If the cultivators themselves do not have the ability to perceive the power of the original source, or after reaching the peak strength of the Guiyuan realm, and there is no sign of obtaining the seeds of the original source of power, then in fact they are considered to give them high-quality cultivation techniques. It may not be possible to perceive the trajectory of the source power, so such cultivators are not that the strong people of Chicheng do not give them opportunities, but the strong people of Chicheng do not want to waste such opportunities on them.

But Reis is different. Obviously, Li Yi has seen that Reis has the potential to advance to the highest level of strength. It is just because of the kind of control of the cultivator by the strong man of Akagi, so Rice has never been able to really get such an opportunity. Since Li Yi saw this, and Li Yi happened to want to do something big in the fairy world, then Li Yi would have to try it out to see if he could help Lacey take an adventure.

After hearing Li Yi’s second inquiry, Lacey did not show the half hesitant look that Li Yi expected. Lacey looked at Li Yi so firmly, and then made a decisive decision after Li Yi finished speaking. Said: "Eun Gong, I have decided my heart and I really want to give it a try. If it succeeds, this is naturally the best, even if it is a failure, but it is a death. I believe that Talent is good, but I practice in this wild tribe. For thousands of years, countless achievements have been made, but the strong man in the main city has never given me a chance to let me attack the supreme realm. I have already had enough of this kind of life, so I don’t want to live in such a muddled life. No matter success or failure, I can accept it, and even if it fails, I will not blame you, the Akagi practitioners present will be able to testify to you, this time I tried completely, even if there is an accident, I will follow you. It doesn't matter at all. So don't worry about Eun Gong, just go ahead and I look forward to starting my challenge."

Hearing the words from Reis, Li Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Since that is the case, you and I will try it together. Anyway, I will do my best. Although you already have The determination to die, but I will not really let you die. If there is an accident, then I will certainly help you. You can rest assured that even if there is an accident, you will not be too dangerous. "

In the end, Li Yi could only reassure Rice. After all, if Rice really started all this with great pressure, then it must have had a lot of bad effects on this attempt. So at this time, Li Yi can only make such a promise. I will not mention whether it will be realized afterwards. At least now with such a guarantee, Lace can also try all this with more confidence and concentration.

So just after Li Yi finished speaking, Lace nodded happily, but did not say much afterwards. Obviously, Reis is now ready to start, everything else is nonsense and meaningless to him.

And in fact, in the process of talking with Li Yi, Lace also noticed the difference in his body. Before the most fierce entanglement with Li Yi's power of thunder, Li Yi once again issued a small lightning, and then hit Reis and entered Reis's body. Although the lightning succeeded in resolving the crisis in Lace's body, the lightning then stopped so abruptly in Lace's body. Such a situation, after all this time, Reis has also found out. However, Lacey was not nervous at all, because Lacey could think that this lightning must have a lot to do with subsequent attempts.

Sure enough, before preparing to start, Li Yi and Lace explained the final situation.

"The flash of lightning in your body is actually the source of the power of a ray of thunder. Maybe you don’t necessarily know what kind of power the source of power is. You only need to know that only the seeds with the source of power There is a chance to really impact the strength of the Supreme Realm. Now, the lightning in your body is the seed I gave you. And this seed is very suitable for you, it can even be tailored for you. Our The method is very simple, in fact, it is equivalent to letting you fight. I have seen your previous actions. My second sky thunder is actually you want to absorb it into the body, and then refine it, so that you can learn from it. Gained my understanding of the power of thunder in my thunder. I'm right." Li Yi said slowly while looking at the thunder.

"That’s exactly, it’s just that I obviously failed just now. If it’s not Eun Gong’s shot, I’m definitely dead now. So, in fact, I’m actually the one who died once, and this life is also Eun Gong’s gang. I picked it up, so even if there is any greater danger, I am willing to give it a try. Engong rest assured, you should tell me what I should do afterwards, I will never shrink back." The expression looked firm. With Li Yi, Luis said resolutely.

