But just after these people appeared, but after the powerful outsiders felt the breath of these people, the powerful outsiders were also a little relieved. Because after perceiving the breath from these people, the powerful outsiders also discovered these suddenly appearing fairy world powerfuls, most of which are in the Guiyuan realm. However, among them, there are also four powerful players with superior realm strength.

But what surprised them more was that among the four superior realm powers, three of the superior realm powers had reached the intermediate level. In this way, it also makes these strangers in the heart begin to confuse.

After all, in this situation, it seems that under the power of three superior middle-level powers, these powerful powers of different realms are very powerful, but they are in line with the powers of these fairy realms. After the confrontation between the two, it was really difficult for a while to tell who was stronger and weaker.

Faced with this situation, it really embarrassed these strangers. After all, before coming here, although these strangers have thought about it, if they encounter any problems in the fairy world, then they must be strong. However, after facing such a lineup, these outsiders do not want to do any more with these elders.

After all, before things have been discussed clearly, the strong in the alien world does not want to conflict with the strong in the fairy world. Because at present, the ideas of the strongmen of the outside world are only hope to find a place where they can practice in the fairy world, but when they do not understand the situation here, the strongmen of the outside world We also don't know what to do.

Especially now at this time, after facing such an attitude in the fairy world, the outsiders do not know how to deal with it. But although these people are new to the spirit world, they are all old monsters who have practiced in the alien world for tens of thousands of years. Although the current situation is very tricky for them, because if you really do it, then the powerful people of the outside world may not necessarily fail here. But even if it is a victory, it must be a terrible victory.

Now, after all, it is the fairy realm, and when the powerful outsiders enter the fairy realm, they have already brought all the most powerful fighting powers in the foreign realm to the fairy realm. If something unexpected happened here, which made the strong people of the other world suffer unexpectedly, then if they really lost all of them in this fairy world because of some carelessness, then the safety of the other world Will be greatly affected. And the strongmen of the other world also know that they have gone through all the hard work to find the fairy world, but just to find a place in the fairy world where they can practice, it is best to get some better fairy The art. Only in this way can they be able to improve their own strength in a thousand years.

Only in this way can they be able to protect the safety of the alien world with their power in the possible alien catastrophe after 10,000 years.

So after seeing many powerful players in the fairy world surrounding the strongmen of the other world, although the Sect Master Wanjian is still a little bit upset, but after a panic, the Sect Master Wanjian will be calmed down again, and then He said to the old man with white hair: "What does this mean, is this the way your Faerie Cultivator welcomes outsiders."

Hearing the words of Sect Master Wan Jian, the old man with white hair just sneered, and then did not answer the words of Sect Master Wan Jian. However, after the old man with white hair sneered, another young man in white robe stood up at this time, and after not far from the Sect Master Wan Jian, the young man in white robe coughed and said slowly: "Oh, don't you Do you think you cultivators from other worlds should be welcomed by us when they come to us. Our fairy world had never thought of welcoming you to this place, you forcibly broke the boundary point and came here. It is a violation of the rules set in the ancient times. We can tell you that it is already a blessing to you. Do you still think there is any reason to bargain with us?"

Hearing the white robe youth saying this, the quiet smile on the face of Sect Master Wan Jian finally finally froze. Because from the other party's words, not only the Sect Master Wanjian can hear something they have never thought of, but even other strangers from the outside world can also hear it. When the young white robe spoke, the one in the tone The taste of the stock is higher than that of the middle-aged blue-robed middle-aged man who looks like an idiot. And the most important point is that, in the words of this white robe young man, there are rules about the so-called ancient times, this thing has made the strangers in the field present whispers in their hearts.

So after hesitating for a while, Sect Master Wan Jian finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and said to the young white robe: "The ancient rules you said before, what are they."

Seeing such doubts from the Sect Master Wanjian, the white robe youth did not continue to show a high posture like the middle-aged man in the blue robe before. Instead, after a chuckle, he slowly addressed Wan Jianzong The Sect Master said: "Forgive you for not knowing about the things of the ancient times. But all this is useless even if it is told to you. In short, you cultivators outside the realm, it is best not to think about the spirit world."

Hearing the white robe youth saying this again and again, even the Sect Master Wan Jian was a little angry at this time. Although I was very afraid of these elite world powers, after all, among them there are three superpowers with mid-level strength. With their current lineup of powers from outside world, although they are The powerful people in the fairy realm in front of them don't necessarily get any benefits when they start their hands, but if these people just want to leave this place, then they don't necessarily have any chance. However, in the eyes of Sect Master Wan Jian, although the current situation seems to be passive, even if you want to leave this place now, at least you must clarify the situation before leaving this place. At least you should not leave the fairy world in such an unclear way, because if you leave this way, not only might the strongmen of the other world lose the opportunity to enter the fairy world again, or even because of today's escape, These people, who have already practiced and are about to complete, will have some cracks or even influences in their minds.

So after hesitating for a while, Sect Master Wanjian also planned to leave this place, but before preparing to leave, Sect Master Wanjian still wanted to get some of the news he wanted: "Regardless of your cultivation in the spirit world In the end, how high is the person, I only ask one sentence, we cultivators from other realms have struggled to enter the fairy world, but just to find a place where we can practice. We don’t want to start anything with you. Conflict, if you agree, we will find a secluded place to practice here. All we want is the power of the fairy here. As for the rest, we have no intention of touching our fingers. With this little request, I don’t know if you can agree. "

Hearing the words of Sect Master Wan Jian, in fact, the young white robe can also hear it. At this time, the strong men of the outside world have actually shown that they are weak. It's just that I don't know what this white-robed young man wants to do. In the face of such a simple request from a strong outsider, he didn't even agree at this time.

