Because of this, Li Yi is now more depressed. Because Li Yi knew that it was because of his too weird behavior before that it made people start to doubt themselves more. Li Yi knows clearly that most of the cultivators present are beginning to doubt that the reason why Li Yi was able to kill Mo Tian was definitely related to the fairy unicorn beside Li Yi. But in fact, this is totally a matter of nothingness.

And what’s more important now is because Li Yi can see it now. The cultivation of Chicheng now is true, even those who look at other lively main cities. The reason why they despise themselves so much is because of their strength. But it is the first-level strength of the Guiyuan Realm. Not to mention that this strength is to come here as the leader of the cultivator. Even if you want to be very eye-catching here, it is very difficult. Because here is the fairy world, not the alien world, nor the human world. The initial strength of Guiyuan Realm is simply untenable here. Even if it rushes above the battlefield, it is difficult for Li Yi to make a difference at the beginning.

Therefore, it is for this reason that people will now think that Li Yi must not have come to this wild tribe to assume the position of leader by just looking at Li Yi. And people also believe that the fairy unicorn behind Li Yi can certainly help a lot beside Li Yi.

In this way, Li Yi is really difficult to get people's approval on the side of the barren tribe. So it is because of this that Li Yi becomes very angry at this time. The most annoying thing about Li Yi is that people look down on it, but now this is something that cannot be avoided. But all this is not what Li Yi wants to accept. After all, Li Yi's true strength is not the case, but Li Yi has become so weak now because of many reasons. It's true that Hu Luopingyang was bullied by dogs, and Li Yi now holds this idea.

But despite this, Li Yi did not decide to accept this reality for these reasons. After all, although Li Yi's current strength is only the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm, Li Yi's actual combat power is not the case. You know, Li Yi actually killed Mo Tian, ​​the strongest of Guiyuan Realm's peak strength. Such a record cannot be completely wiped out because others simply do not believe it.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yi was not prepared to admit his fate when his strength had not yet recovered to a very high level, and was underestimated by these practitioners in Chicheng. After Li Yi accepted the position of leader of the cultivators of the wild tribes at that time, he was ready to meet the challenges of the cultivators of Chicheng among these wild tribes. Although Li Yi did not expect that Mo Tian had been violently attacked when he first came to the Barren Horde, but after solving Mo Tian, ​​Li Yi did not actually think about it. Those who want to challenge himself It will disappear completely. It's just that Li Yi didn't really think about it. When Mo Tian was just killed by himself, it didn't take long, or even when he hadn't got a chance to rest, new challengers came one after another.

When facing Mo Tian before, Li Yi was thinking about killing Mo Tian in his heart, and then using it as a prestige. But this time, when facing Liz, although Li Yi also had this idea in mind, the situation now is completely different from before.

When confronting Mo Tian, ​​Li Yi thought of killing Mo Tian. As long as he could do this, Li Yi could first establish himself as a prestige on the barren tribe. But now facing Luis, Li Yi's thinking is not as simple as simply Liwei. Li Yi is very angry now. The reason why he is angry is because Li Yi knows that the reason why cultivators among the wilderness tribes now look down on themselves like this is because of Li Yi's poor strength.

So because of this, Li Yi is so angry now. This situation of being nakedly despised makes Li Yi, who is already extremely proud of heart, simply unable to accept it. So in order to get rid of the hatred in his heart, Li Yi is now not prepared to worry so much.

In fact, Li Yi can also see that although the strength of the Rice now coming out is also at the peak of Guiyuan Realm, his combat effectiveness is incomparable with Mo Tian. Perhaps the strong players in the Guiyuan Realm who were present could not see the real power gap between Motian and Luis, but Li Yi could see the real power gap between them at a glance. Although Li Yi has not yet played against Rice, Li Yi can feel it. Although the strength of Rice is the same as Mo Tian, ​​it is also the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm, but Mo Tian is almost a foot. Stepped into the supreme realm. Although such a gap can be seen from the surface, Li Yi, as a cultivator who once advanced to the highest level of strength at that time, really knows that this gap is almost large to almost two levels. Degree.

