After all, a magical technique that can exhale the breath of thunder and apocalypse really has a lot of temptations for practitioners such as Reis who practice Thunder Dao. And if Reis can learn this magical technique in front of Li Yi, then even if Reis is defeated in this battle, Reis will not have any regrets. What's more, Lacey didn't even think he would lose. Even now, Reis still believes that Li Yi may not be the one who actually killed Mo Tian. Only the fairy unicorn in the distance is most likely to do this.

This is the perception of strength. People now prefer to believe that Mo Tian was killed by Xian Qilin. Such an unexplained thing can be accepted by people. But people really watched Mo Tian fall in front of Li Yi, but even so, people still did not want to believe this fact. In fact, Li Yi was very angry at this time because of this reason. After all, Li Yi is feeling that he has now been humiliated.

Therefore, Li Yi will exhibit such a powerful magical skill. It is important to know that even in this angry state of Li Yi, it is difficult for Li Yi to exert the power of Tianlei Supernatural Power.

However, when Li Yi saw that Lei Si was going to use Lei Dao's fairy art at this time to fight against his own Sky Lei, Li Yi's mouth was a little bit of a smile. Because this is what Li Yi hopes to see. Only in this way can Li Yi's magical skills be truly exerted. After all, the strength gap between Li Yi and Lace is indeed too large, and even if Li Yi has a great magical power, if Lace avoids it, then Li Yi is helpless. Fortunately, Li Yi’s current consciousness has returned to a very powerful level, so Li Yi can now lock the breath of Lace at this time, otherwise, even if Li Yi’s power of thunder and magical power again It's amazing. If you can't really attack Reis, then everything is empty talk.

But this time, Rice did not want to think about Li Yi's plans. At this time, the sky thunder was about to come in front of the sky. For safety's sake, the sky thunder was also a force that quickly turned into a fairy. At this moment, a thunderbolt was also a sky thunder falling in the sky. And go.

When two lightnings collided, a loud noise was made in a flash. Then, people saw a flash of white light, and the two lightnings disappeared in the collision. Whether it is Li Yi’s Thunder or Thunder’s Thunder, none of the Thunder’s power has the advantage.

But even so, people are still very excited. After all, this is the first time that people have seen Raith’s Lei Dao Faerie Technique, when confronted with people, did not occupy an advantage. Lace's advantage on Lei Dao is like Mo Tian's strength in the power of wind. You have to know that if someone wants to compete with Lei Si in the way of Lei Dao, although Lei Si can’t devour the power of others’ wind like Mo Tian, ​​Lei Si can still let each other The power of the attack of Thunder Dao's Spirit has all become invalid.

Therefore, because of this, Lace is now very excited about being unable to restrain Li Yi's Tian Lei. Because he felt that the more powerful Li Yi's Sky Thunder was, the more worthy he was to absorb.

After thinking about this, looking at the sky that is still running in the sky, Lacey shouted excitedly: "Come again."

People were shocked when they heard the words of Reis, because after seeing the confrontation between Rees and Li Yi's Heavenly Lightning Supernatural Power, people thought that Reis must be very frustrated. But now when they hear this sentence from Reis, they do not feel that Reis is half depressed. Instead, they seem to be very excited. How can such a situation prevent the practitioners of Chicheng They were very surprised. Because from the present situation, it seems that things are not as simple as they seem.

But after hearing this sentence after Lei Si, Li Yi immediately wanted to understand what Lei Si was thinking. Judging from the current situation, this Lei Si must think that he has seen his own God of Thunder. What kind of power he has in the end, so he is ready to steal. Li Yi is no stranger to such a thing, because in Li Yi's long life, Li Yi has not known how many times he has done such a thing.

But Li Yi was able to do such things in the past, when he was very strong, and he also had to have at least 50% of the confidence in his heart after fighting against his opponent for a long time. But now, Luis dare to dare to do such a bold behavior after just trying a trick with himself. This kind of thing let Li Yi see that he naturally felt very interesting in his heart.

"Since you want to challenge like this, I will complete you." Li Yi said softly while looking at Luis. Now that he has guessed Reis's idea, Li Yi said that he was prepared to confirm with the other party.

