So at this time, if Chi Yanhou sees Lei Si, he will definitely not let Lei Si practice on the side of the barren tribe. After all, a powerful strong man is about to rise, even if he is in the war, he should be in the battle of the main city. It is not on the **** battlefield of the wild tribe. After all, the battle of the main city is just a game, and the war on the wild tribe is a battle of races, and it is also a battle of territories. Whoever wins, can control the entire fairyland, and the loser must nest in one. Secretly developed without a trace.

So Li Yi’s plan was to return Lacey to the main city of Chicheng. Although Li Yi knew that even if Lacey already had the seeds of the original power in her body, she wanted to cultivate the original power, Lei Sri Lanka does not know how many years of hard work it will take, or even how many tens of thousands of years it will take. But in any case, Leigh's efforts will certainly not be in vain. Therefore, Li Yi hopes that Reis can return to the main city for development. A cultivator like him will definitely receive Chi Yanhou's attention and become a key training target. In this way, as the people Raise contacts are getting higher and higher status, the things in the fairy world that Raise can know will be more and more. In fact, Li Yi has been puzzled since he participated in the first battle of the main city. What kind of situation is it that can make this look among other main cities in the fairy world. You know, the violent degree of the battle of the main city is really amazing, but this kind of battle seems to be controlled by someone or a huge force, like a game or a game. It is constantly being staged in the fairy world. Li Yi is really curious about such a situation, so Li Yi wants to figure it out, but Li Yi knows that with his current strength it is impossible to get in touch with this system of affairs, even if he really spends no time. It is difficult to really come into contact with this level of secret when it comes back to the strength of the supreme realm, as a cultivator of the outside world.

So Li Yi now needs a helper to help Li Yi get the news that Li Yi wants. And this Reis, since successfully upgraded to the strength of the supreme realm, then it is the person most in need in Li Yi's eyes.

It is because of this that Li Yi refused immediately after seeing Rice announced his allegiance to himself. Because Li Yi didn't want to cause too much trouble, and Li Yi wanted Rays to help him do what he wanted him to do.

However, for people like Reis, their ideas are actually very simple and straightforward, but they must be carried out as soon as an idea arises. This is the situation now. Although Li Yi kept refusing, Lei Si seemed to have identified Li Yi. Regardless of what Li Yi said, as long as Li Yi did not agree, Lei Si would not stand up at all.

In desperation, Li Yi saw that Luis was so stubborn, Li Yi had to change a way to treat Luis. After thinking about it for a moment, Li Yi secretly said to Rees: "If you really want to repay me, get up now, I have more important things for you to do."

Hearing Li Yi’s transmission, Leith’s head finally lifted, and then Li Yi saw a very excited look in Leis’s eyes. Obviously, when he heard Li Yi actually asked for himself Now, Rice really feels relieved now.

Li Yi actually understands the sight of Reis's eyes, because as a practitioner of their strength, they should not remain obsessive in their hearts anyway. And this time the situation was that Lace took the initiative to challenge Li Yi, but in the end Li Yi complained with virtue, and gave Lace a great fortune, and Li Yi's strength was nothing but the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm. Therefore, because of various reasons, Reis chose to give an account of this matter at this time. The current solution is very simple, or Reis actively chooses to loyal to Li Yi. Either Leis chose to use a better way to solve this matter, that is, Leis helped Li Yi do one thing, this matter is also very helpful to Li Yi, only in this way, Leis will choose from I get the greatest psychological comfort. In the future, when I practice, I won't get the great benefits from Li Yi today, but I haven't paid back, which makes me obsessed and delays my cultivation process.

So at this time, how could Rice be upset when she heard that Li Yi had offered something to help herself? After all, although Lacey really wanted to be loyal to Li Yi before, it was actually a helpless move. After all, if he could practice well, who would like to be a servant of others. However, if you don't do that, there is a danger of Leith appearing, so at that time, Leis must choose that way.

But now it's different. As long as Li Yi puts forward the request, then Reis will definitely try his best to satisfy him. And if one thing is not enough, then two, or three or four, in short, as long as Li Yi has something to ask, Reis will definitely be satisfied. Maybe it still seems like Li Yi’s servant, but after all, there is no such relationship, so Reis is also more comfortable.

All of Luis's thoughts were fully understood after Li Yi saw his eyes. In fact, this is not an exaggeration at all. With Li Yi’s experience, even an old monster like Reis, it is difficult to have too many tricks in front of Li Yi. Their thoughts, as long as Li Yi sees Their eyes can be seen.

Of course, if it is really a man with too much ambition, Li Yi is also helpless. For example, the master of the city of Chicheng, Chi Yanhou, with Chi Yanhou, Li Yi will feel some pressure, of course. The generation of stress is also closely related to the current strength gap between the two.

But the main thing now is to solve Rice, not to think about how dangerous Chi Yanhou is.

After hearing Li Yi’s voice, Reisma made an announcement and said to Li Yi: “I don’t know what Master Eun Gong has asked of me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it, even if it is dangerous. It’s okay."

Li Yi also smiled when she said this. Since everything has been resolved now, Li Yi does not have to be as serious as before. After the sound transmission by Leis, Li Yi continued to say: "Actually This is not a dangerous thing at all, and it can even be said that this is a very simple thing. Maybe you should know that a strong person like you, who is above the realm of strength, if you are not going to be a cultivator leader here, then it must be Who was recalled to the main city by the cultivators of the main city. After all, you also know that the training environment in the main city is much better than here. And the battle situation in the main city is also more suitable for cultivation than here. Moreover, there is really a strong man there, and it is a very wise thing for you to go back to the main city to practice."

