Hearing Li Yi's words, Yadi felt another bitterness in his heart. In Yadi's view, he certainly will not stop in this state forever in his life, but if he wants to surpass the man in front of him, maybe he has no hope in his life. A person, because Li Yi's talent seems to be really extreme, even during a certain casting process, Li Yi may understand something. With such a talent, what else can stop Li Yi from becoming stronger?

But despite his emotions, Yadi's pace was not slow. Now that Li Yi has said that this passage will be stable for the time being, then Yadi will not have any doubts about Li Yi's words. So before Li Yi walked in first, Yadi went in first.

After entering the passage, Yadi immediately felt a kind of cold feeling that could almost suffocate him. But this kind of feeling is fleeting, because Yadi feels that he has only passed for a moment, after which Yadi closes his eyes almost uncontrollably. When Yadi opened his eyes, he saw another scene.

But just when Yadi lamented the magic of the channel opened by Li Yi, Yadi suddenly moved. Because after entering the mountains of the dead, Yadi first felt the feeling of the atmosphere of heaven and earth here. As a cultivator in the realm of the saint, Yadi also felt it at once. The atmosphere of heaven and earth in the mountains of the dead is very different from the outside world. But what kind of change this difference can bring to the cultivator is not known to Yadi.

Just when Yadi was thinking hard about this matter, Li Yi had walked to Yadi unconsciously. After looking at Yadi who was frowning, Li Yi also knew that the reason why Yadi was like this must have been to find that the atmosphere of the world is different from the outside world.

In fact, this is also very easy to find for Yadi. After all, when Li Yi first entered the mountains of the dead, he also discovered that it was different from the outside world shortly after entering.

But since he knows what Yadi is thinking, Li Yi certainly won't let him think for too long. At the same time, Li Yi also knows that among these people, it is definitely not just Yadi who will feel this way.

So after seeing everyone entering the mountains of the dead, Li Yi also immediately said to everyone: "How is it, does it feel different from the outside world?"

Hearing Li Yi's words, Yadi woke up from his own thinking. As soon as Yadi entered this place, he kept thinking about how the atmosphere of the world is different from the outside world. Now when I heard Li Yi take the initiative to speak, Yadi naturally said immediately, "Yeah, I feel that there is something more in the air of heaven and earth than the outside world. But there is something more, but I feel no come out."

"Oh, you can't feel this naturally. Because even the old seniors who have lived here for hundreds of years haven't seen until now that there is nothing more in the atmosphere of heaven and earth here. It's just that for the atmosphere of the world here, they already have their discovery." Looking at Yadi, Li Yi said with a smile.

"What did you find?" Yadi asked immediately when he heard Li Yi say this.

"There is a very strange substance in the air of heaven and earth here. Because of their existence, so as long as the practitioners who practice here will get a benefit, that is, prolong life and practice here. The speed of the power of heaven and earth is also very fast, much faster than the outside world. The most amazing thing is that the strong people of the World of Warcraft who practice here can transform into humans without having to obtain the realm of the holy beast. Here , As long as the Warcraft cultivator with the strength of the sixfold realm can be transformed into a person in advance. Yadi, do you remember the red flame beast that we met in the Ulan Mountains that can be spitting? Earlier, it was cultivated here." Li Yi said slowly, telling his companions about the magic of the mountains of the dead.

After hearing the magic here, Yadi and others were also amazed. Because before they came here, they didn't know that there was such a magical place in this world. Here, not only can you prolong your life, but when you feel the power of the world, you will be much faster than the outside world.

For this, only Yadi's shock level is the deepest. Because now among these people, in addition to Li Yi, only Yadi has reached the state of the saint. So among them, only Yadi can understand and understand what the power of heaven and earth represents. Because once you have reached the realm of the saint, then if you want to increase your strength, you must do it by increasing your perception of heaven and earth. After reaching this level, your own cultivation level depends on how much power you can feel and how much power you can mobilize.

So after hearing that practicing here can speed up your understanding of the world, Yadi was really shocked. It was at this time that Yadi knew that it was really a correct thing to follow Li Yi to this place.

But Pat and Bettina, who did not reach the realm of the saint, are now very happy. After all, for them, before they have reached the state of the saint, they have not been out of the category of normal human beings, so they always have to worry about when they will die.

And since life can be extended here, this will greatly help their cultivation. Here, even if the talent is a little more stupid, there should be no problem if you want to advance to the realm of the saint. What's more, now both of them are in shock at the bottleneck. So after listening to Li Yi's explanation of this place, Yadi, Pat and others feel that entering the mountains of the dead is the most correct thing.

Of course, there are still some people who are not very concerned about this, and that person is naturally Alice. In fact, before entering the mountains of the dead, Alice has been very anxious, because Alice now wants to go to the human alliance that Li Yi said. Because Alice knew that in the human alliance, there was her little friend of the year, that cute panda was tenacious.

When she thinks of being tenacious, Alice always smiles involuntarily. Because the little guy who is tenacious is indeed too cute. Even the ruthless character of Li Yi, when he was tenacious as a mercenary, was also very fond of tenacious because of the tenacious stubbornness. This is even true of Li Yi, not to mention Alice. You know, the tenacity of Alice is not inferior to Li Yi.

After seeing the expression on Alice's face, Li Yi naturally also knew what Alice was worried about now. In fact, Li Yi also missed the stubborn little guy a little, so after seeing Alice's expression, Li Yi also knew that he must find the Human Alliance immediately.

