After all, Li Yi finally ignored these superpowers and left the cultivator camp in Chicheng first. Li Yi's idea is actually very simple, that is, first join the other Chicheng practitioners into the main battlefield, and then after actually fighting with the Warcraft cultivators, Li Yi decides how to fight.

After making up such an idea, Li Yi began to sprint out with all his might. Because Li Yi now needs to find other Chicheng cultivators, and soon afterwards, Li Yi found a large number of Chicheng cultivators, who are now fighting against a large number of Warcraft cultivators. Seeing this situation, Li Yi didn't think about it and rushed into the battle group directly. In fact, with Li Yi's strength, it was originally impossible to have a big impact on the war group. But in fact, shortly after Li Yi rushed into the battle group, this small-scale battle ended. The reason is very simple, all because Li Yi's supernatural power is too powerful. And the cultivators of the Warcraft family are not very powerful, so the battle is over easily.

Seeing Li Yi stealing the base, the practitioners of Chicheng also greeted Li Yi very respectfully. After all, Li Yi's identity is still there.

After this, Li Yi also rejected the request of these Chicheng practitioners to walk with him, and once again embarked on the road to kill the enemy.

However, Li Yi knew that following some uninvited guests behind them, they were naturally the leaders of the six practitioners. Faced with this situation, although Li Yi was angry, he was helpless.

There is a human cultivator at the junction of the wild land and the human cultivator of the fairy world. He is calmly facing several cultivators of the Warcraft family. Although the strength of this human cultivator has reached the power of the first level of the Guiyuan Realm, it is really rare for human cultivators who dare to fight alone with the power of the first level of the Guiyuan Realm on the wild side. So the human cultivator who appears here is indeed a very rare situation.

But although people all think that it is really a very dangerous thing for a cultivator who returns to the realm of strength to appear alone on the border of a wild land. But now the calm expression on the face of this human cultivator makes people feel that he now seems to have enough confidence to confront the cultivators of the Warcraft in front of him.

Of course, if someone else sees this human cultivator and sees that he is just the initial strength of the Guiyuan realm, he dares to face several cultivators of the Warcraft family alone, and the strongest of them has already reached Guiyuan The strength of the middle level of the realm should know that after the strength reaches the Guiyuan realm, the gap between each level is very huge. But now the cultivators of the Warcraft family not only have a number of advantages, but also have the advantage of strength, but in the face of this situation, this human cultivator has never shown any panic on his face, but just quietly Looking at them, it seems that the practitioners in front of them are stronger than themselves, and it is impossible for them to cause any harm to themselves.

However, compared with the calmness of human cultivators, the expressions on the faces of these cultivators of the Warcraft family are not so good. In fact, the original situation was not like this, but before that, they had started with more than a dozen Warcraft cultivators. They found this human cultivator at the boundary of the wild land, and after seeing his strength is just the initial strength of the Guiyuan realm, these cultivators of the Warcraft family are very relaxed. In the face of such opponents, they not only have a strength advantage, but also have a much larger number of people than him. So after seeing this human cultivator, what they thought was to shoot swiftly, and then after solving this human cultivator, continue to rush towards the main battlefield of this war.

But what happened afterwards made them really regret the confrontation with this human cultivator. Because when they thought that the human cultivator in front of him was just an ordinary cultivator of the strength of the return to the realm, they did not want to go all out to deal with him. But at the moment of the war, they paid a great price for their underestimation.

The price is that among the cultivators of the Warcraft family who originally planned to join forces to kill this human cultivator, they were killed by as much as half of them at once. Faced with this situation, they were really dumbfounded. Because before this human cultivator started, they really didn't think about it. This cultivator who was just the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm was able to show such a powerful strength at this time.

But at this time, they just had no hope of escaping. Because after seeing the action of this human cultivator, they all know that although the strength shown by this human cultivator is only the initial strength of the Guiyuan Realm, it is clear that his real combat strength is better than his performance. The strength is much stronger. And even if they want to leave here before this human cultivator has fallen down, then it is simply a fool's dream. So at this time, although he was very afraid of this human cultivator, he really didn't dare to try to escape here with his eyes open. But if they want to force hands with this human cultivator here, then they can't beat this guy. So for a while, the cultivators of the Warcraft family here will become mistaken. At this time, they really don't know how to deal with such situations.

But they do not know how to face this human cultivator, but it does not mean that this human cultivator does not know how to deal with the situation in front of him. After seeing the cultivators of these Warcraft families seeing their companions die, they don’t want to avenge themselves at all, but they are always thinking about how to escape. The hands that were very casually placed on the waist suddenly lifted up again at this time, and then the cultivators of Warcraft saw this pair of palms that were like astralis, and began to poke the magical power that made them frightened again. The art.

"Supernatural powers extinguish the inflammation." I saw that after the human cultivator pinched his hand, he heard these words lightly in his mouth. After speaking these four words, I saw this human cultivator pushing his hands out, and then suddenly saw a fire dragon flying out of his hands.

