Sure enough, after a short period of time, Chi Yanhou quickly took back the breath staying on Li Yi.

Seeing Chi Yanhou close up, Li Yi naturally guessed why Chi Yanhou should be like this, but in any case, the minimum drama is still to be done. So after Chi Yanhou closed his hand, Li Yi immediately pretended to be very shocked, and then said to Chi Yanhou in a little panic: "City Lord, I don't know what you mean."

Looking at the terrified expression on Li Yi's face now, Chi Yan Hou smiled first, and then narrowed his eyes and said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, don't pretend to be in front of your brother. Since I dare This is an obvious way to investigate your physical condition. Do you think you can hide it from me. Are you a brother who is really not good at practicing, or is you too confident in your hidden skills."

Seeing Chi Yan Hou say this, Li Yi was naturally not prepared to continue to pretend. After all, Chi Yanhou was right. In fact, in this situation, even if Li Yi is more confident about his hidden body style, after all, there is still a big gap between his strength and Chi Yanhou. Moreover, the situation inside Li Yi's body is not able to be concealed if he wants to conceal it. After all, the source power inside Li Yi’s body is not something that Li Yi can hide if he wants to cover it up. The source power is not an ordinary cultivation force, so Li Yi will naturally not think that Chi Yanhou is so close. And the investigation under such blatant circumstances has not been able to discover the situation inside Li Yi.

So after hearing Chi Yanhou's words, the terrified look on Li Yi's face disappeared immediately, and replaced with a very calm look. This kind of demeanor actually made Li Yi very satisfied. Because for so many years, Li Yi has been slowly becoming a man with his own strength. However, because the things experienced are more strange than one, and there are strong people like Wolf around, there has been no such self-confidence of the strong people in Li Yi. After all, Li Yi’s current Strength, in the environment where Li Yi is now, is really difficult to relate to the realm of the strong. After all, after all, Li Yi has been around for many, many years, and always has a large number of strengths than Li Yi. So over time, the kind of unhurried posture on Li Yi began to slowly be converged by Li Yi.

But in today's situation, although Chi Yanhou did not say it, Li Yi also knew that for a strong man like Chi Yanhou, at this time, such an undisguised probe into Li Yi's body The situation must have been a very careful guess before Li Yi's physical condition. And now that Chi Yanhou is doing this, it must be because he has already determined his guess by observing Li Yi's body. Otherwise, it is impossible to make such a brazen act with the strong man of their strength.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yi naturally also showed an attitude very in line with his actual identity. After all, Li Yi's current strength has not yet reached a very terrifying state, but Li Yi has his own pride. At this time, after so many years of suffocation, Li Yi felt that it was time to show such pride.

Looking confidently at Chi Yanhou, Li Yi said with a smile: "Oh, Lord Lord Cheng's eyes are indeed amazing. So, after discovering the secrets in Li Yi, what do Lord Lord Lord think?"

Seeing Li Yi saying this, after Chi Yanhou saw that Li Yi had not covered up his body anymore, Chi Yanhou laughed, and then said to Li Yi with a smile: "Haha, that's right I was really uncomfortable looking like you were in the past. In your case, it is not an exaggeration to enjoy even the best treatment in my Chicheng. Hahaha, Brother Li is really not happy If you told me this thing early, how can I not treat you kindly."

Looking at Chi Yanhou's appearance as cool and hearty, although Li Yi also showed a very cooperative smile on his face, he couldn't help but sneer. In this practice world, it is basically the supremacy of the strong. The reason why Li Yi did not tell Chi Yanhou about his own things first is that Li Yi did not want his secret to be exposed, after all, no matter what Say, your own affairs let too many people know that it is not a good thing after all.

