And Li Yi's only soul and soul remained in Wolf's mind for more than 80 years.

All kinds of factors are reminding Wolfe that if it is really an accident, then when Li Yi is restored, it is likely that when Li Yi’s consciousness re-condenses, because his influence on Li Yi has been too much in these years Thickness, which leads to some unexpected problems in Li Yi's consciousness. And if these problems appear, then it is very likely that Li Yi will fall into a situation of no end.

At that time, even if Li Yi regenerates his consciousness, it is very likely that he produced an incomplete consciousness. And the reason for all this is probably because of Wolfe.

Now Li Yi's method of escape seems to have become the process of Wolf's incarnation outside the body. In other words, if Wolff doesn’t want Li Yi to live as a puppet, then Wolfe can completely wipe out Li Yi’s hope of recovery, and then return Li Yi’s soul and soul, Imprinting a trace of his soul into Li Yi's body.

Before Li Yi's consciousness was actually produced, Wolfe used his own soul to completely control Li Yi's coagulating consciousness until he finally reached the point of assimilation.

If this is the case, then when Li Yi produced the consciousness, that is, it was time for Wolff to become an incarnation outside the body, because at that time, the consciousness produced by Li Yi was not the consciousness before Li Yi. . It is Wolf’s consciousness, and has Wolf’s complete mind. At that moment, Li Yi will become an avatar of Wolf. This avatar's perception of heaven and earth can also be passed on to Wolf's soul, and if Li Yi dies in battle, he will not suffer in Wolf. What a blow. It will recover as long as the injury is repaired for a period of time.

But obviously, Wolfe could not choose such a way at all, because if Wolfe really wants to do this, he can begin to carry out all these acts when he takes away Li Yi's soul and soul. But if Wolff is really such a person, then Li Yi would not have made the decision to let Wolfe take away his soul and soul.

The reason why Li Yi dared to do this was because he was 100% assured of Wolf. It is now clear that Wolfe will not do anything that disappoints Li Yi.

And in order to prevent Li Yi from condensing his consciousness, he will not be affected by the imprint of his soul, Wolff is also actively thinking about ways. Because in order to wait for this day, Wolf has worked hard for more than 80 years. Although in Wolf's life, eighty years is just a short process. But this time, Wolfe valued the rewards he had brought to him in the past 80 years.

Because Wolf really doesn't want to see a dissipated Li Yi, Wolf doesn't have any expectations about the incarnation. Compared to a strong incarnation, Wolfe really chooses to let Li Yi recover intact.

But now, although Wolff is constantly thinking about ways, but Wolfe really can't think of any good ways to avoid this problem.

But while Wolfe was constantly distressed by this problem, Wolfe suddenly moved his mind, and then saw Wolfe, who had frowned, and the look on his face became more dignified. After a while, Wolfe's face was shocked.

Because while Wolf was constantly worrying about Li Yi's current state, Wolf felt that there was a voice in his soul: "Let me die."

Hearing this sound, Wolfe really felt no other than shock.

Because Wolfe is really familiar with this voice. This is Li Yi's voice. After all, the time spent with Li Yi is really too long.

But after hearing Li Yi's voice and passing it in the depths of his soul, Wolfe really didn't know how to express his feelings.

At this time, Wolfe immediately turned his attention to Li Yi, but Li Yi was now the same as any moment in the more than 80 years. Now Li Yi, although after 80 years of baptism, Li Yi's face does not see any aging. And because Li Yi is constantly struggling in the killing, Li Yi seems to give people a very strange feeling at this time.

But even so, Wolf did not see any other abnormalities from Li Yi.

But the voice just now was quite certain that it was not an illusion.

And just after Wolfe was studying what happened to Li Yi, the voice in Wolfe’s soul sounded again: "Let me die."

Hearing this voice again, Wolf knew that something was wrong with Li Yi. Because now Li Yi is completely controlled by Wolfe. So Wolfe doesn’t believe that Li Yi is now able to break free of his control. But despite this, the appearance of Li Yi's voice cannot be explained by Wolfe now.

In the end, Wolfe could only use Li Nian to say to Li Yi: "Li Yi, are you, are you communicating with me?"

In the past 80 years or so, Wolfe has never done such an act. Because Wolf knew that Li Yi had lost a soul and a soul, and after making sacrifices to refine himself into a puppet, Li Yi no longer had any thoughts. Even the soul has disappeared, and the puppets who need to dominate the body with killing obsessions, how could it be possible to communicate with oneself with the mind, even if it is Li Yi, Wolf does not believe that Li Yi can do this.

So during these 80-odd years, although Wolf has always been very protective of Li Yi, he has never tried to communicate with Li Yi once. Because Wolf knew that even if he wanted to communicate with Li Yi, it was impossible to get any response from Li Yi. But now, after Wolfe heard Li Yi's voice, and it was two consecutive times, even if Wolfe didn't believe it, now he had to take the initiative to communicate with Li Yi.

Because if all this is really true, then Wolf will not have to think about the previous problem. Because if such a situation really happens, then it can only prove one problem, that is, without knowing it, Li Yi has successfully produced his own consciousness.

Although Wolf knows that although all this is the best explanation in this situation, it is impossible. Because Wolf knew that Li Yi now had no soul at all. And there is always a very strong murderous obsession in Li Yi's body. Even if Li Yi's will is strong, it is impossible to break away from the manipulation of the murderous obsession and produce a consciousness alone. Because of such a thing, it is tantamount to Li Yi himself experiencing a rebirth.

