Because what Wolff is most concerned about now is the situation there. When he left the world more than eighty years ago, Wolfe didn't actually think about staying in the human world. After all, before entering the human world that time, Wolf never thought that Li Yi would encounter such a big problem in the human world.

When Wolfe first saw the situation on Li Yi, it was quite beyond Wolff's expectations. And in the opinion of Wolfe at that time, Li Yi had indeed reached the most dangerous stage. So at that time, Wolfe could only stay with Li Yi in an indispensable way to help Li Yi get through that difficulty. And in this way, Wolfe has been delayed in the human world for nearly a hundred years. In this way, Wolfe does not know that in the past hundred years, what happened in the other world. what's the situation.

Of course, although Wolf is worried about the situation on the other side, after all, Wolf also knows that in the past hundred years, there should not be too many problems on the other side. After all, as the boundary between the two realms continues to stabilize, the practitioners on the other side also begin to focus on the human world. Since this is the case, there should not be any big difference on the other side. problem. There will not even be a situation where Li Yi, such as Li Yi, kills alien cultivators, because other cultivators in the alien world do not dare to kill the alien cultivator like Li Yi. Of the person.

Because killing alien practitioners in the alien world, such a thing is completely different from Li Yi killing alien practitioners in the human world. Because the practitioners of the other world in the human world, although they are in the other world, are also very dazzling in their respective sects, but in any case, they actually came to the human world in the early days. Among the outsiders of the realm, not many of them are so powerful in their original sect.

And when they are in a different world, their identity must not be too prominent. Because in the early days of the outside world practitioners, most of them are hoping to experience that high sense of supremacy in the world.

And if they are the disciples of some of the great families in the outside world, even if their strength is not very high, but in the outside world, at least they will have a prominent identity. Since this is the case, there is no need for them to come to the human world to experience that sense of superiority.

And in fact, among the outsiders who came to the human world in the early days, there are still the vast majority, in fact, they are not the people in the outside world who are powerful or have deep heritage. They are in a different world, but they are mostly cultivators who live at the bottom.

Therefore, when zero points are used to kill the cultivators of the other world, they are essentially not actually hurting the bones of the cultivator of the other world. In fact, they also do not let the cultivators of the other world. Too shameful. After all, although they are also cultivators from different realms, they are not cultivators from the same sect after all, so even in the human realm, there are many foreign cultivators who were killed by Li Yi, but Wolff is still not very worried. In the future, Li Yi will be retaliated against by outsiders.

But such a situation, if it occurs in a different world, then the situation is not so simple. Because in the outside world, even if an outside cultivator just killed the elders in a small sect, they will surely cause an uproar in the outside world. It is because of this knowledge that Wolf believes that although there are a large number of outside practitioners in the outside world, Wolf does not believe that in the past 100 years, there will be someone in the outside world Do something even crazier than Li Yi.

And when Wolff returned to the alien world and found Tony in Qiushui City, he had just inquired about it, and he had already determined his thoughts. Tony gave Wolfe exactly the same thing as Wolfe’s previous guess. In the past hundred years, the practitioners in the outside world put all their ideas into the world. In the world.

However, with Li Yi constantly killing alien cultivators in the human realm, and the really powerful guys in the alien cultivators have never been able to enter the human world, so in Li Yi, the human world is big. At the time of the killing ring, those powerful cultivators from the outside world would not start to send outside world cultivators to the human world.

After all, no matter how strong their strength, but before they can not enter the human world, then their strength has no chance to play. So if they had sent the elite disciples in their lineage to the human realm before, then their elite disciples would probably be solved by the killing star in the human realm.

Even if they enter the human world in the future, they will avenge their dead disciples, but in any case, their Jingru disciples were already dead at that time, even if they killed the murderer one hundred thousand times. It's already useless.

So with the constant stability of the connection points, a very strange situation has emerged. That is, the closer the peerless peers of the other world can enter the human world, the more stable the practitioners of the other world are. In the past ten years or so, there has even occurred that no other outside practitioner has entered the human world.

Hearing this, Wolfe nodded with great satisfaction. After all, when he traded with the peerless powerhouses before, and promised them to open the boundary between the two realms, Wolfe had the opportunity to enter the fairy world with them in the future. But what Wolfe is most worried about at the same time is that if the cultivators of other worlds enter into the human world and continue to kill in the human world, then Wolf will become the eternal in the human world. sinner.

However, as Wolff continued to be in the human world in order to help Li Yi recover his body, after raising the prestige for the cultivator of the human world, the situation that Wolff was worried about before was actually because of his The action did not happen.

However, to Wolff’s concern, after Tony’s introduction, Wolfe learned that although there were no major events on the outside world, Li Yi was very shocked at the last moment, although it did not It does not hurt the roots of outsiders, but in any case, this matter has caused a very violent response in both the human world and the outside world. It is because of this, so in fact, outsiders are now looking for Wolf.

Because the news that came back from the human world is that Wolff can add a few points of life-saving cost when entering the fairy world, so he refined a very powerful puppet. None of the previous behaviors have attracted much attention from outsiders. After all, if a strong man such as Wolfe reaches a puppet, then the puppet’s strength will be very shocking.

But the mistake was wrong. In the last moment, Wolfe let Li Yi complete the self-exploitation. The impact of the self-detonation was actually far greater than the damage to the alien cultivator when it exploded. Now the outsider cultivator just thinks this Wolf is too unpredictable, and if it is already the case, but if the outsider strongman has not responded, then it will really make people underestimate the outsider cultivator camp. .

