Thousands of years ago, the peerless strongman who suddenly emerged from the back of the mountain of Vientiane is naturally Liu Han, the patriarch of the Vientiane sect standing in front of Wolf today. With the fall of Luoshen, in fact, Liu Han did not fall with it, but chose to retreat among the back mountains of Vientiane Mountain. Because for Liu Han and their cultivators, the biggest pursuit is actually to be at the peak of their cultivation. Therefore, with the disappearance of Luoshen's threat, Liu Han and his generation of strong men all chose to retreat and practice.

It's just that a strong man like them, after a retreat, is really terrifying. Especially for a character like Liu Han, when he closed down, it turned out to be tens of thousands of years, and although Liu Han was in the back mountain of Vientiane Mountain during the period, although Liu Han woke up several times during the period, he saw the Vientiane Sect When there is no danger of destroying the door, Liu Han will remain silent afterwards.

It wasn't until thousands of years ago that after Liu Han successfully cultivated to the supreme realm in the back of the Vientiane Mountain, Liu Han began to pay more attention to the Vientiane Sect. But just like when Liu Han was just about to return to Zongmen, the invasion of Vientiane Sect happened. In the end, Liu Han shot with hatred, and naturally eliminated all the enemies. With Liu Han's shot, people in the outside world also knew that the ancestor of the Vientiane Sect, Liu Han, finally returned, and once again appeared in the outside world as a strong man of supreme realm strength.

With the present life of Liu Han, things about the fairy world also appeared in the alien world. For the fairy world, Liu Han was naturally involved in this big event in the alien world. So this time, Liu Han will come to Qiushui City to find Wolf because of Wolfe's affairs.

But just when many strong players in the outside world looked forward to Liu Han's strong shot, Liu Han smiled and said to Wolfe after he walked in front of him: "Senior, it's been a long time."

Hearing Liu Han's very first words from Wolfe's mouth, among the people present, except Wolfe [Yuyoushu], everyone was shocked, Because people couldn't think of it, the first sentence Liu Han said was actually saying hello to Wolf. Obviously, the two people knew each other.

What is even more shocking is that Liu Han, who can almost be called a living fossil in the outside world, even said Wolff as his predecessor. How can such a gap not let the people present live. Doubt and curiosity. Because for Liu Han, in fact, even those strongmen who came with Liu Han this time are basically very strange. In addition to hearing some deeds about Liu Han, he also saw Liu Han for the first time this time.

But such a person actually called Wolfe a predecessor. Such a name really makes people incomprehensible.

If this situation is not a joke by Liu Han, then Wolf's identity is really very intriguing.

And when people began to wonder about Wolfe's identity, Wolfe smiled and said to Liu Han: "Oh, I didn't expect you to remember me."

Regarding Wolfe's sentence, Liu Han didn't have the slightest pretentious look, but even bowed to Wolfe very respectfully and said, "How can the younger generation forget the grace of the seniors' reconstruction."

"Don't mention the things in those days, it's been almost 100,000 years. You are no longer the weak little guy of that year, and I am no longer the killer of that year, and my identity has changed. Don’t be too obsessed with the things of the year, this will have an impact on your cultivation.” Looking at Liu Han with great relief, Wolff said sincerely.

However, if what Wolfe said is to anyone else who is present, then people may not be a little curious, but this is like what elders and juniors say, but now from Wolff Said in his mouth, and the object that Wolf is facing now is the powerful Liu Han who has been famous in the outside world for tens of thousands of years. You know, Liu Han had already spread his prestige in the other world tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, Liu Han's strength had reached the mid-level strength of Guiyuan Realm. In other words, Liu Han had already begun to practice before the rise of Luoshen.

However, it is a veteran strongman with such qualifications, but now shows Wolfe twelve points of respect, and Wolfe has nothing to avoid all this, but very frankly accepted. This situation makes people on the field more and more curious about the situation of these two people. Especially Wang Qiushui, the owner of the Qiushui City, when Wolf came to the alien world thousands of years ago, it was just a cultivator who had just reached the strength of the semi-god realm. Wang Qiushui can be said to be looking at Wall Hu step by step from the semi-god realm to the Guiyuan realm.

