And after Alice heard Li Yi's words, she was so moved that she couldn't add more. Because in Alice's memory, Li Yi seems to have said such things to herself only when she was dying. But at that time I was dying, so I had no time to enjoy this warmth. But it is different now, no matter how much you don’t believe it, but the fact that you resurrect yourself is really an unchangeable fact.

Looking at this handsome man in front of him, although he did not mention what he has experienced in the past years, but if he wants to resurrect a person and want to have that strength, for Li Yi, there must be a lot. challenge. In order to do this, Li Yi must have suffered a lot.

So at this moment, Alice really does not know what to say to Li Yi. In the eerie abyss of Ulan, Alice just held Li Yi quietly and kept silent for a long time.

Although Li Yi also enjoys this feeling very much, but Li Yi knows that in this abyss of Wulan, after all, it is not the place where the two lived for a long time. Strictly speaking, it is simply not suitable for staying here. So although Li Yi himself was not willing to destroy this kind of warm moment, Li Yi finally had to cough gently and then smiled and said to Alice: "Oh, well, now everything has passed. Now that I have experienced that kind of hardship, I should cherish the life in front of me now, right? Let’s go, I’ll take you back to Suzuran City. I haven’t been back for a long time. Let’s see if we can meet an acquaintance there.

Hearing Li Yi's words, Alice finally broke free from Li Yi's arms. Although Alice has been very panic before, in the final analysis, Alice is not that kind of weak girl after all. After connecting all these things, Alice has understood that although what seems to be happening to her now seems to be very unacceptable, after all, the resurrection of herself is an unchangeable fact. So what Alice should do now is to enjoy life in the future like Li Yi said.

And after slowly accepting this reality, Alice is now very curious about how the outside world has changed in the past 20 years.

So after breaking away from Li Yi's arms, Alice immediately replaced her handsome smile. Looking at Li Yi with a smile, Alice asked: "Li Yi, you tell me carefully, how did you resurrect me."

Hearing this question from Alice, Li Yi suddenly felt extremely intractable. Because after all, with Alice's current knowledge, if she told her too esoteric, Alice would not accept it. So after thinking about it for a while, Li Yi smiled perfunctoryly: "Oh, this is actually a coincidence. I returned to my hometown after you died, and then I accidentally found a fairy grass there. Later, after The expert advised me that I knew that the fairy grass had the effect of resurrection. So after I figured out this matter, I immediately came back here, and then I successfully resurrected you."

After talking, Li Yi smiled silly.

Looking at Li Yi, Alice felt that Li Yi was not telling the truth. But Alice knows that with Li Yi's character, if you can say something now, you will definitely not hide it from yourself. And since he refuses to tell the truth now, it proves that there must be his misery.

Alice is a smart girl, so seeing Li Yi like this, Alice also chose to be deceived by Li Yi.

So after Alice just narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Yi, then said with a smile: "Oh, that's the case, it seems that my life is also very good, is it that the heavens pity me, and then you found the effect Magic grass?"

Looking at the look of Alice, Li Yi also knows that Alice must not believe what she just said, but although she did not believe it, Alice did not break it. Li Yi also quite likes Alice's understanding.

So afterwards, Li Yi just smiled and continued perfunctoryly: "Of course it is, maybe it is the pity of our miserable mandarin ducks, and then gave me that fairy grass."

"Bah, who is a pair of mandarin ducks with you, so beautiful." Hearing Li Yi's joke, Alice's pretty face instantly turned crimson. Although in fact, Alice has already recognized Li Yi. But out of a girl's restraint, Alice is still somewhat embarrassed.

And seeing this lovely look of Alice, Li Yi also felt very funny.

It is not known how many years have passed, and Li Yi has not been as relaxed as he is now. Thinking of the past, Li Yi really felt that he was really too tired to live.

Now, Li Yi knows that before Wolfe's plan succeeds, it may be his chance to relax in the human world. Once Wolfe’s plan was completed, then it was time for the battle to continue. After all, as long as the plan succeeds, there will inevitably be a turbulent era.

By that time, whether it is to protect the interests of the human world or to protect the friends around him, Li Yi must fight again. All of these are destined. Li Yi knows that even if he is Wolf, it is also It is impossible to change all this. So now, Li Yi can only seize this opportunity to relax a bit, or wait until the time of great turmoil, it is impossible to relax.

After thinking of this, Li Yi stopped thinking about what might happen in the future. Li Yi knows that the most important thing now is to take Alice around the world. And during this period, Li Yi must also make Alice's strength stronger.

Although before resurrecting Alice, Li Yi also knew Alice's true identity. As Alice, as long as the chance comes, her strength will definitely be restored. At that time, even without any external help, Alice can grow into a real powerhouse. But Li Yi knows that although this is the case, if she doesn’t help Alice, it is impossible for Alice to recover before the time of great turmoil. Before Alice truly recovered, she could only be Alice, and could not become the person she used to be.

So now Li Yi's task is relatively heavy. He has to take Alice to the mountains and rivers for fun, and to help Alice practice. Fortunately, Alice's talent is also very outstanding, and after the birth of Li Yi's original power, Alice's reunited consciousness is also extremely powerful.

Now Alice herself has not found that resurrecting herself is not the strength of the double peak of more than twenty years ago. Now Alice, the strength has reached the seventh peak, and it is only one step away from the advancement of the Saints. What Alice lacks is only actual combat experience. Of course, she still lacks a good practice.

But all this is not difficult for Li Yi. Because of the exercises, Li Yi was ready before resurrecting Alice. In fact, among the ancient exercises in the Luo Temple in Demon Realm, the most important one is the exercises practiced by Luo Shen, Luo Shen tactics. It was through this exercise that Luoshen was able to cultivate an incomparable strength. This Luoshen tactic has a great relationship with Alice.

