Since this is the case, then Li Yi must have his ideas now. After thinking about this, although Xian Qilin still did not know what Li Yi was going to do, Xian Qilin decided to follow Li Yi to continue acting. However, Xian Qilin had already made plans at this time, that is, no matter what Li Yi was going to do, Xian Qilin would never help Li Yi. Because after Xian Qilin played with the Faerie Cultivator guys here, Xian Qilin suddenly felt that the strength of the practitioners here was really too weak. And Xian Qilin also knows, no matter how inappropriate these Chicheng cultivators do at this time, but at least as long as they have not done something that really violates people's principles, then Xian Qilin does not want to be here. It's killing. Because Wolfe used to have a high-level fairy unicorn before closing, no matter what the situation is, before Wolfe and Tony did not go out, it would be best not to have any impulsive moves. If there are too many killings due to impulsiveness, which leads to the real and powerful fairy world powerhouse, then even Li Yi and Xian Qilin will not be able to solve the problem. What's more, Xian Qilin's current strength is also not restored to the best level. If it is really because of the killing of too many cultivators in the fairy world, it is likely that Xian Qilin will not solve the problem. .

And now Xian Qilin is with Li Yi. If Li Yi is in danger because of Xian Qilin's trouble, then Li Yi will also suffer losses together. But obviously, whether it is in the eyes of Wolf and Tony, or in the eyes of Xian Qilin, Li Yi is a person who can never be more important. Therefore, at this time, although Xian Qilin clearly saw that Li Yi seemed to be unreasonable, and at this time was arrogant again, but after seeing this, Xian Qilin did not speak first, but looked on coldly. What Li Yi is going to do now.

I saw Mo Tian defeated, killed, and finally burned his corpses to take advantage of the ashes, Li Yi finally aimed at the cultivator of Chicheng among the wild tribes who had been watching around.

Looking at them, Li Yi slowly walked towards those practitioners in Chicheng. Although the number of Chicheng cultivators present is not small, when they saw Li Yi approaching slowly like this, there were some Chicheng cultivators in the crowd who even appeared afraid. Obviously, before Li Yi used their two words of prestige in front of them, they killed Mo Tian, ​​who had already reached the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm. This move has made these Chicheng practitioners Very afraid of Li Yi.

After Li Yi saw the look of awe in their eyes, Li Yi's face did not show any complacent look. After all, if Li Yi is too kind at this time, it is still not enough to deter these people.

Because Li Yi believes that there is not necessarily only one person like Mo Tian, ​​and even today Li Yi and Xian Qilin have indeed achieved a very shocking effect, but Li Yi does not think that even if this can enable those Chicheng The strong man can really be convinced of himself. After all, Li Yi also knows that with his own strength, it is really difficult to cause real repression to these unruly generations. Although Li Yi is not keen on power, he does not like someone challenging his authority.

So after killing Mo Tian, ​​Li Yi finally aimed at the practitioners of Chicheng who had been watching the battle before.

Slowly walked into the camp of practitioners in Chicheng among the wild tribes. This time, no one dared to stop Li Yi anymore.

After finally being able to walk into the camp of practitioners in Chicheng, Li Yi's face finally showed a little smile for the first time. Seeing Li Yi laughing, the practitioners of Chicheng who were present also relaxed and smiled together. Perhaps these people are really afraid of Li Yi's performance today, so now Li Yi's various actions can make the Chicheng practitioners present have different moods.

Before seeing Li Yi killing Mo Tian, ​​his face only maintained a short smile, and then became cold, and the practitioners of Chicheng were also surprised. Although they all know that today these things were done by Mo Tian, ​​and they have nothing to do with them. And among those present in the Chicheng cultivators, there was no Mo Tian's party. Because of his personality, Mo Tian had only a few companions on the barren tribe. These companions were killed by Xian Qilin and Li Yi successively in this battle. But even so, people know that they have nothing to do with Mo Tian, ​​but they are very worried about Li Yi's gesture. And even these people don't even know what they are worried about. In short, they now have a heartfelt fear when they see Li Yi and Xian Qilin.

Xian Qilin really has a complete suppression of them in terms of strength. After all, they can only rely on one type of magical power, and in a flash, they can kill a strong man with the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm. We all see it.

And after killing the strong man with the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, Xian Qilin devoured the soul of the strong man. Such a move is also one of the main reasons why these practitioners of Chicheng so taboo against Xian Qilin. .

As for Li Yi, these practitioners of Chicheng really feel that there are some reasons why it is not clear. Because they all think that Li Yi's strength itself is not very strong. If it is under normal circumstances, most of the Chicheng practitioners present can easily defeat Li Yi. But this kind of strength is only the first-level person of Guiyuan Realm, but here he is under the eyes of all eyes to kill a strong person with the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, and that person is regarded as the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm. The strong can also be regarded as leaders.

However, such a person was inexplicably killed by Li Yi, and the battle between the two was also very strange. Even until now, people cannot see clearly how Li Yi killed Mo Tian in the end.

It is because of this unknown nature that people are now more afraid of Li Yi. Because people really don’t understand what kind of strength they can achieve. And people don't understand it. Li Yi was clearly suppressed by Mo Tian before, but in the end, Mo Tian was killed inexplicably. The two broken words actually wiped out a strong man with the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm. With such strength, people really can't figure it out.

The unknown is always the most taboo thing.

Just when people watched Li Yi walk into Chicheng's cultivation tribe with awe, Li Yi finally stood still, and then smiled and said to everyone: "Wait, you know the mistake."

Hearing Li Yi's words, the Chicheng practitioners present were all stunned. Because they never imagined that after a **** battle, Li Yi, when entering the camp of cultivators in Chicheng, would say such things as soon as he opened his mouth. Faced with such a situation, these cultivators in Chicheng naturally touched Not mindful.

