn't know who was tossing who. He was so tired that he snuggled into Ye Wutian's arms without any strength. As far as she is concerned, it is revenge for the last time she was on the gambling boat.

"You belong to the cow." Xiaoling gasped and said angrily.

Ye Wutian, who looked aggrieved, thought, if 'Xiao Wutian' is not strong enough, you will call me a wax, and it is useless. Men, you can't say no in this regard.

"Satisfied?" Ye Wutian asked.

Xiaoling blushed when asked, and she was so angry that she opened her mouth and bit Ye Wutian's shoulder lightly.

"How are you going to be responsible to me?" Ye Wutian asked: "How are you going to be responsible to me like that? Don't tell me you are just playing around."

"You are shameless, you take advantage of it and betray you." Xiaoling could not laugh or cry, it was the first time she had seen such a rogue guy.

Ye Wutian is still wronged: "I don't care, you have to be responsible for me."

Xiaoling was amused: "What if else?"

"Otherwise...or I will die for you to see."

"Puchi!" Xiaoling scolded with a smile, there was nothing to do with this guy.

Ye Wutian suddenly seemed to have changed his personality and said: "It doesn't matter if you are not responsible for me, I am responsible for you, although you bullied me just now, but who made me a man? I have a lot of adults, so I don't care about you so much. ."

"Come on, don't think that we are like this and you treat me as your woman. I tell you, I don't eat your way."

"And then? You think we were just having fun?"

"Isn't it?" Xiaoling asked back: "There is nothing between us, you can do whatever you want."

"I'm not a casual person." Ye Wutian pitched an octave.

Xiao Ling was so angry that he almost couldn't help jumping up and biting the **** to death. He's not a random person, is she?

"Where is this?" Xiaoling asked, and stopped talking to him about the topic just now.

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, this girl only now asks where she is? Will it be late?

"We're back."

"Returning to China? How did you do it?" Xiaoling asked with a sigh of relief.

"I have my method and it's not worth mentioning."

"Little Ling was so angry that her teeth were itchy. But she didn't bother to bother with him, she was too tired and fell asleep in a short while.

Ye Wutian was also tired, that kind of mental pressure was not something ordinary people could bear, and he fell into a deep sleep after a while.

It was already a few hours after waking up again, the sky outside the window had already darkened, and the beautiful woman beside her had also left at some point, leaving only a faint fragrance.

After stretching, Ye Wutian got up, changed into clean clothes after returning home, and sat alone in the living room watching the news. This time, the trip to country e was a big deal. Big panic, even the military camp can be attacked, what about ordinary people? Wouldn't it be more needless to say? Even the military camp can be broken into at will, what about other places?

On the other side of country e, some people started to organize spontaneous protests, asking their local government to give the people an explanation, why can people even break into the military camp? There are still so many casualties, and if this matter is not handled properly, and if the public is not given an explanation, what will they use to trust the government in the future?

While facing the protests of the people, the government of country e has to do everything possible to find the murderer, and put the blurred appearance in the photo into the database for comparison. After a day-long comparison, the government of country e will The target is on a few people, but they still need more information.

Of course, Ye Wutian didn't know that the country E had already suspected him, but he wasn't worried about it, so what was the suspicion? There has to be evidence.

However, Ye Wutian can only comfort himself, even he himself doesn't know how much information the country E has, and whether there are more high-definition photos, etc., he doesn't know.

Fortunately, it rained heavily that night, and the environment helped him a lot.

When Cheng Kexin came back that night and saw that Ye Wutian was injured, he immediately asked what happened to Ye Wutian.

Early in the morning, Cheng Kexin pulled Ye Wutian out of bed and insisted on pestering him to go to the company together, threatening to give him a surprise.

With doubts, Ye Wutian followed Cheng Kexin back to the company. After one night, his wounds had mostly recovered, and even the gauze could be removed.

"Husband, what do you think our rankings are doing now?" Cheng Kexin smiled with a look of pride.

Ye Wutian didn't talk to him, but looked at the computer. It was fine if he didn't look at it. After a look, he found that there are many lunatics in this world, and there are more rich people. The first person is still the rich Arab, but he came out The funds of the company have reached as high as 13 billion US dollars, such a figure, even Ye Wutian himself does not know what to say, he can only describe it in words.

13 billion, come on! This is simply Chi Guoguo's show of wealth!

