It is because of this that the Red Devils will now appear so confused. Because the strong man of Qingcheng constantly wanted to escape, he was unwilling to fight at all, and Qing Lingzi was constantly looking for opportunities on the side, trying to kill the red demon while the red demon was distracted. Although the two people have been fighting for too many years, they are also considered to be sympathetic, but this cannot be the reason why Qing Lingzi will let go of the red devil. For Qing Lingzi and Red Devil, in fact, both of them are very eager to let each other become the dead soul in their own hands. After all, after so many years of fighting, they also hope to have a chance to end.

As for Qing Lingzi's ideas, Chimo naturally also knows very well. So Chi Mo is also very nervous now, and he is really afraid, because of his support, he is easily killed by Qing Lingzi.

It is because of this, so at this time, the Red Demon also clearly saw Li Yi and Immortal Unicorn trapped in the siege of Qingcheng practitioners, but they were really unable to rush to support. Because at this time, the Red Devil has already begun to be unable to control even the other strong man with superior realm strength.

Let's look at Li Yi and Xian Qilin side again. Although Li Yi was very strong before, but because of the force of using a trace of the original force, Li Yi's current body is very weak.

After all, the power of the source can really be used only when the power of the supreme realm is not available, and not all powerful people with supreme realm strength can use it freely. And Li Yi now exerts the power of the original power with the strength of the Guiyuan realm, naturally overloading his body.

So when under siege, in fact, most of the attacks must be borne by Xian Qilin. But even if Xian Qilin is too strong, at this time, because it has not advanced to the supreme state after all, so it is soon afterwards that it gradually shows its defeat.

Xian Qilin is already the end of a strong crossbow. If there is no chance to escape now, then Li Yi and Xian Qilin are likely to be buried here today. Because the cultivators in Qingcheng are really killing the two of them now. Because if they are allowed to escape today, then in future battles, there can be no more chances to besiege them unscrupulously today. If this is the case, then in the future battles, Li Yi and Xian Qilin can still be as easy as before to kill their strong Yuangui Realm. Thinking of this, the practitioners in Qingcheng were naturally prepared to let them go.

As for Li Yi and Xian Qilin, it is natural to know this at this time. So after seeing what is happening now, Xian Qilin can only smile to Li Yi with a bitter smile: "Li Yi, I really can't imagine that the two of us will fall into such a hard fight under this situation."

Hearing Xian Qilin's words, Li Yi could only smile bitterly. But after all, it is really not the time for communication. Although Li Yi and Xian Qilin are in deep trouble, they cannot become a desperate situation. After seeing that it is impossible for anyone to come to rescue them, Li Yi quickly said to Xian Qilin: "I can also use the power of the source to leave first. If you don't drag me, you can escape with confidence."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Xian Qilin said confidently: "If it is me, these people are not enough to keep me."

After receiving a definite answer from Xian Qilin, Li Yi naturally had his own plan. Since it is no longer possible to fight now, the best thing to do now is naturally to do everything possible to quickly escape. Since Xian Qilin said that it can leave, Li Yi has no mind to think about whether it is a lie.

Of course, Li Yi also believes that in fact, as long as Xian Qilin wants to leave without his own drag, no one should be able to leave it here. After all, Xian Qilin is a family of beasts after all, and its speed is only slightly inferior even if it is matched with a strong man of supreme realm strength. Once the fairy unicorn has reached the supreme state, then the world is so big that few people can really catch up with the speed of fairy unicorn.

So after thinking of this, Li Yi told Xian Qilin to take care, and he was ready to flee first.

After the cover of Xian Qilin this time, Li Yi has recovered a lot now. Although he can no longer fight as brazenly as before, he can escape with a trace of the original power. Li Yi is confident that he can still do it. of.

After thinking about it, Li Yi suddenly integrated the only traceable source of power into his body, and then in a flash, Li Yi disappeared into the encircling circle under siege.