So when seeing players like Luis dare to stand up and challenge themselves, Li Yi was really not prepared to keep his hands. This is not Li Yi joking, but Li Yi is really ready to do so. When fighting Mo Tian before, Li Yi was actually forced to use the power of the source. Because Mo Tian has mastered the power of the source, and Mo Tian’s strength has reached the peak of the Guiyuan realm. In this case, if Li Yi does not use the power of the source, he will fight against Mo Tian. If so, then with Li Yi’s current strength and combat effectiveness, it is really impossible to be positive with Mo Tian. The reason is very simple. In Li Yi's view, in fact, although Li Yi still seems to be a strong man in the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, such a strong man can almost be regarded as a strong man of supreme realm strength.

Because Li Yi knows that apart from the difference in the degree of mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, the biggest difference lies in the perception of heaven and earth. Above. With the gradual deepening of the understanding of heaven and earth, the powerful of the supreme realm strength can gradually understand and start to cultivate the power of the original power.

In fact, even every strong man with superior realm strength, when they have just advanced, they have already obtained the seeds that can perceive the power of the source. In fact, it can also be said that the reason why every powerful person with superior realm strength can be promoted to such a height is entirely because the perception of heaven and earth has reached a certain level, so they can be promoted to that level. .

It is for this reason that when Li Yi saw Mo Tian, ​​he already regarded Mo Tian as a powerhouse of supreme realm strength, not Mo Tian as a peak strength of Guiyuan Realm. Because for a strong person with the peak strength of the Guiyuan Realm, it is really commendable to be able to grasp the power of the original power in this realm. And if Mo Tian is fighting against a truly powerful person with supreme realm strength, then perhaps Mo Tian's strength can't be reflected.

Because in any case, Mo Tian was only a preliminary understanding of the power of the source, that is to say, Mo Tian was just a little ahead of time to obtain the seed of the source of power, and then through this seed, Mo Tian realized the source of the source The power of force. However, in front of the strongest in the realm of supremacy, Mo Tian only realized that a little bit of the original power, and could not exert real power at all.

In other words, Mo Tian's strength can only be undoubtedly revealed in front of the powerful forces of Guiyuan Realm. Unfortunately, Li Yi is a strong man returning to the realm of strength. If Li Yi is now promoted to the highest level, then Li Yi will not be afraid of Mo Tian. Because the strongest of the highest realm strength has not yet realized the power of the original power, but at least the majestic power of the world they can mobilize is enough to make up for all shortcomings.

But if Mo Tian can advance to the supreme level of strength, then Mo Tian's combat power can reach a terrifying level. After all, the power of the source is really not so good to practice. Even if it is a strong middle-level power, it is very difficult to grasp the power of the source, not to mention a cultivator who returns to the realm of power.

But in any case, Mo Tian is dead, and these things have no value to discuss. However, when confronting Mo Tian, ​​he was somewhat admired for Mo Tian's powerful Li Yi. After all, Mo Tian may not have the experience of Li Yi and Xian Qilin, and it is impossible to have such adventures of Li Yi, but even so, Mo Tian still realized when he was at the peak of the strength of Guiyuan Realm. From this point of view, the power of the source power can be seen. There is really no other way of explanation except that Mo Tian's talent is too strong.

However, in the eyes of Li Yi, Lace couldn’t compare with Mo Tian at all, so Li Yi was not prepared to use the power of the source to meet the enemy, because although Lace’s strength was also the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm , But at least he still did not realize the power of the source power. In other words, although Lace is the strongest person in the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm, he cannot pose a threat to Li Yi that Mo Tian can give Li Yi.