After seeing this fire dragon flying out, the faces of those cultivators of the World of Warcraft were very shocked. And in their shocked look, they can also see their panic look. Because from this fire dragon, they can really feel a breath of destruction. After feeling this kind of breath, although among them there are several Warcraft cultivators whose strength is above this human cultivator. But even so, after seeing this human cultivator's shot, these cultivators of the Warcraft family are really afraid of the magical technique of this human cultivator. Although they have many people, and their strength is stronger than this human cultivator. The reason is very simple. Just a short time ago, they saw the human cultivator using the magical power of the fire dragon that he is now casting, and most of their companions were killed almost instantly. So after seeing this scene now, how could they not be surprised.

At this moment, if these Warcraft cultivators are viewed in terms of strength, then they can actually occupy a great advantage. But at this time, they dare not raise a little bit of determination to compete with this human cultivator. Especially in the face of this fire dragon's supernatural powers, the intrepidity of these Warcraft cultivators has disappeared. At this time, the face of this human cultivator suddenly showed a very bloodthirsty look. Originally this fire dragon had already shot, but with the change of his expression, these Warcraft cultivators actually saw a situation that they could not imagine in their lifetime.

That is, the fire dragon that was supposed to touch them before, even after the gesture of the human cultivator has changed, more changes have begun to appear as the gesture changed.

The original Fire Dragon has already shocked these Warcraft cultivators, and after seeing this Fire Dragon appear, although these Warcraft cultivators have no intention to compete with this Fire Dragon, they all know, If they can't fight this dragon at this time, then they really will be buried here today. Although they don’t even know this human cultivator until now, why apparently it seems to be just a strength of the return to the realm, but the fighting power they show is really surprising. Even if they are very powerful characters among the Warcraft family, let alone resist in front of him, even the strength of self-preservation is not.

But no matter what the situation is like, these Warcraft cultivators have experienced tens of thousands of years of experience before finally reaching this step today, so at this time, they are naturally impossible to sit still. So when the fire dragon of this human cultivator finally showed up, although they always had a terrified look on their faces, they were always thinking about how to escape. But they all know that if they still want to escape at this time, then they not only have no chance to escape today, but even want to survive is impossible. So after seeing that fire dragon, several cultivators of the Warcraft family who were still alive finally finally raised their courage, and then wanted to fight the magical magic fire dragon displayed by this human cultivator. .

But when they finally found the courage to shoot, they saw something that they had never seen in their lives. That is, the fire dragon actually changed, and it is obvious that this change that occurred at the time of this fire dragon was not designed by the human cultivator when it was just exhibited, but by the fire dragon that was about to touch When they met the cultivators of the World of Warcraft, the power of the world between the world suddenly appeared a fluctuation in the distance between them, and these cultivators of the World of Warcraft also felt that the fire dragon passed between the world and the world at this time. The fluctuation of the force of the day and the day, so there are such signs. From this point, it can be seen that this human cultivator actually has the power to change a magical art that has been exhibited. Seeing such things, they really have no determination to resist. Sometimes they want to escape the heart, because at this time, they really don't know how to face such a horrible practitioner.

You know, even the strongest in the Warcraft family who has reached the supreme level, it is not necessarily possible to control a magical skill that has been exhibited through the change of the power of heaven and earth. After all, the magical art depends on the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth. Whenever the caster resonates the power of heaven and earth in his body with the power of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, he can display the corresponding Magical art. However, because of this step, even a very powerful cultivator can hardly make his magical skill by changing the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth after the magical skill is displayed. Changed.

But no matter how unacceptable this situation is, this is how it is now. Therefore, after seeing this situation, these cultivators of the Warcraft family will immediately think of escaping, rather than fighting against this perverted human cultivator here.

Because they don't know what kind of means and fairy art should be used in order to be able to confront this human cultivator. At this moment, what they think is to escape, even if they think of escape like this, they will be brutally killed by this human cultivator, but no matter what, at least if they escape now in the first place, then maybe they still have There can be a hint of hope to escape from birth, but if there are still any illusions in their hearts that they can still fight against this human cultivator, then they will certainly not have any chance to escape.

However, it is clear that the human cultivator now regards the cultivators of the Warcraft family in front of him as a plaything in his hand. If an outsider sees such a scene here at this time, he will be surprised by the current situation. Dumb. Because the situation at this time is that a human cultivator whose strength is only the initial strength of the Guiyuan Realm is only in a hand to master the cultivators of the Warcraft family on the field. The current situation is like this. This human cultivator doesn't know what he thinks. Suddenly he controlled his magical power to such a level. It was originally a normal magical power to exterminate the inflammation, and then one seemed to destroy the sky. A common fire dragon appeared between heaven and earth, but even so, this is not the most desired goal of this human cultivator, and then he even made this fire dragon by changing the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth between heaven and earth. There have been more perverted changes. I saw that the fire dragon unexpectedly increased several times after the gesture of the human cultivator changed, and then when people thought that the fire dragon would increase to a certain extent and stop, an amazing scene appeared again.

I saw that this ever-increasing fire dragon grew to tens of feet in size, and these cultivators of Warcraft even watched this fire dragon burst out in front of them. Seeing this scene, these cultivators of Warcraft are actually very excited. After all, if this fire dragon disappears, then they may really be able to find a chance to escape. And when the magical art of that human cultivator had just changed, these cultivators of the Warcraft family had already begun to escape.

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