But now I heard Li Yi talking about such things suddenly. Although Li Yi hasn't explained it in more detail, these powerful men of supreme realm are already convinced of Li Yi's claims. After all, they also know that if this kind of thing happens to them, then they will certainly be proud of it, and even if it is fake, but as long as there are such rumors, then they will certainly continue to pretend Go on.

After Li Yi finished speaking, none of these powerful players of the highest realm continued to speak, because they knew that since Li Yi had already spoken, then he would definitely be able to explain his true situation. And maybe the vicissitudes that Li Yi pretended to be too successful, so when they are looking at Li Yi now, they will choose to believe Li Yi's statement. Because of the vicissitudes of Li Yi's pretend, there is no false meaning at all, and these powerful men of superior realm can also notice a lot of interesting news from Li Yi's vicissitudes. It was as if Li Yi was telling his true age. Li Yi's real situation made Li Yi feel very emotional.

Sure enough, after Li Yi sighed deeply, Li Yi slowly opened his mouth to the powerful men of the highest realm beside him, saying: "In fact, my body doesn't belong to me at all. I was dead many years ago. It was my best companion who collected my soul that was about to be destroyed at that time, and then worked hard for nearly a thousand years, finally found a way to restore the soul, and finally succeeded I resurrected me in the human world. I don’t hide from you that before that situation, I was also a cultivator of supreme realm strength, and it’s not an exaggeration. The high-level strength of the upper realm, but because of encountering some enemies that I can't resist, I eventually lost the enemy and died in battle. And in the end, although my comrades collected my soul and spent nearly a thousand years I successfully resurrected. But in order to resurrect me, I also paid a very heavy price. My strength not only fell to a realm of strength, but also in order to perform the magical art that can restore the soul, After being successfully resurrected, there are actually two souls and six souls missing in my soul. That is to say, I am now in a state of one soul and one soul. If it was not for the cast of Heavenly Tribulation when I was promoted to Guiyuan Realm My physical condition must have reached an unimaginably worse state. But even then, my physical condition is also very bad. You all know that if you want to advance to the highest level of strength, rely on It is no longer the cultivation of the absorption of the power of heaven and earth, but the cultivation of relying on the perception between heaven and earth. But now I only have one soul and one soul. In my current state, I simply cannot achieve it. The kind of condition that I want to advance to the highest level of strength, but in order to be able to restore to my previous practice, even if I can't restore that level, at least let me advance to the level of the highest level of strength, such a situation I have already Very satisfied. But in my current state, it is really difficult to do this. So now I will continue to fight and want to take a path of cultivation again. Then I will promote to no Go to the realm, but found that this is also a very difficult road. But no matter what, I will not give up."

Hearing Li Yi's remarks, all the powerful players with supreme realm were shocked on the spot. You should know that when Li Yi just said his situation, these strong men of supreme realm just thought that Li Yi should just be the winner, but when they heard Li Yi's situation, They are really speechless.

Because if Li Yi is really like this, then Li Yi can really be said to be the most tragic character. Because the damage to the soul was originally a very sad thing, not to mention Li Yi's current soul condition is only left with one soul and one soul. Such a situation, even the strength of these supreme realms, is simply unimaginable.

So at this moment they suddenly felt that even after being reborn, Li Yi recovered to the strength of Guiyuan Realm in more than 100 years. Although this matter can be regarded as an anecdote, they knew Li Yi After their current physical condition, they all felt that Li Yi was not dangerous at all. Because Li Yi has only one soul and one soul left, in this state, he wants to advance to the supreme state. This is basically an ideal thing, but it is impossible to achieve.

That is, because they knew the situation of Li Yi, they can now understand why Li Yi can guide the strength of the first-level strength of Guiyuan Realm to break through the peak strength of Guiyuan Realm and advance to the strength of the supreme realm. . Because Li Yi had reached the high-level strength of the Supreme Realm before, you must know that such strength can be regarded as the supreme existence in the fairy world.

So even if Li Yi’s current strength falls to this level, Li Yi is not trying to win, but reborn with a broken soul, so after paying such a heavy price, Li Yi kept how much he used to live in the world. Realization is not really a strange thing. So at this time, they all understood why Li Yi was able to cultivate the original power at this time, and it seems that he is very skilled in mastering the original power, which is not like what he just cultivated.

Before they followed Li Yi all the way, they had a lot of speculations about the many strange situations on Li Yi. They were very curious about how Li Yi’s original power was cultivated. They were also very curious about Li Yi. How to do it, how to master the power of the source can be so skilled. More importantly, why Li Yi can possess so many magical skills. It seems that it is on Li Yi that there is an endless magical technique.

But in any case, when Li Yi introduced his true situation, they could understand it. Since Li Yi is a rebirth cultivator, it is entirely understandable that Li Yi can possess so many magical things. After all, Li Yi also said that before the resurrection, Li Yi was a powerful person with high-level strength. Be aware that such strength, no matter where it is, is a height that ordinary people cannot imagine, even in Chicheng. In this way, there are no more than five powerful players.

So after listening to Li Yi's story, the leader of Qingcheng practitioners walked to Li Yi with a smile, and then said to Li Yi: "Oh, we really did not expect that our leader Li Yi actually turned out to be I have also experienced such strange things. I really did not expect that you were a strong man of supreme realm before, and you and I are considered to be in the same path. Then in my opinion, Chief Li Yi did not want us to fight with you before. That’s because Chief Li Yi doesn’t want us to see through your secrets.”