Hearing Li Yi saying this, Reisma made a sound saying: "This is not good, grace, my supreme realm strength of Reis is what you gave me, what kind of talent I am, I know very well, I As early as tens of thousands of years ago, I have already practiced the top-grade cultivation techniques, but I have always stayed at the peak of the Guiyuan Realm. This situation has once become a joke among the practitioners of Chicheng. Now I can finally advance to the highest realm. It’s definitely not a fluke. If it’s not you, I would never be able to do this. So I decided to follow you. Even if it is not the case, at least I must follow you and protect your safety."

"You don't have to do this, I have my own way of cultivation, and I am safe enough with his companions. But you are different, you have to go back to the main city to practice, the first is to not Let your talent on Lei Dao be wasted, and the second is the most important reason, that is, what I asked you, you need to return to the main city." Looking at Lei Si, Li Yi continued to say.

After hearing Li Yi's statement, Reis no longer insisted. Since Li Yi needs to return to the main city for what he wants to do, then Reis should not insist too much at this time. After all, if this is the case, it has already violated Rice's own thoughts. After all, Reis actually hopes to be able to return to the main city. Because Reis was equivalent to leaving the main city in the mockery of those main city cultivators, and then came to practice among the wilderness tribes. This stay was tens of thousands of years. No matter who happened to this situation, it is impossible to endure easily. And Reis has endured tens of thousands of years, and now it is finally time to raise her eyebrows, and Reis also does not want to give up this opportunity.

However, Li Yi did indeed help Lacey advance to the highest level of strength, so in any case, Lacey must also repay Li Yi. Although he chose to be loyal to Li Yi, Lacey was also somewhat unacceptable, but anyway The only way to solve the problem.

But there are also some embarrassing things in Reis, but Li Yi made such a request. What Li Yi hopes Reis to do is that Reis needs to return to the main city. How can Reis refuse this kind of request, because in this way, Reis can not only be the ancestor of Li Yi, but also be able to relieve her hatred. Therefore, Rice was naturally very happy at this time, and then the voice said to Li Yi: "Engong, what needs to be done by me, you can do what you want, as long as I can do it in the main city, I I will definitely do it for you."

Although Reis still spoke a hearty way when he said these words, Li Yi was still able to read from Reis's eyes, and Reis was still somewhat timid at this time. After all, what else can you do in the main city? According to Lacey's idea, coming to the Wild Horde is actually not a good arrangement at all. Moreover, I learned from previous rumors that Li Yi was a person who made great achievements in the two battles in the main city, but in the end, although he got a top-level cultivation method, he was also sent to the wild tribe. . In Rice's view, Li Yi is equivalent to being issued. Therefore, Luis may have a grudge against those who made this decision, and there are no other people in the main city who can make such a decision except Chi Yanhou. So at this time, Reis immediately thought, did Li Yi want to go to the main city and kill Chi Yanhou? Just thinking about this, so Reis now seems a little guilty. Because although Lace is now advanced to the highest level of strength, he is not a player with Chi Yanhou at all. If Reis now chooses to shoot at Chi Yanhou, the ending is very simple, that is, it is impossible for him to persist in the hands of Chi Yanhou for ten breaths, it must be turned into ashes by Chi Yanhou.

However, Li Yi just hoped that Lacey would return to the main city to do something. For this matter, even if he had to be loyal to Li Yi, Li Yi would not accept it. This shows that if it is not to let Lacey go back to revenge, How could Li Yi give up such a condition. But anyway, even after guessing this, Rice still had the courage to continue to ask.

But after seeing Reis’s eyes, Li Yi couldn’t help but smile, and then slowly whispered to Rees: “Did you think of something dangerous, don’t get me wrong, what I let you do There will be no danger at all. Forget it, I will tell you the whole thing directly. In fact, I let you go back to the main city to practice, just to let you accept the arrangement of the main city without any conflicts. In your current identity, you will be well treated and nurtured when you return to the main city. With the continuous improvement of your strength, your identity is definitely going to rise in Chicheng. At that time, I don’t ask you to do anything for me. I just hope that you don’t hide from me when I ask you something. Even if what you know is the secret of Chicheng, I hope you can tell I."

Hearing Li Yi say this, Lacey should have been happy, but after just a few moments, Lacey put on another look that was not very happy. Because after thinking carefully about Li Yi's request, Luis suddenly thought of something. That's why Li Yi gave up his chance of loyalty to him, but instead just let Reis return to the main city, and then help Li Yi to explore some news of the main city. Such a situation really makes Rees very inexplicable. of. After all, what kind of news does Li Yi need to be able to satisfy?

And after thinking of this, Reis also thought of a more serious problem. That is, although Li Yi claims to be a cultivator from outside, God knows whether he is, because the cultivation time on the barren tribe is too long, so for his opponent, the cultivator of the Warcraft family, Reis also knows very well . As for the fact that they want to send human cultivators to the camp of human cultivators, in fact, they are also known to human cultivators. And every time it is found, it must be to kill those sent human cultivators, and in the most cruel way. But this time, Li Yi actually made such a request, such a request will only make Reis think of that aspect.

Therefore, after hearing Li Yi’s request, Lacey appeared very dignified. After a long silence, Lacey slowly whispered to Li Yi: “Engong, it’s not that I don’t say credit. At this time, I don’t want to help you. But what you want me to do is too weird. I tell you the truth, you don’t want me to do anything for you, but just let me go back to the main city cultivator, but I'm going to go through some news about the main city. I'm really afraid to do something like this."

Hearing Rice say this, Li Yi showed a doubtful look this time. Because Li Yi really couldn't think of it, he only made such a simple request, and Lacey would refuse, but this time Li Yi was really a little under-considered. After all, Li Yi is not a cultivator who was born and raised in the fairy world, so Li Yi does not have such concerns about Reis now.

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