Not only is it for tenaciousness, Li Yi knows that in the mountains of the dead, although there are human alliances, but more of them are the strong of the Warcraft family. In addition, most of the strong characters of the World of Warcraft are quirky, so in order not to cause any unnecessary troubles, Li Yi also wants to find the Human Alliance in the first place.

But where Li Yi is now, Li Yi remembers that there is still a short distance from the Human Alliance. So after seeing the right direction, Li Yi also immediately took Yadi and others to prepare to open the way.

For many years, he has not returned to the mountains of the dead, but for Li Yi, the situation here is still very familiar. After all, Li Yi practiced here for ten years. During ten years, Li Yi was not blindly practicing hard, but constantly practicing in battle. So for the Mountain Range of the Dead, Li Yi walked through it in ten years. So although there is still some distance away from the Human Alliance, Li Yi can still find the way back easily.

However, while Li Yi walked and introduced the situation in the mountains of the dead to Yadi and others, Li Yi suddenly moved. Because at this moment, Li Yi suddenly felt that someone very familiar with him was approaching himself.

And Li Yi knew that only the tenacious could give himself this feeling among the mountains of the dead. Because when leaving that year, Li Yi left a drop of essential blood in the tenacious body just to find the tenacious in the future.

And just after Li Yi had this feeling, Li Yi saw that in the distance, a little guy with a strange meatball approached himself at a very fast speed.

Before waiting for Li Yi to speak, Alice shouted: "Oh, that little guy, seems to be tenacious."

Hearing Alice’s words, not only Li Yi, but also Yadi and others all turned their gaze to the small meat ball in the distance that was constantly moving closer to this side.

From afar, it seems that the tenacious red panda has become much fatter in these years, and its length has grown a lot. And what makes people more like it is that it looks so good when running. Although it is moving very fast now, it seems to everyone that no matter what it looks like, it can create a very cute image.

So although I don't know what happened to the tenacious, but when everyone saw the tenacious, the first time I made a good evaluation of the image of this little guy.

But when Alice smiled and faced the tenacious, preparing to have an intimate hug with this little guy who had been separated for more than 20 years, the tenacious quickly passed Alice who was preparing to hug herself, and It was Li Yi who got into a smile behind Alice.

Seeing this, Alice immediately frowned. Because in Alice's opinion, it was because of her temporary compassion that she saved the little guy. But now, in the face of his warm welcome, this **** little guy dared to ignore his existence. What is even more hateful is that it turned out to go straight to Li Yi who was standing behind him. Seeing this, how could Alice not be angry.

But when Alice looked back and saw the poor little guy in Li Yi's arms, the anger in Alice's heart disappeared. Because when Alice saw the tenaciousness, the tenaciousness made it tremble in Li Yi's arms. And I don't know why, tenacious and obvious is just a Warcraft red panda, but at this moment, Alice seems to be able to feel very clearly, the tenaciousness at this time is very panic.

In fact, we couldn't blame tenaciousness for turning a blind eye to Alice. Because in the tenacious memory, Alice has been dead for many years. So although the feelings were particularly good, but after so many years of separation, the tenacious impression of Alice gradually decreased. And now, tenaciousness has really encountered great difficulties.

After encountering this difficulty, even some practitioners in the human alliance have been unable to retain their tenacity. What's more, now they have started to fight tenacious ideas. Because of this, Zhengshi is very panic because of his tenacity.

And when the tenaciousness was almost approaching, the tenacious being in a sudden escape was suddenly moved, and it felt that Li Yi had entered the mountains of the dead. This feeling, even Li Yi can not have. Because of the tenacious race panda, the talents in mind and consciousness are really not comparable to other races.

So even if Li Yi left his own blood in the tenacious body, but the tenacious can feel Li Yi's arrival. When Li Yi just entered the mountains of the dead, the tenacious had already noticed the arrival of Li Yi. So the tenacious will run to Li Yi for the first time. After all, in the tenacious view, only Li Yi can help himself sincerely.

So it appears that Li Yi has not yet rushed to the location of the Human Alliance, and he has met the tenacious halfway.

And now the tenaciousness is already in extreme panic, so there is no mood at all to observe who the people are beside Li Yi.

It is because of this that Alice was very unhappy before she was tenacious.

But when Alice saw the tenaciousness of this state, Alice also knew that it was clearly not suitable for anger now. So I saw that Alice calmed down the emotion in her heart a little, then walked to Li Yi and smiled to the tenacious in Li Yi's arms: "Stubborn, do you remember me."

Seeing Alice talking to herself, the tenacious now has no mind to deal with. Because although Tenacious now has a clear look at Alice, it is clear that the tenaciousest one still cares about Li Yi now. So I just glanced at Alice at random, and tenaciously said to Alice with a milky voice: "Oh, why are you here, Princess Elena? You have to find someone else to play with, I have important now To tell Li Yi."

Seeing this tenacious performance, even Li Yi couldn't help laughing. Because Li Yi and his colleagues can see that Alice actually cares about tenaciousness, otherwise she will not be so enthusiastic about tenaciousness. But tenacious, the first time I ignored Alice, and the second time was even more ruthless, and even regarded Alice directly as Elena. Coupled with the stubborn voice of milk and milk, how can such a situation not make people laugh.

But now it is definitely not a joke time, because when tenacious just rushed into his arms, Li Yi was already able to detect the tenacious mood swings. Li Yi can feel that the tenaciousness is really very scared. To be able to react in this way must be tenaciously encountering something that it is completely unable to cope with. So now Li Yi has no intention to care about what kind of emotion Alice will have. After hearing the tenacious words, Li Yi immediately turned the tenacious little head to himself, and then said to the tenaciously very serious: "Careful Tell me what happened."

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