Although the strongest in the cultivation world has always been respected, there are times when this situation in the fairy world has to be handled as appropriate. After all, there are seven main cities in the fairy world, and since there is a main city, then there will inevitably be very standard rules. Well, under the restrictions of these rules, in fact, many cultivators sometimes need to say insincere words and do things that are not sincere.

This time, in welcoming Li Yi this time, in fact the vast majority of Chicheng practitioners are holding this idea. Their idea is simple, that is, no matter what Li Yi's strength is, how amazing Li Yi's battle in the main city against Qingcheng is, but since the fact that Li Yi is a barbaric tribe cannot be changed, then they except Shun Apart from naturally accepting all this, there is really no other choice.

Since this is the case, they are not necessarily at this time. When Li Yi just came to the cultivation tribe outside Chicheng, he gave Li Yi a dismounted horse, and even gave Li Yi something more embarrassing. After all, some deeds about Li Yi, after just one day of publicity, have actually been spread among the circle of cultivators among the cultivating tribes outside the entire Chicheng. Now not only the cultivators of Chicheng know about Li Yi, but even the cultivators of the other six main cities outside Chicheng know Li Yi.

Therefore, when Li Yi came here, many of the Chicheng cultivators present did not have the idea of ​​giving Li Yi a look. After all, this is a matter between them and Li Yi anyway, that is to say, it is a matter within Chicheng. Although Li Yi is the leader of the cultivators here with this strength, all the cultivators here are very curious, but they are still not prepared to let Li Yi be laid down by them at this time. After all, this is actually the face of Di Chicheng.

In the fairy world, the cultivators of Chicheng were always suppressed by the cultivators in other main cities in the fairy world because of their bloodlines. So in front of the cultivators in other main cities, as long as the cultivators of Chicheng are able to preserve their faces, then they will certainly not do anything embarrassing.

What's more, in fact, the Chicheng cultivators among the cultivating tribes outside this Chicheng are not like the cultivators in the main city. When faced with other main city cultivators, they will feel like a dwarf. This is a wild border, and there are three other tribes like this in the wild border. Among the four wild tribes, the combat strength of the Chicheng cultivators in this wild tribe outside the Chicheng is very strong.

Because when confronting the cultivators of the World of Warcraft in the wild land, there are no such rules that must be followed. In this way, the disadvantages of Chicheng cultivators will be somewhat relieved here. And in order to rectify the name of the Akagi cultivators, the Akagi cultivators fighting here are also holding their strength, and want to show to the cultivators of other main cities, the Akagi cultivators are not arrogant. It is because of this strong force that the Chicheng practitioners here are not weak in the eyes of the practitioners in other main cities.

Therefore, it is for these reasons that the practitioners of Chicheng now think of the ugly and not exaggerated ideas.

In this regard, although Li Yi is not particularly thorough in knowing it, on the way before coming here, Li Yi also thought a lot about the situation here. Li Yi also knows that he came here as the leader of the cultivation tribe with the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm, which is itself the first example in Chicheng. In this case, it means that the incident Li Yi experienced this time is actually very abnormal in the fairy world.

And since this is the case, then the reason why the cultivators with the strength below the Supreme Realm were not sent here to serve as the leaders of the cultivation tribes, it must also prove that the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm wants to be the leader here, it must be It doesn't work, at least it's difficult. In fact, Li Yi has also studied before. Here, in fact, the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm has no difficulty in gaining a foothold, but it is not too simple to want to stand out. Since this is the case, Li Yi knows well that it is also very difficult for him to be the leader of this cultivation tribe.

Li Yi came here with this kind of thought before, so when he first came to the cultivation tribe, Li Yi also tried his best to converge. Try not to find faults with the Chicheng monks here because of any problems on his own, because Li Yi also knows The situation here is quite complicated. Since the cultivators of the seven main cities are gathered here, even if the cultivators of Chicheng have any problems, they are also problems within Chicheng. They can not show any contradictions in front of outsiders. , We must try to maintain this situation.

So just after coming to the cultivation tribe outside Chicheng, Li Yi immediately wanted to enter the camp of Chicheng in this cultivation tribe. In Li Yi's view, the news that he would come here to serve as the leader should have been learned by these Chicheng people, then Li Yi will also have a place to stay here. Since this is the case, what Li Yi thought was that after everything had settled down first, what problems did the Chicheng cultivators here have? This could be solved in Chicheng's camp.

But just after Li Yi had such an idea, and was ready to simply talk to the cultivator who greeted him before entering the camp, Li Yi did not want what happened to happen.

Although before this, whether Li Yi or the Chicheng practitioners here thought about how to maintain this peaceful state, it is clear that even most people have this idea, but But it does not mean that people here have such thoughts. Just when Li Yi was just preparing to enter the cultivator camp in Chicheng quietly, a few cultivators suddenly walked out of the crowd. When these cultivators appeared, they locked Li Yi's breath.

For this situation, Li Yi, who wanted to enter the camp quietly, frowned. In fact, when Li Yi first appeared, Li Yi felt that at the moment of his appearance, at least nearly a thousand Dao Shennian in this cultivation tribe had thrown himself. But in fact, Li Yi did not have much opinion. Because Li Yi can feel it, those people just want to explore what their true strength is. Although nearly a thousand Dao Shennian captured himself, Li Yi had a general understanding of the number and overall strength of the practitioners in the cultivation tribe, but Li Yi did not have much opinion on this.

But when those few people appeared afterwards and cast Shen Nian on Li Yi, Li Yi's brow furrowed. And not just Li Yi, but the fairy unicorn beside Li Yi is now a little bit angry.