The second place is 10 billion. The third place is 9.6 billion, and even the capital of the 100th place has reached 2.3 billion.

Looking at this ranking list, Ye Wutian was happy and at the same time was inexplicably moved. There were so many people competent for him, which he did not expect. Now, there are more than 200 billion worth of money on this ranking list alone. This is a very large number.

"What? Are you surprised?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"Generally, it's not as good as I imagined. The number one is only 13 billion. According to my assumption, it should be 31 billion to be more suitable."

Cheng Kexin rolled his eyes madly when he heard this, how dare this villain say, 30 billion? Dollars back? Want to dream, it's too early now, right?

"Haha, just kidding." Seeing Cheng Kexin like this, Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing, "It's not bad, but I still want better."

"Go go go, your skin is getting thicker and thicker." Cheng Kexin had nothing to do with this bad guy.

After staying in Cheng Kexin's office for a while, Ye Wutian returned to his office, and as soon as he sat down, he saw Zheng Zhongren come in.

"Yo! What wind is Director Zheng blowing? Do you want to check my company again?" Ye Wutian asked in a good mood.

Zheng Zhongren didn't smile with Ye Wutian, "Brother, answer me honestly, have you been out these two days?"

Ye Wutian put away his smile: "What do you mean? Where did you go out? You go out every day."

Zheng Zhongren knew that this kid was pretending to be confused, so he reminded again: "Okay, let me be more clear, have you gone abroad?"

"Going abroad?" Ye Wutian wondered, "Why do you care about me?"

"Have it?"

"Is there something you should be very clear about? Don't forget your identity. If you want to know if I have gone abroad, you can find out when you check it out, and why did you come over to ask me?" Ye Wutian said.

"I hope you don't. From the standpoint of a friend, there is something I want to tell you. If you go abroad, you'd better be mentally prepared. You may be in trouble. According to intelligence, there is already suspicion of you there. On the head." Zheng Zhongren said.

Ye Wutian knew that although Zheng Zhongren and Xiaoling were in the same unit, they were not in the same department, so he really couldn't say anything, so he could only continue to pretend to be confused. Besides, the less people knew about this, the better.

"I just want to ask, can I fly?"

Zheng Zhongren is funny, no one can do anything to this guy without definite evidence.

He had a hunch that what happened in country E must have something to do with Ye Wutian. Although the photo was very blurry, Zheng Zhongren could still see that the man looked like Ye Wutian.

This kid was ruthless enough, and dozens of people were killed and injured, but that was dozens of fresh lives.

"You came to ask me about this?" Ye Wutian asked, it should be impossible for Zheng Zhongren to come over for this matter.

"One more thing. According to intelligence, there are many unidentified people who have sneaked into the country. You better pay attention these days. I don't know if those people are coming for you."

Ye Wutian secretly complained, Zheng Zhongren said that it would be very troublesome, and it seemed true. If there were unidentified people sneaking in, it must be an agent of the E country, and it must be coming for him.

Is this getting into trouble? Ye Wutian didn't know what to say to save Xiaoling, but got into such trouble, but he didn't regret it. It was worth it to be able to bring Xiaoling out of that place, not to mention Xiaoling. She didn't let him suffer, at least she promised him, although she was a bit bullying in the process.

"Director Zheng, my safety depends entirely on you." Ye Wutian said: "Arrest all those bad guys."

"This is our job, of course we will do it, but, brother, we are not ordinary people, and sometimes many things are out of You know what I mean?" Zheng Zhongren said, yes I hope Ye Wutian can take precautions by himself, if something happens to Ye Wutian in the future, his director will only be punished.

"I know." Ye Wutian nodded understandingly: "Director Zheng, you just want to say that you are useless."

Zheng Zhongren was instantly mad.

Ye Wutian began to be silent and began to analyze, so many foreign agents came over, and it was impossible to guard against it, and he would appear very passive.

"What are you thinking? The phone is ringing." Zheng Zhongren saw Ye Wutian's contemplation, and he couldn't even hear the phone ringing, so he couldn't help but remind him.

Ye Wutian picked up the phone and put it to his ear: "Old man."

"The situation has changed, come over here." Mr. Zhu said on the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Zhu didn't give Ye Wutian a chance to speak again, and ended the call after saying such a sentence.

Ye Wutian, who put down the phone, did not understand what Mr. Zhu meant, and what was the situation that Mr. Zhu said? (m)

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