It's just that Li Yi didn't think that when Dick's soul was in his body, although the degree of being devoured was not very serious, but when Li Yi summoned it as his fighting tool, Li Yi But he was surprised to find that this soul was already very weak. Although Li Yi was able to control it to fight with Polent and others, the strength it showed was really unsatisfactory. Li Yi is quite puzzled about this.

However, there was no time for Li Yi to calmly think about what was wrong with Dick's soul. Because if the situation at that time continues, Li Yi will most likely become a prey in the hands of the other three people. So in the end, Li Yi had to choose to let Dick's soul explode when it was extremely dangerous.

This kind of self-detonation is different from Ai's self-detonation. Because letting Dick's soul explode is controlled by the mind in Li Yi's heart. So although Dick’s soul exploded, the area covered was very huge, but in fact, this energy was consistent with Li Yi’s breath, so even if Dick’s soul exploded, Li Yi could not be hurt.

So after Dick's soul exploded, Li Yi finally successfully killed the three Polent, and even the bones beaten by these three were gone.

But although Dick's soul exploded without hurting Li Yi's body, the most serious injury appeared on Li Yi's soul.

Because at the same time Dick's soul exploded, it was when his soul brand launched the most violent impact on Li Yi's soul. That is to say, when Li Yi of Dick was detonating himself, Li Yi also suffered a very violent impact in his soul. If it was not that Li Yi had known it before and was well prepared, then Li Yi was likely to become an idiot completely under this impact.

And because of Li Yi's soul injury, the murderous obsession in his body began to become more volatile.

So after the war, although Li Yi won, but after seeing his physical condition, Li Yi could only smile bitterly. The injury on Li Yi could not be healed in less than ten years.

So in the end, Li Yi chose to rush to the Sai Empire. Li Yi believes that in the Sai Empire, there should be a relatively quiet environment to allow himself to recover.

After dragging his wounded body to the Sai Empire, Li Yi couldn't help but smile when he knew the current situation of the Sai Empire.

Because the current Say Empire can no longer be called an empire.

The current Say Empire, in just three years, has transformed from a complete empire to a Principality, and now, when Li Yi rushes here, the Say Empire, to be precise, should It is called Sayyin province.

Perhaps it is really the **** of fate that is joking, and now Bettina, leading the military generals who came with her from the Sai Empire, is shrinking in the creek city. The two sisters started here, and successfully restored the Sai Empire. Now, they haven't had many years to re-establish the Say Empire, but the Say Empire has fallen to the point of the year.

In fact, if Li Yi came back later, those cultivators from other worlds, even this site, were ready to be taken away from Elena.

But in fact, even if Li Yi came here, it might not be possible to help Elena to stay here. Because Li Yi's injury was too heavy before, so now even if Li Yi wants to do it, it is already very difficult to mobilize his true strength.

And among those alien cultivators who want to get involved in Elena’s province, they are not strong men without the power of a demigod, so Li Yi is actually very depressed now.

I knew that squatting next to that boundary would end up like this. Before, Li Yi said that he would not squat there, not only wasting three years, but also saying that his body had become like this.

However, although Li Yi's physical condition is very bad now, after Li Yi came to Xicheng and found Elena, the strongman of Guiyuan Realm, who followed the few humans who came here, also made a Decided, that is, from now on, this Xicheng will serve as a cultivator of the human world, and it is one of the biggest strongholds against the cultivators of other worlds.

That is to say, after they have made this decision, if the cultivators in their hidden family want to go out to travel, they must first walk through the creek. And if you hear that Xicheng is in trouble, the strong men of their family will be here as soon as possible to maintain the safety of Xicheng.

They did this in order to give Li Yi ten years of healing time. Because after observation, they found that Li Yi and the old Princess Elena of the Say Empire seemed to be old. However, out of respect for Li Yi, they did not overhear the conversation between Li Yi and Elena, but after seeing such a situation, they guessed that Li Yi should have feelings for this little princess of the Sai Empire. Otherwise, Li Yi wouldn't go to a secluded place to cultivate and recuperate when he was so seriously injured. Instead, he came here, and it seemed that he was going to help Elena to maintain the safety of Xicheng.

It is because of seeing such a situation that they have such a guess. It was because of such speculation that they wanted to help Li Yi in secret.

It is not convenient for these old guys to come forward to fight against the cultivators of these outside worlds, although it is clear that if the real strongmen of the outside world enter the human world in the future, with their strength, they want to really resist the invasion of the outside world. A very difficult thing. However, after all, even a stranger who has the strength of the real **** realm has not yet entered the human world. These old monsters do not want to appear in front of the world now.

So at this time, they want to help Li Yi, in addition to let the elite in the family shot, there is no other way.

That is because of such a situation, Li Yi was able to have such a quiet time of healing in Xicheng in the following days. You have to know that Li Yi can have such a good healing environment, I really want to thank the old guys who are in the world of Guiyuan Realm.

But for all this, Li Yi doesn't even know it at all.

When Li Yi dragged her seriously injured body and finally found Elena, Li Yi immediately came to Elena. Because Li Yi knows, whether it is Bettina or Elena, in their hearts, what they care most about and care about most is the glory of the so-called Say Empire that they often hang on their lips.

Although in Li Yi's view, this is simply a very stubborn idea, Li Yi believes that such stubbornness is simply not worthwhile. But Li Yi also understands that although he does not agree with their stubbornness, he must respect them. Because at least Sister Bettina, living in this world, is always striving for the goal in her heart. Regardless of their strength, as long as it is what they feel they should do, then they will definitely work hard until they succeed in that thing, even if it is for success, they don't care at all.