Because they didn't know, what was the reason, Li Yi would speak to them for the first time, just say that. And it seems that Li Yi said this, it seems that he is really angry with the practitioners of these Chicheng. But these people really don't know why Li Yi is angry with them.

These Chicheng practitioners can say that they are not disheartened about today’s things, because before Li Yi came here, they did not know that Mo Tian was going to prepare for Li Yi, and after Mo Tian started, actually When Mo Tian's helpers appeared and stopped the Xian Qilin, they also wanted to call on several Chicheng practitioners to come out to help. But no matter who it is, in the end it is not shot. But even so, Li Yi still said such things to them, which made them wonder anyway.

Like everyone, the current Xian Qilin is also very puzzled by Li Yi's performance. Because Xian Qilin couldn't figure it out, the matter had already been resolved, so why did Li Yi do such a thing at this time. After all, these Chicheng cultivators can be regarded as their subordinates in the future, and according to Xian Qilin's understanding of Li Yi, in fact, Li Yi always loves his subordinates very much. But today Li Yiming knows that these people will soon become his subordinates, and seems to be ready to surrender to Li Yi, but even so, Li Yi still said that it makes people feel headless, such a situation, After letting Xian Qilin froze for a while, the helpless voice said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, what do you mean?"

Hearing Xian Qilin's voice, Li Yi naturally knew that Xian Qilin was asking what he was doing. But after hearing Xian Qilin's voice, Li Yi didn't give Xian Qilin too much explanation for the first time. Only after pondering for a while, Chuanyin said to Xian Qilin: "Let's watch it slowly, and you will know what happened in a while."

Hearing Li Yi say this, Xian Qilin naturally chose the silence. Because Xian Qilin knows, Li Yi must have his basis for everything he does. Li Yi will not be aimless, and naturally will not worry Xian Qilin.

After finishing that sentence with Xian Qilin, Li Yi also spoke again to the practitioners of the Chicheng who were present: "You, you know that I am the leader of the new barbarian tribe."

Listening to Li Yi's question, the Chicheng cultivator present was not much confused. After all, Li Yi's words can still help them find a direction. So after listening to it, everyone was silent for a long time, but after a long time, one of the practitioners in Chicheng stood out. This person is the strength of the pinnacle of Guiyuan Realm. It seems that he is also a somewhat representative figure among the practitioners of these Akagi.

After this person came out, he slowly came to Li Yi and smiled and said to Li Yi: "We certainly know that you are the new leader, we received the news two days ago, I did not expect you I came so fast. My name is Daer, Master Li Yi. Your room is ready for you. Are you going to take a rest now? And, I don’t know how to call that adult.” After finishing self with Li Yi After the introduction, Daal asked Li Yi again, pointing at Xian Qilin. After all, in his opinion, although Li Yi's strength is very strange, but the really powerful person is Xian Qilin. Obviously, Xian Qilin wants to kill the strongest of the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, which is effortless. So at this time, although this person is also the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm, but after talking with Li Yi, he also immediately asked about the news of Xian Qilin. Because until now, people still don't know what Xian Qilin is called.

But after hearing Dar's question, Li Yi did not answer Dar's question as Dar thought. But after snorting coldly, he said coldly to Dahl: "I didn't ask what your name is, and I'm not interested in knowing the name of the person who introduced me to you. I'm only asking you, you may know what is wrong.

Before Daal came out to talk to Li Yi, he thought that Li Yi said that before, perhaps because he wanted to show his majesty again. As long as he can stand up, lower his status, and talk to Li Yi, then Li Yi should not be like before.

However, after Daer talked to Li Yi so kindly, or even completely like a layman, Li Yi still refused to take it. This situation really made Daal very angry.

This shows that Li Yi's prestige in this wild tribe is really not enough, and people are always staring at Li Yi's strength and talking. Li Yi's initial strength in the Guiyuan realm will always be underestimated. And although Li Yi beheaded Mo Tian before, people really don't know **** Mo Tian. Even many strong men present at the scene believed that Li Yi's ability to kill Mo Tian must be related to the fairy unicorn. Because the strength displayed by Xian Qilin before is so powerful that even though people did not see Xian Qilin shot, they still think that Mo Tian had a very weak state for the first time before. It is a masterpiece from Xian Qilin. Afterwards, Li Yi's two broken characters seemed to cause Mo Tian to suffer an unbearable blow every time he said a word, but after two broken characters, he successfully killed Mo Tian, ​​but people still I think it must have been Xian Qilin, who was not far away at that time, poisoned Mo Tian. Otherwise, with Li Yi's strength, it was impossible to kill Mo Tian.

And Mo Tian died so inexplicably, the previous battle situation has always been to the side of Mo Tian. So although people saw Li Yi killing Mo Tian personally, and finally burned Mo Tian's body to ashes, people still don't believe that Li Yi really has such a powerful strength.

That is because of this, after seeing Li Yi repeatedly asking everyone to know the mistakes, Daer, as a representative of the practitioners of these Akagi, is also unable to bear the anger in his heart and can not help but sneer. , The same voice said to Li Yi coldly: "Huh, Master Li Yi, I think you may really be too self-confident. It is wrong to ask us again and again, but I really want to ask you, what are we wrong? Yes, you have to ask like this."

Hearing this question from Dar, and seeing the impatient expression now on Dar’s face, Li Yi naturally can also see from this situation. This Dar is naturally because of his disdain for his own strength, so it is only now. Will make such a response. And after Dal said his words, the practitioners of the Chicheng in the fairy world were also showing a little disdainful expression. In this case, when Xian Qilin stepped forward a few steps, it seemed that when people wanted to get started, people only slightly converged after seeing Xian Qilin.

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