In fact, Li Yi has already felt it after the previous fight. Although the Rice did not understand the power of the original power, it was also a real strong man. After all, the strength of the pinnacle of Guiyuan Realm is an indispensable strongman even in the main city. So after thinking of this, Li Yi also thought, if possible, it is best not to kill Lace. After all, I just came here with Xian Qilin, Xian Qilin personally killed three strong players with high-level strength in Guiyuan Realm, and one strong man with peak strength in Guiyuan Realm. And Mo Tian, ​​who seems to have a high reputation on the barren tribe, died under his own efforts and died in his own hands. Li Yi can think that if he is the lord of Chicheng, then when he heard that the leader of the cultivation tribe he sent out, when he first arrived at the cultivation tribe, he beheaded several strong men there, especially these strong men. Even if it is placed in the main city, it can have a certain position. If such a thing really happened to Li Yi, then Li Yi would also be very angry. Even if the leader of the cultivating tribe has more reasons, such unscrupulous killing of cultivators in the same city is a great sin in itself.

But since things have already happened, Li Yi doesn't even think about making up. But Li Yi still felt that it was better not to let the situation go any worse. Because although Li Yi just came here, he was challenged by so many Chicheng cultivators, and until now there are Li Cheng who is a cultivator of Chicheng. But these are also not the reasons why Li Yi can kill the Chicheng cultivators so brazenly. So after thinking of this, Li Yi has also made up his mind. If it is really possible for Lace to carry his own fierce attack, then Li Yi will inevitably stop using some abnormal means in the end Si gave a kill.

So after thinking about this, although I saw that Reis is now very arrogant, when Li Yi was fighting against Reis, he did not think of wanting to incorporate his own power into the sky and thunder magic power. power. The first is because Li Yi just wanted to keep Luis's life, at least in this way he can still explain to Chi Yanhou in the future. And the second is because Li Yi himself doesn't want to waste too much of his original power. Because the power of the source is really a very difficult force to cultivate, now even if Li Yi’s cultivation is restored to the strength of the supreme realm, and reaches the mid-level strength of the supreme realm, but Li Yi is not sure, himself Immediately after being promoted to that stage, you will be able to cultivate the original power again. Since heaven and earth are not permanent, and the perception of heaven and earth also needs to change constantly, Li Yi is really not sure now whether he will be able to resume his cultivation of his original power in the future.

And there is a more important point is that Li Yi now has only one soul and one soul. Although such a body has been improved by the baptism of the Thunderbolt when he was promoted to the Guiyuan realm, it has improved a lot, but no matter what It is said that no improvement can improve the fact that Li Yi now has only one soul and one soul. Even if Li Yi wanted to cultivate the original power, it was a very difficult thing. Because the price of one soul and one soul is that the perception of heaven and earth will become much slower in the future. Even though Li Yi has a unique advantage, but Li Yi does not dare to conclude that he will certainly not have any influence.

So at this time, after several battles, Li Yi finally absorbed his own source of power among the Luoshen in the demon world, and after a hundred years of refining, Li Yi refined out the few source forces, After several wars, Li Yi's few sources of strength are now finally getting stretched. Therefore, it is for this reason that Li Yi does not want to use the power of the original source anymore. After all, in any case, the power of the original source is not the strength that Li Yi, who is now in the initial strength of the Guiyuan realm, should exert. Even with Li Yi's unique advantages, it can be used now, and the success rate is extremely high, but it has to be an adult. After the success of the exhibition, the burden on Li Yi's body is also very serious.

The reason why Xian Qilin can exert its original power when returning to the realm of strength is because of Xian Qilin's racial talent, the strength of the Qilin family's flesh is really unpredictable by ordinary people. Therefore, it is because of this condition that Xian Qilin dared to exert the power of the original power when returning to the Yuan realm. But even in this case, the fairy unicorn with such unique conditions is not daring to use the power of its original power too brazenly at this time. After all, the burden after the show, even Xian Qilin, as a strong person of the Qilin family, is not willing to bear it.