Hearing the practice leader of Qingcheng finished, Li Yi said with a wry smile: "Oh, naturally this is the case. After all, with these secrets on his body, the fewer people know the better."

Hearing Li Yi's remarks, these powerful men of supreme realm all smiled with empathy. In fact, if you think about it carefully, if Li Yi's situation happened to them now, then they will definitely choose Li Yi to deal with it.

After all, no matter where it is, the more secrets a person has, the more secrets he needs to keep. Otherwise, once the secret is revealed, it is likely to endanger your life.

What's more, these secrets in Li Yi's body now are not trivial. After all, anyway, relying on the fact that Li Yi was a powerful person with high-level strength before, it is enough to make Li Yi's identity in the fairy world a lot. Because although Li Yi’s current strength is not enough, even a cultivator who has reached such a high level, even if there is a big problem, as long as this person can live, then there must be hope to recover, and even if It cannot be restored to its peak state of the year, and it will certainly be much stronger than the average person. Even if Li Yi finally only recovered to the supreme level of good initial strength, but Li Yi's powerful combat power, in the battle of the main city, will certainly show a very powerful combat power.

Thinking of this, in fact, these powerful players of supreme realm also want to understand, why did Chi Yanhou know that Li Yi is only a cultivator of the primary strength of Guiyuan Realm, and Perseveringly sent Li Yi to the barbaric tribe as the leader of the cultivator here. Obviously, Chi Yanhou must know this situation, otherwise, even if Li Yi is very strong among the strong men of the same level of strength, but this should not be to become a cultivator of Li Yi. The reason for the leader.

And by this time, they can really understand Li Yi's current situation and ideas. After all, let's not mention it for the time being. It is said that Li Yi had so many magical skills when he was at this strength, and he also mastered the power of the original power. Such a situation, no matter who is known, is impossible to be shocked. What's more, they are the powerhouses of the highest realm strength. In fact, if some of the powerhouses of the Guiyuan realm trail Li Yi, then Li Yi will certainly not have any embarrassment. After all, if this is the case, then Li Yi must not worry at all. Because it is not the case of the supreme realm of strength, it simply does not know what the power of the origin is.

However, it is because these powerhouses are the powerhouses of supreme realm strength, so Li Yi did not want to allow these powerhouses of the realm strength to follow him at the beginning.

But since things have reached this point, after Li Yi has no secrets in front of them, Li Yi can only now make up for everything that happened before him through the lie that he is now spreading.

But fortunately, after Li Yi finished telling this lie, these powerful players of the highest realm have now believed Li Yi's statement, and they also regarded Li Yi as the poorest person in the world. Because if Li Yi's things happened to them, then they may have collapsed long ago. It is impossible for Li Yi to re-cultivate step by step to the strength of Guiyuan Realm. This kind of toughness really has no reason to explain.

And seeing these powerful people of supreme realm have believed their claims, Li Yi is also very happy now. After all, only in this way can Li Yi be less troublesome in the future. Because in any case, Li Yi doesn't want to be followed by some powerful people who have superior strength in his future life. If this is the case, then what Li Yi said is impossible to accept.

Now that after knowing the real situation of Li Yi, these powerful players of the highest realm finally have the most direct understanding of Li Yi's strength and secrets. This is what they wanted to know from the beginning. Now that they have got the answers they want, they are ready to leave.

After all, after hearing Li Yi’s remarks, they all knew that Li Yi was a strong man who had fallen to this level of strength from a high level of supreme realm. Since this is the case, then that is to say, Li Yi The talents of that year must be very outstanding, and the understanding of heaven and earth is also very outstanding. Otherwise, the average person, even among the strongest in the realm of supreme realm, does not necessarily have a few strengths that can advance to the high level of the supreme realm.

And they all heard it. In any case, Li Yi was damaged in the soul at first, but was found a mysterious method by his companion, and then Li Yi was resurrected, but Li Yi's strength fell directly to a heavy weight. realm. You have to know that starting from a realm to re-cultivate is no different from a normal person. From the promotion of the first realm to the strength of the early stage of the Guiyuan realm, Li Yi spent only more than 100 years during this period. Although Li Yi did this after the resurrection and rebirth, this span is still very large in any case. of. And Li Yi can do this in more than a hundred years, and it can be proved that Li Yi's talent is really very abnormal. You know, anyway, Li Yi cultivated step by step from the first realm to the initial strength of the Guiyuan realm, not what they thought before. Li Yi may be the peak strength of the real **** realm after the resurrection, and then Li Yi used the ability to realize the relationship between heaven and earth at that time, so it took more than 100 years to break through the strength of the peak of the real **** realm, and then advanced to the strength of the first level of Guiyuan realm. But after knowing what Li Yi told, they really had a new understanding of Li Yi.

It is because of this, that now the powerful men of the highest realm are not prepared to follow Li Yi like this. Because in fact they all know that their behavior is not only very rude, but also very easy to disgust a person. After all, the reason why they can treat Li Yi is entirely because Li Yi’s current strength is only the initial strength of Guiyuan Realm, and with his strength, even though Li Yi’s life experience has so many secrets, and he is now I also mastered the power of the original source of that year's cultivation, and the countless magical skills. However, in the face of absolute strength, Li Yi is really difficult to cause any substantial harm to these powerful players, so even though Li Yi does not like the actions of these people, but he also Helpless. They can see that Li Yi was actually very disgusted with them in the past period of time, but after trying many times and trying to get rid of them, but he could not do it at all, Li Yi finally reluctantly Accepted all this. Of course, the main reason is that Li Yi really has no other way than to accept it.

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