But even now, they, the practitioners of Qingcheng, are facing Chiyanhou, the lord of Chicheng, and before that Chiyanhou actually spent a long time preparing this magical power. But they, the practitioners in Qingcheng, don't think that all of their practitioners will be buried here in this magical attack.

After all, there are still tens of thousands of cultivators here, of which there are thousands of cultivators who only have the strength of Guiyuan Realm, so at this time, these Qingcheng cultivators really don’t think Based on Li Yi, a cultivator of elementary strength returning to the Yuan Realm, he can really perform a magical technique that destroys the world.

But now although these Qingcheng practitioners comfort themselves in their hearts, there is one thing that they can never forget. That was the moment before, Li Yi really used a magical power that they could not even imagine, and even all the magical spirits issued by them all disappeared. As for where the fairy art after the disappearance has gone, although these Qingcheng cultivators do not know, but being able to do this has already proved Li Yi’s strength and the strangeness of his magical art. Dealt with.

So just a moment after they froze for a while, these Qingcheng practitioners were ready to accumulate strength again, and gave Li Yi a fatal blow again. They really don't believe that this one is just a cultivator with the first-level strength of Guiyuan Realm, how perverted it can be.

But obviously, Li Yi, after preparing for a long time, is really not prepared to give the Qingcheng practitioners a second chance to attack. Before the disappearance of the magic skills of Qingcheng practitioners, Li Yi was also very laborious. You should know that it is indeed a very difficult thing for Li Yi to exert the power of space law with the current strength. If it were not for the introduction of Li Yi’s original strength at this time, Li Yi was impossible at all. Do the scene just now.

But in fact, at the moment before Li Yi faced the siege of the Qingcheng cultivators, he actually didn't need to use the power of the space law. In fact, as long as the protective circle in his hand can completely offset those Qingcheng cultivators The attack of the fairy's spell. But the reason why Li Yi did not choose to do that is to hope that the practitioners in Qingcheng will have a short period of stunned after seeing his own trick.

The facts afterwards also proved that Li Yi's previous design was completely successful. After the power of Li Yi’s successful power law of space removed all the attacks from those practitioners in Qingcheng, those practitioners in Qingcheng really appeared short-lived because of Li Yi’s strange magical art. time.

For Li Yi, what he needs is actually the moment of stunnedness for this moment. Although this time is very short, it is a short moment for the practitioners who have reached their level of strength. Time, you can do many things. And Li Yi naturally used the short moment of time he created, taking advantage of the empty space of those Qingcheng cultivators, and finally displayed his magical skills that had been brewing for a long time.

From then on, the magical technique Li Yi wanted to perform, the silence, finally managed to break away from Li Yi's control and began its attack on Qingcheng practitioners.

In fact, when I heard the words of Li Yi uttered before, these Qingcheng practitioners all felt a very second in the heart. And then I felt the kind of crisis that exacerbated them from Li Yi's body, which also deepened the idea in their hearts.

But afterwards, it was because they thought that Li Yi's ability to return to the first stage of the Yuan Realm could not cause any large-scale killing of so many Qingcheng practitioners, and the situation at that time was that Li Yi was just from those Qingcheng. Of the cultivator escaped. For these practitioners in Qingcheng, Li Yi is nothing more than a dog for the family. So even Li Yi’s performance afterwards is very strange, but these Qingcheng practitioners believe that, taking advantage of this time to kill Li Yi as soon as possible, then no matter how many attack methods Li Yi wants to exert on him, There is no danger to them.

But just as they were ready to continue their pursuit, Li Yi's counterattack finally broke out completely.

I saw that Li Yi began to exude a very rich feeling of vicissitudes after saying the word of silence. After this feeling appeared, Li Yi's momentum also burst out. The eruption time was only a short breath, but the eruption of this breath time made all the practitioners present shocked. Because in that time, they all noticed from Li Yi a breath that did not belong to the strength of Guiyuan Realm. Even the Faerie Cultivators who were always with some strong and powerful people could not judge at that time, the kind of breath that burst out from Li Yi was shocking. , Where did it come from, and what kind of state did it belong to?

In the eruption of that breath, Li Yi's figure has already begun to grow unlimitedly in the minds of the practitioners of the fairy world present.

And because Li Yi's breath erupted at that moment, those Qingcheng cultivators who were originally prepared to shoot were stunned again, forgetting what they should do.

But what Li Yi does is obviously not just to deter those Qingcheng practitioners. For this moment, Li Yi endured the long-term siege of Qingcheng practitioners for so long. And at the end, he did not hesitate to destroy a magic weapon he had personally sacrificed at that time, at the cost of it, but what he was trying to do was to use this to let himself burst out with a powerful blow. As long as the blow is successful, Li Yi can not only be ashamed, but also allow himself to experience the feeling of being incomparable again. And from this, Li Yi can also greatly improve his own strength. If you step back 10,000 steps, even if it does not help Xiu Wei at least, at least in the future, Li Yi's artistic conception will definitely benefit a lot.

It is because of all these factors and preparations that Li Yi will now give these immortal world practitioners present a very strong shock. You know, just because of the powerful atmosphere that Li Yi broke out in the past that people can't completely understand, it has already caused bitterness in the hearts of these Qingcheng practitioners.

But despite this, these Qingcheng cultivators still don't think that Li Yi can really kill all of them so many Qingcheng cultivators only with his initial strength of Guiyuan Realm. And the moment these Qingcheng cultivators faced Li Yi's shot, these Qingcheng cultivators' magical skills were again ready, and they did not wait for anyone's order afterwards, and they all moved in the direction of Li Yi. Spread the past.