So after returning to the outside world, Wolfe was surprised to find that he has now become a wanted criminal in the outside world. Knowing this, Wolfe was really crying and laughing.

But now that things have developed to this point, Wolf is quite happy to see it. After all, at least the outsider cultivator's trouble with Wolfe is better than the trouble with Li Yi. After all, even now Wolf would not have too much awe in the face of those outsiders who have reached the supreme realm. After all, in fact, even if it is the supreme state of power, although Wolf is still a big gap between them now, but Wolf is not afraid of them.

So after hearing this news, Wolfe is also ready to find those outsiders to solve this matter.

But seeing Wolfe had an idea to find those strong outsiders, Tony immediately stopped Wolfe and asked, "Why are you this? This is obviously that the practitioners of the outside world want to embarrass you. , With your current strength in the past, it is impossible to get any benefits from them. Don’t go, when you are about to enter the fairy world, when everyone meets, talk about this matter casually, the past will not Did you get it?"

When he heard Tony say this, Wolfe smiled first, and then slowly said, "I naturally can see that since their alien cultivators did not come to me before, they had to do such things in Li Yi. Came to me when I was there. I just wanted to find me at this time, humiliate me, and then take the opportunity to find some face, so that they would naturally not be ashamed as before. Since things can be like this Simple solution, then why should I wait for that time, and then solve these small things with them at that critical time."

"Small things? Wolff, don't you think it's a small thing to let them humiliate for no reason? We live in this world, we just want a breath, if we let their strangers in our world every day Yaowuyangwei in front of him, can this really be considered a trivial matter?" Tony said sternly, looking at Wolfe with a serious expression.

For Tony's statement, Wolfe can naturally understand Tony's feelings now. After all, since they have to complete their plan, they have been very patient with the cultivators of the alien world. However, because of their tolerance, those practitioners from other worlds actually think that they are very bully people. Wolf wasn't the kind of person who was used to tolerance, but at this time, Wolf really doesn't want to get out of the way at the critical moment of entering the fairy world.

So for Tony’s statement, Wolfe just smiled lightly, and then slowly said, “It’s all a small thing, what can I do now for a while. I have endured so many years, and it’s still decades away. What."

Seeing a relaxed gesture like Wolff, Tony could only helplessly smile, and then said: "Well, since that is the case, everything is up to you. Since you want to find them, then I will Walk with you."

Seeing Tony look old and unhappy, Wolfe smiled and said, "Oh, Tony, I said that this situation is only temporary. When the big event starts in the future, these accounts, we all want to Calculated."

The Qiushui City in the Outside World was originally just a place where outside practitioners gathered. Although most of the outside cultivators here are very strong characters, compared with the strangers who were born and raised in the outside world, the influence of the cultivators here is still somewhat weak.

In this way, in fact, Qiushui City can not be regarded as a very strong existence in the outside world. But on this day, in the relatively calm Qiushui City, a few very dazzling people suddenly came. Among these people, most of the cultivators are actually the powers of the real **** realm, and even seven or eight of them have reached the power of the Guiyuan realm.

Such a combination, even if it is in a different world, cannot be underestimated. Therefore, when they suddenly appeared in Qiushui City, they really surprised Wang Qiushui, the owner of Qiushui City. After all, if these strangers are going to do something bad in this city of Qiushui, even Wang Qiushui can’t stop it. After all, in Qiushui City, Wang Qiushui's strength is already the most powerful. But Wang Qiushui only reached the mid-level strength of Guiyuan Realm. In Qiushui City, although there are several other strong powers of Guiyuan Realm, they are only staying at the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm. In this way, Wang Qiushui was naturally very worried when he saw the strangers who suddenly appeared in Qiushui City.

However, after contacting, it was found that these powerful outsiders came here, not even when they wanted to do anything to Qiushui City.

The reason why these people came here is because there is a person in Qiushui City at this time that they must find. This man is the Wolf God who just returned to the other world.

When Wolfe just came back, he had actually discussed with Tony and was ready to go to the strangers who wanted to find him to talk about the situation in the human world. After all, Wolf also knows that when he helped Li Yi refine the thirst for obsession in his body, he did indeed cause great damage to the powerful people in the world.

And in the end, Wolfe turned out to be a slightly threatening warning. Those strong outsiders who wanted to prevent him from leaving then left the Atlanta Empire. Faced with this situation, although those outsiders in the human world have no way to take Wolfe, this does not mean that the strong people in the outsiders will not come to Wolfe. Is in trouble.

Originally Wolfe’s plan was also to not be in conflict with the strong men in the alien world before entering the fairy world. After all, if he really delayed entering the fairy world because of this little thing, then even Wolf, too, cannot afford such a price. After all, in order to enter the fairy realm, Wolfe has almost carried the crime of longevity. So if in this case, Wolfe still can not get the opportunity to enter the fairy world, then Wolfe can really lose a lot.

So although Wolfe was also very disdainful to those strong outsiders, but after returning, after talking with Tony, it was found that those outsiders did not want to make this thing good. Wolfe is also prepared to bear the burden of humiliation, to find those who are strong outsiders to blame.

However, after Tony had already accepted this situation, those strong outsiders seemed to have installed a tracker on Wolfe’s body. After Wolfe had just returned to the outsider, he had not left Qiushui City to find While they were there, those strong men from other circles took the initiative to find the door.

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