Mad Doctor

Chapter 1005: premeditated

Arriving at Situ's house, sure enough, the old man Situ Zong was surrounded by a large group of people, and he was asked this question from time to time.

Compared with Ouyang's house, Situ's house is much more lively, unlike Ouyang's house, which is deserted. Some people don't seem to want to see old man Ouyang come back. It's really impossible to compare people. In this respect, old man Ouyang is not as good as old man Situ.

"Why are you here?" Situ Wei found Ye Wutian's figure and hurried over.

"Master, it's really you who came back. I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect it to be true, great, great." Ye Wutian gave Situ Wei a look and strode towards Situ Zong .

The appearance of Ye Wutian made Situ Zong's face turn black, and the change made Ye Wutian very uncomfortable. What's going on?

Situ Zong's black face is really ugly, Ye Wutian doesn't like it very much.

"Don't want me to come back?" Situ Zong asked coldly, "Is it possible that my return will prevent you from having my granddaughter?"

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! Are these old men negotiated? This is the question at first.

"What's the matter? I don't know how happy I am that you can come back, old man. I suddenly feel that I have the backbone again, and the pressure is much lighter."


"It's absolutely true." Ye Wutian realized that he shouldn't come.

"Well, when will you be fair to my granddaughter?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

"I don't understand? Are you going to pretend to be confused, kid? Well, I'll let you pretend and ask you, you can pay so much for that girl from the Ouyang family, you can spend all the money on her, and you can be nice to my granddaughter anytime. a little?"

Ye Wutian was stupid, and he had the urge to go up and beat the old man, "Situ Group didn't have that kind of thing happen, if there is such a crisis, I will do that too."

"Grandpa, I said he would be willing." Situ Wei made a clearance on the side.

"Humph!" Situ Zong was dissatisfied with Ye Wutian's explanation: "With a light mouth, let me ask you, even if nothing happens to the Situ Group, you can't give the money to my granddaughter? Even a bowl of water has to be leveled, you Why is the kid so biased? Since I can't be nice to my granddaughter, why do I still want to be with her?

Ye Wutian regretted it, he really shouldn't have come today, he's just asking for abuse.

He wanted a bowl of water to be level, but he had to be able to come up with so much money, and he couldn't give Situ Wei that much money at all.

Besides, even if you can give Situ Wei such a large sum of money, what about Cheng Kexin? What should she do?

The company is very profitable, after all, unlike opening a bank, the bowl cannot be leveled.

"Sorry, I really can't come up with that much money right now."

"Is this your answer?" Situ Zong glared angrily.


"You kid, stay away from your granddaughter in the future." Situ Zong slapped the table heavily, stood up and pointed at Ye Wutian and cursed.

Ye Wutian's temper was also scolded, not to be outdone, and replied: "Impossible, old man, no one can break us up."

"Are you determined to be with my granddaughter?"


"With you, what can you give her? Money? Or a position? You can't give anything. How dare you say that you want to be with her?"

Ye Wutian was speechless, but he was unwilling to think about it, why? Why did Old Man Situ stop him and Situ Wei? Even if Situ Wei is her own granddaughter, "Master, I know it's my fault, you can scold me, as long as you can relieve your anger, feel free to scold me."

Situ Zong was enraged: "What's the matter? Is it wrong to scold you?"

"Yes, very right, it's true that I didn't do well enough, but there is one thing I hope you can understand, old man, no matter how much you scold me, I will never let go, and I can't stop me and Xiaowei."

"Look at what you mean, do you want to continue to be your heartless man? Enjoy the blessings of everyone else?"

"What do you mean, old man? You want me to break up with Xiao Wei?"

Situ Zong, who pulled his face, said, "I only have one condition, marriage."

Ye Wutian just wanted to say, but was interrupted by Situ Zong: "Don't worry, listen to me, I know, it's impossible for you to marry Xiaowei alone, and your Hongyan Island is already there. Under construction, when you go to hold a wedding there, everyone, is this no problem? This is already my biggest concession."

Ye Wutian understood it, and he was overjoyed. How could the old man Situ be embarrassing him? It is simply fulfilling him and forcing him to marry his granddaughter.

"No problem, guaranteed no problem."

Seeing Ye Wutian's promise, Situ Zong's face softened a little, "Okay, let Xiaowei accompany you out for a walk."

Situ Wei walked to Ye Wutian's side with all kinds of style, stretched out her arms around Ye Wutian's arm and left the living room.

"When did your grandfather come back?" After the two went out, seeing no one around, Ye Wutian hugged Situ Wei in his arms, causing Situ Wei to scream.

"Father, you are so rude."

Ye Wutian's nosebleed almost didn't flow down, damn, this goblin wants to **** him again.

"Would you like to go to my room?"

Ye Wutian instead became reserved when he heard the words, "Isn't it good? It's daylight now."

