Seeing Li Yi showing flaws, Xian Qilin, as Li Yi's closest comrade-in-arms, naturally cared most. After all, although Xian Qilin and Li Yi are very familiar, but in any case, what Li Yi is thinking in his heart, Xian Qilin is simply impossible to notice in the first time. Prior to this, Li Yi had always concealed the breath between them. For this, in fact, Xian Qilin was also very surprised.

Because Li Yi showed this hand, it was actually realized in the Devil Realm, and at that time Xian Qilin was still following Wolff and others in restoring cultivation. Later, when Xian Qilin and Li Yi would meet again, Li Yi had few chances to start in front of Xian Qilin, not to mention that the previous battles were not single-handed fights, so Li Yi did not take his own This trick showed.

So after seeing Li Yi do this, Xian Qilin was very shocked at the beginning. Because Xian Qilin does not know how many secrets Li Yi has. And when I just saw it, Xian Qilin was also surprised that Li Yi is now just like himself, and has realized the power of a little space law, so he can blend in the world. But when Xian Qilin noticed that Li Yi didn't seem to have realized the power of space, Xian Qilin only discovered that Li Yi's ability to do this seemed to be caused by a condensed penalty.

But even so, Xian Qilin was very shocked at the beginning. Because Xian Qilin is really convinced this time, Li Yi will be a shocking thing no matter when. A little method of convergence breath, after practicing in Li Yi's hands, can become Li Yi's most important means to fight against a strong man in the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm.

But just when Xian Qilin had been relieved of Li Yi, Xian Qilin discovered that Li Yi had suddenly released all her breath. In this situation, Xian Qilin can feel that although Li Yi did not realize the power of the law of space, he only achieved this by using a small method of restraint, but Li Yi would certainly not be so unreasonable. Let your breath be exposed to outsiders.

But although there was some confusion in my mind, Xian Qilin still rushed in the direction of Li Yi in the first place, because Li Yi was not tolerated anyhow after all, even though the powerhouse of Chicheng’s Guiyuan Realm peak strength It seems that there is some prestige here. If you kill him, it should bring some trouble, but Xian Qilin does not have so much time to worry about these things at this time. Because Xian Qilin knows that everything can be discussed only when Li Yi's life safety is guaranteed.

But just when Xian Qilin was about to rush to the battlefield of Li Yi and Mo Tian, ​​Xian Qilin suddenly felt that he was locked by several consciousnesses. Feeling this, Xian Qilin knew that he must have been stared at by other practitioners, but despite this, Xian Qilin was not worried at all, because Xian Qilin had already thought of it before It is impossible for the practitioners of Chicheng to stand up so rashly. If there is no foreign aid, then their strength is really very powerful.

But after seeing the two middle-level powerhouses in Guiyuan Realm, they were already vulnerable, and even Mo Tian and Li Yi could not take any initiative in the first place, Xian Qilin had already thought of these Chicheng's When the cultivators come out, there must be people who support them behind them.

So when Xian Qilin just wanted to rush to support Li Yi, but was suddenly locked by the consciousness of several practitioners, Xian Qilin also knew that if he moved again now, don't say he wanted to rush to Li Where Yi and Motian are fighting, as long as Xian Qilin moves, it must be entangled by the practitioners of Chicheng.

But for this, although Xian Qilin's face does not have any emotional fluctuations, but there is no worry in his heart. Because Xian Qilin knows that if he really wants to feel the place where Li Yi and Mo Tian are fighting, then it is really too simple. But now Xian Qilin just wants to know how many people in this wild tribe want to trouble Li Yi. At the same time, Xian Qilin also wanted to take a look, how many people want to wait and see the form at this time.

So although it seems difficult to see Li Yi, out of confidence in Li Yi, Xian Qilin decided to temporarily deal with other troublesome characters.

But although he wanted to do something, Xian Qilin still had to pretend to rush towards Mo Tian and Li Yi. Because this is the only way. Only when those practitioners in Chicheng realize that they really want to support Li Yi, will some of them be unable to endure and stand up to help Mo Tian block themselves.