So Li Yi chose this kind of exercise for Alice to practice after resurrection.

But the most important issue now is to leave Alice, because the environment here is not so attractive after all. The eerie environment is indeed quite annoying.

So looking at Alice, Li Yi said with a smile: "Hold me tight, I will take you out."

After hearing Li Yi's words, Alice did the same immediately. Because of the environment in this Ulan abyss, Alice is even more averse to Li Yi. So for being able to leave here, Alice is more anxious than Li Yi.

After grasping Li Yi, Alice said softly, "Ready, let's get started."

Upon hearing Alice's words, Li Yi smiled. Because of the tension in Alice's arms, Li Yi really felt very warm. Looking at the towering cliffs, Li Yi took a little luck and flew up with Alice.

Although Li Yi is still unable to teleport like Wolff or Tang Hui, at least Li Yi now uses flight to leave the Ulan Abyss without any difficulty. And because he flew back to the Shengyuan Continent from the abandoned land, Li Yi's current flying skills are also very pure.

So just a few minutes later, Li Yi took Alice to Wulan Peak.

After standing on the top of the mountain, Li Yi said softly to Alice in her arms: "Okay, here we are, open our eyes."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Alice's eyes opened slightly hesitantly. The reason why Alice was a little puzzled was that she was curious what way Li Yi used to leave the Wulan Abyss. Because although Alice did not walk into the Ulan abyss in person, when she was in the abyss just now, Alice could tell by visual inspection that the cliffs on both sides were at least several thousand meters high. But at such a height, Li Yi made it out in just a few minutes. Is it fly? But Alice immediately rejected the idea. In fact, I can’t blame Alice’s current ignorance, I can only blame Alice’s strength at that time is too low, so I am not very familiar with the strength differentiation of the entire cultivation world. When Alice was at Suzuran College, the strongest person she knew was the Dean Garr who had the strength of the Seventh Peak, and above the Dean Garr, it was the holy class who lived in legend. Strong. But for the Holy Power, Alice has only heard of it, but has never seen it. And even if they are Saint-level strongmen, it seems that they are not able to fly in the rumors.

So now Alice is very interested in the way Li Yi left the Ulan Abyss, so just after gaining a firm foothold, Alice asked anxiously: "Li Yi, what level have you reached now. More than two decades have passed. With your talents, you should have reached a very terrifying state now. Well, don’t say it first, let me guess, you should be a seven-level state now, at least intermediate strength. At that time, Dean Garr Boast your super talent, much better than him. At that time, he was promoted to the seventh realm when he was sixty years old. I count, you should be fifty years old now, than he was when you were your age. The level is higher, there should be no problem, right?"

Listening to Alice's nagging calculations of her own strength beside her, Li Yi really has a feeling of ridicule. Because Li Yi really can't explain to Alice what kind of realm she has reached. Because Li Yi knew that in the impression of Alice, Dean Garr could already be regarded as a great powerhouse. Although he was boasted as a wizard when he was in Suzuran College, but in the eyes of Alice, she should only be practicing to the seventh-level middle level.

But although it felt a little funny, Li Yi was not prepared to explain too much to Alice. Because Li Yi knew that Alice would know about this matter sooner or later. For this matter, it is better to be later than earlier. After all, Alice has been sleeping for too long, and a lot of news still needs to penetrate her slowly.

But just as Li Yi was constantly thinking about these things in his mind, Li Yi heard Alice beside him whisper. Hearing this voice, Li Yi immediately looked at Alice nervously. After seeing that Alice was no different, Li Yi asked slightly, "What's wrong, what happened just now?"

Hearing Li Yi’s question, Alice shouted her tongue embarrassedly, and then asked with a puzzled expression: “Li Yi, I didn’t notice when I was talking, but after I finished speaking, I carefully It’s just me who has reacted. I seem to have been sleeping for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years, I was in a state of death and all my physical functions stopped, so my appearance is still more than 20 years ago. There is still reason. But you have been really struggling in the outside world for more than 20 years, but why is your appearance no different from that of more than 20 years ago. What spells do you know? Can you stay young forever? Is it true, teach me, teach me."

Alice is really a lovely girl. She was still very concerned about Li Yi's strength, but after a short while, thinking of Li Yi's strange body, she immediately became very curious about how Li Yi maintained her youthful appearance. And no matter what the matter is, Alice immediately pestered Li Yi and asked Li Yi to teach her the spell. After all, staying young for a woman really has a lot of temptations. Otherwise, when Bettina was not able to bear the hatred of the ruined country, she still did not forget to study the technique of staying in the face. Therefore, Li Yi can understand Alice's current requirements.

But it was because of the thought of Bettina that Li Yi immediately came up with a lie to fool Alice. I saw that Li Yi was slightly correct, pretending to be a very serious look, and then lowered his voice to Alice: "I saved the princess of the Sai Empire from the Tianlan Empire, and the princess will stay in Yan Zhi Because I have a life-saving grace for her, she taught me this spell. Otherwise, how could this high-level spell easily succeed. Now I teach you, listen carefully, Don't be distracted."

Hearing Li Yi saying this, and seeing Li Yi even making such a serious gesture, Alice was also tricked into by Li Yi in an instant. So Alice immediately put on a very serious look, and began to prepare to listen to Li Yi's teaching of her beauty treatment.

But although Li Yi is serious, but really, Li Yi really does not know how to practice Yanzhanzhi. Because as long as the strength reaches the level of pseudo-god, the practitioners after the majestic power of the world can change their age status at will. The reason why Li Yi can always look so young is because Li Yi is used to this state.

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