Li Yi was very satisfied with the attitude of Reis, because if Reis showed signs of timidity at this time, then Reis would most likely be in a state of nowhere. After all, if you want to attack the strength of the Supreme Realm, if you don't have a firm heart, then even if the talent is the best, it is impossible to do this with the help of good exercises. After all, the so-called supreme state is the pinnacle of this world. If you want to stand in the pinnacle, if you can't have a heart that is proud of the world, then you will not be qualified to ascend this realm.

So at this time, Li Yi was naturally very happy to see that Reis could have such a state. After a gratifying smile, Li Yi continued to say to Lace: "In fact, what we are going to do is very simple. In fact, it is the same as what you did before. Do it again this time. But this time is dangerous. Sex is bigger than last time, and it is a lot bigger. First of all, let me introduce to you, the magical technique I used before is called Tianlei. The so-called Tianlei is the magical power that comes from the thunder of thunder. As for what the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation is, this is not something you can understand now. You just need to know that the power of my supernatural Thunder is really not to be underestimated. If you use the technique of fairy spirit to resist, Maybe there will be no trouble, but if you want to contend with the flesh and then prepare to devour the power of the sky and thunder, then it is really a very risky thing for you. The previous things have already A very good explanation, this is indeed a big challenge for you. But one reality I have to tell you is that my supernatural powers have a total of nine strikes, but with my current strength, I can only display Thunder three strikes, and then I can’t use my current strength at all. But the first three strikes are enough for us to do what we want to do today. Sky Thunder’s first strike is not powerful, and you also have this point. Recognize that the power of the second strike is acceptable. With your physical strength, if the method is correct, it can actually be resolved. However, the third strike of Tianlei is not as simple as the previous two strikes. The magical power of Tianlei, its horror It is because the power of thunder is multiplied every time. The second blow is twice the power of the first blow, but the third blow is not doubled, but ten times, and it is the second blow. Ten times the sky."

Hearing Li Yi's introduction to Supernatural Thunder, not to mention Reis, even the other watching Chicheng practitioners were now surprised. Because before Li Yi exhibited the first two strikes of the Sky Lei Shentong, people already felt very much about the power of Li Yi's magical magic. After all, Li Yi was able to display such a powerful magical skill when he was at this strength, and it was indeed an eye-opening thing. Although some of the strongest fighters at the peak of the Guiyuan Realm on the scene believed that the second shot of the Sky Thunder was powerful, it was not realistic to threaten them.

But when they heard Li Yi's explanation, they were really shocked. Although the second blow of the Sky Thunder could not pose any threat to them, the second blow was really enough to shock them. If Li Yi said non-virtual words, then they are really difficult to imagine, how should the sky [Unknown Novel www.downtxt.net] Lei fall down, how to deal with it.

Of course, in fact, after a careful review of the previous attack on the second strike of the Sky Thunder, the strong players at the peak of the Guiyuan Realm at the scene also felt that even Li Yi exhibited ten times the Sky Thunder for the second strike. After the communication, they are not necessarily able to kill them. After all, the greater the power of the magical art, the more difficult it is to lock the opponent's breath before casting. What's more, in the view of these strong powers of Guiyuan Realm, even if Li Yi exhibited such supernatural powers, they would be able to kill them without healing.

But just when people are constantly thinking about the power of Li Yi’s third-strike Sky Lei Shentong, Li Yi continued to say amazingly to Lei Si: "The power of the third-strike Sky Thunder is really Very huge, I don’t hide this from you, and what you need to do is not to resist, but to bear all that with flesh like you did before, and then swallow the thunder that the third thunder **** magic dissolves in the body. The power. And understand the power of thunder to achieve supreme thunder."