So when he saw that Rice challenged himself, Li Yi didn't even think about it, and took the initiative to meet him. And the fairy unicorn on the side, in fact, when I saw Li Yi make such a reaction, I also already saw that Li Yi’s shots besides trying to solve the trouble, there is a more important point, that is the fairy Kirin has also seen it, and Li Yi's temper now is very big. In such a state of Li Yi, Xian Qilin is actually understandable. Xian Qilin knows that Li Yi is a very proud person. Now his strength becomes like this. He always calls his predecessors to many people. And because of his lack of strength, Li Yi has to learn to bow down often. Such a thing, not to mention Li Yi, in fact, even Xian Qilin can't stand it now. Recalling that in the human realm, Xian Qilin's strength at that time had not been restored to the realm of the Holy One, but people regarded Xian Qilin as a moving treasure. Kirin's footsteps. If it were not for the fact that Xian Qilin's race was indeed very strong, perhaps Xian Qilin had been dismembered by the unclimate mercenaries when he was in the human world. Thinking of that time, even Li Yi had participated in the siege of the fairy unicorn under the reward of the mercenary union of the Tianlan Empire. At that time, Xian Qilin was also very painful in those days. And Xian Qilin still remembers that he was chased and killed by some strong people of the World of Warcraft in the mountains of the dead, and finally escaped the life of the mountains of the dead with the help of death.

In all these ways, even if Xian Qilin thinks of it now, he still feels very depressed. So now when Xian Qilin sees Li Yi's present situation, how can he not understand Li Yi's current mood. This is how Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. If Li Yi's current strength has returned to the supreme state, even if he has returned to the peak of Guiyuan Realm, then perhaps Li Yi will not be challenged by so many Chicheng strongmen here.

But although Xian Qilin knew Li Yi's distress now, he was not prepared to help Li Yi. Because of the eyesight of Xian Qilin, it has naturally been seen. Although the strength of this guy named Lace is also the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm, but there is no fluctuation of the original power. This situation is actually quite different from that of Mo Tian, ​​so at this time, Xian Qilin naturally dared to let Li Yi go. Because Xian Qilin knows that in the face of such enemies, Li Yi can win even if he does not use the power of his source. It's just that even though Li Yi was able to win, it must have been a terrible victory. Because in any case, there is still a gap in strength between Li Yi and this Rice, and the gap between the two is not small. Even though Li Yi's magical powers are amazing, it is really not that easy to defeat a strong man with the highest strength of Guiyuan Realm in the normal way when he is at the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm.

But even so, Xian Qilin still assured Li Yi to fight. After all, Xian Qilin knew that Li Yi must be extremely depressed now. If Li Yi is not allowed to vent, Li Yi may get mad because of it.

Xian Qilin now wants to take a good look at the excitement, and the other Chicheng powerhouses present naturally do not want to let this opportunity pass. After all, Mo Tian had been killed before, whether it was Li Yi's personal killing or not, at least from the current situation, this is the matter. Just when Mo Tian had just died in battle, the old rival Leis, who had been entangled with Mo Tian for thousands of years, stood up at this time, and did not know whether it was for Mo Tian’s revenge, or for other purposes, always Mo Tiangang When he died, Lacey came out to challenge the murderer of Motian. Such a lively scene, no matter who it is, will love to watch it.

After seeing Reis' shot, although Li Yi's strength is only the first-level strength of Guiyuan Realm, it is not taboo at all. Lacey's offensive has not been fully launched, Li Yi has launched his own attack. Before listening to Lace's introduction to himself, Li Yi also heard that this guy is a cultivator of Lei Dao. In fact, when he heard Rees say that, Li Yi knew that the reason why Rees said that was definitely because Rees was very confident in his practice.

Therefore, Li Yi did not panic at all when he started to fight with Reis. He continued to pinch the tactics, and in a flash, Li Yi's magical skill took shape.

However, when the practitioners of Chicheng who were present saw the magical art exhibited by Li Yi, they were all startled. Because the magical technique Li Yi is now performing is really familiar to them. Just a short time ago, this magical art had a great power on this battlefield. Because this magical power turned out to be the magical power that Xian Qilin played before against the three high-level strength powerhouses in the Guiyuan Realm and the strongest peak power strength in the Guiyuan Realm.

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