However, it is clear that these strong men who were sent out to the town to cultivate tribes did not come to cultivate among the tribes for sightseeing, and they would also have the opportunity to shoot.

In fact, as long as it is their turn, then it must prove that the situation is urgent. Because under normal circumstances, among the cultivators of the Warcraft family who rushed out of the wild land, there will not be a strong man with supreme realm strength. Even if it appears, there will not be too many, at most it is One two. At this time, a cultivator of supreme realm strength sent out by the main city at random, with the cooperation of human cultivators, and the killer of the supreme realm power of the Warcraft family, but there is still a situation However, sometimes, from the wild land, there will suddenly be a lot of strong members of the World of Warcraft, among which there will even be a large number of powerful people with superior realm strength. At this time, it is necessary for the strong men of the highest realm strength in each cultivation tribe to put out their full efforts, but at this time, generally speaking, it is very dangerous. Although it is not impossible to say that every time such a battle occurs, a strong man with superior realm strength is killed, but this possibility is still very high. The cultivator of the supreme realm of Chicheng who died before was unfortunately killed in that kind of battle.

But even in fact, Chi Yanhou should not send Li Yi to be the leader of the cultivator of Chicheng among the barren tribes within the power of Chicheng. In fact, with Li Yi’s current strength, let’s not be a leader among the wilderness tribes. If you only look at the strength displayed by Li Yi on the surface, then Li Yi is not even practicing the tribe. It is a very outstanding cultivator. But even so, Chi Yanhou suggested that Li Yi go to practice among the barren tribes. Such a situation, in fact, Li Yi is not unexpected.

But after thinking of these situations, Li Yi still insisted on going. Because Li Yi knows that this is actually a challenge that Chi Yanhou designed for himself. After entering into many things that Chi Yanhou told himself about cultivation tribes, especially the wild tribes, Li Yi can completely imagine it. On the side of the wild tribe, most of the cultivator's strength will also be very strong. And because of the **** battle with the cultivators of the Warcraft family all year round, the cultivators there must also be killers. Even if this is not the case, it will certainly not be easy for others. After all, those people are already usable as guys who have climbed out of the dead.

But even so, for Li Yi, that kind of environment will not make Li Yi feel any discomfort, but just think about it now, Li Yi will be somewhat excited. Because although Li Yi is no longer obsessed with killing obsessions, Li Yi is after all practicing Shura kung fu and entering the Shura Tao, so even if there is no such obsession, Li Yi's pursuit of killing It's still very rich.

And at this time, Li Yi can also see that he told Chi Yanhou a lot of things about himself. The most important thing is that he explained to Chi Yanhou that he was a strong leader at the highest level. Based on this, in fact, Chi Yanhou also wanted to see how much courage Li Yi had in the end. After all, if Li Yi really reached that height, then it will be a bit difficult to face the current situation and situation, but it certainly will not let Li Yi retreat.

After all, as a strong man, it is natural to have the dignity of the strong man. Although Li Yi's strength is not good now, but the same is true, Li Yi now urgently needs an opportunity to restore his strength. However, if you want to restore strength quickly, you must find an environment that is most suitable for your cultivation. At this point, Chi Yanhou can also feel from the breath emanating from Li Yi.

Since this is the case, Chi Yanhou will naturally like the beauty of adults. Such an arrangement can not only solve the contradiction that Li Yi wants to kill continuously, but also not be able to participate in the battle of the main city. At the same time, he can also see if Li Yi is really so worthy of Chicheng.

So much information, in fact, from the first sentence Chi Yanhou and Li Yi said, Li Yi has completely heard it. The conversation between old monsters like them who have not lived for tens of thousands of years is actually very mysterious.

It was because he knew what kind of idea Chi Yanhou was playing now, so after hearing Chi Yanhou's suggestion, Li Yi did not hesitate much and agreed to Chi Yanhou directly.