The reason why Li Yi can bear the huge burden after exerting his original power is also because Li Yi's physical strength is enough, so Li Yi dared to do so. Until now, Li Yi has begun to feel very fortunate. If he hadn’t made a mistake in practicing Shura Kung fu, he would not be in the human world, he would sacrifice himself, and Wolfe would refine himself. Become a puppet, killing in the human world for nearly a hundred years. If it weren't that time, Li Yi could not get his soul casting, and Li Yi's physical strength would not grow to this level.

So many times, many things are a process of gaining and losing. Although Li Yi was left with only one soul and one soul because of the reasons for that one time, there will inevitably be big problems on the way of enlightening Heavenly Dao in the future, but in any case, it is that experience that made Li Yi now Having a body that is so powerful that even the strongest of the supreme realm will definitely envy. Although it is impossible to compare with what I have lost, at least at this time, Li Yi has such a strong body is really a very valuable. After all, when Li Yi returned to the first level of strength, Li Yi had such a strong physical strength, so at this time Li Yi had the strength to compete with the stronger.

Therefore, although Li Yi has lost more than she has gained, she has obtained what Li Yi needs most now, which is worth it. But in any case, even if Li Yi's body can bear the strong burden after exerting his original power, Li Yi does not dare to squander like this. Moreover, even if Li Yi can afford it, it does not mean that Li Yi will not have any reaction after taking it.

In fact, after killing Mo Tian, ​​Li Yi's body has already become very weak. Because of forcibly exerting the power of the origin, it left a heavy burden on Li Yi's body. In this way, although Li Yi did not let Mo Tian hurt any place in the confrontation with Mo Tian, ​​in the end, Li Yi was because the strength he wanted to exert was too great, causing him to give his body to It was very weak.

So at the beginning, when Li Yi was going to fight against Rice, Li Yi's first idea was to fight fast and make a quick decision, even to use the power of the source. Because Li Yi does not want his body to drag on, if he exerts his original power, he can at least ensure that he can win, at least he can still insist on walking down this battlefield, and there is a fairy unicorn, Li Yi does not need to Worrying about the end of the war because the body is too weak, which puts him in a very dangerous situation. At least there is a fairy unicorn, Li Yi can save a lot of worries.

But when Li Yi wanted to understand many of the current conditions, Li Yi also suddenly changed his mind, and decided to let Reis go and let him die. This is not to face Rice, but Li Yi is ready to leave some way for himself. After all, if the killing is too rampant, it will be hard to say that Chi Yanhou will pursue it in the future.

So at this time, Li Yi is ready to really rely on the power of the magical power to face head-on with Reis. After all, judging from the current reaction and behavior of Lacey, Lacey hopes to be able to realize the deeper essence of Lei Dao from Li Yi's Sky Lei Shentong. After all, Li Yi also has to admit that this supernatural power of the Thunder is indeed the essence of a more profound power of Thunder. Because when Li Yi realized the thunder magic power that day, he actually realized it from the heavenly catastrophe.

It’s just that the catastrophe wasn’t the celestial catastrophe that the practitioners of Akagi now know. The thunderbolt of the celestial cat at the time of returning to the realm didn’t have any offensive power at all. . When Li Yi realized the thunder and supernatural powers, he realized it in another kind of heavenly disaster.

That is, when Li Yi was in the peak state, when he experienced the last disaster among the three disasters of heaven and earth, and the real thunder and thunder, he realized the essence of mine.

The three robbers of heaven and earth are divided into the three robbers of heaven and earth, and the human robbers are the weakest, but they are not affordable by ordinary people. It is not uncommon for many powerful people with the highest peak strength to fall on top of human robbery. The Heavenly Tribulation is the strongest among the Heavenly Dao and the Three Tribulations. The power of the Heavenly Thunder, which Li Yi realized through the power of the Heavenly Tribulation's Thunder, cannot be underestimated. But now it is indeed because of Li Yi's strength that is still inadequate. Of course, the degree of this inadequacy is also very unbearable. Therefore, although the power displayed by this supernatural power of Thunder is already very great, in fact, it can be said that there is a gap between Li Yi and Li Yi when he just realized it.

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