The situation at the time was that almost all living creatures on the island could not escape from Li Yi's holy sword Roland. It is because of this that after Li Yi was promoted to the realm of the Holy One, because he had gathered so much murderous energy, he became extremely powerful in the demon world.

That is because of the three years of killing career, Li Yi had almost already had his own field before he even reached the level of demigod. All the credit for this is due to the three years of killing.

However, when Li Yi recalled that period of life, Li Yi also felt a bit unbearable. Because in Li Yi's opinion, he is a demon who does nothing to gain strength. In fact, strictly speaking, Li Yi himself is the biggest devil. Only because the strong side is on his side, so often Li Yi can do whatever he wants.

Of course, when Li Yi wants to understand a lot of things now, Li Yi's heart is not as guilty as before.

It is difficult to describe its desolation in words in the deserted place now. Not to mention living people on the whole island, even a living animal is a very rare thing. All these are Li Yi's masterpieces.

Looking at the devastated deserted place, Li Yi said lightly: "Children, don't blame me Li Yi for being cold, just because of your death, I can gain more strength, and this way is the fastest, so Your death is actually worth it."

If someone hears Li Yi here, he will definitely yell at Li Yi for arguing for his crimes. Because Li Yi's words seem very reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, this is exactly an excuse for the murderous devil to quibble. And Li Yi was so bad that he didn't think of any reasonable excuses for his crimes, but it seemed that Li Yi just said it casually and just acted in a perfunctory manner.

In fact, Li Yi didn't need to do so much, because now there is no living person in the whole deserted land. No matter whether Li Yi is sincere or excuses bad, no one will come out to praise Li Yi or scold Li Yi.

Now even Wolf is no longer always following himself in the dark as he used to, so in this way, Li Yi's words are estimated to be impossible for anyone to hear.

Li Yi himself, in fact, only felt suddenly after seeing the situation of the abandoned land. Li Yi himself had never thought about it, who would come out to answer himself.

But just before Li Yi's words fell, Li Yi's ear remembered a voice: "Death for you, it is worth it."

Hearing such a sentence, Rao is Li Yi's perseverance. Because Li Yi can already confirm that there are no living people in the deserted land. And in fact, even some ghosts cannot exist. However, Li Yi has really heard such a voice now, and what surprised Li Yi is that Li Yi couldn't even detect where the voice came from.

After panicking, Li Yi looked around and shouted loudly: "Who, sneaky, what is the idea to talk about, why do you want to make these gods mysterious move."

Although Li Yi was very loud when speaking, the result was that no matter how Li Yi shouted, no one appeared at all. Even after that, there was no voice anymore. On top of Nuo Da's chaos, only Li Yi's voice echoed.

I don't know why, after seeing this happening, Li Yi should have been very shocked. After all, this situation only shows that the strength of the master of that voice must be in his own strength, and should be much higher than himself. Otherwise, it is impossible to do such a haunt.

And since this is the case, Li Yi has to worry about whether the other party will attack him. But when thinking of the meaning in that sentence, Li Yi couldn't worry about it. Because Li Yi seems to understand that the speaker seems to be on his side.

After thinking about this, Li Yi was not prepared to waste time here. Finally, after glancing at the situation of the abandoned land, Li Yi also immediately began to walk to the beach after discovering that there was nothing strange. Li Yi’s destination is very clear, which is the Ulan Abyss on the Shengyuan Continent.

No matter what Li Yi prepares to do in the human world, it must be after the resurrection of Alice. So what Li Yi has to do now is to rush to the Tianlan Empire first.

But when Li Yi rushed to the seashore in the abandoned place, Li Yi encountered another problem. That is, Li Yi found that he seemed to have forgotten that it would be very difficult for himself now to want to cross this sea.

You should know that when you traversed this sea area, you could have experienced nine deaths, and then you did it. But now, Li Yi is not going to take the risk again. Although Li Yi will not be buried in the sea even if he encounters a storm in the sea, after all, if this happens, it will be a headache.

So in the end, Li Yi also decided to cross the sea by flight. Li Yi also wanted to see what his current strength is. If it is really possible to fly continuously and cross this sea, then for Li Yi, this is also a big challenge.

But obviously, Li Yi really overestimated himself. Although Li Yi has reached the level of false gods, it is simply impossible to fly without sleep, even if the speed is slowed down. During this period, Li Yi did not see a place where he could settle down. He had to stop and rest for a long time before he could continue on the road.

Sometimes if you can't find a place to stay, Li Yi can only fall into the sea, recovering her body as the sea water sinks and floats.

That's it, Li Yi stopped flying like this, and finally it took three months to rush from the abandoned land to the Shengyuan Continent.

However, although the process was very difficult, Li Yi finally succeeded in reaching his first destination.

Shengyuan Continent, in the years since Li Yi left, nothing really happened. However, when Li Yi passed the emperor capital of the Tianlan Empire and went in for boredom, he learned that it seemed that in the next days, Shengyuan Continent would start his chaos again.

Because in the process of the successful restoration of the Say Empire under the leadership of Bettina, the Tianlan Empire suffered heavy losses in order to destroy the Say Empire. At that time, Kevin the Emperor, who had just taken over as the emperor, was about to start rectifying state affairs. But in fact, the entire Tianlan Empire at that time was basically corrupt and rotten.

Even though Kevin the Great had great ambitions in his heart, he still spent a lot of time and experience trying to accomplish this. Finally, it took three years for Kevin the Great to finally control many dissatisfied courtiers with absolute force, and finally pulled out the tumors in the empire one by one.

In this way, under the rule of Kevin the Great, the Celestial Empire seemed to be able to prosper again. However, the new policy of Kevin the Great only started shortly after all, and the current Tianlan Empire is still very weak after all. Because at that time it was to pull out the cancerous tumors in the empire. After a series of drastic actions by Kevin the Great, although the cancerous tumors were removed, the Tianlan Empire became weaker.