Chi Yanhou was naturally very happy to see Li Yi agreeing so readily. Because Li Yi can do this, he can clearly prove two things. The first is that Li Yi really seems to be able to adapt to this high pressure. After all, when he can clearly guess what will happen in the wild tribe, Li Yi can already accept this appointment without fear.

And the second thing is, since Li Yi agreed to his proposal, Chi Yanhou can save a lot of trouble, looking for the supreme realm strength in Chicheng who can be the leader of the wild tribes who can rise from Chicheng. Strong. You know, it is very strenuous to find a strong man who is willing to be the leader of the supreme realm. And even if Chi Yanhou took out his identity as a city master to suppress those strong men, it would be difficult for them to succumb. Because if Chi Yanhou really orders, then the strong men with superior realm strength will even choose to lead the army of cultivators to attack another main city, and they are not willing to choose to enter the barren tribe as the leader.

And in fact, there is more important news, that is, as time goes by, in fact, in the last few thousand years, the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the wild land seem to be getting worse and worse.

From these thousands of years, it can be seen that the strong Warcraft who have rushed out of the wild land have gradually increased and become more frequent. The emergence of such a situation, in fact, the cultivators in each main city can perceive a message, that is, the Warcraft cultivators in the wild land seem to be unwilling to be lonely. But as to when they are preparing to launch the attack, this matter is not known to human cultivators.

Therefore, it is actually a relatively dangerous thing to practice among wilderness tribes. Because it is against the cultivators of the Warcraft family, it is not like there are so many rules in the battle of the main city. The battle between the two families on the wild border, but there is no rule at all. As long as you can kill the opponent, you don’t have to think about what method you should use, and you don’t have to follow any rules at all.

Because of these circumstances, the leader of the wild tribe is actually a hot potato. In fact, none of the strong cultivators in the main city are willing to accept the position of the leader. Although Li Yi is not very clear about this, Li Yi can actually guess.

But the reason why Li Yi accepted this position is that Li Yi not only had to prove something to Chi Yanhou, but also for himself. Of course, the most important thing is for Li Yi himself. Because Li Yi knows exactly what he needs, what he needs most is to improve his strength in the continuous **** battle. Although the practice environment among the wilderness tribes is worse than that in the main city, for Li Yi, in fact, all this is not a problem. Because it is clear that Li Yi doesn't really have a strong demand for the power of heaven and earth in the fairy world.

Leaving aside these issues, Li Yi needs what he needs most, which is the level of fighting above the wild border. Obviously, there are very few powerful players with superior realm strength. Whether it is a human cultivator or a cultivator of the Warcraft family. So, Li Yi's current strength is actually more open on that battlefield. And even if there is a strong man with superior realm strength, there will inevitably be strong men from other main cities. Li Yi didn't believe it. On the battlefield, those strong men with superior realm strength would stare at themselves.

Therefore, it is for these reasons that Li Yi is now very longing for spiritual practice among the wilderness tribes. Because there, in Li Yi's view, it is the most suitable place for his spiritual practice.

However, just as Li Yi was about to leave, Chi Yanhou couldn’t help but say to Li Yi: “Li Yi, although the war among the wild tribes is not like the battle of the main city, there are often powerful people with supreme real estate, but You better not underestimate the fighting there. Anyway, it is important to keep your life."

Hearing Chi Yanhou's reminder, Li Yi said with a smile: "Thank you, Master, for reminding me that Li Yi is not a reckless person. When he gets there, he will naturally save his life as much as possible. But I have to talk about my situation first. That is, when I get there, my main purpose is to restore my cultivation, so if the war situation is really tight, I should also save my life first."

Chi Yanhou only gave a faint smile to Li Yi's big truth. Because of what Li Yi said, Chi Yanhou actually thought of it just now. After all, Li Yi just went to the barren tribe with the strength of the first level of Guiyuan Realm. With such strength, it is enough to kill as many enemies as possible there. Chi Yanhou did not expect Li Yi to take care of other Chicheng powerhouses while taking care of himself.