For a long time, Wang Qiushui just thought that Wolf was a talented cultivator, but now it seems that maybe everything is wrong, maybe Wolf’s true identity is not as simple as he thought. Judging from the fact that Liu Han, who can deter all powerful players present in the field, is so respectful to Wolfe, it proves that Wolfe must have a remarkable past.

After seeing this, Wang Qiushui couldn't help but suffer for a while. Because if Wang Qiushui could be stronger before, and help Wolfe say something, even if he just explained a few words for Wolfe, then his relationship with Wolfe would definitely be very good. But this time, Wang Qiushui not only did not help Wolfe, but showed signs of falling into the well. Such a situation made Wang Qiushui see it. In the future, it is basically impossible to get closer to Wolfe. .

But despite this, Liu Qiu was most curious about Wang Qiushui, and what kind of connection was it with Wolfe. What exactly is Wolfe's true identity, can make such a stranger to respect him like this.

Fortunately, Wolfe and Liu Han did not make the people present curious for too long. Because with Wolff and Liu Han's narrative, people gradually understand what kind of intersection Wolff and Liu Han had.

Because shortly after Wolfe finished speaking, Liu Han shook his head quickly, and then still looked at Wolfe respectfully: "Oh, the junior said, the grace of the predecessor, the junior cannot be forgotten. This A respectful junior is not a pretend, how can it affect the junior's practice in the future. It is because the junior is very curious about the situation of the junior. The junior has stood at that height before 100,000 years ago. To improve, but the state of decline is so powerful."

After hearing Liu Han’s words, Wolfe was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Ah, what else can it be, not because he did something crazy with the Lord, and went through a war The result was a terrible defeat. In the end, she escaped luckily, but due to the seriousness of the injury, everything needed to be cultivated from the beginning. This skill was something I still struggled with for thousands of years before I could re-cultivate it."

Wolfe had just finished speaking, and he didn't wait for Liu Han to speak. The strangers beside him who had been listening nervously to Wolfe and Liu Han and Wang Qiushui could not help but take a breath. .

Because although they don't know what the specific situation is, they can imagine themselves. It is conceivable that Liu Han, who now has the supreme realm of strength, shows such respect to Wolff, then Wolff's strength must have been very good. But it was that kind of strength, but then the state fell because of a war. And from what he said, people can hear that Wolf fell to the lowest point all of a sudden, and it was almost a waste.

But even if the state of affairs fell, this old man was able to cultivate to the present level again in thousands of years. For thousands of years, cultivating the strength to the peak of Guiyuan Realm, such a speed, even if it is placed in a different world, is a terrifying speed. You have to know that among the elders who are above the realm of strength in the outside world, which one has not been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. Even this Liu Han, from his words, one can even guess that this Liu Han seems to have been practicing for more than 100,000 years.

Such a huge contrast makes people now look completely different when they look at Wolf. Because people really can’t imagine how great a person’s perseverance and talent are to be able to practice again after falling from the highest peak of cultivation, and it only takes thousands of years. Time rushed to the present level again.

And as Wolfe finished his story lightly, although the other strangers were shocked in their hearts, no one spoke, because people know that it is now the master of the Vientiane Sect and this mysterious strongman Wolff reminisced, so naturally no one dared to export to interrupt the chatter of the two at this time.

But although Wolfe told his own experience very calmly, but outsiders may not understand, and Liu Han was very shocked. Because of how powerful Wolf was at that time, Liu Han couldn't be more clear. Because if it weren't for Wolfe's reasons, Liu Han could never have reached the height it is today. Not to mention the strength that this body cultivates for the time being, it is said that the long life span of 100,000 years is actually equivalent to that Wolff gave Liu Han.