But after the practitioners in Qingcheng made this move, Li Yi finally shocked all the practitioners in the fairy world. At this moment, even the Xian Qilin, who has always known Li Yi very well, couldn't help but truly admire the strength that Li Yi showed at this time.

Because Xian Qilin had also fought with Li Yi at that time, so he knew very well about Li Yi's situation. After feeling the breath of Li Yi's body now, Xian Qilin also knew what kind of magical power Li Yi was to exert.

However, just when Li Yi said the name of supernatural power, when the word of extinction, Xian Qilin did not think that Li Yi could really do this. After all, Xian Qilin is also known. After Li Yi realized this magical technique, even Li Yi at that time rarely performed this trick. There are two reasons. The first is that even if Li Yi wanted to perform this magical power, it was difficult to exert the true power of this magical power, even if this magical power was created by Li Yi, But this is not what Li Yi can do. The second reason is that this magical power, regardless of whether it exerts real power or not, needs to consume the original power. Even if they are like Li Yi, they want to perform some magical skills that consume the power of the source, which is not always acceptable to them.

So in those days, I rarely saw the magical technique performed by Li Yi, but now Xian Qilin saw Li Yi preparing to perform. Seeing such a situation, how could Xian Qilin not be puzzled. And when Li Yi was preparing, although all the signs showed that Li Yi seemed to be fully prepared, Xian Qilin still did not believe that Li Yi could really do this.

Even if Li Yi's body began to exude even the fairy kirin feels a little shocked by the vicissitudes of time, Xian Qilin is still very stubborn that Li Yi can't really show this magical power at all. of. And even if the posture with this supernatural power is made, it is impossible for Li Yi to truly exert the true power of this supernatural power that he created that year.

Because one of the most important concerns of the fairy unicorn from beginning to end is where does Li Yi want to perform this magical power? You should know that in the current situation of Li Yi, even if Li Yi has withdrawn the power of his original source from the Luo Temple, but this does not mean that Li Yi can already truly refine the source in the body. Power.

Although Li Yi has been able to integrate with his own source of strength, before Li Yi has not reached the supreme state, it is not enough to allow his own source of strength to be used as freely as that year, let alone want to do it. It is very difficult to use the magical power that has not been refined yet to perform the magical power of success even in those years.

But when Xian Qilin stared at Li Yi with all kinds of skepticism, the moment Xian Qilin finally raised his hand, Xian Qilin was finally shocked.

Because at the moment Li Yi raised his right hand, in fact all the practitioners present saw a scene that made them tremble. At this time, let alone those Qingcheng cultivators who were listed as targets of attack by Li Yi, even behind Li Yi, only the spectators of Chicheng who watched the battle, after seeing the trick Li Yi exhibited, their The mood can't help but start to tremble.

Because Li Yi’s right hand was slowly raised, and then gently waved in the direction of Qingcheng’s cultivator, all the practitioners present saw that as Li Yi’s right hand fell, the world and heaven There was a dramatic fluctuation in the power of heaven and earth. Although most of Li Yi's body is natural force, at this moment, Li Yi actually successfully mobilized the majestic fairy power in the fairy world.

And just when Li Yi moved, the powerful men of the highest realm in the distance could not help stopping the fierce battle between them, and turned their eyes to Li Yi’s side together. After Li Yi's actions, whether it is the strong men of Chicheng's supreme realm, or the strong men of Qingcheng, they can't help but take a breath at this moment.

Their strength is much higher than those of the Faerie Realm practitioners who are very close to Li Yi at this time, so although they are not as close to Li Yi as those Faculty practitioners, they are now dealing with Li Yi This situation can be said to be very clear. At the moment when Li Yi shot, a sense of vicissitudes seemed to be invading between heaven and earth. The feeling of these years, even if the powerful people with superior realm strength are not at the moment, but they seem to feel the same.

At the same time, what made them even more shocked was that at this moment they clearly saw that the power of the world at this time was not as simple as being mobilized by Li Yi. It was actually used, mobilized and used by Li Yi, although it was only a word difference, but for these powerful people who had reached the supreme state of strength, it was quite different.

Mobilizing the power of heaven and earth can enable cultivators to get the help of the power of heaven and earth and gain a certain increase in their magical skills or fairy art when they are fighting with people. It is because of this that those supernatural powers or fairy arts can gain such great power.

Using the power of heaven and earth is as simple as a simple increase. In fact, the ability to use the power of heaven and earth is entirely due to the thorough understanding of the laws of space and time. The cultivators who can do this, in fact, when they are fighting with people, within the space they are in, they can control all the forces of heaven and earth in their space, and then truly transform these forces of heaven and earth into Tools that can fight for them.

Although this is very similar to the power of the domain, it is much higher and deeper than the power of the domain. Since ancient times, there are only a handful of people who can do this. Even some powerful people who have reached the peak strength of the supreme state may not be able to comprehend this ability.

And now, in this cultivator of the elementary strength of Guiyuan Realm, there is such a feeling that he can use the power of heaven and earth. The reason why Xian Qilin was so surprised was because it saw Li Yi's real difference now.

After the strong men who reached the supreme state began to watch the battle, Li Yi's right hand finally fell at a very slow speed.

However, just after Li Yi's right hand was completely waved, I saw that the places where the Qingcheng practitioners were located suddenly began to change. I saw that in the empty sky, a huge palm suddenly appeared, and this palm was obviously turned into the soil of the land at the feet of the practitioners in Qingcheng.

If it is just ordinary soil, then these practitioners in Qingcheng can't be afraid at all. But at the moment when this palm appeared, these Qingcheng practitioners felt the feeling of nowhere to escape in the first place.

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