So after hearing Li Yi's words, Chi Yanhou immediately smiled and said: "Well, no problem, everything can be done as you want. As long as you can die, there are four wild tribes and other tribes. Among them is the strong man of Chicheng’s supreme realm. It is best to maintain a good cooperative relationship between you."

The last sentence, even Chi Yanhou reminded Li Yi. That is, Chi Yanhou still didn't want Li Yi to go too far with the Chicheng cultivators of the other three tribes. After all, if this is the case, let the cultivators of other main cities read jokes.

In this regard, Li Yi is also very clear. After agreeing readily, Li Yi turned to leave. Li Yi thought very well, that is to leave this time, and said that he must bring the fairy unicorn. Because Li Yi knew that Xian Qilin, like himself, wanted to practice in that environment.

After seeing Li Yi leaving, Chi Yanhou looked at Li Yi's direction and said with a smile: "Oh, the strength of the highest realm? Really think I am cheating, and let you go to the wild tribe It’s a bit harder in the middle, and it’s better to converge afterwards, doing things for me in Chicheng."

Li Yi's departure actually caused quite a stir in Chicheng. Because Li Yi was indeed too strong in the battle against Qingcheng before, it led to the concern of Li Yi's performance after the war whether it was outside cultivators or immortal world cultivators. And after Li Yi was quiet for a while, and finally went to see Chi Yanhou, many practitioners in Chicheng were also very curious. They wanted to know what reward Li Yi would get from Chicheng after the conversation. . After all, no matter in the history of Chicheng, or in the past days of the entire fairy world, it has never appeared once. In the battle of the main city, there will be a cultivator who returns to the strength of the realm and will be another master. Almost all cultivators below the city's supreme realm strength are killed.

Therefore, although Li Yi's military achievements are placed under ordinary circumstances, it is not too shocking. But what Li Yi did this time could afford the attention of so many people. However, at the end of these people's attention, they were all stunned to find that after talking with Chi Yanhou, Li Yi even took his comrade-in-arms, the same powerful Qilin Qi, and left the main city of Chicheng.

After inquiring, people realized that Li Yi was actually sent by Chi Yanhou to go to the barbarian tribe at the border of the barren land as the leader of the tribe. Hearing such news, at the beginning, the practitioners in Chicheng were all in an uproar. Because of this situation, they never thought of it. In their view, even if Li Yi won't receive such a rich reward as Chi Yanhou, the host of Chicheng, but at least it won't be so.

In fact, it’s no wonder that the practitioners of Chicheng will be so shocked. After all, whether it is the local practitioners of Chicheng or the practitioners who come to the fairy world from the outside world, after hearing Li Yi’s whereabouts, they all know the wild land. What kind of place is the cultivation tribe over there?

Although Li Yi was leaving, he left as a leader of a tribe. But I have to say that the reward that Li Yi received was really not what Li Yi should have received.

However, when the practitioners in Chicheng learned that Li Yi was leaving with Chi Yanhou's award-winning high-level spirit world practice skills, these practitioners in Chicheng couldn't help but start to wince. Because many cultivators who practiced in Chicheng, many of them have lived in Chicheng for tens of thousands of years, during which they also made contributions to Chicheng. But even so, they also have a large number of cultivators. Until now, they have not obtained the top-grade cultivation skills.

So after learning that Li Yi had received such a reward, those who were still grievous for Li Yiming also calmed down that attitude.

But anyway, they still have a lot of curiosity about why Li Yi went to practice among the tribes. And they are also very curious. Even if Li Yi was allowed to practice among the tribes, why did Chi Yanhou let Li Yi serve as the leader of the cultivator of Chicheng among the cultivation tribes.

After all, even if the strong man of the highest realm in Chicheng doesn't like to go to the wilderness tribe, but this should not let Li Yi be the leader. Because everyone in Akagi knows that to be a leader of a wild cultivator, at least they need the strength of the supreme realm. Otherwise, it will not play the role of leader at all.

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