But in the face of this situation, Kevin the Great was not willing to easily lose. At that time, the Sai Empire was also just re-established, so compared with the Tianlan Empire, the Sai Empire was weaker. But even so, Kevin the Great never thought of fighting the Sai Empire. Because Kevin knew that there were not enough grain and soldiers in the empire. Even if there were, the empire did not have as good a tie-tie soldier as Luo Ning and theirs. The most important point is that the Tianlan Empire can no longer be consumed.

Therefore, at this time, Kevin the Great had first initiated an alliance request like the Sai Empire. But Bettina faced this invitation to the Celestial Empire, but did not buy it at all. But although she didn't buy it, Bettina knew through this matter, at least the Tianlan Empire has no intention of going east again. So at this time, the Sai Empire put all its energy on re-development.

Of course, in fact, the Sai Empire can do this, Kevin is already satisfied. Because when Kevin sent the messenger, he never thought that the Sai Empire would agree to form an alliance. Because the grievances and grievances between the two empires are too deep, there is simply no room for reversal. So Kevin did nothing more than just show Bettina and Elena their mentality. Although the messengers on the surface seem to want to form alliances, they are actually just telling each other that I have no power to go south. You and I are better to develop separately so as not to let others take advantage of the fishermen.

As for the secret meaning of Kevin, although Bettina cannot understand, Elena is very clear. Although Elena really has the intention to flatten the Tianlan Empire, but in the current situation, in addition to slowly developing, it is really difficult to find any other way of revenge. So in the end, Elena also reluctantly started peaceful development with the Tianlan Empire.

But neither Kevin nor Elena can understand that if the war between their two empires continues, it will be easy for others to take advantage of the fishermen in the future. And that other person, of course, is not a person, but the third empire on the continent of the Holy Yuan, the Atlanta empire.

At that time when the fiercest battle between the Celestial Empire and the Sai Empire, the Atlanta Empire thought about taking advantage of the danger. Only later I saw that the Tianlan Empire was fighting the Sai Empire the most tightly, and it did not transfer the troops at the border between the two countries. The Atlanta Empire also saw it, it seems At that time they could not take advantage of anything.

But this does not mean that they did not think of invading the Tianlan Empire. In fact, just as the fighting between the two countries subsided, the Atlanta empire was preparing to launch a general attack on the Tianlan empire. After all, the Tianlan Empire had just experienced a big defeat at that time, and the two generals of the veteran level in the country were all killed on the battlefield to conquer the Say Empire. But I don't know why in the end, the Atlanta empire still did not choose to fight against the Tianlan empire at that time.

It was proved afterwards that the practice of the Atlanta Empire was indeed correct. Because shortly after the defeat of the Tianlan Empire, the Tianlan Empire began an unprecedented shuffle. But the original creator, Kevin the Great, couldn't even think of it. Although he did this for the benefit of the country and the people, it was indeed very risky to do it at that time.

Therefore, when the Tianlan empire began to rectify its state affairs, the Atlanta empire finally finally caught sight of the weakest moment of the Tianlan empire and continued to make troubles for the Tianlan empire. But even so, the Atlanta empire continued to launch small-scale attacks on the troops of the Tianlan empire on the border between the two countries.

The Atlanta Empire did nothing more than paralyze Kevin the Great. They do this, although they will also make Kevin the Great doubt, but in the end, they may still not pay too much attention here because the attack is not strong enough. The national rectification of the Tianlan empire started vigorously when the Atlanta empire continued to harass the Tianlan empire.

After this situation lasted for more than two years, the movement of the Atlanta Empire on the border began to gradually increase. Because of the return of the spies placed by the Atlanta empire in the Tianlan empire, the state rectification of the Tianlan empire seems to have gradually begun to move towards a clear situation. Therefore, in the face of this situation, the rulers of the Atlanta Empire can no longer be willing to harass the Tianlan Empire on such a small scale.

Because if it is really self-defeating, let the Tianlan Empire really rectify the state affairs, and then after a period of rest and rest, with Kevin's character, it is necessary to fight back against the Atlanta Empire.

Therefore, when the state rectification of Kevin the Great was proceeding to the most critical moment, the attack of the Atlanta Empire on the border also finally began to be fierce and dense. At this time, Kevin finally knew what idea the Atlanta Empire had been playing.

It was just that the situation in the Tianlan Empire was the most critical moment in the end, so Kevin did not want to give up at that time. Therefore, Kevin the Great only sent the Eastern Legion to support. As for the Central Army, it was still used by Kevin the Great to conquer the great warlords and major parties in the country.

Now, after more than four months, Kevin has finally completely reformed the situation of the Skyland Empire, but the invasion of the Skyland Empire by the Atlanta Empire has already reached an intolerable point. Judging from the current situation, it is already obvious that the Atlanta empire is obviously going to start with the Tianlan empire. At this time, although Kevin the Great distressed his people, he finally had to prepare for the game.

It's just that after all, the country has just gone through some small-scale civil wars, so that the current situation in the Tianlan Empire can really be described as a mess. So although Kevin was willing to fight, he finally had to grievously resist the invasion of foreign enemies on his border.

And at this time, the most unexpected thing happened. That is, it can be said that it is the Sai Empire with national hatred and family hatred. When the Tianlan Empire was most in danger, it sent an emissary to the Tianlan Empire.

The messenger who arrived in the Celestial Empire brought news to Kevin, and finally made Kevin sleepless for three days. The reason why he was insomnia was not to worry about something. On the contrary, he was insomnia because the news brought by the messenger of the Sai Empire was so exciting.

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