Seeing Li Yi suddenly disappear, those Qingcheng strongmen who were on the offensive were naturally very shocked. Because in this case, it is simply impossible to use the technique of removal. Because the power of heaven and earth fluctuates too much at this time, if someone uses displacement forcibly, then there is a high possibility that they will be caught in the cracks in space due to the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth. If that is the case, even if the strength of a cultivator is too strong, there is no possibility of survival.

But even so, Li Yi, who was previously regarded as the focus of their care, disappeared from their siege in this way.

After the moment when Li Yi disappeared, the strong man of Qingcheng found out that Li Yi was just a few kilometers away from the surrounding circle. Although this distance can be reached in an instant for a strong person like them, in the situation just now, they simply cannot do this.

But Li Yi did not give them the opportunity to continue to pursue after appearing again. After seeing that he had escaped from difficulty, Li Yi also trusted Xian Qilin very much, so at this time, Li Yi did not even look at Xian Qilin, so he went crazy again. Escape. After seeing Li Yi running away, Xian Qilin also laughed loudly, and then changed back to the flaming Warcraft form again. After ignoring the attacks of many Qingcheng cultivators, he burst out of this encirclement circle.

In this short moment, Li Yi and Xian Qilin rushed out of the siege one after another. This result really made the practitioners in Qingcheng very unacceptable. But anyway, at this time they still have to continue to pursue immediately.

After all, they now have an absolute advantage. As long as they can catch up with the practitioners of these two Akagis again, it is only a matter of time before they want to kill them.

And when the strongmen in Qingcheng played their wishful abacus, preparing to continue to kill Li Yi and Xian Qilin, although Xian Qilin escaped after Li Yi, but when it exhibited full speed, those who were preparing to pursue Xian Qilin The strong man of Qingcheng actually lost his breath to capture the fairy unicorn in a short time. That is to say, Xian Qilin only took a few breaths, and then successfully dashed away from their pursuit.

Thinking of the speed of the fairy unicorn, these Qingcheng practitioners are really terrified. Such speed can almost be described by shifting. If Xian Qilin takes this speed to the extreme in battle, then by its speed, it can achieve the level of haunting.

But for the escape of Li Yi and Xian Qilin, these strong men in Qingcheng are naturally unwilling. After all, let them escape in this situation, which is really tantamount to slapping them. But even if there is no more unwillingness in their hearts, at this time they can't even capture the breath of Li Yi and Xian Qilin, so they can only chase after feeling. But it is clear that the other party cannot escape in one direction, so now these Qingcheng practitioners are really in a dilemma. Want to catch up, can't catch up. Not chasing, and too unwilling.

But just when they were hesitant, they heard a voice from their ears: "Put those who can chase those who are able to chase the Akagi cultivators, and these two people leave it to me."

Hearing this voice, Qingcheng practitioners couldn't help but look around. When they saw who the speaker was, these people also left Li Yi and Xian Qilin behind. Because in their view, if this person goes to chase, then even if Li Yi and Xian Qilin are among the strongest in Guiyuan Realm, the speed can be regarded as the top, but it is impossible to escape from him. Palms.

Because this person is the Qingcheng cultivator who successfully killed another Chicheng's supreme realm of strength before. His strength is terrifying. After beheading the powerhouse of Chicheng's supreme realm before, he always wanted to participate in the pursuit of the cultivator of Chicheng, but because of the repeated entanglement of the Red Devil, he has been unable to succeed.

After fully attacking the Red Devil with Qing Lingzi, Red Demon finally began to show defeat. Because of this, this person finally escaped the entanglement of the red demon at the moment when the red demon was unable to resist, and participated in the pursuit of Li Yi and Xian Qilin.

Previously, when fighting with Chimo, because of his strength, it was difficult to cause any substantial damage to Chimo, so when he started with Chimo, he had been distracted to observe Li Yi and Xian Qilin on their side. Situation.

He was also shocked to see that Li Yi was able to perform a technique similar to removal in that situation. Although I don't know how Li Yi did it, seriously, even he is very curious about Li Yi's body style.