Hearing Li Yi's words, people think that Li Yi is an idealist who can only talk about nothing. Even if the method Li Yi said can really achieve the effect he said, but God knows, who can resist The attack of the power of the sky thunder. You know, the second strike of the Sky Thunder attack has already caused Rays to almost die, and the third Sky Thunder itself is ten times as powerful as the second Sky Thunder, but now Li Yi has let Rays use the flesh to harden Resistance, and then feel the power of thunder in the body. This is just kidding, and murdering Rice. Everyone knows that even if Rice is crazy, it is impossible to accept this condition. Because even if it hasn't started, people can think of it. In this way, Reis is mortal.

But in the end, Lacey agreed, because only Lacee knew how feasible Li Yi said. And it is because of the pureness of the power of Lei in the sky and thunder of Li Yi before, that kind of sentiment cannot be rejected for Lei. So Rice did not hesitate, so he agreed directly.

Seeing that Rice promised so happy, Li Yi naturally could not have any further delay. After all, what I should have said has already been finished, and now if I say something more, it will only shake Reese’s firm heart.

So after optimistic that Lei Si was ready to accept the bombardment of Tian Lei, Li Yi began to pinch his tactics. After the tactics became great, the sky was again covered with clouds, and then thunder rolled. After the blink of an eye, a flash of thunder flashed, and the third sky of thunder appeared out of thin air, striking Reis.

When the third sky thunder appeared, the sky and earth could already be described by the color change of the sky and earth. Although the cultivators present were at a certain distance from the place where Li Yi and Lace were at this time, even then, they could still feel a terrifying atmosphere from the sky thunder exhibited by Li Yishi. This feeling really shocked the practitioners of Chicheng.

Because from that sky thunder they really can feel a little bit, that is, this sky thunder really has ten times the power of the last sky thunder. From this point of view alone, Li Yi has never exaggerated before. But it is because Li Yi really did not exaggerate, then the threat that Rice now faces is really no room for relaxation.

Ten Thunder Supernatural Powers twice as much as the second strike, when facing it, even those strong powers with the peak strength of the Guiyuan Realm present, could not help wanting to run the fairy spirit when they felt in the distance Force, and then began to resist. However, when he is in a storm, she can't do anything. She can only continue to run the power of the fairy, but she can't display the magic of the fairy, it can only diffuse the power of the fairy. The whole body is ready to be bombarded by the sky.

Seeing that Lacey could do this, Li Yi was also very admired. This is the perseverance that a strong man should possess. Li Yi knows that there are actually many strong men who have the strength to impact the supreme realm in the practice world, but why the strong men with the highest realm strength are really very It's scarce. In addition to the real difficulty in comprehending Heavenly Dao, it is also because many strong individuals with the highest strength in the Guiyuan Realm do not possess the heart of a real strong person. So at this time, many strong people who have worked hard to reach the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm naturally have many people who will be timid, and in this way, they are actually ruining their own promotion hope.

So at this time, Lei Si was able to achieve such determination, which also made Li Yi very happy. At least in this way, things are going very smoothly. And Li Yi is now impossible to have any harm to Lace, because Li Yi has no reason to harm. However, after seeing the third Sky Thunder appearing, although there was no worry on Rays’s face, Li Yi could see a little tension from Rays’s movement. After all, everyone feels this way at this time. Because it is now fighting, and seeing an attack that can really threaten the safety of one's life, not only can't dodge, even resistance can't do it, this situation is personally tense.

However, thinking of the opportunity to gain the strength of the supreme realm, Lace's nervousness disappeared in an instant.

And at this time, Li Yi also immediately said to Lace: "After the sky is like a body, try to integrate it with the lightning in the body. That source is your biggest virtue for achieving the supreme state."

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Reis also immediately started to run the power of the fairy, trying to run the lightning in his body at this time, because he knew that Li Yi could not deceive himself at this time, so at this time If you can grasp the chance of this lightning, then maybe you will not only reduce a lot of life dangers, but also make you more likely to succeed.

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