I originally had some opinions about Li Yi wanting to be the leader of such a training tribe, Xian Qilin, because in Xian Qilin's view, since Li Yi wants to restore his strength, then he can choose any place. Xian Qilin believes that at that time, even if Li Yi proposed to enter the casting pool in the fairy pool, Chi Yanhou might agree.

As long as he can get the chance of casting, Li Yi can also take advantage of that small opportunity to choose a location for potential repair, and Li Yi's strength can also be greatly improved.

But Li Yi chose this place in the end. For this, Xian Qilin really couldn't see through. Although the exercises that Li Yi practiced resulted in Li Yi gaining a better understanding during the killing, this did not cause Li Yi to come to such a place. Because Li Yi has reached this level of strength, then even if Li Yi does not use this method, he can restore his own strength to a very good level.

In this wild tribe, if Li Yi came here just to practice, then Li Yi's strength was actually no problem. Moreover, looking at Xian Qilin, in fact, if the battle situation here is really like what I heard, then it is actually very advantageous for Li Yi.

After all, this kind of war is not like the battle of the main city. Here, Li Yi actually has more room to play. But Li Yi was very irrational to accept that he wanted to be the leader here. From the perspective of Xian Qilin, it really thinks that Li Yi is completely crazy.

But even if Li Yi's behavior and decision made Xian Qilin somewhat puzzled, but since this decision has been made by Li Yi, and he has personally come to this cultivation tribe outside Chicheng, then Xian Qilin certainly can't just watch it. Li Yi came alone. And since following Li Yi, he will definitely not watch Li Yi have any failures.

So when Xian Qilin saw someone appear and blocked Li Yi and his way, Xian Qilin thought about it, and naturally he was able to figure out what kind of ideas these people had after they stood up.

In this regard, Li Yi of course soon wanted to understand the key. After all, before coming here, Li Yi had thought of the problems he would encounter here. After all, with the current strength of Li Yi, if you want to convince the Chicheng cultivators among the cultivation tribes, there are still many difficulties. Otherwise, Li Yi would not have thought of entering the cultivator camp of Chicheng immediately when he first came here. Li Yi did that just to make this contradiction of Chicheng cultivation best happen in the camp of Chicheng practitioners.

But he and Xian Qilin saw these appearances, and threw Shennian onto themselves unscrupulously. After exploring their own strength, instead of recovering, they began to lock Li Yi's breath. After such a situation appeared, Li Yi Even if it is stupid, it is natural to see that these people are not well-intentioned.

Li Yi was really very angry about this. Because Li Yi couldn't figure out why these cultivators who had been fighting **** on the wilderness frontier all year round were unable to calm down their emotions and could not wait until they actually entered the cultivator camp.

However, although Li Yi has many doubts in his heart, this does not mean that Li Yi is ready to start with them. No matter whether it is to prevent the cultivators of other main cities from reading jokes, or Li Yi does not want to be too publicized now, Li Yi does not want to conflict with the Chicheng cultivators here on the first day of the cultivating tribe.

Because Li Yi is very clear now, if he wants to practice well in this cultivation tribe, he must have a big picture now, otherwise, Li Yi will be very difficult here in the future. After all, no matter how strong a cultivator is, it is impossible to survive in this sinister environment. What's more, Li Yi's strength is not very strong. In fact, Li Yi still hopes to be able to get along peacefully with the Chicheng practitioners here. After all, he can have a good interpersonal relationship and is always better than a bad one.

So although the current situation is already terribly bad, Li Yi still has no idea to do it. But at the same time, Li Yi was very puzzled, why at this time, he only stood up to two practitioners of intermediate strength in the Guiyuan realm. Although their strength is better than that of Li Yi, it is clear that even without the help of that magical weapon, Li Yi can easily defeat two cultivators of intermediate strength in the Guiyuan realm. After all, Li Yi has too many magical skills, and because of Li Yi’s ability to understand his own magical skills, Li Yi wants to overcome the two mid-level cultivators of Guiyuan Realm. difficult. What's more, there is a fairy unicorn beside Li Yi. There is a fairy unicorn, and these two middle-level cultivators in the Guiyuan realm can never have any danger at all.

But even this is the case, Li Yi never thought to do it. Because Li Yi knew that the time to start was still not up. But even if this is the case, Li Yi has never thought that these people will be related to the high-grade cultivation method in his body.

So just when Li Yi thought that this was a trivial matter, and wanted to calm down, the two cultivators of the strength of Guiyuan Realm who stood up now spoke on their own initiative.

Facing Li Yi who just wanted to change direction, one of the two people walked out, and then said to Li Yi proudly: "Hey, have long eyes, did not see this person, don't you know how to ask? "

Li Yi originally wanted to calm down, but after seeing this happen, Li Yi couldn't help laughing. Looking at the Chicheng cultivator who was looking at Li Yi for a lifetime, Li Yi said indifferently: "Speak to me? I don’t believe you don’t know who I am, I also know what you stand for. , If you don’t want the other city’s cultivators to read jokes, then you continue to block me here.”

After hearing Li Yi's words, the former practitioner who clamored with Li Yi couldn't help but stunned. It's not how taboo he is with Li Yi's current attitude, but because of what Li Yi said, he was somewhat distracted. Because Li Yi said before, knowing why he stood up to stop Li Yi. When he came out, he wasn’t simply looking for Li Yi’s troubles, but he was actually instructed behind him to let him come out first, try Li Yi’s strength, and then prepare for how to **** Li Yi. The top grade exercises in your hand.

So after Li Yi said that, the practitioner would be very shocked. Because if Li Yi really knew his true purpose, then he would definitely not treat himself with a friendly attitude.

If Li Yi only wanted to find fault, then even after he shot with Li Yi, out of a very poor understanding of the environment here, Li Yi should not have died. But if Li Yi knows that the situation is completely different, then Li Yi will certainly be fierce even if he is taboo.

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