Then, after the leader sent out to inquire, we realized that now the undead army, with the help of the traitors of the Yan clan, had established their stronghold in the mountains of the dead. And those dead strong men who hurt me that day were the leaders in the first stronghold. According to rumors, their strength has reached the level of true gods. Because their strength is incomparable, and they are completely different from the former army of undead. Because of its full spirituality, the fighting methods have also begun to change. You have also seen that among them there are even strong men who have mastered the curse technique, so in the end we are helpless after learning this news.

The leader said that this time is really not a time to fight against the undead army and the traitors of the Yan clan, so even if I knew that if I caught the cursed undead strongman alive, then I would be saved. But because everything is not happening, now I can only suffer here every day. "

Speaking of which, the painful expression on Hans' face became stronger.

After seeing Hans make this expression, Li Yi's heart was also tight. After all, Li Yi was really heartbroken to see his old friends fall to the point where they are today.

But when thinking of the strength of the few undead strongmen introduced by Hans, Li Yi was really unable to help him even if he was willing to help Hans recover. After all, the powerhouse of the real **** realm is really difficult for Li Yi now to fight. In the Demon Realm, Li Yi struggled to get rid of the force, and he seriously injured the Demon Sect Master of the Demigod Peak, but after the opponent was promoted to the real God Realm, when Li Yi confronted him, although Li was at that time Yi has no strength at all, but Li Yi knows that even if his physical condition is at its heyday, he is basically unable to fight against the other party.

At that time, the Green Demon Sect Master was just a cultivator who had just advanced to the realm of the real god. He hadn't even fixed his realm yet.

So Li Yi knows that it is basically impossible to seek a way to crack the curse from the undead strong.

The other party is also a powerful person in the real **** realm. Even if Li Yi's consciousness is much stronger than the cultivator of the same level, it cannot be stronger than a cultivator in the real **** realm. So after thinking for a long time, Li Yi was only able to think in a dejected way: "Did you just recognize it like that, then watch Hans go so far?"

Seeing Li Yi's expression, Hans' original hope had risen, and now he couldn't help but shatter. Because Hans knew that after thinking about the situation, Li Yi could not do each of the two ways to solve the curse.

But despite this, Hans said to Li Yi: "Forget it, Li Yi, don't worry, maybe this is my Hans's life."

Hearing Hans say this, Li Yi could only smile bitterly and said: "Don't do this, we will definitely think of other methods."

And at this time, Yadi suddenly said beside Li Yi: "Maybe someone can really help Brother Hans."

Hearing Yadi’s words, he hadn’t waited for Li Yi to ask Yadi why he said that. Hans, who had been very frustrated before, seemed to suddenly see the dawn, and rushed to Yadi in a sudden, and then looked excitedly at Yadi. Di said: "Little brother, who is the person you mentioned, can I recommend the old man."

Seeing Hans so excited, Yadi was shocked. Because when listening to Hans’s account, Yadi was also very sympathetic to Hans’ experience. After all, as a cultivator, Yadi naturally knew how painful it was after losing his qualification to continue practicing. Things, so Yadi will speak at this time.

It's just that Yadi didn't even think that a person whose skill was basically equal to total loss could explode at such a speed at this time. So for a time, Yadi failed to react.

When he saw Yadi stunned, Li Yi also immediately walked to Yadi and asked with a smile: "Yadi, why did you say that just now. Did you know what you did when you were in the human world?" Qiren, do you think he can lift the curse on Brother Hans?"

Seeing that even Li Yi came forward to ask questions, Yadi smiled bitterly and said, "How could I know such a strong person, you all said before, if you want to solve the curse of Brother Hans, either because Understand this curse, there can be a very reasonable way to lift it. Either it must be lifted with brute force, but to achieve this, at least to be the strong of the real **** realm, but until now, I have encountered the most strength in my life The tough person is Li Yi."

Hearing Yadi say this, although Hans was a little disappointed in his heart, he still asked Yadi impatiently afterwards: "Why did that little brother just say something like that just now, not just to make the old man happy."

When he heard Hans say this, Yadi immediately replied: "Although I don't know the strong man of that level, I think that one of the people Li Yi knows should be able to lift you with brute force. curse."

As soon as Yadi's words fell, Hans immediately turned to Li Yi for help. Not only Hans, but even Pat and others are now looking at Li Yi. In fact, after Li Yi's return, these people have regarded Li Yi as the leader among these people, and because Li Yi has indeed experienced many things over the years, so when something happened They also want to see if there is any solution at Li Yi.

But this time Li Yi was really at a loss, because after listening to Yadi, Li Yi did not know who Yadi said.

So after seeing Hans's eyes, Li Yi immediately smiled and said to Yadi: "Yadi, who do you think can be done by someone I know, but it's okay."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Yadi smiled first, and then said to Li Yi: "Did you forget, your legendary master, kill God? That strong man, I think it can be done Let the curse on Hans be forcibly solved."

After Yadi finished speaking, Li Yi, who was a little confused before immediately waking up. In fact, this should not be blamed on Li Yi. After all, after demon and Wolfe have spoken a lot of words, Li Yi has gradually put himself and Wolff on the same level as cultivators.

So when facing the problem now, although Li Yi saw that he could not solve it, Li Yi also forgot to think about the same question whether the old fellow Wolf could do it.