The second reason is because Li Yi knew that even after he had just arrived in the fairy realm, he would tell Chi Yanhou his true situation, and he would not necessarily get any benefits. Because even if Li Yi told Chi Yanhou these things before, then Chi Yanhou believes what Li Yi said, but Li Yi still needs a long time to recover after all. So in this process, Li Yi is no different from other practitioners. After all, everything should be seen and believable. If Li Yi just told Chi Yanhou how strong he was before, but if he couldn’t show the kind of power he described himself, then Chi Yanhou wouldn’t be at all. I won't believe it. What's more, if Li Yi had informed Chi Yanhou about his situation before that, it would be really difficult to protect Chi Yanhou from Li Yan's body without knowing Li Yi's physical condition. What kind of crooked ideas does the source of strength play? After all, when he first came to the fairy realm, Li Yi's strength was nothing but the strength of the peak of the real **** realm, and at that time, Li Yi's body was also very weak because he had just been cast. Because of the influence of that soul, Li Yi's talent and physical conditions are also very limited.

So at that time, Li Yi did not dare to reveal his true situation completely. After all, in the fairy world, Li Yi still has to protect himself. Even now, if it is not because Li Yi feels that he has some self-protection ability, then Li Yi is afraid to meet Chi Yanhou at all.

In fact, Li Yi is also very regretful. In the previous battle in Qingcheng, Li Yi was completely aggrieved because he was besieged by those practitioners in Qingcheng, and it was also because the practitioners in Chicheng did not In time, he and Li Yi killed the generals of the cultivator camp in Qingcheng, so Li Yi would choose to destroy the magic weapon in an angry way, and let himself cast a powerful blow.

But no matter how much regret is in Li Yi's heart now, but since things have happened, Li Yi is also reluctant to think more. What's more, even if you think about it, you may not be able to make any changes in the current situation.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yi can only face this situation very calmly. However, after hearing Chi Yanhou’s words, Li Yi could only smile bitterly: “Oh, when I first came to the fairy world, I was not very familiar with the situation here, so I dare not be too loud. Moreover, at that time, Li Yi did not have any great credit, and naturally felt that it was inconvenient to trouble the master of the city because of these small things."

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Chi Yanhou’s eyes narrowed again, and after staring at Li Yi for a long time, Chi Yanhou slowly said, “Oh, I didn’t say much before, just because I was afraid of the origin of my body. The disclosure of powerful things will give us cultivators the ideas they want to snatch."

After Chi Yanhou finished, Li Yi was stunned. After a while, he said slowly: "Oh, that's true. Li Yi was worried about these things before. But this is also human nature, presumably if this If something happened to the Lord of the City, then the Lord of the City will not preach too much."

After hearing Li Yi’s words, Chi Yan Hou smiled faintly, and looked at Li Yi and said, “Well, I can understand that no matter who happened to this kind of thing, he was unwilling to let too many people know. After all, in this practice world, it is really not a good place. No matter who it is, whether it is a giant treasure, or there are things that can make people's strength increase suddenly or the exercises, so that too much Everyone knows that it will definitely cause disaster. If this thing happens to me, then I will not enter the world to practice again, I will only find a quiet place to sleep, knowing that when I wake up, I will Only after all the internal powers in my body are fused, will I go out. I actually admire your adventurous behavior now."

"Oh, the lord of the city is wrong. In fact, Li Yi also has my own pains." Li Yi said very politely after listening to Chi Yanhou.

But after listening to Li Yi's words, Chi Yanhou also smiled and said to Li Yi: "Is there anything inexplicable, or do I need any help? Can you tell me any difficulties, since you are now a member of Chicheng , Then as long as it is your business, Chicheng cannot stand idly by."

Although Chi Yanhou said very politely, Li Yi did not want to tell Chi Yanhou more things. Because Li Yi is in Chicheng after all, and many situations are still controlled by Chi Yanhou. Although Li Yi believes that he has just made great contributions to Chicheng now, Chi Yanhou should not kill himself for some personal benefit, just to take out the original power in his body.