Now Xian Qilin is also not afraid of those who are below the mid-level of Guiyuan Realm, because Li Yi, the cultivator of such strength, certainly will not have any problems. So now Xian Qilin just wants to know how many Guiyuan Realm's high-level strengths or peak strengths are there. Because at this time, Xian Qilin must make all those who can threaten Li Yi disappear, at least when they still have bad thoughts in their hearts, they should first find them out. Only if they know their thoughts first, Xian Qilin and Li Yi can take precautions against them. In this way, they can also take the best precautions when they have ideas in mind, even if necessary, Li Yi and Xian Qilin will definitely kill each other.

So although I know that many cultivators have already locked their consciousness on themselves, Xian Qilin is still in danger, looking at the direction of Mo Tian and Li Yi’s battle, when Li Yi is found, he releases his breath. After coming out, when Mo Tian attacked Li Yi's flaws, Li Yi didn't have much crisis. After seeing this, Xian Qilin also believed that Li Yi was suppressed by Mo Tian, ​​but all this must have been designed by Li Yi before.

Although I don't know what Li Yi is thinking, Xian Qilin knows Li Yi very well. Over the years, Xian Qilin knew that Li Yi would never fight unsure. So at this time, since Li Yi dared to challenge Xian Qilin alone as a strong man in the peak strength of the Guiyuan Realm, then Li Yi must have something to rely on. Moreover, with Li Yi’s strength, if he was caught by a strong man of Mo Tian’s strength after a flaw, even if Li Yi’s talent is even higher, but now this strength has not reached the peak state, even Even if the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm was not reached, Li Yi was able to withstand Mo Tian's hot pursuit. In fact, from this point, it proves that Li Yi must rely on it. And Li Yi's flaw must have been sold intentionally, otherwise Li Yi would definitely not be able to persist until this time.

So now Xian Qilin dares to think about other things, but in order not to let the time drag on too long, it is also to avoid Li Yi’s accident when fighting Mo Tian, ​​and he can’t get away from it, Xian Qilin is in After thinking about it, I went to the place where Mo Tian and Li Yi fought. The purpose is to elicit those who are secretly, ready to fight against Li Yi or Xian Qilin at any time.

In fact, at this time, Xian Qilin also doubted that among the practitioners of the fairy world present, it was not only the practitioners of Chicheng who had opinions about Li Yi serving as the leader of this cultivation tribe. After all, at this time, the practitioners of Chicheng and other main cities still have their own hatreds. Although everyone is here to maintain the security of the borders of the wilderness, no one can guarantee that Li Yi will not be attacked by the practitioners of other main cities here.

Because the reason why Li Yi came here is because Li Yi was too eye-catching in the battle against the main city of Qingcheng. It was because of this eye-catching performance that Li Yi came to practice in this wild tribe. Otherwise, Xian Qilin also opposed Li Yi's coming here. After all, practicing in the main city is much better than in the wild tribe. Otherwise, the cultivator in the fairy world would not want to enter the main city to practice with a sharp head.

Moreover, Xian Qilin also did not believe that Li Yi’s performance in the battle of the main city, other practitioners of the main city would not know. After all, Li Yi was a one-strike force in that battle, and almost wiped out all of Qingcheng's strongmen under Qingcheng's supreme realm. Based on this, Li Yi is enough to be famous in the fairy world, although this reputation is not important to Li Yi, and if you can choose, then Li Yi would rather choose not to have the fame accumulated in that battle. But even so, since such a thing has already happened, then Li Yi and Xian Qilin cannot avoid it at all.

Since this is the case, then for Chicheng, that battle was actually very important. And for a Chicheng that has been suppressed for nearly ten thousand years, since it can show its might in that war, and almost wins Qingcheng. Then the cultivators and high-level officials of other main cities will surely study well how to do this in the battle of the main city.