Now, after such a reminder from Yadi, Li Yi finally reacted. Although Li Yi feels that he has no gap with Wolfe, in fact, Wolfe's current strength does not know how much higher than Li Yi. So after thinking of Wolfe, Li Yi smiled relievedly, and then said to Hans: "Oh, if Yadi reminded me that I really forgot it. Indeed, my master kills God, his old man should Can do it, use brute force to remove the curse on you."

Earlier, when I heard Yadi talked about killing God, in fact, Hans felt that he had seen great hope. After all, the name of the killing **** does not know how great the prestige is in the human world. If Wolff can kill at this time, then his problems should be solved.

And even if the killing **** can't solve it with brute force, at least there should be someone who can kill the undead strongman who cast the curse. Hans had done enough to understand before that the curse was very vicious, but as long as the caster died, then the curse would naturally be able to break through.

So now, after hearing Li Yi's confirmation, the expression on Hans' face is more relaxed. However, after thinking of the identity of the **** of killing, Hans was still somewhat frustrated and said to Li Yi: "This, Li Yi, I know your master's strength in his old man must be very strong, but you think he will be because of me Did the little man condescend to come here to touch this curse for me."

"Brother Hans, don't be so arrogant. What little people are big people, in fact we are all the same people. I should be able to determine where the identity is from. My master can certainly give you the curse on you. Released, but I'm sorry, he is doing a very important thing now, so he should not be able to get out of the human world in a short time. So, maybe we really have to find another way." Hans, Li Yi said in a low voice.

After hearing Li Yi's words, Hans was really frustrated. He was extremely frustrated. He had already felt some death, but after hearing Yadi's words, he seemed to see hope again. But now hearing Li Yi, Hans knew that he basically lost hope again.

After seeing Hans' expression, Li Yi could only smile for a while.

After being silent for a long time, Li Yi reopened and said to Hans: "Brother Hans, will you do any harm to you after you get caught in this curse?"

Hearing Li Yi's question, Hans couldn't help but sigh, and then slowly said: "Oh, hurt, don't you think there is anything more vicious damage than all the body's skills have failed?" "

Seeing Hans say this, Li Yi's expression was a lot lighter, and then he continued to ask: "So, besides your current skills are all invalid, there will be no other negative effects."

"Well, it's almost like this. Until now, I have no burden in my life except being unable to fight." After listening to Li Yi, Hans knew that Li Yi's problem would definitely not be untargeted. So after a moment of silence, he said slowly.

"So, Brother Hans, you tell me seriously, how many years do you have to live." Looking straight at Hans, Li Yi asked very seriously.

"This... almost thirty years of life, if there is no accident." After careful calculation, Hans said to Li Yi calmly.

"Don’t worry, Brother Hans, you can rest assured that although my master is preparing a very important thing, it is basically at the last moment. It will not exceed three years, I will definitely give him Please come here, and I will definitely let his old man take the shot to help you lift the curse on you. Even if this is not possible, we will also go and catch the guy who cast the curse alive, and then let him give it to you personally. Lift the curse on you." Looking at Hans, Li Yi assured Hans solemnly.

Hearing Li Yi's assurance, Hans said slowly after a long silence, "Thank you."

Since Hans fought with Li Yi for a long time, he also knew Li Yi's character very well. Hans knew that if he said too much to Li Yi at this time, Li Yi would be uncomfortable. So in the end, Hans simply said those two words.

"But..." Li Yi said suddenly when everyone thought the matter could come to an end.

"But what?" Seeing Li Yi still seemed to have something to say, Yadi asked aside.

"However, we can't just let go of it now. We all know the situation now. The entire Mountain of the Dead will basically become the gathering place of the army of the dead. And this time, even more terrifying, this time it has appeared in the Mountain of the Dead. The army of undead among them has not only increased in number than before, but their strength and identity also seem to have changed. So if we do nothing now, we will inevitably suffer a lot in the future." Looking at everyone, Li Yi calmly analyzed.

Listening to Li Yi's analysis, Yadi and others nodded in agreement. In fact, even if Li Yi does not say so, everyone can already understand these things. Because if there is no big move in the alien world, then there is no need to make such a big move. In doing so, they must have a picture. Obviously, even against this level of undead army, human cultivators have already exhausted a bit. If there are really more powerful strongmen who come to the human realm in the alien realm, then the strong man in the human realm is really difficult to resist.

So now, Li Yi knows that something must be done.

And the current situation is also very worrying, because if the practitioners of the human world can all stand in the same camp, then maybe they can still have some advantages in the future war. But before the real war had begun, traitors had already appeared among human cultivators.

The human cultivators led by the Yan tribe have turned to the alien world, and their actions have a huge impact on the human world.

Therefore, at this time, if no one among the human cultivators stands up to preside over the overall situation, then the human world will surely suffer the annihilation in the coming turbulent era.

And Li Yi, of course, is impossible to watch this happen. So although he knew that his strength could not make much waves under the current environment, Li Yi also decided to do something.

The first thing Li Yi is going to do is actually related to Hans.

Just after Yadi and others have set their sights on themselves, Li Yi calmly said to these people: "Now the situation is already very obvious, and the outside world is obviously going to have a big action on the human world. . And we can't just watch this happen, so we must do something before the other party has a firm foothold."

Hearing Li Yi say this, none of the people present had no doubtful expression on his face. Because Li Yi heard them, it was like a book of heaven. Although they knew that Li Yi must not be making alarmisms, they really did not know what Li Yi wanted to express. Because when they heard, what kind of world was the outside world? Before then, they didn't even know what the outside world was.

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