In fact, Liu Han was just a humble young disciple in a different world, and Wolfe was already a figure in the world. The difference in strength and identity between the two people can really be described as one in the sky and the other. The reason why Liu Han was able to meet Wolf and meet Wolf was 100,000 years ago It is true that Liu Han's chance is deep enough.

At that time, Liu Han, as a little cultivator in a strange world, his strength was only a pitiful realm. When I went out to practice, I accidentally fell into an abyss, but Liu Han was in a terrible situation, and left his life. Later, Liu Han, who knew nothing at the time, survived in the abyss, although he was constantly looking for a way out, but he could not find a way out.

But when looking for a way out, Liu Han accidentally discovered a Ganoderma lucidum tens of thousands of years. Because of his lack of talent, Liu Han liked to read some books about medicinal materials when he practiced in Zongmen. So when Liu Han saw the Ganoderma lucidum for the first time, he knew that it was something that could be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth. Although Liu Han is not talented enough, he is very researched on medicinal materials. Although the Ganoderma lucidum of tens of thousands of years is a natural material, but Liu Han's physical condition at that time, if he eats it raw, it will definitely be directly killed by the overbearing medicine in the Ganoderma.

But at that time, Liu Han had discovered that he basically could not find a way out in that abyss. So instead of being trapped to death in the abyss, it would be better to eat a Ganoderma lucidum and be put to death. In this way, even if he died, Liu Han could be a full ghost. But just when Liu Han had just taken Ganoderma lucidum, Liu Han was instantly stunned by the overbearing power of Ganoderma lucidum.

But at this time, Wolf appeared unexpectedly in the abyss. The original Ganoderma lucidum was actually discovered by Wolfe a long time ago, but for Wolfe, Ganoderma lucidum for tens of thousands of years is good, but it is not enough for Wolfe to use. So every once in a while, Wolff would take a look. After all, in Wolf's view, such natural materials and treasures are obtained by fate. If Wolf forcibly collects immortal ganoderma, then this natural materials and treasures may not exert the best results.

But when Wolfe went to see the Ganoderma lucidum that time, he found that the Ganoderma lucidum was gone, but there was a young child fainting on the side. This child was naturally Liu Han. When Wolfe just saw Liu Han at that time, he knew that Liu Han must have eaten that strain of Ganoderma lucidum raw, so that would happen.

At that time, Wolfe suddenly felt compassionate, and he was not killed because of a fairy ganoderma that he had been concerned about for a long time.

But when he found out that Liu Han had just eaten Ganoderma lucidum and had some help, he promptly took care of Liu Han. Fortunately, Wolfe's strength at the time was at the peak of the terrifying supremacy. It can be said that with such strength, even in the alien world, it can be said to be unimpeded. So Wolfe at the time had no difficulty in treating such a child.

Liu Han actually fainted because he couldn't digest the majestic power of that fairy ganoderma. If Liu Han couldn't digest the power from beginning to end, then Liu Han would definitely die.

But in the end, with the help of Wolff, Liu Han not only successfully digested the full power of Xianlingzhi, but also Wolff was very generous in helping Liu Han to wash his marrow. In this way, through the magnificent transformation of immortal ganoderma lucidum and Wolff's strong help, Liu Han became a preeminent talent from a mediocre talent under that opportunity. genius.

When Liu Han woke up at the time, he found Wolfe beside him. After talking to him, he realized that he successfully digested the magical power of the Ganoderma lucidum with the help of Wolf.

And feeling the majestic power of his body, as well as the extraordinary ability to feel the world, makes Liu Han's gratitude to Wolfe really indescribable.

And after that, Wolfe occasionally went to see this deep-minded little guy. Before Wolfe and Li Yi went to do big things, Wolfe also met Liu Han for the last time. Because Wolf always believes that heaven and earth are the ones who have the destiny. Therefore, Wolf has always been very fond of Liu Han who has eaten fairy Lingzhi, and Liu Han after reshaping his body is even harder to practice.

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