If this is the case, then Wolfe may now be able to return Li Yi's soul to Li Yi. Because maybe as long as he got his soul and soul, Li Yi might be able to expel the murderous obsession in his body, and finally successfully produce a complete consciousness and soul.

But for all this, in Wolf's view, this is simply impossible. Wolfe would rather believe that Li Yi was just a flashback before dying at this time, and he did not believe that Li Yi could do the kind of anti-natural things.

After hearing Wolf’s enlightenment, Li Yi did not immediately respond, which also led Wolf to speculate that perhaps Li Yi was really dangerous this time.

Because of this situation, even when the last time he performed a pumping technique against Li Yi, it never happened.

Now, if Li Yi did not produce the consciousness, it is actually a good thing. Because this proves that everything Wolff and Li Yi did before was correct. And as long as Wolff kills Li Yi's obsession in his life, then Li Yi can really be resurrected.

However, if Li Yi is now conscious, it does not mean it is a good thing. And, if Li Yi really produces consciousness now, it is a very dangerous thing. Because in Li Yi's body, the current murderous obsession has not only disappeared, but also more powerful than before.

If there is really a consciousness, Li Yi's consciousness is not only impossible to grow healthily, but will be killed by that powerful and thirsty obsession. In this way, Li Yi's chance to recover is simply impossible. So now Wolff wants Li Yi not to make any response to himself. For the first time in his life, Wolff hopes that he just had an illusion. But after his enquiry was issued, Li Yi did not make any response, but also relieved Wolfe.

But when Wolfe just breathed a sigh of relief, Wolfe heard Li Yi's voice again: "Let me die."

"Li Yi? What's the matter, do you have consciousness? Why do you want to do this?" After hearing Li Yi's voice for the third time, Wolfe could already be sure that Li Yi had already produced consciousness, because if If this is not the case, it is impossible for Li Yi to communicate with himself three times in a row. Even if these three sentences add up to only twelve words, the twelve words shock Wolff as much as when he heard the existence of the fairy world.

However, after Wolfe almost roared and asked Li Yi, after a long silence, Li Yi finally wore out his thoughts to Wolfe again.

This time the sentiment was no longer just a few words as before, but a complete narrative.

"Wolf, although I have been self-enclosed over the years, but I don’t know why, I still can’t control my consciousness to come back together at this time. I know that this situation is not allowed to happen at all, because this way, not only You and I will fail in my efforts, and my life will be greatly threatened. I know that if I can’t control the killing obsession in my body, then this time I’m really not far from death. But I I don’t want to die, so I want to struggle again. Send me to death, send me to the Atlanta empire. I’m going to find those strong outsiders to fight, let them kill me, let me have not really finished The consciousness completely disappeared. Then you have to rescue me in time, and only then can I hope to recover." Li Yi's voice slowly remembered in the depths of Wolf's soul, after listening to Li After Yi's remarks, Wolf was shocked and finally relieved.

Looking at Li Yi with a very stern expression, Wolf knew that although Li Yi seemed to be a puppet now, Li Yi had recovered somewhat.

So afterwards, Wolfe said with a sigh of relief: "Well, what you asked, I will satisfy you, don't let me down."

Regarding Wolfe's answer, Li Yi did not make any drastic response. After all, Li Yi was not really recovering at this time, but even Wolf did not know why Li Yi had a thought in these years. However, it is obvious that the idea that Li Yi accidentally produced in these years is not complete. So now Li Yi can't act on his own before Wolff hasn't given God's command. Even if Li Yi is very strong in her own thoughts about wanting to act, Li Yi is simply unable to do so easily.

But despite this, Wolfe and Li Yi are actually very curious about the appearance of this consciousness. Because Li Yi more than eighty years ago, but under Wolf's eyes, he sacrificed himself and refined it into a puppet. And after that, Li Yi has always been a fighting puppet in Wolfe's hands. Although Wolfe never treats Li Yi as a puppet, Li Yi's identity is indeed like this.

It is because of this that Wolfe can't figure out how Li Yi's current situation is. Because Wolf knew very well that there was no problem with Li Yi’s mind control at all, and Li Yi had never acted against his orders in the past 100 years.

It is because Li Yi hasn’t even figured it out for nearly a hundred years. No matter what Li Yi’s identity is, Li Yi has really lost his soul and then personally. He refined himself into a puppet. But Li Yi in such a situation, after nearly a hundred years, actually appeared a consciousness.

So after hearing the sound of Li Yi's consciousness, Wolf was very excited.

But at the same time, I was also very worried, because Li Yi appeared in the matter of consciousness. If it appears after a while, Wolf may be happy, but now it appears, but it is very heavy for Wolf. Hit. Because there is a consciousness now, it will only make the difficulty when Li Yi's obsession with death kills disappear in the future.

Because even Wolf does not know how the consciousness generated in Li Yi's body is formed, and what luck does this consciousness have with Li Yi.

If Wolfe wants to follow the original plan, at this time, Wolfe should actually have killed Li Yi. Because only in this way can Li Yi be rescued. But if you do it now, whether Li Yi can only recover successfully is not guaranteed by Wolfe.

Because Li Yi's current situation is really too weird. Before he could figure it out, Wolfe did not dare to rush into it.

But the thought of Li Yi now wants to die, which makes Wolfe even more puzzled. It stands to reason that Li Yi has endured so many years and took such a big risk that he wants to restore his own consciousness. Later, while recovering, the murderous obsession in the body can also disappear with the help of Wolf.

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