But after hesitating for a while, the young man in white robe even said this: "Actually, you want to practice in the spirit world, but you must promise us a request before that."

Seeing that things might turn around, Sect Master Wanjian doesn't need to ask other strangers for advice at this time, but directly asks: "What conditions can you say."

"If you want to practice in the fairy world, you must first submit to me and join our forces, and then you will be recognized by our forces, and then under our protection, you can be in the fairy world Cultivating in the middle, but when a war occurs, as our surrender, you must fight for us when we need it." Looking at the Sovereign of Wanjian Sect, the young white robe said unhurriedly.

Hearing such conditions made the other world practitioners present stunned again. Because they never thought that this person would make such a request at this time. After all, cultivators like them, even now, compared with the cultivators in the fairy world, they are relatively weak, but if you really do it, then it must be Will be defeated. They are now afraid only because they are unfamiliar with Immortal Realm, so before that, they were just reluctant to start with the practitioners of Immortal Realm.

It's just that after hearing the other party's request, even if these old monsters have already achieved their emotions, but at this time, they can't help but show their faces with anger. Because if the other party is good to discuss with their own side and want them to join forces with the strong side of the outside world, perhaps the practitioners of the outside world may not accept it, but in the face of such rude requests, this is basically The above is to humiliate these powerful outsiders. So at this time, even these strong outsiders would like to endure, but this time it is already unbearable.

Although there have been some taboos here, but since things have reached this point, then it is impossible to say that the strong people of the outside world should also show their strong side.

Although the Sovereign Sovereign Wan Jian also said that after coming to the fairy world, he will only find a secluded place to practice, but in fact, any person is a mirror in his heart. If a cultivator from another world comes to the fairy world, Perhaps before the strength is not strong, it will really be safe to practice here, and even if it is a secluded place, these powerful outsiders will also practice in the fairy world with peace of mind.

But once their strength has been improved in the fairy world, they will no longer be as stable as they said before. At least when they have mastered the magic technique of immortal art, and through the cultivation of the spirit of immortal spirit, they can finally perform the art of immortal spirit, they will definitely start a war in the immortal world.

Because in fact, although the cultivators of the outside world now look at these cultivators of the fairy world, the other party will always show a high-level appearance, but in fact these strong outsiders before entering the fairy world The sense of superiority in their bones is actually not less than that of the practitioners of the spirit world here.

It's just that now, in order to explore the situation in the fairy world, these strongmen of the outside world have been patient with their tempers.

However, after having endured for a long time, and found that the other party has been pressing again and again, these powerful outsiders have finally been intolerable.

So after thinking of this, Sect Master Wan Jian was finally not prepared to continue to endure.

I saw the gentle smile on the face of Wan Jianzong Sect Master before, and replaced it with a fierce look on his face. After all, the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Swords can be said to stomp the foot in the alien world. The top existence in the alien world is really not used to endure such squandering in the fairy world.

Even if it really has to bear some costs, then at least before this, let the strong people of the fairy world know that the practitioners of the other world are not the kind of weak people.

Therefore, after showing his fierce face, the Sect Master Wan Jian did not give the other party a chance to react at all. He directly grasped the trick and suddenly a purple thunder cloud condensed on the Sect Master Wan Jian.

Seeing the emergence of this thundercloud, other strangers naturally knew that this time was their time to start. Because of this purple thundercloud, it can actually be regarded as one of the killer skills of the Sovereign Wanjian Sect. Although Wan Jianzong is dominated by sword cultivation, this Wanzong Sect Master is after all a gifted person. Over the years, in addition to sword supernatural powers, Wan Jianzong Sect Master has its own uniqueness to the power of thunder and lightning. Understanding.

Therefore, the moment the purple thundercloud appeared, it would no longer be as calm as before.

And the ten thousand patriarch Sect Master who was preparing to exert his magical power changed his face after feeling the breath of his magical power. But after an instant, the face of Sovereign Wanjian patriarch showed a bit of excitement. Because Sect Master Wan Jian summoned this purple thundercloud, and at the first time, he felt that his magical power was a little different here.

However, when the Sect Master Wan Jian was puzzled, he suddenly discovered that this change had turned out that his magical power had increased to a certain extent at this time. Although the rate of increase is not great, at least as long as it is not weakened, the Sovereign of Wanjian Sect is already very happy.

And at this time, after the other sword cultivators were ready to start, other alien cultivators quickly shot, and magical spells suddenly filled the entire world.

And at this time, Wolfe naturally has no slight timidity. Although he was also a little bit powerless when facing the strong men of the supreme realm, but he saw those strong men who returned to the realm, Wo Wolf is confident that he can still kill them. For this, Wolfe is really too confident.

In fact, Wolf now fully believes that he can basically be called the first person under the supremacy. In fact, Wolf has already stepped into the supreme realm with one foot. Even Wolf’s perception of heaven and earth has been completed. Now, what Wolff is missing is only the absorption of the power of heaven and earth. Because what Wolf lacks most is time, as long as there is enough time, Wolf can definitely advance to the highest level,

So even in the face of the practitioners in the fairy world, Wolfe does not have the slightest timidity. With the hands of Sovereign Wanjian, Wolfe rushed out as well. Because Wolfe, like Li Yi, always dislikes being subject to others, pre-emptive talent is the king of victory.

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