Therefore, when Li Yi had just rushed to the main mansion of Xicheng and was looking for Elena, he saw such a scene.

At the moment, in the hall of the city's main palace, a man in full armor was actually worried to Elena: "His Royal Highness, do we really want to do that? This is really crazy. You know, we This time the opponents are really too strong, and there are more than one person or more than one sect. Moreover, their strength is also very strong. No matter how many soldiers we have, we can’t be able to face them. Contend, isn't the previous lesson enough, you have to know, Your Princess, the enemies we are facing now are not the same as in the past, we are now facing cultivators, and they are said to come from another world The cultivators here. Their strength is much stronger than that of the Saint-class strongmen. Our hands can be destroyed by raising their hands. Is it clear that you still want our soldiers to die?"

When I first came here, Li Yi had been paying attention to Elena, so she didn't care about the person beside Elena. It's just that when Li Yi heard him speak, Li Yi was also shocked, because this voice Li Yi was really familiar, this person was the first to rush into the Sena City with himself, and then followed himself to help Sister Betina's successful resurrection of Mel.

After Li Yi's achievements, he hurried out to practice and increase his strength. But he did not know that the head of the Knights who had never been heard behind him had already transformed into a general under the Sai Empire and over 10,000 people. In fact, when Li Yi helped Sister Bettina to reinstate her country, although Mel also had a huge contribution, but even so, after all, Mel’s strength was put there. With Mel’s strength, it was impossible to become a Say Empire Of the general. At first, Lieutenant General Luo Ning was able to become a lieutenant general in the Celestial Empire. In addition to the talent of Lieutenant General Luo Ning's march to war, it was also because Luo Ning itself was a cultivator who reached five levels of strength.

But on the other hand, Mel, on the march to battle, his accomplishments are not as high as General Luo Ning's, and his strength is much worse than General Luo Ning. But even so, at that time, not only Bettina, but Elena also defended Mel and made him a general of the Sai Empire.

The reason for this is actually because of Li Yi. After the successful restoration of the country that year, Betina and they knew that in the empire where the strong men without the Holy Land sit in town, it is likely that they will still rely on Li Yi in the future. But at that time, Li Yi immediately left Gao Fei after helping them successfully return to China. As for Yadipat and others, they all have their own future.

At that time, the only thing they could keep was Li Yi's old man, Mel. From many things, Sister Bettina can see that Li Yi is a very emotional person and is very nostalgic. This can be seen from Li Yi’s ability to help them fight the Tianlan Empire without asking for a return .

All in all, just because Bettina had some friendship with Li Yi when she was down. After that, it is by this friendship that they can ask Li Yi to let him help them do such dangerous things.

So at that time, they would do everything they could to keep Mel in the Say Empire. And if he is left alone, then when Li Yi comes back here, it is estimated that there will not be a big touch. And the only way is to put Mayer in a high position in the Sai Empire. And it's the kind of position that a discerning person can see at a glance that Mel's talent is simply not competent.

Only in this way, when Li Yi returns to the Sai empire again, or when the Sai empire is in trouble, and Bettina needs to ask for Li Yi, let Li Yi see Meyer's situation in the Sai empire Presumably, Li Yi will come even more without hesitation to help Bettina and others.

It was for this reason that Meier succeeded in becoming the general of the Sai Empire with Li Yi's indirect help. However, Mel is also very clear that he has a few pounds or two, and Mel also knows that he can become this general, entirely because of his old head, Li Yi.

But Mel himself was also a person who refused to lose at all. After he became a general, Mel was also struggling to become strong. Not only did he visit a famous teacher in cultivation, as long as he could help Mel’s cultivation, Mel would be nothing. Do not hesitate to visit, and as long as you can get instructions, Mel will diligently practice. It is for this reason that the original talent was not particularly excellent. Under these years of hard work, he has successfully cultivated to the strength of the Sixth Realm. You know, if it is put in front, even Li Yi can't even think that Mel can achieve such a height in his life.

That is because of Mel's diligence and down-to-earth, after becoming a general of the Sai Empire, although many people at first did not accept Mel, but as Mel's strength continued to rise, and above the platoon formation , Meier no longer only knows to fight like before. So afterwards, the ministers in the Sai Empire also accepted this because of Li Yi's relationship, only became a general Mel.

And Li Yi was quite gratified after seeing Mel’s present situation. After all, according to Li Yi’s previous ideas, with Meier’s talent, although he was old with himself before, but after all, his strength could not meet his own requirements, then Li Even if Yi wanted to help Mel, there was no way to help.

But now it's different. According to Mel's current strength, Li Yi can give him some advice. If Li Yi tried his best to help Meir, then Mel may also reach the state of the saint in his lifetime. Even if not for anything else, at least the lifespan can be extended a lot.

But now Mel is thinking, whether it is possible to reach the state of the saint in his lifetime, and now he is most concerned about preventing Elena from doing such crazy things.

The reason why Mel came to Elena today is because, after fleeing to the creek, Elena was not willing to watch the Say Empire reduced to the power of others. And those strong outsiders, after occupying the Sai Empire, Elena also heard a lot of things that outsiders practiced in the world. In Elina's view, those people were her people, and she couldn't watch them falling into the water.

At the beginning, although the territory of the Sai Empire continued to fall, Elena brought a large number of soldiers when she fled to the Creek City. Although Elena has only one province in the province, she has nearly half of the power of the Sai Empire in its heyday in her hands.

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