And when Li Yi left the main city and entered the wild land to practice, people must have already known, in which battle, who in the end led the battle between Chicheng and Qingcheng. So if this is the case, then Xian Qilin does not believe that among the practitioners present, even if they are practitioners in other main cities, they will not know that Li Yi,

Even if I haven't seen Li Yi before, but now that Li Yi has taken the initiative to come here, then Li Yi will certainly be well known by everyone. Since this is the case, it is difficult to guarantee that these people will not fight Li Yi's idea at this time. So in this case, Xian Qilin still hopes to do some precautionary work before those who are mischievous.

Now Xian Qilin is doing it, hoping to bring out practitioners who have ideas about Li Yi in Chicheng. Only in this way, Xian Qilin and Li Yi will be smoother in the later practice life. After all, no matter who it is, even people like Li Yi and Xian Qilin don't want to live in a life that is remembered by others every day. It is for these reasons that Xian Qilin will now show such strength. Because Xian Qilin knows that people do not stand steadily. In this dangerous and immortal spirit world, Li Yi and Xian Qilin want to live a stable life. They must kill before those who are mischievous. After they have shown that they are powerful enough to convince or fear them, then they dare not dare to do it, or they do not want to do it at all.

Now, it is time for Xian Qilin to perform. In fact, when Li Yi was able to distinguish the incomprehensible strength of Guiyuan Realm from Mo Tian, ​​the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, the practitioners present were already very shocked. Because they can all see that when fighting Yi Mo, Li Yi did not use any powerful magic weapon, nor did he use any superb fairy art. Li Yi did this completely because of his powerful fighting ability. This fact has already convinced the practitioners of the spirit world present. After all, among the wild tribes, Mo Tian's prestige is also very strong. After all, there are too few strong players with unparalleled realm strength, so the strongest with the highest strength of Guiyuan Realm can actually be regarded as a top strongman here.

And Li Yi can completely rely on his own strength to match Mo Tian, ​​it can only prove that Li Yi is indeed a real strong man. Especially at this time, many practitioners present even gradually began to believe that Li Yi really seemed to have shown such a strong fighting power in the battle of the main city of Qingcheng.

Moreover, at this time, Xian Qilin also began its powerful performance. Just when Xian Qilin showed that he wanted to support Li Yi, just before Xian Qilin arrived at the place where the battle between Mo Tian and Li Yi took place, three of them suddenly appeared in the camp of practitioners in Chicheng A strong man with high-level strength in Guiyuan Realm. And behind them, there is also a strong man with the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm.

After seeing these people appearing, they hadn't waited for Xian Qilin to speak. Some of the practitioners in other main cities couldn't help but say: "Oh, it seems that this time Chicheng is really preparing to fight in the nest to the most terrible level. Two strong players with the highest strength in Guiyuan Realm, three strong players with high-level strength in Guiyuan Realm teamed up to fight, and the opponent is the Akagi cultivator who has just taken over as the leader of the barbarian tribe. Whether they win or lose in this battle, afterwards They will definitely be severely punished. After all, in the main city, no one will forgive them for this kind of thing.

But even so, the practitioners in the other main cities on the battle against Chicheng, until now it seems that they are still very optimistic about Mo Tian's group. After all, no matter what, this internal fight has nothing to do with them. Although they are watching lively here, but afterwards, the strongmen of their respective main cities will certainly not blame them for watching lively at this time. After all, this kind of thing, even if the cultivators of their other main cities want to intervene, it is unknown. So at this time, they are also happy to see the excitement, because in fact, even if they can shoot, they will not shoot. After all, in the fairy world, the hatred between the main cities is not shallow. Although on the border of this wilderness, people need to rely on cooperation to survive more safely. But after all, there are seven forces here, and even if there is cooperation between them, it is impossible to be too harmonious. Especially in Chicheng over the years, its status among other main cities has been declining. People even doubt that if it weren't for the rules and regulations in the fairy world, would Chicheng have already become another place for cultivators in other main cities.

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