Afterwards, the forcible breakthrough of Xian Qilin, although it was also very amazing, but in this person's view, it was not as outstanding as Li Yi. After all, the method of the Xianqilin breakthrough at the time, but even if it relied on its powerful strength and physical strength, it could only do that. After seeing the abnormal speed of Xian Qilin, this person also thinks that it should be the racial talent of Xian Qilin.

However, it is because they have observed the situation of Li Yi and Xian Qilin, so after seeing them escape, this person also knows that at the speed of these powerful Qingcheng strongmen present, they want to catch up with those two people, really It is difficult for some strongmen.

So just after breaking away from the Red Devil's hands, this person took over the task of chasing Li Yi and Xian Qilin, and asked other Qingcheng practitioners to siege those who did not have the opportunity to escape from the Chicheng practitioners.

And when the strong man of the highest realm is going to chase Li Yi and Xian Qilin, the speed of Li Yi and Xian Qilin is not so outstanding at this time. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too big, so at this time, those advantages between Li Yi and Xian Qilin's practitioners in the same realm are gone.

Li Yi and Xian Qilin are naturally aware of the strength of those who chase after them. Because after being stared at again at the beginning, Li Yi and Xian Qilin knew that at this time, no one could catch up with the two of them, except for the strongest of the highest realm, no one could do this.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is constantly being pulled in, Li Yi can't help but can only say to Xian Qilin: "What the two of us have done, can make them such a hot pursuit. There are not so many there Chicheng cultivator, why didn’t he kill those people, but he was entangled with us here.”

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Xian Qilin could only smile bitterly and said, “Maybe it’s because we were too strong before. The strongest in Guiyuan Realm is not so good after all. But in your hands, They seem to be puppets. If today's situation is changed to you and me, I must be very concerned about this situation."

Listening to Xian Qilin's explanation, Li Yi naturally knew that this statement was already the best explanation. But now at this time, the two of them still have to come up with a best way to escape. After all, if they continue to narrow the distance between him and Li Yi and Xian Qilin, then when he catches up The time when Li Yi and Xian Qilin were Li Yi was their end. After all, in this case, both Li Yi and Xian Qilin do not have the ability to kill this powerful Qingcheng powerhouse.

After thinking of this, Li Yi had better grind his teeth and said to Xian Qilin: "Flee away separately, at least then you and I can return to Chicheng to ask for support. At your speed, it is difficult to get rid of this person. , But it is estimated that you also have a way to avoid this person's pursuit."

"What about you?" After hearing Li Yi's arrangement, Xian Qilin did not leave in advance, but asked Li Yi with concern. After all, in fact, Xian Qilin had thought about it from the beginning. If it was allowed to escape alone, then even if there is a strong man behind him who is chasing after it, Xian Qilin has a way to successfully escape to Chicheng. of. However, Li Yi is now only a cultivator of the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm. If he wants to escape in the hands of such a powerful person, Li Yi naturally cannot do this. So Xian Qilin has such a question. After all, for them, Li Yi's safety is also very important.

But at this time, although Li Yi still maintained her former composure, but after hearing the enquiry from Xian Qilin, Li Yi could only smile bitterly and said, "Oh, what else can we do, one step at a time, in short, we If two people are caught up with him in this way, then it is sure that the two will be fierce together. At least one person escapes. Anyway, even if you want to avenge in the future, there are many opportunities."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Xian Qilin showed a hesitant look for the first time. After all, if this time Xian Qilin agreed to Li Yi's approach, then Xian Qilin had the best chance to escape, but the strongest man with superior realm strength If you catch up with Li Yi, then Li Yi said that there is no chance to escape.

But obviously, no matter who it is at this time, it is impossible to appear, helping them both escape. Wolfe and Tony are closed. And Liu Han, who has always been very respectful to Wolfe, although he has the strength to fight with the powerful man behind him with supreme realm strength. But at this time, Liu Han is impossible to appear.

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