Situ Wei opened her mouth to reveal her pure white teeth and bit towards Ye Wutian's neck, the pain caused Ye Wutian to gasp for breath, "Let go, let go, go right away, I'll go right away."

After receiving the answer, Situ Wei opened her mouth contentedly: "Master, I'm so happy."

"Did the old man not say where he went during the time he disappeared?"

"I didn't say it."

"Then did he say what to do when he came back? Suddenly disappearing and suddenly appearing again, there must be a reason, right?"

Situ Wei smiled tenderly: "You still don't understand? Grandpa came back this time to fight for me. Who told you to bully me?"

Ye Wutian thought to himself, he didn't know who was bullying who, but he wanted to bully this goblin, but every time it seemed like he was being bullied.

Old Man Situ and Old Man Ouyang came back at the same time. There must be something wrong. Ye Wutian didn't know what it was.

After forcibly dragging Ye Wutian to her boudoir, Situ Wei instantly turned into a gluttonous cat who couldn't get enough to eat, and tossed Ye Wutian enough to let him go.

After some exercise, Ye Wutian didn't feel sleepy, and lay there refreshed and analyzed, what secrets did the two old men have? Looking back now, whether it was Situ Zong or Ouyang Annan, their anger was more like pretending to be angry, more like they wanted to marry their granddaughter to him.

It's puzzling!

In the evening, the old boy Situ Chu appeared, he glanced at the room, and said to Ye Wutian with a smirk, "So fierce? In broad daylight?"

Ye Wutian blushed and was very embarrassed, Si Pai Chu, this bastard, even wanted to **** with his family.

"Do you want to lift it?" Ye Wutian asked in a low voice.

Situ Chu was so frightened that he quickly stepped back, "Hey, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to make fun of you, I just envy your love."


"It's over." Situ Chu said again: "Oh, let the old man ask me to invite you over there."

"Did you know that the old man is still alive?"

"do not know."

"Want to soften?" When he spoke, Ye Wutian was already holding the medicinal powder in his hand.

Situ Chu smiled bitterly. He didn't even see Ye Wutian's hand, but saw the medicinal powder in his hand, "Can you stop doing this trick? We are family after all."

"Yes, it's a family, I'll only let you soften. If it's not a family, I'll kill you without knowing it."

"Well, I admit, I knew the old man was still alive early in the morning."

"What is the purpose?"

"do not know."

Ye Wutian took a step forward, ready to strike.

"Are you serious? I really don't know. It's useless for you to kill me."

Ye Wutian popped out the powder, the powder hit the target, and most of it fell on Situ Chu.

"Damn! You lunatic, I'm also a gang leader anyway, so you can't save me some face?" The terrified Situ Chu jumped up. Now, he regrets it a lot. If he knew this, he shouldn't have come to inform Ye Wutian, but flashes as far as it should be.

"If you don't detoxify within half an hour, you will have to soften up in the future."

How could the extremely depraved Situ Chu want to scold people? Still want to kill, who did he provoke? Why do this to him?

"Twenty-eight minutes." Ye Wutian reminded.

Situ Chu was about to cry, "I really don't know, Xiaotian, no, brother, you are my brother, please let me go, I really don't know anything, except that the old man is not dead, other do not know anything."


Situ Chu Kuang nodded: "Of course it's true, brother, how dare I lie to you?"

"You lied to me as a puppy?"

"Well, more than a puppy, I'm still a turtle."

Ye Wutian said: "Okay, you can go."

"Then what, the antidote?"

Ye Wutian glanced at Situ Chu with contempt, "What antidote? It's just deworming powder."

Situ Chu was stunned. He didn't react until Ye Wutian disappeared, roaring like thunder: "Ye Wutian, I fought with you."

"Father, are you looking for me?"

Situ Zong pointed to the sofa next to him and motioned Ye Wutian to sit down, "Can't you stop in the middle of the day?"

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, thinking that I don't want this either, it's your precious granddaughter who insists on pulling me, what can I do? You can only blame your precious granddaughter.

After a few dry laughs, Ye Wutian knew that Situ Zong would have many things to tell him next.

"Have a lot of questions to ask?"

" Indeed!"

"From the beginning, old man Ouyang and I were deliberately disappearing."

Sure enough, it was so, it was purposeful and premeditated.

"There is only one reason, for you."

"Wait." Ye Wutian was confused, "What for me?"

"Don't interrupt, let me finish."

Ye Wutian closed his mouth very wisely and began to listen carefully to the story of the other party.

"Many people think that old man Ouyang and I are rivals and enemies. That's just what we deliberately made for others to see, just to hide people's eyes and eyes, and to carry out our plan."

"This matter has to start from when I was young. At that time, the four major families were fighting fiercely, and they all wanted to expand their strength, but later, for some unknown reason, the Wang family chose to retire and tolerated, as the remaining three families. I didn’t care much, and even secretly rejoiced that without the Wang family, it would mean one less opponent.” ()

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