However, Li Yi was not completely sure whether Chi Yanhou would take the risk and hurt his killer. After all, like what I am doing now, it is really like a huge treasure placed in front of Chi Yanhou.

However, although Li Yi now has many concerns in his heart, Li Yi knows that if at this time the situation is not disclosed to Chi Yanhou at all, then Li Yi cannot safely walk out of Chicheng. So after thinking about it, Li Yi finally began to tell some of his own situation.

"Surely Lord Lord must be very curious about Li Yi's current physical condition, hehe, I won't go around you. My current strength is really not my true strength, but now it is mine True strength. I know that it sounds complicated when I say this, but this is a fact. In fact, I am not the first generation of cultivation now. As early as many years ago, I had to choose reincarnation for some very complicated reasons. Fortunately, fortunately, I really succeeded in rebuilding, and I also reincarnate successfully with the power of the source I cultivated in my previous life. So although my strength now seems to be just the first-level strength of the Guiyuan Realm, but I I was a cultivator who had reached a higher level before. So when I was fighting with others, I only exhibited performances that were not in line with my current strength." Looking at Chi Yanhou, Li Yi said lightly.

Hearing Li Yi's remarks, Chi Yan first nodded and then fell silent. Because Li Yi mentioned these situations, they were guessed by Chi Yanhou himself. Now Li Yi has said his situation, but it is just to confirm Chi Yanhou's previous guesses. But you must know that what Chi Yanhou hoped to know the most was Li Yi's original reason. In addition, what level of strength must be achieved, what kind of exercises or supernatural powers should be performed, and then it may be reinstated.

But obviously, these things are a big secret for any cultivator, and even a taboo. Because if the method of reincarnation is taught, what problems and shortcomings will appear after reincarnation will also be known together. So at this time, Chi Yanhou also knew that even if he asked himself, he would not get an answer from Li Yi. And even if it is an answer, Chi Yanhou may not be able to get a real answer from Li Yi's mouth.

So after listening to Li Yi's story, Chi Yanhou didn't even know what to ask for a while. Because before Li Yi was called, in fact Chi Yanhou hoped to learn a lot from Li Yi. But at this time, Chi Yanhou suddenly felt that even if he persecuted Li Yi, he might not know too much about what he wanted to know. What's more, Chi Yanhou was not prepared to turn his back on Li Yi for this trivial matter. Because in any case, Li Yi is still very important to the current Chicheng. Moreover, although Chi Yanhou is also somewhat tempted by Li Yi's internal power, but judging from Li Yi's contribution to Chicheng now, Chi Yanhou chose the latter. After all, there is still a big worry in Chi Yanhou's mind. That is to say, Chi Yanhou also knows that the Warcraft cultivators in the wilderness have been watching, and many things still need them to care about.

Because of these reasons, after knowing some of the things that Li Yi wanted to know, Chi Yanhou also had his own plans in mind.

So after listening, Chi Yanhou smiled and said to Li Yi: "Oh, when I was in the battle in Qingcheng, I actually thought of it a little bit. You don't seem to be an ordinary cultivator who returns realm strength. Just Unexpectedly, you still have such a big secret in your body. By the way, you can be said to have made a great achievement for Chicheng in that battle. What kind of reward do you want?"

Hearing Chi Yanhou's words, Li Yi suddenly had a feeling at this moment, that is, Li Yi suddenly felt as if he had returned to the days when he was in the Tianlan Empire. When I just stepped out of the land of chaos and did not know anything, Li Yi was like an ordinary cultivator in the Tianlan Empire, joined the army of the Tianlan Empire, and then gave each battle The Celestial Empire made great achievements. Then many times, someone asked Li Yi what he wanted.

But whether at that time or now Li Yi is already in this state, and the person who promised Li Yi to give him a reward is no longer just a general or monarch in a mortal empire, but a fairy. The owner of a main city in the world. His identity is much more noble than that of the monarch of the human world. And he can give Li Yi the reward, far from those monarchs or generals can give Li Yi.

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